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1、1Unit1 Two Words to Avoid, Two to Remember2 1. You may have kept in your memory some words, phrases or even whole sentences that are of great wisdom and can serve as guidelines in your life. Share them with your classmates and discuss their value. True wisdom is to know what is good and do what is r

2、ight- Socrates3 2. “If only” and “next time”, Which do you think are the words to avoid and which two to remember? Give you reasons. Keep saying “if only” would not change anything; on the contrary, it only kept the person facing the wrong way-backward instead of forward. If you form a habit of sayi

3、ng it eventually, the phrase can really turn to an obstruction, a real roadblock, an excuse for not trying any more. (Para 15) When one begins to say “next time”, it means he has already decided to stop crying over the past but apply the lessons he has learned from his experience. He is on the way t

4、o overcoming his problem. (Para 24)4 How was your feeling after the exams? How about another chance?5 Psychiatrist A psychiatrist is a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis, and treatment of mental illness. Generally, after completion of medical training, physicians take a three-year re

5、sidency in psychiatry to become qualified. As psychiatry is an area of medicine, psychiatrists tend to view and conceptualize disordered behavior as types of mental illness. Those who have mental illness, psychological and emotional disorders consult psychiatrists.67 What is the central idea of the

6、text? the sudden flash of insight that leaves you a changed person-not only changed, but changed for the better. What is the purpose of the text? To demonstrate the power of positive thinking.8Analysis of the Text Q: What is the genre of this text? A: In terms of mode of development, the present tex

7、t is basically a narration. Q: What is the purpose of it? A: the chief purpose is to interest and entertain, though, it may be used to instruct and inform. Q: In what order is it arranged? A: In chronological order.9Learning objectives chronological arrangement of details in a narration. learn to ac

8、hieve the purpose of instruction in a narration.10 Elements of Narration Setting- When, where Characters- Who, what Problems/Conflicts- What Goal What is the main characters goal? What is he/she trying to do? Plot- what Outcome- How11narrativedescriptionexpositionpurposeTo tell a story, to tell what

9、 happened (what/when/who/where)To describe an object, to tell how something looks, to re-create the thing in wordsTo explain an idea, a thing, a person or a combination of these, to answer the questions how and why.exampleAn unforgettable Experience in my ChildhoodSummer Palace, Palace Museum, Zheji

10、ang Agriculture & Forestry University.Long-term drug use can have disastrous effects on ones marriage, career and anizationIn timeIn spaceBy logicW h a t a r e they like?A stage play or motion picture in words (to describe a course of events from a subjective vantage point, and may be

11、written in first-person present/past tenseA verbal photograph or painting (to provide a vivid picture of a person, location, object, event, etc.A lecture, discussion, or debate.Central ideaReveal an insight about the action or people involvedShow significance of an object, place, event or greatness

12、of a personProve an idea to be trueDescription, Narrative, Exposition12A Possible Outline for Narrative EssaysTopic Sentence (Optional) Nothing in life is more exciting and rewarding than the sudden flash of insight that leaves you a changed person-not only changed, but changed for the better.Settin

13、g and actionWho, what, where, whenFirst Action Dialogue/EventSecond Action Dialogue/EventThird Action Dialogue/Event Climax Conclusion1314Organization of the Text I. Setting of the story (Paras. 1 3) The instructive significance of the story (1) Setting (2 3) II. Development of the story (Paras. 4 3

14、1) In the little French restaurant (4 8) In the Old Mans office (9 26) Outside the office (27 -31) III. Denouement or conclusion (Paras .32 33) A small fragment of immortality, to be sure.15 The 1st part: introduction(Paras1-3) significance & setting of the story The time: one rainy wintry after

15、noon The place: a French restaurant in Manhattan The authors mood: frustrated and depressed because of his failure to complete an important project, which is the cause of the meeting with the psychiatrist16 The character: The author, and an old man (his age, profession and his positive attitude towa

16、rds life). Other things in this part The relationship between the author and the old man: The old man was an eminent psychiatrist and the author was his client (patient). The authors feeling about the moment with his psychiatrist friend: The moment was just like a sudden flash of insight that leaves

