1、 *北京理工大學附中北京理工大學附中* 20160405交流內容一. 課標及考試說明要求下 的書面表達二. 結合中考模考話題闡述對寫作 出題思路的初步理解三.我校初三備課組的教學策略交流四.舉例說明寫作訓練的側重點一、課標及考試說明要求下的書面表達A.能根據寫作要求,收集、準備素材; B.能獨立起草短文、短信等,并在教師的指導下進行修改; C.能使用常見的連接詞表示順序和邏輯關系; D.能簡單描述人物或事件; E.能根據圖示或表格寫出簡單的段落或操作說明。 新課程標準中關于寫的要求 具體要求中考對中考對“寫寫”的要求:的要求:1.能運用所學詞匯、語法和句型,能運用所學詞匯、語法和句型,按照題目
2、要求按照題目要求寫出一篇不少于寫出一篇不少于50詞的文段詞的文段;2.能能簡單描述人物、場所、活動或事件簡單描述人物、場所、活動或事件;3.能根據所給圖示或表格能根據所給圖示或表格寫出簡單的段落寫出簡單的段落或操作或操作說明;說明;4.能就常見話題能就常見話題表述事實,表達觀點、情感和態(tài)表述事實,表達觀點、情感和態(tài)度等度等;5.能能使用常見的連接詞表示順序和邏輯關系使用常見的連接詞表示順序和邏輯關系;6.能能正確地使用大小寫字母和標點符號正確地使用大小寫字母和標點符號。內容 分檔第一檔(13-15)第二檔(9-12)第三檔(5-8)第四檔(0-4)*覆蓋內容覆蓋內容要點要點覆蓋所有內覆蓋所有內
3、容要點容要點基本覆蓋內基本覆蓋內容要點容要點漏掉或未描漏掉或未描述清楚主要述清楚主要內容內容明顯遺漏明顯遺漏大量主要大量主要內容內容 *句式與詞句式與詞匯的匯的運用運用多樣句式豐多樣句式豐富詞匯富詞匯句式詞匯基句式詞匯基本滿足要求本滿足要求句式詞匯有句式詞匯有限單調平乏限單調平乏 簡單拼湊簡單拼湊句式詞匯句式詞匯*語言表達語言表達的的準確性準確性個別錯誤個別錯誤為豐富語言為豐富語言產生產生一些錯誤一些錯誤不影響理解不影響理解一些錯誤影一些錯誤影響理解響理解錯誤較多錯誤較多嚴重影響嚴重影響理解理解 *語篇的語篇的連連貫性貫性有效的使用有效的使用了連接成分了連接成分評分標準二. 近期中考??荚掝}匯
4、總中考中考2015倡導倡導,談原因,談原因、做法和、做法和感受感受2014年年介紹介紹的人、的人、活動和喜活動和喜愛的禮物,愛的禮物,談原因談原因2013描述描述校園校園內你內你2012描述你與描述你與他人他人二. 近期中考模考話題匯總一模一模201505二模二模201506期末期末201601海淀海淀談談使你改變的人使你改變的人是誰,發(fā)生的事是誰,發(fā)生的事和感悟和感悟設計設計體驗中國體驗中國傳統(tǒng)文化傳統(tǒng)文化的一的一日游安排理由日游安排理由談談最喜歡的運最喜歡的運動動,如何進行,如何進行此運動和感受此運動和感受西城西城談談學習或生活習學習或生活習慣慣、做法和益處、做法和益處談談中學生零花中學生
6、來。把能力能力考出來。把從社會大課堂社會大課堂所學考出來。考查趨勢考查趨勢考查范圍校園:喜愛的場所、學校組織的實踐活動、安校園:喜愛的場所、學校組織的實踐活動、安全、環(huán)境、職業(yè)夢想、運動全、環(huán)境、職業(yè)夢想、運動身邊人身邊人 :敬佩的、有共同經歷的、改變自己:敬佩的、有共同經歷的、改變自己的的 、好朋友、慶祝生日的、好朋友、慶祝生日的 日常生活:習慣、零花錢、文明中學生、北京日常生活:習慣、零花錢、文明中學生、北京一日游、重陽敬老一日游、重陽敬老觀念:愛老敬老,誠信友善,文明和諧,觀念:愛老敬老,誠信友善,文明和諧, 理理想信念想信念 把核心價值觀和傳統(tǒng)文化考出來。國家層面:富強、民主、文明、和
7、諧社會層面:自由、平等、公正、法治個人層面:愛國、敬業(yè)、誠信、友善禮貌禮貌我的一我的一次堅持次堅持積極參與、積極參與、決策家庭、決策家庭、班級事務班級事務休閑方式休閑方式的變化的變化誠實、守誠實、守信故事信故事主動幫助主動幫助陌生人陌生人做最好的自己做最好的自己寬容、關愛寬容、關愛1.Why is it important to ?2. Tell a story about how you 3. Feelings把核心價值觀和傳統(tǒng)文化考出來。傳統(tǒng)文化傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日:中秋、端午、春節(jié)茶文化戲曲:京劇、臉譜傳統(tǒng)手工藝:糖人、泥人、彩繪、陶藝仁、義、禮、智、信書法、對聯(lián)把從社會大課堂所學考出來。社會大課堂
8、參觀一次首都博物館參觀一次國家博物館參觀一次抗戰(zhàn)紀念館參加一次升旗活動中考作文分為三大類:中考作文分為三大類: 一、寫經歷感觸一、寫經歷感觸 二、介紹描述二、介紹描述 三、提建議看法三、提建議看法 基本為基本為夾敘夾議夾敘夾議文體。文體。因此,作文結構需要簡潔明了,傾向于三段論。因此,作文結構需要簡潔明了,傾向于三段論。第一段提出話題,點明觀點;第一段提出話題,點明觀點;第二段分點論述或者具體敘述經歷;第二段分點論述或者具體敘述經歷;第三段點明主旨,升華主題。第三段點明主旨,升華主題??疾橹攸c:中考作文層次和梯度 空間大、話題讓學生都有話可寫,易于表達真空間大、話題讓學生都有話可寫,易于表達真
9、實情感實情感 要求:關注自己的生活,周圍人和環(huán)境,積累要求:關注自己的生活,周圍人和環(huán)境,積累話題素材。話題素材。2. 體現(xiàn)時代性的價值取向,和中國傳統(tǒng)文化和社體現(xiàn)時代性的價值取向,和中國傳統(tǒng)文化和社會主義核心價值觀接軌會主義核心價值觀接軌。 要求:補充傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日、食品、代表人物,觀光要求:補充傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日、食品、代表人物,觀光地等常識、傳承精神內涵地等常識、傳承精神內涵。內容方面內容方面中考作文層次和梯度3. 傾向于評論和分享。傾向于評論和分享。 就事談感受或理由,就事談感受或理由,夾敘夾議。夾敘夾議。 要求:擴大外延、提高思想性,擅長反思、要求:擴大外延、提高思想性,擅長反思、感恩、回憶、評價。
10、感恩、回憶、評價。4. 突出教育性、突出教育性、思想上追求真善美思想上追求真善美 。要求:使主題升華、讓讀者體會到情感和要求:使主題升華、讓讀者體會到情感和道德的熏陶。道德的熏陶。思想方面思想方面書面表達面臨的問題書面表達面臨的問題書面表達一向是很多同學心中書面表達一向是很多同學心中“永遠的痛永遠的痛”。1.有時候看到一個題目都不知道從哪下手;有時候看到一個題目都不知道從哪下手;2.有時候明明看著眼熟,卻又想不起來該怎么有時候明明看著眼熟,卻又想不起來該怎么用文字表達;用文字表達;3.有時候覺得自己寫的不錯,可是得分卻不理有時候覺得自己寫的不錯,可是得分卻不理想。想。1.思路話題訓練八大話題兩
