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1、第一講自 1992 年召開地球問題首腦會議之后,近 20 年已經過界再一次踏上前往里約2012 年 6 月將在那里舉行可持續(xù)發(fā)展大會。在過去二十年里,世界在地緣政治和環(huán)境方面已發(fā)生巨大變化。有數億亞洲和拉丁美洲人,以及越來越多的非洲人已從貧困中崛起。Nearly 20 years after the 1992 Earth Summit, the world is once again onthe road to Rio the site of the June 2012 UN Conference on SustainableDevelopment.Much has changed in th

2、e past two decades, geopoliticallyand environmentally.Hundreds of millions of people in Asia, LatinAmerica and, increasingly, in Africa have risen from poverty.然而,越來越多的證據也表明,地球維持我們進步的能力已發(fā)生深刻的和可能無法逆轉的變化。經濟快速增長產生了傳統(tǒng)上很少包括在經濟核算中的代價,這些代價從大氣和水污染到漁業(yè)和森林的,所有這些均影響繁榮和人類福祉。Yet,evidenceisalsoaccumulatingofprofou

3、ndandpotentiallyirreversible changes in the ability of the planet to sustain our progress.Rapid economic growth has come with costs that traditionally rarelyfeature in national accounting.These range from atmospheric and waterpollution to degraded fisheries and forests, all of which impact prosperit

4、yand human well-being.第二講今年世界環(huán)境日的主題是“森林:大自然為你服務”,強調森林和其他系統(tǒng)對特別是窮人所能帶來的數萬億的價值。The theme of World Environment Day this year, “Forests: Nature at YourService”, emphasizes the multi-trillion dollar value of these and otherecosystems to society especially the poor.Despite growing global awareness of the d

5、angers of environmentaldecline including climate change, biodiversity loss and desertification progress since the Earth Summit has been too slow.We will not build ajust and equitable world unless we give equal weight to all three pillars ofsustainable development social, economic and environmental.

6、Tosustainably reduce poverty,guarantee food and nutrition security andprovide decent employment for growing populations,we must make themost intelligent use of our natural capital.盡管全球越來越多的人環(huán)境的,包括氣候變化、生物多樣性喪失和荒漠化, 但自地球問題首腦會議以來的進展過于緩慢。除非我們同樣重視可持續(xù)發(fā)展的三個支柱、經濟和環(huán)境,我們無法建立一個公正和公平的世界。為了可持續(xù)地減少貧困,保證糧食和營養(yǎng)安全,并為日

7、益增長的人口提供體面就業(yè),我們必須以最明智的方式利用自然。第三講是 2011 年世界環(huán)境日的全球主辦國,它是世界上越來越多致力于應對變化的之一。在環(huán)境規(guī)劃署和世界的下,它也在協(xié)助開創(chuàng)一種辦法來更好地評估注自然的服務的經濟價值。的農村就業(yè)法和鼓勵使用可再生能源的作法,是如何擴大綠色增長,加快向綠色經濟過渡的顯著例子。India, the global host of World Environment Day in 2011, is among agrowing number of countries working to address the pressures ofecological c

8、hange.It is also helping to pioneer a better assessment ofthe economic value of nature-based services, with the assistance of theUnited Nations Environment Programme and the World Bank.IndiasRural Employment Act and the countrys encouragement of renewableenergy are significant examples of how to sca

9、le up green growth andaccelerate the transition to a green economy.促使發(fā)展走上可持續(xù)道路并非是一朝一夕之事,但在前往里議二十大會的道路上,今年的世界環(huán)境日可傳達一個信息,即那些具有影響力的和私營部門能夠而且必須采取必要步驟履行地球問題首腦會議的承諾。全世界各國都在關注,他們期望這些承諾能得到履行。No single day can transform development onto a sustainable path.Buton the road to Rio +20,this years World Environmen

10、t Day can send amessage that those with influence in government and the private sectorcan and must take the necessary steps that will fulfill the promise ofthe Earth Summit.The global public is watching, and expects nothingless.第四講一百年前,當世界上第一次紀念國際婦女節(jié)時,平等和賦權婦女還基本上屬于激進的思想。在這個百年里,我們慶祝通過堅定的宣傳、講究實際的行動和開明

11、的決策所取得的進步。但在許多和,婦女依然是二等公民。One hundred years ago, when the world first commemorated InternationalWomens Day, gender equality and womens empowerment were largelyradical ideas. On this centenary, we celebrate the significant progress thathas been achieved through determined advocacy, practical action a