17、 him a changed person-not only changed, but changed for the better17 The 2nd part: Body part development (Paras. 4-31) In the little French restaurant (4 8) In the Old Mans office (9 26) Outside the office (27 -31)18 The 3rd part: Conclusion (Paras. 32-33) Whenever I find myself thinking “if only”,

18、I change it to “next time”, which is what I have learned from the small piece of good advice.1920 rewarding: worth doing; satisfying Gardening is a very rewarding pastime. insight: -the capacity/ability to gain a deep understanding of a situation A person of insight 有洞察力的人 Show insight into human ch

19、aracter表現(xiàn)出對人性的深刻了解 -a sudden understanding of the true nature of sth. She has an insight into the problem. 她對這個問題的理解豁然開朗.21 flash of insight - a quick and sudden understanding that makes somebody solve the problem that one has pondered for some time22 change for the better: improve something that al

20、ready exists or that has gone before His health has changed for the better. for the worse: make worse something that already exists or that has gone before He bought a new car but it turned out to be for the worse.for better (or) for worse (或 for better or worse): in both good and bad fortune; wheth

21、er the result is good or bad 同甘共苦, 禍福與共; 不管是好是歹, 不論是禍?zhǔn)歉? 不管結(jié)果怎樣 E.g.: He has resolved to take her for better or for worse. 不論是福是禍,他決心娶她為妻。23 Nothing in life is more exciting and rewarding than the sudden flash of insight that leaves you a changed person-not only changed, but changed for the better.

22、(l.1-2) The most inspiring and gratifying fact of life is the unexpected spark of enlightenment that makes you different and a better person than before.24 According to the author, how much did the session with his psychiatrist friend that afternoon mean to him? To him, the session was just like “a

23、flash of insight that leaves him a changed person - not only changed, but changed for the better.”25 Manhattan (l.5) a borough of New York City; the most densely populated area in the United States; one of the most densely populated; commercial, financial, and cultural center; many famous landmarks:

24、 Broadway, Wall Street, the United Nations Headquarters, the Empire State Building, Metropolitan Museum of Art, World Trade Center, Statue of Liberty26wintry: of or like winter; cold, snowy (似) 冬天的;寒冷的;多雪的 E.g.: a wintry smile 冷若冰霜的微笑 frustrated: feeling annoyed disappointment because of the prevent

25、ion of the fulfillment of or defeat of someone or someones effort, hopes, etc. 表示作出的某種努力受阻而失望或沮喪 E.g.: Im feeling rather frustrated in my present job; I need a change. I feel frustrated; I cant go after all! 我感到很失望;我終歸還是去不成了。 depressed: sad; low in spirits 沮喪的;抑郁的;(意志)消沉的 E.g.: I feel really depress

26、ed today, nothing went right. 今天我真倒霉,什么都不順利。27 on ones part: as far as one is concerned, made or done by one 某人所做的,某人有責(zé)任的;就某人而言,在某人一方;代表某人 I consider this a gross oversight on your part. 我認(rèn)為這是你的嚴(yán)重疏忽。 It was the lapse on the part of my wife. 這是我妻子出的差錯。 There are still some doubts on the part of the e

27、mployers. 雇主方面仍心存懷疑。 A frank question on his part led to a frank answer on mine. 他問題提得直率,因此我也回答得坦誠。 He expressed appreciation on the part of himself and his colleagues. 他代表自己以及同事們表示感謝。28 fall through: fail to be successfully completed; come to nothing 失敗,成為泡影;不能踐約,失約 To his disappointment, his plan

28、to do further studies in the university fell through. I have made an appointment with him, but Im afraid hell fall through. 我已和他約好會面,可是我怕他會失約。29 Because of several miscalculation on my part, a project of considerable importance in my life had fallen through. Because of my wrong estimate, as far as I

29、 know, my great ambition in my life had failed to be achieved30 prospect: -a view of what one may expect to happen I see little prospect of an improvement in his condition. 我看他的狀況沒有什么改進(jìn)的希望。 There is no prospect of a settlement of the dispute. 這場糾紛根本不可能得到解決。 He has little prospect of succeeding in th

30、e project.做這項(xiàng)工程他沒有什么成功的希望。 -chance of success; outlook The job has no prospects. ( The job offers little possibility of promotion.) The prospects for this years wine harvest are poor. 今年葡萄酒產(chǎn)量前景不佳。 He is a good prospect for the British team. 他很有可能被選入英國隊(duì)。31 I sat there frowning at the checkered tablec

