1、(人教新起點(diǎn))六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)閱讀訓(xùn)練題(6套)六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)閱讀練習(xí)(十)BUying TiCketSyears OId One day he goesSain is a IittIe boy, and he is OnIy eightto the Cinema It is the firsttime for him to do that He buys aticketand then goes in. BUtafter two Or three IninUteS he COmeSout, buys a SeCOnd ticket and goesin again. After afew Inin
2、UteS heCOmeS OUt again and buys athird ticket TWO Or three IninUteSIater he asks foranother ticket.Then the girl in the ticket OffiCeasks him, '' Why do you buy SO manytickets? HOW manyfriends do youmeet?” Sainanswers,n No, I nave no friend here BUt a big boy alwaysStOPS me at the door and t
3、ears my tickets in PieCe''快速判斷:Sain buys the tickets for himself.Sain doesn?t go to the CinemaSain is too young to make friends.Sanl has no friend in the Cinema選擇填空:1. Sanl WantS to buy When the girl asks him.A: the SeCOnd ticket B: the third ticketC:the fourth ticket D: the fifth ticket 2.
4、The big boy StOPS Sanl at the door because A: it is the big boy?S job B: the big boy doesn?t Iike SanlC: the big boy doesn?t know Sanl D: Sam doesn?t buy tickets3 The big boy is Of the Cinema at all.A: a bookseller B: a POIiCemanC: a ShOP keeper D: a WOrker4. FrOm the StOry We know A: the IittIe boy
5、 has a IOt Of moneyB: the IittIe boy knows nothing about the CinemaC: Sam doesn?t Iike the filmD: the girl WantS to get more moneyAt the Barber?SLen WaS thirty years old, and he had Very IOng hair He IiVed in a big City BeCaUSe Of his IOnghair, he did not find any WOrkOne day he met an OId friend, a
6、nd this man Said to him, UPeOPIe in this City don?t Iike IOng hair Why don?t you go to a barber? He Can CUt a IOt Of it off, and then you Can get SOme WOrknAt the barber?S Len Said to the barber, UPIeaSe CUt most Of my hair off. ”The barber began. He CUt and CUt for a IOng time and then he Said to L
7、en, UWere you in the army a few years ago?n"Yes, I was, n Len answered, "Why did you ask that?nUBeCaUSe I found a CaP in your hair'快速判斷:Len WaS old, SO he did not find any WOrkLen Often WaSh his IOng hairLen?S hair WaS ShOrtLen barber found a CaP in Len?S hairLen WaS in the army now.選擇
8、填空:1 Len met One day.A: his father B: an OId man C; his Old friend2. Len WaS Very A: Ciirty B: CIean C: tidy3 The CaP WaS in Len?S A: hand B: bag C: hair4. PeOPIe in the City don?t Iike A: Straight hair B: IOng hair C: ShOrt hair六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)閱讀練習(xí)(十一)IS Ink Very Expensive?Son: IS ink expensive, father?Dad: W
9、hy? No, What make you think so?the CarPetSon: Well, mother SeemS QUite angry When I SPilIed SOme OnOf the hal 1回答問(wèn)題:IS the ink Very expensive?Why does mother Seenl QUite angry?DOeS the SOn SPilI the ink On the CarPet Of the hall?The COUntry MOUSe and the City MOUSeOne day a City mouse net a COUnty m
10、ouse in the field The COUntry mouse WaS eating nutsUHelIOl friend! Why are you eating SUCh bad food? COme With me and See YOU Can find the delicious food easily in the City'' the City mouse SaidTS that so?" the COUntry mouse WaS SUrPriSed and Wanted to go With his friend They WaIkedand
11、WaIked At IaSt they Came to the City There WaS a IOt Of food in the house The COUntry mouseWaS Very gladUCOme on! Let?S have dinner'' The City mouse Said They Started to eat At this moment they heard the SOUnd Of PeOPIe?S VOiCeSU Run! RUn away!, the City mouse ShOUted TWO mice ran and Cried