12、ndenlightened policy making. Yet, in too many countries and societies,women remain second-class citizens.雖然教育領域的差距在縮小,但各國內部和各國之間仍存在巨大的差異,許多仍然沒有接受學校教育的機會,或者中途輟學,或在畢業(yè)時沒有獲得多少技能,獲得的機會則更女和還在繼續(xù)忍受和,而且往往是來自親密伴侶或親戚的和,這些都是不可接受的。Although the gender gap in education is closing, thereare widedifferences within a

13、nd across countries, and far too many girls are stilldenied schooling, leave prematurely or complete school with few skillsand fewer opportunities. Women and girls also continue to endureunacceptable discrimination and violence, often at the hand of intimatepartners or relatives.第五講無論在家還是在學校,在工作地點還是

14、在社區(qū),身為女性往往還意味著易受。在許多區(qū),蓄意和系統(tǒng)地利用性來恐嚇婦女和整個社區(qū)。In the home and at school, in the workplace and in the community, beingfemale too often means being vulnerable. And in manyzones,sexual violence is deliberately and systematically used to intimidatewomen and whole communities.我倡導的起來制止婦女行為,與它的網絡一起,正在致力于終止不罰的現(xiàn)

15、象和改變人們的觀念。國際也有更大的決心去懲罰和防止中的性行為,并更努力地執(zhí)行安全理事會具有里程碑意義的第 1325 號決議,這一關于婦女與和平與安全的決議強調了使婦女參與建設和平和維持和平各方面工作的重要性。My UNiTE to End Violence Against Women campaign, along with itsNetwork of Men Leaders, is working to end impunity and changemindsets. There is also growing international resolve to punish andpreve

16、nt sexual aggression in, and to do more to implement theSecurity Councils landmark resolution 1325 on women, peace andsecurity, which highlights the importance of involving women in allaspects of building and keeping peace.婦幼是我們亟需看到取得進展的另一個領域。2010 年 9 月千年發(fā)展目標首腦會議承認,這個問題具有中心意義,會員國和慈善界都保證,將大力支持我提出的在今后

17、四年拯救生命和改善婦幼健康的全球戰(zhàn)略。Another area where we urgently need to see significant progress is onwomens and childrens health. The September 2010 Summit on theMillennium Development Goals recognized the central importance of thisissue, and Member States and the philanthropic community have pledgedstrong suppo

18、rt for my global strategy to save lives and improve the healthof women and children over the next four years.第六講在決策領域,的婦女在議會中獲得合法席位。但由女性目前不到 10%。即便婦女在政界成績擔任元首或首腦的斐然,她們在其他決策領域,包括在工商業(yè)最的任職人數都是嚴重不足的。最近的一個倡議,即婦女賦權原則,目的就是糾正這一失衡。它目前已得到 130 多個大公司的接受。In the realm of decision-making, more women, in more count

19、ries, aretaking their rightful seat in parliament. Yet fewer than 10 per cent ofcountries have female heads of state or government. Even where womenare prominent in politics, they are often severely under-represented inother areas of decision-making, including at the highest levels of businessand in

20、dustry. A recent UN initiative the Womens EmpowermentPrinciples, now embraced by more than 130 major corporations aims toredress this imbalance.今年紀念國際婦女節(jié)的重點,是受教育、培訓和獲取科學技術的平等機會。例如,婦女有了和因特網,就有能力改善家庭的健康和福利,利用創(chuàng)收的機會,并保護自己免受剝削和。This years observance of International Womens Day focuses on equalaccess to e

21、ducation, training and science and technology. Cell phones andthe Internet, for example, can enable women to improve the health andwell-beingoftheirfamilies,takeadvantageofe-earningopportunities, and protect themselves from exploitation and vulnerability.第七講在教育和培訓的支持下,獲取這些工具可以幫助婦女打破貧窮的惡性循環(huán),克服不公正的行為,

22、行使她們的權利。Access to such tools, backed up by education and training, can helpwomen to break the cycle of poverty, combat injustice and exercise theirrights.今年啟動促進平等和增強婦女權能署(婦女署),表明我們希望進一步實施這一議程。只有通過婦女充分、平等地參與所有公共和私人領域的生活,我們才能希望實現(xiàn)中所憧憬的可持續(xù)、和平和公正的。The launch this year of the United Nations Entity for Gen

