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1、SOA Fundamentals(2)面向效力的業(yè)務(wù)流程管理面向效力的業(yè)務(wù)流程管理 2019年教育部年教育部-IBM精品課程精品課程AgendauSOA GovernanceuRUP ModelinguSOA scenariosuManagement and securityuReferencesSOA governance defineduGovernance comes from the root word “governuGovernance is the structure of relationships and processes to direct and control the

2、 SOA components in order to achieve the goal of the enterprises uThe governance model defines:u What has to be doneu How is it doneu Who has the authority to do itu How is it measuredSOA governance challengesuNo clear ownership for common servicesuInfrastructure is owned by IT, while clients and bac

3、k-end systems are owned by lines of businessuTends to result in a proliferation of variations of “common services dedicated to specific channelsNeed for SOA governanceuThe SOA characteristics of loose coupling, reuse and extensibility are the basis for providing an agile business environmentuThis ag

4、ility can only be attained when each LOB maintains its services entities and can be assured that other LOBs are doing the same with their servicesuThis assurance can only be realized through SOA governanceMore on SOA governanceuAligns business and IT strategies and creates the communication paths be

5、tween themu A business-driven approach to making better IT decisionsu Less time wasted due to poorly-managed conflictsuInstitutes efficient and effective decision-making with clearlydefined roles and responsibilitiesuProvides a framework for measuring the effectiveness of SOAuPlanned checkpoints in

6、the SOA project life cycleu Conformance checkpoints deal with design, direction, decisions and funding, for example:u Service ownership, service realization, security regulationsu Vitality checkpoints help ensure the architecture stays currentu Service impact, funding, reuse, trainingSOA governance

7、compared with IT governanceuIT governance covers all aspects of IT, such as:u Data governanceu IT securityu IT resources are used responsiblyuSOA governance is an extension of IT governance and addresses aspects of the “service life cycle, including:u Service registrationu Service ownershipu Service

8、 publishing and discoveryu Service versioningu Deployment of services and composite applicationsu Security for servicesSOA-driven transformation requires SOA governanceuService-orientation is not easy to achieve, and requires significant organizational changeu New roles and responsibilitiesu New bus

9、iness partnersu New skillsuSOA adoption requires significant commitmentu Structural and process change require executive level supportu IT investment is needed for application restructuringu The most rapid economic returns comes from systems integration activities rather than new systems development

10、uWithout governance there is anarchyu With governance you control the rate and direction of changeu Without governance no one controls anythingService domain definition and ownershipuClassify services into logical domains and assign owners to each domain, to simplify the management and implementatio

11、n of an SOAu Business Service Domains services that provide business value such as request for information, and contain business logicu Infrastructure Service Domains services that provide indirect business value and do not contain business logic (for example, authenticate user)uDomain owners monito

12、r, define, and authorize changes to existing services and decide when a new service in their domain is requiredIT and business alignment with SOA governanceRoles and responsibilities in SOA governanceuWho “owns common services? How are they funded?uHow is service reuse enforced?u A service directory

13、 is only part of the issue, reuse is also a cultural and procedural issueuWho resolves different requirements for service behavior between applications or business units?uWho owns, enforces and maintains service design, naming, development and technology standards?uWho manages versioning and co-exis

14、tence of services?uWho publishes services? Who manages the taxonomy and categorization of services?uWho authorizes access to services?uWho assures the quality of the service?u The overall response timeu The overall testing when composition is usedGovernance aspectsuService versioningu As a service c

15、onsumer, how do you identify which version of a service you want to use? As a service provider, how do you identify which version of a service is being requested?uService dependency managementu How do you synchronize changes between process models (BPEL), component models (UML), data models (SQL), a

16、nd service models (WSDL)?uService ownershipu How do you determine who owns which services? How do you align service and business ownership in your organization?uService testingu If SOA uses intermediaries to insulate service consumers from changes to service implementations, how do service consumers

17、 know when to re-test?uService securityu How can security protocols be made interoperable across service domains?IBM SOA governance life cycleGovernance in the IBM SOA FoundationMotivation for a service registry and repositoryuAs the number of services in SOA infrastructures increases, it becomes in

18、creasingly important to have a system of servicesuA business service registry and repository manages the service metadata, enabling selection, invocation, management, governance, and reuse of services leading to a successful SOABusiness service registry overviewuA business service registry and repos