11、大方面2、文字技巧訓練寫作步驟三.我校初三備課組的教學策略交流1、按話題訓練:八大話題一、介紹人 (自己、家庭、朋友、老師、個人變化、 個人感受等)二、介紹地點(旅游等)三、校園生活(春游、校規(guī)、科目、學習困難等)四、課外生活 (家庭生活、家務勞動、電影、個人 愛好等)五、假期安排 (計劃、過去經歷等)六、節(jié)假日活動 (志愿者活動、過去經歷)七、環(huán)境、健康 (環(huán)保、疾病、食品健康等)八、個人觀點建議 (提建議、勸告等)話題訓練操作實例(每周訓練一個話題)時間安排:一周一話題,一講一練習(結合新一模)八周八話題,二模前結清(話題避重合)一天譯五句,處理子話題(鞏固掃盲區(qū))2. 內容安排: 使用新
12、編寫的校本教材使用新編寫的校本教材 每個話題的課上環(huán)節(jié):每個話題的課上環(huán)節(jié):頭腦風暴頭腦風暴-連詞成句連詞成句-連句成篇連句成篇-提升亮提升亮點點-主題升華主題升華-成文展示成文展示-實踐練筆實踐練筆-評價修改評價修改寫作訓練的具體流程根據話題,分類匯總教材知識根據例文,分部細化寫作過程根據話題,分子話題補充例文例文審題頭腦風暴翻譯單句連句成篇亮點提升主題升華實踐練筆評價修改Writing-思維導圖主題升華Emily根據中文和英文提示,寫一段意思連貫、符合邏輯、不少于50詞的回信。信的開頭和結尾已給出,其詞數不計入所要完成的回信內。請不要寫出你的校名和姓名。66假如你叫李華,你的美國朋友Emi
13、ly通過郵件想了解使你發(fā)生改變的人。請你談談她/他是誰,發(fā)生了什么令你改變的事,以及你的感悟。 Who has changed you? Your parent? A teacher? A friend or a stranger .? What happened to you? What have you learned from the change? 應用案例應用案例(-2015年海淀一模年海淀一模)Step 1: 審題:審題:人稱、時態(tài)(語態(tài))、要點人稱、時態(tài)(語態(tài))、要點。Step 2: 確定結構:確定結構:圍繞問題分段論述,搭起框架結構圍繞問題分段論述,搭起框架結構主次分明(雞頭主
14、次分明(雞頭-豬肚豬肚 豹尾),適當增加細節(jié)豹尾),適當增加細節(jié)。文章框架結構文章框架結構 Heading 點題,亮觀點點題,亮觀點 Body 層次分明層次分明1. Ending 小結,呼應主題。小結,呼應主題。寫作步驟Step 3:列提綱、細化要點:列提綱、細化要點:Heading 琳達是改變了我的人。 Linda is the person who has changed me. 2. Body(關鍵信息點)(關鍵信息點)我不喜歡跑步。I did not like running. 琳達告訴我別擔心。Linda told me not to worry. 當我要放棄時,我聽到有認為我加油,
15、我發(fā)現(xiàn)正是她。when I wanted to give up, I heard someone cheering on me and found that it was Linda.我堅持跑到終點。I kept running to the finishing line.3. Ending我每天堅持跑步,是她使我有能力挑戰(zhàn)我自己。 I practiced running every day . She makes me believe that I have the ability to challenge myself.Step 4:將要點連句成文,增加細節(jié):將要點連句成文,增加細節(jié) I
16、have changed a lot since I became a middle school student. Linda is the person who has changed me. I did not like running. One day we had a relay race in P.E. class. Linda told me not to worry. Then I decided to join them. While running, I could hardly breathe. Just when I wanted to give up, I heard
17、 someone cheering on me and found that it was Linda. I kept running to the finishing line. With Lindas encouragement and trust, I practiced running every day after school from then on. She makes me believe that I have the ability to challenge myself to do something beyond my reach.Step 5:完善文章:完善文章(選
18、詞酌句(選詞酌句, 提升亮點,升華主題)提升亮點,升華主題) I have changed a lot since I became a middle school student. Linda is the person who has changed me. I did not like running. One day we had a relay race in P.E. class. I hesitated about whether to join in the game or not. Linda came to me and told me not to worry. Then
19、 I decided to join them. While running, I could hear my heart beating fast and I could hardly breathe. Just when I wanted to give up, I heard someone cheering on me and found that it was Linda. I regained my strength and kept running to the finishing line. With Lindas encouragement and trust, I prac
20、ticed running every day after school from then on. It is she who makes me believe that I have the ability to challenge myself to do something beyond my reach.在有把握的情況下,變換句型,靈活使用在有把握的情況下,變換句型,靈活使用長短句和復合長短句和復合句句,使文章增色,注意使用,使文章增色,注意使用萬能句,替換句萬能句,替換句。例1: In the depth of my memory, there are lots of people
