



1、Unit 1 Topic 1: Friends一個人可能會有很多朋友,但知心朋友只有一兩個。我們把一些朋友看作是親密的朋友, 把其他的視為普通朋友。那些對我們不忠實的人不能稱為我們的朋友。A person can have many friends but only one or two bosom friends. We regard some of our friends as our intimate friends, and others as ordinary friends. Those who are unfaithful to us can t be called our fr

2、iends.好朋友是真正的朋友,而真正的朋友是終生的朋友??梢哉f朋友如同自己的左膀右臂。首先朋友是一個你能依賴,信任和與之交談的人。其次朋友是一個能傾聽你訴說(煩心事)的人或你能在他面前暢所欲言的人。更重要的是朋友是一個在你身處于困境時會給你幫助 的人。正如俗話所說:患難之交見真情。A good friend is a real friend, and a real friend is a friend for life. A friend is, as it were, a second self. First, a friend is one whom you can count on,

3、trust and talk to. Second, a friend is someone who will listen to you when you talk about your problems or before whom you may think aloud. What is more, a friend is a person who will help you if you are in trouble. Just as the saying goes: A friend in need is a friend indeed 我們應(yīng)該和(心地)善良、有同情心、關(guān)心他人、誠

4、實、體貼的人交朋友,因為他們是真 誠的、可信賴的。因此不要只想靠禮物來贏得朋友。結(jié)交朋友的唯一方法是成為對方的朋 友。We should make friends with those who are kind-hearted, compassionate, caring, honest and thoughtful, because they are sincere and reliable. So don t try to wingifatsfroiennlyd. withThe only way to have a friend is to be one.Topic 2: Friends

5、hip友誼離不開關(guān)愛與親密。友誼是以熱情,信任以及共同的經(jīng)歷為基礎(chǔ)的。真正的友誼如同慢慢生長的植物,其價值能經(jīng)得起時間的考驗。真正的友誼猶如人的身體健康,只有失去 了才能知道它的寶貴。Friendship involves affection and intimacy. Friendship is based on warmth, trust and shared experience. True friendship is a plant of slow growth, the value of which can stand the test of time. True friendshi

6、p is like health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost. 生活中沒有朋友就像生活在荒蕪的海島上。生活中沒有友誼這日子就沒法過。分享快樂與 分擔痛苦是表達深厚友誼的方法。與朋友分享你的快樂,快樂就會倍增。向朋友傾訴你的 痛苦,痛苦就會減半。Life without friends is like life on a desert island, and life without friendship is not worth living. Sharing joy and sorrow is the way to

7、 show your deep friendship. If you tell your joy to your friend, your joy will double. And if you pour your sorrow to your friend, your sorrow will be reduced by half.與朋友同甘共苦能增強友誼,使友誼保持活力。與朋友保持聯(lián)系能增進友誼,使友誼長存。記住朋友們生活中的一些重要日子能促進友誼,使友誼記憶猶新。Sharing your joy and sorrow with your friends can nurture friend

8、ship and keep friendship alive; keeping your friends informed about yourself can improve friendship, and make friendship permanent; remembering important days in your friends lives can promote friendship and keep friendship fresh in our minds.Unit 2 Topic 1: Cultural Differences不同國家的人語言不同,價值觀念不同, 看問

9、題的角度也不同。這些不同之處通常被稱作 為文化差異。文化差異很細微,常常不被人們所察覺或會被忽視??吹絼e人言談舉止與我 們不同會讓我們不安。起初,我們也許會認為他們出了什么問題。People from different countries speak different languages, keep different value systems, and have different ways of looking at things. These differences are generally called cultural differences. Cultural differ

10、ences are subtle and are often unrecognized or overlooked. It is upsetting to find people who behave differently from us. We may, at first, assume that something is wrong with them.文化背景會影響人們的思維方式。首先,文化背景會影響人們對行為舉止好與壞的判斷。其次,它會影響人們對禮貌與粗魯?shù)恼J定。另外,它還會影響人們對準時與遲到的看法。例如,不同文化對贊揚的反應(yīng)是不同的;有些文化認為當別人第一次給你東西時不要接受是比

11、較禮貌的;在東方文化中目光的交流可以表示真誠和專注,而在西方文化中過多的目光交流會使人尷尬。Cultural backgrounds may influence people wsay of thinking. First, cultural background influences what people consider to be good manners or bad manners. Second, it influences what they consider to be polite or rude. Third, it influences what they consid

12、er to be on time or late. (to be continued)For example, different cultures may have different ways of responding to compliments; some cultures consider it polite not to take something the first time it is offered; eye contact may convey sincerity and attentiveness in some Oriental cultures but too m