19、itory is an enterprisewide service metadata repository that securely registers services and relevant information, enabling SOA life cycle and governance by:u Publication of service endpoint capabilitiesu Management of service metadatau Finding and subscribing to the servicesu Service-level agreement

20、 (SLA) and policy management and registration of contractsAgendauSOA GovernanceuRUP ModelinguSOA scenariosuManagement and securityuReferencesThe need for modeling and types of modelsu Focused on solving key challengesu Integration through SOAu Core system renewalu Process transformationu Operational

21、 insight, risk and complianceu Data governance and standardizationu Key Benefitsu Reduces the time for process, use case analysisu Accelerates stakeholder approvalu Supports most of the data requirementsu Compresses time compared to custom-built projectsUML 2.0 Profile for Software ServicesuIs a pro

22、file for UML 2.0 which allows for the modeling of service-oriented solutionsuHas been implemented in IBM Rational Software ArchitectuAim to provide a common language for describing servicesuHas profiles consisting mainly of stereotypesuA stereotype defines which UML class (meta-class) it is associat

23、ed with, properties of that class, and constraints on how stereotyped elements may be associated with other elementsuUse the stereotypes in the UML 2.0 Software Services profile to model servicesService Model Contents: UML 2 Profile for ServicesuConcepts supported by the UML 2 Profile for Software S

24、ervicesService development using RUP/SOMAuRational Unified Process for service-oriented modeling and architecture (RUP for SOMA)uProvide technologies to enable the effective communication of the designu UML 2 notationu Make the models widely availableuTransformation authoringu Tools to build transfo

25、rmations from model-to-model based on architectural decisionsu Tools to transform models-to-codeuCreate and enforce rules which support the architectureu Process guidanceu Visually compare model changesu Link requirements to designWhat is RUP for SOMA?uService-oriented modeling and architecture (SOM

26、A) is the IBM SOA methodu Delegates “business-as-usual tasks to an underlying method such as Rational Unified Process (RUP), a customer-specific method, or a combination of bothuRUP/SOMA is an integrated, commercially available version of SOMA that relies on RUP for business-as-usual tasksuSOMA incl

27、udes support for the identification, specification, and realization of:u Servicesu The service components implementing themu The process flows that choreograph services into composite applicationsuAll customers have access to RUP/SOMA through an IBM Rational Method Composer licenseModel types and us

28、ageKey phases of RUP for SOMAApproaches to service identificationuDomain Decomposition (Top-down)u Focuses on the businessu Starts with models representing business processesu Business process are made up of business tasks, from which services can be identifiedu Existing Asset Analysis (Bottom-up)u

29、Examination of deployed applications to find candidates for reuseuGoal-Service Modelingu Identify goals and sub-goalsu Identify candidate services from sub-goalsu Identify existing assets that match the functionality required by the new business goalsExample of roles, tasks and products used in RUP

30、for SOMAUsing IBM WebSphere Business ModeleruWebSphere Business Modeler provides a flexible and visual process modeling environmentIntegration with Rational Software ArchitectuYou can load a WebSphere Business Modeler project business model as a UML 2.0 model fileuYou can then use model-driven devel

31、opment to extend, implement, and realize the artifacts that the generated UML 2.0 model definesuImported process models can be decomposed, compared with the business goals defined in RUP, and then converted to a model of servicesWhat is a service model?uThe service model is a key work product used t

32、o document the results of a service modeling exerciseuVarious decisions are made and models created during:u Identification of servicesu Specification of servicesu Realization of servicesuThe service model documents the decisions made in this process, and captures the design aspects and models that

33、will be used in implementing the creation and assembly of servicesComponents of a service modelSOA model example: Analyze existing functionsSOA model example: Initial service specificationuThe activity Service Identification introduces a number of techniques for identifying the services and operatio

34、ns on services which are required to support a solutionuThis example is a form of legacy renewal, the transformation of existing functionality to a services model uThe first aspect is to develop the set of Service Specifications that will provide the contracts for the services implementing the requi

35、red functionsSOA model example: Service designuIn this step, you make the transition from the set of candidate services that were identified earlier into the detailed design of the services you intend to buildSOA model example: Message designuCaptures the actual messages exchanged between the operat