21、 who influenced me a lot and I really appreciate them. However, there is no doubt that Linda is the person who has changed me. 例2: As far as Im concerned, I learn that nothing is impossible if we put our hearts in it .From then on , I practiced running every day after school. Moreover, its Linda who
22、 let me know believing in ourselves plays an important role in our daily life, and with these, we can not only get stronger but also succeed. 四四.舉例說明舉例說明寫作語句訓練的側重點寫作語句訓練的側重點 簡單句(達標) 并列句復合句(爭優(yōu)) 長難句模仿 擴句訓練 連句成篇 狠抓句型、分層達標策略善用簡單句: * there be 句型 e.g. There are some advantages. * 形式主語句型 e.g. Its important
23、 to have enough sleep. * 動名詞作主語: e.g. Reading books in the sun is bad for our eyes.簡單句的高級形式(簡單句的高級形式(+定語,定語, +狀語)狀語)1. 善用定語*e.g. Beijing is one of the liveliest cities2. 善用狀語 e.g. By taking notes, you can concentrate more in class.e.g. In the past few months, my life has changed a lot.1. 并列 e.g. I a
24、m a middle school student and I study in No. 1 Middle School.2. 轉折 e.g. I work hard at English but my English is not good enough.3. 因果 e.g. He is good at English so I often ask him for help. 并列 *Enjoy it, and youll live a happy life.2. 轉折 *Some agree with it while others dont. 3. 因果 * I love reading
25、, for I can learn a lot without experiencing hard. 主從復合句主從復合句1. 時間 when,notuntil,as soon as2. 條件 if,unless(除非),as long as(只要)3. 原因 because 4. 目的 so that , in order that (in order to do)5. 結果 so that (too to do)6. 比較 asas,not soas,than7. 讓步 though,although,even though, even if, no matter what /when /
26、where /who /which /how (狀語從句)(狀語從句) I like / love / enjoy doing housework because it will make my parents relaxed at home. She helps me to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were (賓語從句)(賓語從句) I hope I can share my parents hard work.復合句訓練 (定語從句)(定語從句) Spending 10 minutes in sw
27、eeping the floor which is easy for me makes my parents and me very happy. (表語從句)表語從句) Thats why I keep on doing chores. 復合句訓練 There is no amount of money or cars or jobs or any material thing that could replace being loved and loving someone so much. I am lucky to have the ability to love on such a
28、high level, and the ability to forgive on the same level.(海淀一模完形) 仿寫一: There is no other person who could replace Miss Li in my heart and change me more. I am lucky to have her to be my English teacher and to be my friend. 仿寫二: There is no other place that could replace the reading room in my school
29、. Im lucky to be able to study in the reading room and to have the chance of swimming in the ocean of books and knowledge. 仿寫三: There is no other hobby that could replace reading, because it not only enriches my life, but also makes me a full man. Im lucky to have reading as my hobby to broaden my h
30、orizons and entertain myself. 長難句仿寫 With a careful choice of words, I told him that his birth had brought me nothing but smiles, and that I would like to go through it 100 times. (懷柔一模完形) With Lindas encouragement and trust, I practiced running every day after school from then on 長難句仿寫Now my son is
31、a grown man, but he always remembers that night, for it was on that night that he finally understood what the word “l(fā)ove” meant. (懷柔一模完形)It was in a restaurant that Anne wrote the phrase down on a piece of paper, after turning it around in her mind for days. (燕山期末試題)It is she who makes me believe th