13、uch eye contact may embarrass people in some Western cultures.不了解文化差異會引發(fā)許多問題。一方面不了解文化差異的人在與不同文化背景的生意伙伴交流時會有障礙。 另一方面不能識別文化差異會使相互之間難以理解。總之不了解文化差異會導(dǎo)致不同國家或種族的人之間在日常生活中產(chǎn)生許多誤解和煩惱。Failure to recognize cultural differences may cause many problems. On the one hand, those who are uninformed about cultural dif

14、ferences may have difficulty communicating with their business associates from other cultures. On the other hand, inability to recognize cultural differences can make mutual understanding difficult. (to be continued)In a word, failure to recognize cultural differences lies at the root of many everyd

15、ay misunder-standings and irritations among people of different countries or races.應(yīng)對文化差異有許多方法。首先,相互了解其它文化的基本特點可以避免無意間得罪他人。例如我們可以向外國朋友了解他們國家的日常習(xí)俗,或耐心地向他們介紹一些自己國家的風(fēng)俗。其次,不要在公共場合批評來自不同文化的人或使他們感到尷尬。更重要的是我們要尊重來自其它文化的人并與他們平等相待才能達到相互理解。There are many ways to deal with cultural differences. First, we can av

16、oid unintentionally offending others by learning the basic characteristics of other cultures. For instance, we may ask our foreign friends about their everyday customs or take time to explain certain common customs of our own culture to them. (to be continued)Second, don t not criticize or embarrass

17、 people from other cultures in public. What is more, understanding can only be reached if we are willing to treat people from other cultures with respect and as equals.應(yīng)對文化差異有許多方法。一方面尊重其它文化有助于我們避免冒犯他人。另一方面了解其它文化可以幫助我們避免誤解他人。除此之外,讓外國朋友了解你對時間的概念、守時的態(tài)度也不失為上策。只要我們注意這幾個方面,就能解決由文化差異而產(chǎn)生的問題。There are many w

18、ays to deal with cultural differences. On the one hand, having respect for other cultures can help us avoid offending others. On the other hand, learning about othercultures can help us avoid misunderstandings. In addition, it is a good policy to let a foreign friend know our expectations with regar

19、d to time and punctuality. So long as we pay attention to these aspects, we can solve the problems caused by cultural differences.Topic 2: Culture Shock文化沖突是指在接觸到與自身文化不同的文明時所產(chǎn)生的迷惑不解和不知所措。當你遇到另一種文化背景中截然不同的生活方式時,就會經(jīng)歷到文化沖擊。在異國他鄉(xiāng)當一些風(fēng)俗使你措手不及時不要驚慌。你必須明白生活在不同文化背景之下的人用不同的方法處理日常生活中的許多小事。無論你打算在一個新地方逗留一周還是一年,事

20、先多了解一些這個 地方的情況將會受益匪淺?!?Culture shock ” means confusion and disorientation caused by contact with a civilizatio n other than one s own. You will undergo culture shock when you encounter entirely different ways of life in another culture.Don t panic when some customs in a foreign country catch you off

21、 guard. You must understand that people living in varied cultures handle many small daily things differently.Whether you plan to stay for a week or for a year in a new place, you ll benefit a lot fromlearning about the place before you go.Unit 5記憶力可以定義為獲取信息為日后所用的能力或人們儲存檢索信息的過程。我的好朋友Tom 記憶力詳細而精確,如果我沒

22、記錯的話,有一次他憑記憶背出了一首詩,然而我的記 性壞,我對日期、姓名、電話號碼等的記憶力差,話經(jīng)常到嘴邊就是記不起來。Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use or the process by which people store and retrieve information. Tom has got a photographic memory. If I remember correctly, once he recited the poem from memor

23、y. However, I've got a memory like a sieve ( 篩子 ). I've got a bad memory for dates, names, telephone numbers, etc. They are often on the tip of my tongue, but I just can t place them.我記東西有許多方法。首先,不要努力去記住所有的事實,而是把精力集中在你認為更為重要的內(nèi)容上。其次,記日記、買名信片、攝影以及制作錄像可幫助你回憶過去所發(fā)生的事。此外,將事實與腦海中的形象聯(lián)想在一起是記住大量信息的一個非

24、常行之有效的方法。如果你太緊張,那么集中注意力是不可能的。盡量放松些,你就會牢記它們。I have many techniques to remember things. First, don't try to memorize all the facts, but focus your attention on what you consider more important. Second,you can recall past events by keeping a diary, buying postcards, taking photos and making video f

25、ilms.In addition, associating facts with images is also a very efficient way to memorize a large quantity of information.It is impossible to concentrate if you are tense or nervous. Try to relax and you'll remember things.提高記憶力有許多方法。首先,經(jīng)常記東西會大大增強記憶力。記憶力猶如肌肉,越用越好,愈是忽視,愈是糟糕。因此,想要激發(fā)你的記憶力,得最大限度地運用你的

26、記憶力。其次,學(xué)習(xí)新的技能可以增強記憶力。我覺得以上這學(xué)方法特別有效。There are ways to improve our memories. First, a good memory is built up by frequent use.Memory is like a muscle-the more it is used, the better it gets. The more it is neglected, the worse it gets. So to stimulate your memory, try to use your memory to the utmost.