23、der Equality andthe Empowerment of Women UN Women demonstrates our intent todeepen our pursuit of this agenda. Only through womens full and equalparticipation in all areas of public and private life can we hope to achievethe sustainable, peaceful and just society promised in the United NationsCharte

24、r.世界海洋日使我們有機會思考海洋對人類可持續(xù)發(fā)展的重要性。這也是一個認識到與海洋相關的很多嚴峻的時機。這些涉及諸多方面,從漁業(yè)的枯竭、氣候變化的影響和海洋環(huán)境的,到海上安全與保障、海員的工作條件和越來越重要的經由海路移徙問題。World Oceans Day is an opportunity to reflect on the importance ofoceans to humankind's sustainable development.It is also a time torecognize the many severe challenges related to oc

25、eans. These range fromdepleted fishery resources, the impacts of climate change and thedeterioration of the marine environment to maritime safety and security,labour conditions for seafarers and the increasingly important issue ofmigration by sea.第八講其中一些關切問題是在海洋法公約通過之后提出的。海洋法通過該公約及相關文書得到逐步發(fā)展,意在促進海洋的

26、可持續(xù)發(fā)展,并推動加強國際和平與安全,公平有效地利用海洋,保護和養(yǎng)護海洋環(huán)境以及實現(xiàn)公正和公平的經濟秩序。因此,海洋法是適應各種新的一個靈活和不斷發(fā)展的框架。Some of these concerns have arisen since the adoption of the UnitedNations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The progressive developmentof the law of the sea through the Convention and related instruments ismeant to contr

27、ibute to the sustainable development of the oceans andseasas well as to the strengthening of international peace and security, theequitable and efficient utilization of ocean resources, the protection andpreservation of the marine environment and the realization of a just andequitable economic order

28、. As such, the law of the sea provides a flexibleand evolving framework for adapting to new challenges.在我們展望明年召開的里約+20可持續(xù)發(fā)展大會之際,應該特別關注海洋所提供的系統(tǒng)功能和這些功能對全球經濟的重要性。正因如此,今年紀念活動的主題是“我們的海洋:綠化我們的未來”。The ecosystem functions that oceans provide, and their importance to theglobal economy,deserve particular atte

29、ntion as we look ahead to nextyear's Rio +20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.Forthatreason,thethemeofthisyear'sobservanceis“Ouroceans:greening our future”.與海洋和海洋環(huán)境有關的所有活動和政策都應該確認并列入可持續(xù)發(fā)展的三大支柱:環(huán)境、和經濟。只有這樣,我們才能實現(xiàn)國際提出的發(fā)展目標。在今年的世界海洋日,我敦促各國和各界各自和集體擔負起我們的責任,為今世后代保護海洋環(huán)境,并以可持續(xù)的方

30、式管理其。All activities and policies related to oceans and the marine environmentneed to acknowledge and incorporate the three pillars of sustainabledevelopment: environmental, social and economic. Only then can weachieve the development objectives set by the international community.On this year's W

31、orld Oceans Day, I urge governments and all sectors ofsociety to embrace our individual and collective responsibility to protectthe marine environment and manage its resources in a sustainable mannerfor present and future generations.第九講This years observance of World No Tobacco Day falls in the mids

32、t ofpreparations for Septembers United Nations high-level meeting onmunicable diseases.By controlling tobacco, we can go a longway towards addressing many of these chronic ailments, including cancerand heart disease.今年世界無煙日活動為九月份非傳染性疾病問題高級別會議開展籌備工作期間。通過控制煙草,我們可以在防治許多這些慢方面取得長足的進步,其中包括和心臟病。The use of

33、tobacco, which is highly addictive, killed approximately 100million people in the twentieth century, and unless we act, it could kill upto a billion in this century.煙草很容易使人上癮,煙草的使用在二十世紀導致了約一億人。如果我們不采取行動,它在本世紀可能造成多達十億人喪生。The greatest tool in our arsenal is the World Health OrganizationsFramework Conv

34、ention on Tobacco Control.Since it was opened forsignature in 2003, more than 170 countries havee parties, makingit one of the most rapidly embraced treaties in United Nations history.我們現(xiàn)可運用的最好工具是世界衛(wèi)生組織煙草控制框架公約。該公約自 2003 年開放供簽署以來,已有 170 多個成為締約國,使之成為歷史上獲得最迅速接受的條約之一。From reducing demand through higher