32、at I have the ability to challenge myself to do something beyond my reach.長難句仿寫擴句步驟 合并簡單句合并簡單句-復合句復合句簡單-復雜 1. I often help my mom and dad do some. 2. I can sweep the floor and clean the dishes. I often help my mom and dad do some such as sweeping the floor and cleaning the dishes.簡單-復雜 3. I love hel
33、ping my parents with the housework. 4. They work hard every day and are very tired after work. I love helping my parents with housework because they work hard every day and are very tired after work.簡單-復雜 5. The summer vacation is coming, and I am going to learn to cook. 6. I believe my parents will
34、 be proud of me. As for their daughter, I am eager to share their hard work and want them to share my happiness. So I will try my best to do more chores to make them relaxed and happy at home. The summer vacation is coming, and I am going to learn to cook. I believe my parents with be proud of me.常用
35、連接詞:常用連接詞:1.表文章結構順序:first of all, firstly/first, secondly/ second, next, and then, finally, in the end, at last, the last but not the least,2.表并列補充關系:what is more, besides, moreover, in addition, furthermore,3.表轉折對比關系:however,on the contrary,but, after all, although / though, in spite of +n /doing,
36、for one thing, for another, on one hand on the other hand, while 4.表因果關系: because, as, so, thus, therefore, as a result5.表換一種方式表達:in other words, that is,6.表舉例說明:for example / for instance, such as +n. /doing7.表陳述事實:in fact, actually, 8.表達自己觀點:as far as I know,in my opinion, in my point of view9.表總結
37、:in all, in short, in a word, in conclusion, in summary There are many rules in our school. Now, let me tell you some of the rules. Firstly, we have to wear school uniforms every day. Secondly, we are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school. Whats more, we are asked to keep quiet in class. Its
38、also very important for us to be polite to our teachers and each other. As a student, its very necessary for me to keep the rules. However, Im not very glad to accept one of the rules. In my opinion, we should be allowed to wear our clothes because its more comfortable. Each coin has two sides. Wear
39、ing school uniforms can prevent us from spending too much time deciding what I will wear tomorrow. All in all, I hope that school uniforms can be designed by ourselves. I believe that if we are allowed to do that, we will feel much better when we wear school uniforms. I understand that rules play an
40、 important part in our daily lives and Im glad to follow the rules every day. Dear Betty, Ive read your letter. I can understand how you feel. And Im willing to help you out. Heres some advice for you. Firstly, hamburgers, ice creams and potato chips are so bad for your health that your school doesn
41、t provide you with them. On the other hand, whether the food your school offers is delicious or not, it must be safe and nutritious. Thus, I suggest that you should give up those junk food and try to eat as much school lunch as possible in order to have enough energy to keep you concentrating on your lesso
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