36、ions described on the service specificationsSOA model example: Service realizationuFrom the Service design model you can use tools to transform the model into code. The code being generated can be an EJB implementation for deployment in a J2EE environmentSOA model example: EJB implementationAgendauS

37、OA GovernanceuRUP ModelinguSOA scenariosuManagement and securityuReferencesThe SOA ScenariosuThe SOA scenarios can be used as a reference architecture implementation (starting point) to accelerate the SOA architecture and implementation of your customer scenario.Creating and Reusing ServicesuThe Reu

38、se scenario involves exposing as a service:uThe functionality of an existing applicationuNew business logicuIt addresses business needs to:uOutsource without impacting existing applicationsuTurn proprietary systems into marketable business assetsuLeverage an existing IT investmentuConsolidate redund

39、ant systemsCreate new services from scratchuBusiness requirementu Create a service that represents new business functionu Expose standards-based service to third-party consumersuSolutionu Create a service implementation based on open standardsu Deploy the service to a reliable, scalable, and secure

40、application serveruOptionalu Publish the Web service metadata in WebSphere Service Registry and RepositoryCreate new services: RealizationuProductsu Rational Application Developeru WebSphere Application Server Network DeploymentuOptional productsu WebSphere Service Registry and RepositoryConsume ext

41、ernal services solution patternConsume external servicesuBusiness requirementu Outsource non-key business function to third-party providersu Open standards are required to promote flexibilityuSolutionu Create an open standards based service consumeru Host the service consumer on a reliable, scalable

42、, and secure application serverConsume external services: RealizationuProductsu Rational Application Developeru WebSphere Application Server Network DeploymentuImplementation detailsu Generate the Web service proxy from the WSDL supplied by the third-party service provider using Rational Application

43、 Developeru Implement the consumer and deploy it on WebSphere Application Server NDInternal connectivity based on open standards solution pattern The Connectivity scenario integrates service providers and consumers, allowing for the reuse of services across multiple channels.It addresses business ne

44、eds to:-Isolate modernization and conversion of backend systems from applications-Speed up new application development and integration-Manage traffic among services consistently, with minimal redundancy-Change service implementations and add service consumers-Strengthen governance of services Enterp

45、rise service bus (ESB) functionality is key in the implementation of this scenario-An ESB gateway can be used with third party service providersInternal connectivity RealizationuProductsu WebSphere Integration Developeru WebSphere ESBu Optional productsu WebSphere Service Registry and RepositoryuImp

46、lementation detailsu Services communicate using standards based interfacesu ESB provides protocol and message transformation and routingAgendauSOA GovernanceuRUP ModelinguSOA scenariosuManagement and securityuReferencesSOA management objectivesuEnsure service availabilityu Enforce policies and media

47、te servicesuMonitor response timesu Collect key performance metricsuPrevent problemsu Monitor and adjust resourcesuIdentify and fix problemsu Trace transactions and diagnose problemsSOA applications are composite applicationsuAn SOA application is composed from services: Application components with

48、published interface definitionsuThese services require transactions to cross multiple host platforms in order to complete their functionsuManaging SOA is part of composite application managementThe challenges of application managementuBusiness processes are built on composite applicationsuComposite

49、applications are difficult to design, build, test, and manage for high performance and availabilityuTraditional management processes and tools only provide a resource-centric (silo) view of performanceu A composite Web application involving J2EE, integration middleware, and legacy systemsSOA challen

50、ges in application life cycleSOA management challenge: Abstraction leveluSOA management requires dealing with increased levels of abstractionIBM SOA management productsThe ITCAM solution portfolioITCAM for SOAuMonitor, manage and control the IT service layer:u Web Service management views in the Tiv

51、oli Enterprise Portalu Mediation Services (start/stop, audit and logging)u Analysis of historical Web services data (content and context)u Visualization of WebSphere Platform Messaging frameworkITCAM for RTT: Transaction management capabilitiesuProactively recognize performance problems at the user

52、levelu Monitor end user response timeu Continually verify that transactions are available and performing by comparing them against a response time thresholdu Alert you when performance at the user is degradeduQuickly isolate problemsu Visualize entire transaction, end-to-end, as it crosses the nterp

53、riseu Automatically pinpoint source of bottlenecksuProve transaction service level delivered at the useru Consistently test services and measure their responseu Report results against committed service levelsSOA security: Part of SOA governanceSecurity considerations overviewuSOA introduces additional challenges for security due to its v


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