35、 prices and taxes to restrictingadvertising and sponsorship, from warnings on packages to prohibitionsagainst sales to minors, countries are using the Treatys provisions toprotect their citizens.They are sending a clear message that tobacco usemakes us poorer in health and economic terms.各國正在使用該公約的條

36、款保護其公民,包括通過提高價格和稅收降低需求,限制和贊助,要求在包裝上印出警告,向未成年人進行銷售,等等。這些正在發(fā)出一個明確的信息,即煙草的使用會令我們越來越糟糕在健康和經濟方面都是如此。第十講The Treatys comprehensive defence against industry tactics includesmeasures to reduce the illicit trade in tobacco products, address issues ofliability, support economically viable alternative crops and

37、 protect publichealth policies from undue pressure.該條約對煙草行業(yè)策略的全面防御包括規(guī)定措施,以減少煙草制品的貿易、解決賠償責任問題、支持經濟上可行的替代作物和保護公共衛(wèi)生政策免遭不當。The Framework Convention is clearly working to safeguard health in allcountries that have adopted and enforced it.Yet, as the reports fromStates parties show, we have a long way to

38、go.I urge all parties to fullymeet their obligations under the Treaty, and Icall on the few countriesthat have not yete parties to do so.Together, we can halt thetobacco epidemic and the many problems it brings.在所有已通過和執(zhí)行了框架公約的中,該公約顯然正在發(fā)揮保障健康的作用。然而,正如一些締約國報告所顯示的那樣,我們還有很長的路要走。我敦促所有締約方充分履行條約所規(guī)定的義務,我也呼吁

39、無數不多的尚未成為締約方的成為締約方。我們合力,就可以制止煙草的流行及其帶來的諸多問題。On this World No Tobacco Day, let us push for progress that will cuttobacco-relateddeathsandenliventhebattleagainstothermunicable diseases, helping to create a healthier world for all.值此世界無煙日,讓我們推動進步以減少與煙草有關的和加強防治其他非傳染性疾病,幫助創(chuàng)造一個讓所有人都更加健康的世界。長 2011 年國際家庭日致辭

40、Far too many families endure chronic, punishing hardship. Lacking jobsand the means to make ends meet, adults are unable to provide adequatenutrition for children, leaving them with lifelong physical and cognitivescars. Other family members can suffer neglect and deprivation. Povertycontinues to cla

41、im the lives of hundreds of thousands of women each yearin childbirth.太多的家庭飽受長期經濟的折磨。由于缺乏就業(yè)機會和謀生手段,父母不能為兒童提供足夠的營養(yǎng),給他們留下了終身的身體缺陷和心靈創(chuàng)傷。還有一些家庭成員被人所遺忘,一貧如洗。每年仍有數十萬婦女因貧窮而死于分娩。Social exclusion is often at the root of the problem. Discrimination andunequal access to social services deprive families of the

42、opportunity toplan a better future for their children.排斥往往是問題的根源。受到,以及獲得服務的機會不均,使家庭無法為他們的孩子謀劃一個更好的未來。Certain types of families are at particular risk, including large families,single-parentfamilies,familieswherethemainbreadwinnersareunemployed or suffer from illness or disability, families with memb

43、erswho suffer discrimination based on sexual orientation, and families livingin urban slums or rural areas. Indigenous and migrant families, as well asthose living throughor unrest, are also on the front lines ofmarginalization and deprivation.一些類型家庭尤其風險,包括大家庭、單親家庭、主勞力失業(yè)或身患疾病或殘疾的家庭、有成員受到基于性取向的的家庭和城市

44、貧民窟或農村地區(qū)的家庭。土著和家庭以及那些處于或之中的家庭,也首當其沖地邊緣化和赤貧問題。第 11 講A number of governments have adopted family-focused strategies,including cash transfer programmes, child allowances, tax incentives andspecific gender- and child-sensitive social protection measures. Anexpansion of these policies, which can improve

45、the nutrition andeducational status of children, can help end cycles of poverty that persistacross generations.一些已采取包括現(xiàn)金轉移計劃、津貼、稅收和專門針對問題和兒童問題的保護措施等支持家庭的戰(zhàn)略。擴大這些可以改善兒童營養(yǎng)和教育狀況的政策,也有助于結束一代代無法擺脫的貧窮。第 12 講On this International Day of Families, let us resolve to support families asthey nurture the young,