31、loth, chewing the bitter cud of hindsight. (l.9-10) - Feeling sadly, I sat there staring at the tablecloth printed with different colors, thinking deeply and repeatedly about sth. painful that had happened.32 frown - show dissatisfaction by moving ones eyebrows frown on/upon: disapprove of the check

32、ered tablecloth tablecloth that has a pattern consists of alternating square of different color.33 chew the cud bring food from the stomach back into the mouth and chew it again reflect upon sth. already said or done; ponder sth. He sat for a moment chewing the cud before he spoke. He didnt reply im

33、mediately, but seemed rather to be chewing his cud. 他沒有立即回答,不過看上去在反復(fù)思考。34 hindsight - wisdom or knowledge got only after sth. bad has happened By hindsight I should have gone there earlier. 事后想來,我應(yīng)早些去那里。 Hindsight is always clearer than ones view at the time. 事后看問題總要比當(dāng)時看得清楚。 antonym: foresight: the

34、ability to imagine what will probably happen, allowing one to act to help or prevent developments; care or wise planning for the future35 He came across the street, finally, muffled in his ancient overcoat, shapeless felt hat pulled down over his bald head, looking more like an energetic gnome than

35、an eminent psychiatrist. (l.11-13) At last, he walked over the street, wrapped in his old-fashioned overcoat covered his bald head with a shabby/shapeless felt hat. He looked like a dwarfish old man full of vitality /energy rather man a well-known psychiatrist.36 muffle wrap ones body; If you are mu

36、ffled up, you are wearing a lot of heavy clothes so that very little of your body or face is visible. Children muffled in scarves and woolly hats were slipping and sliding on the ice. ancient (here) - old-fashioned37 gnome - a small, ugly man like a creature who lives underground, often guarding tre

37、asure In Britain people sometimes have small statues of gnomes in their gardens. eminent - famous within a particular profession He is an eminent architect. He is eminent both as a sculptor and as a painter. Newton is acknowledged as one of the worlds most eminent scientists.38 He was close to 80, b

38、ut he still carried a full case load, still acted as director of a large foundation, still loved to escape to the golf course whenever he could. (l.14-15) - He was nearly 80, but he still had an/ability to carry a heavy case with full documents in it, still was a leader of a large foundation, and st

39、ill liked to spare time to play golf if possible. he still carried a full case load: he still carried a briefcase fully loaded with documents - fully occupied in business39 How were the author and the old man related? The old man was an eminent psychiatrist and the author was a client of his.40The 2

40、nd part: Body part -development (illustrating how the author changes his ideas by relating a series of events). (Paras. 4-31) In the little French restaurant (4 8)41 invariable (l.16)- unchanging, always the same; constant Whenever the son comes back, the mother often asks the invariable question: H

41、ow is your work going on? He calculates the cost of production with invariable accuracy. indestructible(l.17) - that cannot be destroyed. in the text, it means strong and energetic42I had long since ceased to be surprised at his perceptiveness. (l.19) - I had been used to his unusual ability . 我很久以前

42、就不再為他敏銳的洞察力而感到驚訝了 long since: long ago perceptiveness: unusual ability to notice and understand; awareness and understanding 觀察敏觀察敏銳;善于理解銳;善于理解 We all admired his perceptiveness, he was always so quick to respond to a new situation.43 So I proceeded to tell him, at some length just what was botherin

43、g me. (l.19) - Therefore I began to tell him just what was worrying me in some details. proceed: continue, begin to do something proceed to / with sth. Please proceed with your report.請繼續(xù)做你的報告吧 Let us proceed to the next part.讓我們進(jìn)行下一部分的學(xué)習(xí)吧 at some length: in some detail, at last44 with a kind of mel

44、ancholy pride (l.20) -apparently the author was still proud of his great ambition (project of considerable importance), though he was sad because of several miscalculations on his part.45 melancholy adj. causing an intense feeling of sadness melancholy autumn days a melancholy piece of music A funer