27、 Second, learning new skills could sharpen your memory. I find the ways mentioned above especially effective.每個人都具有短時和長時記憶。短時記憶是暫時性的,因為它會短時間內(nèi)儲存在大腦中。短時記憶有時被稱為臨時記憶,是臨時信息儲存的一個更為普遍的說法。Everyone has a short-term memory and a long-term memory. A short-term memory is temporary, as it is stored for a very sh

28、ort time in the brain. Short-term memory is sometimes called working memory, which is a more general term for storage of temporary informationUnit 6現(xiàn)代生活離不開金錢。金錢無論是何種形式都可以買到物品或服務(wù)。有錢人可以毫不費力地滿足他們的個人需要。對于有錢人來說接受好的教育,旅游,奢侈的生活和安全感都是觸手可及的;而窮人付出很大的努力卻未必能得到。Modern life is built around money. Money, whatever

29、form it takes, is essential for buying goods and services. The rich are supposed to be able to satisfy their personal wishes without difficulty. For the rich, good education, travel, luxury and security are all readily available, while the poor attain these with great difficulty, if at all.金錢本身是中性的。

30、金錢可以買來舒適的生活,也可以提供某種程度的安全感,但金錢不是萬能的。金錢可能是人快樂的源泉,也可能是人最大的煩惱。Money in itself is neutral. Money can buy certain comforts and offer some security, but it isnot the answer for everything. Money is man's greatest source of joy as well as his greatest source of anxiety.金錢是可怕的主人,但卻是很好的仆人。財富使人們背負很多責任。而且和其

31、他東西一樣,錢也會丟掉。Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant. Money and wealth trap people into various obligations. Money, like everything else in life, can be lost.有錢未必幸福。金錢可以買到食物,但不能買到胃口;可以買到藥品,但不能買到健康。有錢人認為生命中最重要的是愛,而貧窮的人卻認為是金錢。金錢不是生活的終點,而只是生活的工具。Money does not ensure / guarantee happiness. M

32、oney brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health. Those who have some means think that the most important thingin life is love. The poor know that it is money. Riches are not an end of life, but an instrument of life.幸福不是財富的聚積。僅僅擁有財富或物質(zhì)上的舒適并不意味著幸福。因為幸福不是取決于你擁有的財富??鞓肥且环N滿足,無論是富有還是貧窮的人都

33、可以是快樂的人。所謂知足長樂Happiness is not attained by accumulating / amassing wealth. We will be disappointed if we count / rely on wealth or physical comforts alone for happiness, becausehappiness does not depend on the amount of money you have. A happy man is one who is content, whether he is rich or poor. T

34、he greatest wealth is contentment with a little.Unit 7為何有些年輕人吸煙?一來他們是出于好奇或是來自同輩吸煙人的壓力亦或是他們認為那樣很酷,二來煙草中的尼古丁可以在短時間內(nèi)刺激/興奮他們這些吸煙者.Why do some young people choose to smoke? For one thing, they may have picked up smoking out of curiosity / because of peer pressure / because they thought it was cool; for a

35、nother, the nicotine in tobacco can stimulate / energize the smokers for a brief period of time.吸煙有害健康.吸煙是肺癌的致命性誘因 .如果你過量吸煙 ,你就很危險了 .而且 ,吸煙也與其他類型癌癥有關(guān).研究表明吸煙者比不吸煙者更易死于心臟病突發(fā) .所以 ,吸煙不僅浪費金錢而且還對生命造成危險.Smoking is harmful / damaging to one s Shmeaoltkhin. g is known as a fatal cause of lungcancer. You run

36、a greater risk if you smoke to excess. Moreover, smoking is also found to be related to / connected with / associated with / linked to other types of cancer. Studies show that cigarette smokers are much more likely to die from a heart attack than nonsmokers. So smoking is not only a waste of money b

37、ut is also a danger to one s health.很多國家的不吸煙者都在呼吁禁止在公眾場合吸煙. 由于各禁煙組織的努力,香煙制造商不得不在每盒香煙上印制 “吸煙有害健康” 的警示.我也認為在公眾場合至少該為不吸煙者創(chuàng)造一個無煙區(qū) .Nonsmokers in many countries are appealing for the prohibition of smoking in public places.Thanks to the efforts of anti-smoking groups, manufacturers are forced to put a wa