46、care for the old and foster strong communitiesbuilt on tolerance and dignity for all.值此國際家庭日,讓我們決心為家庭提供支持,因為是家庭在撫養(yǎng)下一代,是家庭在照顧老人,也只有家庭在鞏固建立在寬容和人人享有尊嚴基礎上的牢固社區(qū)。第 13 講UN Secretary-General's message on the launch of the Decade of Actionfor Road SafetyNew York, 11 May 2011長關于啟動道路安全行動十年的致辭2011 年 5 月 11

47、日The launch today of the Decade of Action for Road Safety can help allcountries drive along the path to a more secure future.今天啟動的道路安全行動十年可以幫助各國循道駛向更安全的未來。Road crashes kill nearly 1.3 million people every year, and leave millionsmore injured or permanently disabled. Impaired driving, unsafe roads an

48、dother dangers shatter lives in a matter of seconds.道路交通事故每年造成近 130 萬人,數百萬人受傷或終身殘疾。酒后駕駛、不安全的道路和其他可在瞬間生命。第 14 講The Decade can help thwart this needless loss of life.行動十年將有助于減少這種不必要的生命損失。IcallonMemberStates,internationalagencies,civilsocietyorganizations, businesses and community leaders and people ev

49、erywhereto ensure that the Decade leads to real improvements.我呼吁各會員國、國際機構、民間組織、工商界和社區(qū)以及各地民眾確保行動十年產生真正的改善。The Global Plan of Action for Road Safety is our collective map. Itcovers critical areas for action from enhancing roads and vehicles toimproving the behaviour of drivers, motorcyclists and pedes

50、trians.道路安全全球行動計劃是我們的集體路線圖,涵蓋了一批重要的行動領域從增強道路和車輛的安全性能到改進司機、摩托車駕駛人和行人的行為都包括在內。Today, partners around the world are releasing national or citywide plansfor the Decade, hosting policy discussions and enabling people affectedby road crashes to share their stories widely. Now we need to move thiscampaign

51、into high gear and steer our world to safer roads ahead.今天,世界各地的伙伴們都在為行動十年發(fā)布或全市的計劃、主辦政策討論會并幫助受交通事故影響者廣泛他們的經歷。我們現(xiàn)在需要把這場運動推向,指引我們的世界走上更安全的前進道路。Together, we can save millions of lives.我們一道努力,就能拯救數以百萬計的生命。Secretary-Generals Message for World Day of Social Justice潘基文世界公正日致辭Social justice is more than an

52、ethical imperative, it is a foundation fornational stability and global prosperity. Equal opportunity, solidarity andrespect for human rights these are essential to unlocking the fullproductive potential of nations and peoples.公正不僅僅是一項道德責任,它是穩(wěn)定和全球繁榮的基礎。要充分各國和各的生產潛力,就必須實現(xiàn)機會平等、團結和尊重。The World Day of S

53、ocial Justice is a call for all countries to takeconcrete actions that give meaning to the universal values of humandignity and opportunity for all. The focus of this year's commemoration achieving social protection for all is critical to building fairer, moreinclusive and equitable

54、公正日就是呼吁所有采取具體行動,切實實現(xiàn)人的尊嚴和人人均享機會等普遍價值觀念。今年紀念活動的重點是實現(xiàn)人人均享保護,這一點對建設更公正、更具包容性和更公平的。As we continue to confront the fallout of the global financial andeconomic crisis, meeting this challenge is more important than ever. Forthe tens of millions who have lost their jobs since the crisis began, theglobal rec

55、ession is far from over. That is one reason why the UNsystem-wideresponseincludesaninitiativetoestablishasocialprotection floor. This effort is designed to help ensure access to basicsocial services, provide people with the tools to generate decentes, and strengthen safeguards for the poor, vulnerable andmarginalized.我們依然面對全球金融和經濟的后果,如何應對這一比以往任何時候都更加重要。對開始以來數千萬失業(yè)者而言,全球遠未結束。這就是全系統(tǒng)在其對策中倡議制定保護最低標準的一個原因。這項努力旨在幫助確保人人均享基本服務,為民眾提供獲取體面收入的,并加大對窮人、弱勢群體和邊緣化群體的保障力度。第 15 講Eighty per cent of the world's peopl


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