45、al is a melancholy occasion. n. an intense feeling of sadness which lasts for a long time and which strongly affects your behavior and attitudes (LITERARY) I was deeply aware of his melancholy as he stood among the mourners. false move(l.22) - a foolish action that causes a mistake to be made 錯誤的行動4

46、647 In the Old Mans office (para. 9 26) Can you retell what happened in the office? In the office the author tells us what they do chronologically. First, the author described the office. then he listens to the tape and tried to find out the common characteristics of the three speakers, but failed a

47、nd he was told the two words all the three speakers often used.48 After that the old man explained why the two words were poisonous and advised the author to use another two words to substitute them, which would be the better way to overcome mental problems. The author tried and it really worked wel

48、l. This was what the author got from his psychiatrist friend: a sudden flash of insight. During this time the author experienced emotional changes: Puzzled(l.35)-Defensively(l.64)-Ruefully(l.70)-happily(l.93 laughed)49 physical setting: inside vs. outside outside: chill, raining inside: warm, comfor

49、table, familiar These words represent the atmosphere of peace and calm in old mans office.50 The old mans behavior sipped in silence(l.23), said mildly(l.27), smiled(l.35), leaned back(l.43), tossed it over to me (l.46), stretch out his legs(l.56) , said promptly(l.71), stopped speaking (l.85), stoo

50、d up stiffly(l.86), said slyly(l.91)51 book-lined walls (l.29) - bookshelves filled with books along walls. signed photograph of Sigmund Freud (l.29-30): having a signed photograph of Sigmund Freud. The old man could be a friend of this eminent neurologist and psychotherapist.52 They are not identif

51、ied. (l.33) - I wont tell you their namesTheir names are not given. identify - recognize somebody as being a certain person . the common denominator in all three cases (l.34-35) - The three persons have the same characteristics. the common denominator - the common multiple of the denominator of seve

52、ral fractions, here it implies the characteristics shared by the three persons.53 berate (l.38) - (FORMAL) criticize angrily because of a failure. If you berate someone, you speak to them angrily about something they have done wrong. Marion berated Joe for the noise he made. As he left the meeting,

53、he was berated by angry demonstrators. berate sb. for sth. He was berated for not attending the important meeting on time. The spokesman of the company was berated for his irresponsible words.54 The woman who spoke next had never married because of a sense of obligation to her widowed mother; she re

54、called bitterly all the marital chances she had let go by. (l39-40) -The next speaker on the tape was a woman who had remained single because she thought it was her responsibility to take care of her mother since her father died. She felt miserable, when she thought of all the chances of marriage sh

55、e had missed.55 All the marital chances she had let go by - All the chances of marriage she had missed let go by - lose something56 Why did the old man let the author listen to the three speakers on the tape? The three speakers on the tape were all unhappy, and the two words they all used frequently

56、 in what they said were “if only”. What the old man wanted to point out to the author was that to keep saying “if only” would not change anything; on the contrary, it only kept the person facing the wrong waybackward instead of forward. Thus it did more harm than good to the person who kept saying t

57、hem. (See para. 15)57 subtle poison - destructive effect that is hard to pin down spot - v. to notice sth, especially when they are difficult to detect or recognize. I spotted a police car behind us. It can be hard for even a trained doctor to spot the symptoms of lung cancer. The young clerk of the

58、 commercial bank spotted the counterfeit / forged ten-pound note.58 woeful (l.50) - miserable or unhappy a woeful countenance (song) a woeful spectacle woeful shortage of commodities woeful ignorance It was woeful to see him spoiling the painting.59 If only I had done it differently-or not done it a

59、t all. If only I hadnt lost my temper, said the cruel thing, made that dishonest move, told that foolish lie. If only I had been wiser, or more unselfish, or more self-controlled. 要是我換一種方式做,或者根本不去做多好。要是我沒發(fā)脾氣,沒說殘酷的話,沒做出不誠實(shí)的舉動,沒撒那愚蠢的謊多好。要是我更明智一點(diǎn),更無私一點(diǎn),或者自我控制多一點(diǎn)多好。60 We might begin to get somewhere. (l

60、.55) -We might be able to begin to make some progress or get something done. get somewhere - (informal) make progress; achieve success. Keep trying and you are sure to get somewhere. Hes sure to get somewhere if he persists. If you get lost in the desert, calculate your direction by the sun and keep moving,


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