38、rning that “ Smoking is harmful to your health.” on every packet of cigarettes. I think all publicplaces should at least create a smoke-free area for non-smokers. Unit 9 戰(zhàn)爭是人類的悲劇。由于戰(zhàn)爭,上百萬人死去,無數(shù)家庭解體。戰(zhàn)爭的爆發(fā)常常是由于種 族或宗教沖突/領(lǐng)土或經(jīng)濟爭端/意識形態(tài)的差異。歷史上大多數(shù)戰(zhàn)爭的進行都是為了保護超級大國的經(jīng)濟利益。War is a human tragedy. Millions of peop

39、le die and families fall apart as a result of war. War breaks out because of ethnic or religious conflicts/territorial or economic disputes/ideological difference. Throughout the history, most wars have been waged to protect the economic interests of superpower 戰(zhàn)爭是人類悲劇。它耗費金錢、資源和人的生命。在戰(zhàn)爭中,每個人都是輸家。它給雙

40、方都造成了痛苦。在人類歷史上,戰(zhàn)爭一直都是痛苦 和苦難的最大根源。在和平時期,兒子埋葬父親,但是戰(zhàn)爭違反自然秩序,使得父親要埋 葬兒子。War is human tragedy. It is costly in money, resources and human lives. In war, everyone loses. War creates suffering for both sides. Throughout history, war has always been the greatest source of pain and suffering. In peacetime so

41、ns bury fathers, but war violates the order of nature and fathers bury sons Do you think war can be avoided?當然可以。戰(zhàn)爭帶來了巨大的苦難,造成了巨大的損失。以暴還暴只會增加暴力。應(yīng)該通 過和平的方式來解決沖突。使用武力對任何問題都是糟糕的解決方法。如果我們熱愛和平, 并盡力通過談話和談判來解決任何爭端,我們就一定能避免戰(zhàn)爭。Of course we can. War creates huge suffering and causes great damage. Returning vi

42、olence for violence multiplies violence. Conflicts should be resolved through peaceful means.Theuse of force is a poor solution to any problem. If we love peace and try to resolve any dispute through talk and negotiation, we are sure that we can avoid the war.不,我認為很難避免戰(zhàn)爭。戰(zhàn)爭一直是人類歷史的一部分。在完全消除戰(zhàn)爭之前還有很長

43、的路要走。只要有國家想通過使用武力來支配其他國家,我們就無法消除戰(zhàn)爭。此外,如 果一個國家受到襲擊或侵略,它有權(quán)反擊。No. I think it is very difficult to avoid war. War has alwaysbeen a part of human history.There s a long way to go before we can totally eliminate it. We will never be able to get rid of war as long as there are countries that want to domina

44、te other countries through the use of force. Besides, if a country is attacked/invaded, it has the right to fight/strike back.Unit 10上癮是指對毒品出現(xiàn)依賴, 或是指因為無法控制自己而渴望做某事。一個人會因吸煙、吸毒或是上網(wǎng)而成癮。有些人吸毒是因為一方面毒品能讓他們感覺好,暫時忘記他們的問題;另一方面吸毒可以讓他們減輕壓力。至于年輕人,有些人出于好奇而吸毒有些人是因為同齡人的壓力而吸毒。An addiction is the condition of being

45、dependent on a drug or crave to do something because one cannot stop doing it.One can be addicted to cigarette smoking,drugs andthe Internet.On the one hand, some people take drugs to feel good and forget their problems temporarily;on the other hand, some people hope to reduce stress by taking drugs

46、.As to the youth, some of them may try drugs out of curiosity,others may be tempted to use drugs because of peer pressure毒品有很強的吸引力。一旦嘗試有可能頭幾次使用以后就會上癮有人甚至一次就上癮。濫用毒品會導(dǎo)致生理、心理上對毒品的依賴。一旦生理依賴性變強,就需要加大劑量以達到想要的效果。吸毒上癮經(jīng)常導(dǎo)致嚴重的生理紊亂有時甚至?xí)?dǎo)致死亡。吸毒上癮者往往通過暴力和犯罪以及其他可以采用的一切手段搞到錢去購買毒品。青少年行為不良與年輕人吸毒上癮有緊密地聯(lián)系。吸毒不僅傷害吸毒者本人,

47、而且傷害他們所愛的人,他們的家人 以及全社會。Drugs have strong addictive power. Those who try may get addicted within the first few uses.Some people even get addicted from the very first use. Drug abuse can cause physical and psychological dependence on the drug. Once physical dependence has developed, one needs to incre

48、ase doses to achieve the desired effects. Drug addiction often leads to serious health disorders and sometimes to death.A drug addict will resort to crime and violence oranymeans to get money to buy drugsDrug addiction among young people is closely associated with juvenile delinquency. Drug abuse harms not just the abusers, but also their loved ones, their family and society at large. 人們往往認為吸毒者道德敗壞/ 有性格缺陷/ 缺少


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