12、in fear" Oh, my heart WaS in my mouth, n the COUntry mouse said, n I am going back to the filed to eat the bad WithOUt fear n快速判斷:The City mouse IiVed in fearThe COUntry mouse didn?t Iike to eat good foodThe City mouse didn?t Iike to eat bad foodThe COUntry mouse WaS happy in the field.選擇填空:1 T
13、he COUntry mouse and the City mouse met in the A. City B. field C garden2 The COUntry mouse doesn?t Iike to A. IiVe in the City B. eat good food C. IiVe in the COUntry 3 The COUntry mouse WaS going back to the A. City B. City mouse?S home C. field4 TWO nice Were afraid Of in this StOry.A. CatS B. Pe
14、OPIe C food(3) We HaVe the Same MOtherBen and Jinl are twin brothers They are nine They are PUPiIS They StUdy in YUXin PrimarySChOol They are in the Same CIaSS EVeryday they go to SChOOI and COme back togetherTheir teacher, MrS Green, SayS to the PUPiISJ n PIeaSe Write a COmPOSitiOn ,My MOther? MJin
15、l is a good boy. He WriteS the COmPOSitiOn at home BUt Ben PIayS footb all With his friendsThe next day MrS Green SayS to the class, n I read your COmPOSitiOnS today. BUt two Of yours are just the Same'' Ben StandS UP and says, n Jiin and I are twins We have the Same motheer n快速判斷:They are t
16、wins, SO they have the Same motherThey are brothers SO they have the Same parents.They are twins, SO they are good PUPiISThey have the Same mother, SO their COmPOSitiOnS are the Same 填空:1 Jim and Ben are 2 Jim and Ben are in Primery SChOol.3 The title Of the COmPOSitiOn is " "4. is a good
17、StUdentJ he WriteS the COmPOSitiOn. 3 Ben does not With his friends六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)閱讀練習(xí)(十二)DO YOU Want Me To TelI a Lie?MUmmy: WhiCh apple do you want, Dick?Dick: The biggest one, MUnImy.MUmmy: What? YOU ShOUld be POIite and PiCk the IittIe One Dick: ShOUld I tell a Iie just to be polite, Munny?快速判斷:1 MUmmy ha
18、ve two PearS()2 DiCk WantS to eat the big One() 3 Mummy WantS DiCk to eat the big One()4. DiCk eats the big one, because he doesn?t Want to tell a Iie()GOOd NeWSJinl is a Primary SChOOI StUdent, he?S in Grade TWO now. He has a round face and WearS glasses He IikeS football and SWinIming BUt today he
19、?S not at SChOol He?S ill He?S in bed He had a bad COId He must Stay in bed for a Week BUt that?S a good news for him, because he doesn?t IikeSChO ol快速判斷:1 Jinl WareS glasses()2 Jiin doesn?t Iike footbal 1. ( ) 3. Jim isn?t at SChOol He?S ill. ( ) 4. Jinl is ill, SO he is Very Sad()5 Jinl has a bad
20、cold, he can?t go to SChOol.()6. Jinl IikeS school.()選擇填空:1 Jim is a StUdentA: Primary SChOOI B: middle SChOOI C: SeniOr SChOOI 2 Jinl is in Grade A: TOO B: Three C: TWO3 Jim IikeS A: basketball B: football C: table tennis 4. Jiin is in bed because A: he is tired B: he is ill C: he is SIeePy 3 Jinl
21、must Stay in bed forA: a day B: a Week C: two WeekSDeliCiOUS BirdA rich man WantS to give his mother a birthday present, but WhatWilI be the best one? One day hefinds a amazing bird in the market, it Can talk in twelve IangUageS and Sing ten famous OPeraSIlIlnediateIy he buys the bird and SendS it t
22、o his mother It COStS him $ 50, 000.The next day he PhOneS to his mother:n What do you think Of the bird, mother?"Oh , it?S Very delicious n HiS mother answers.快速判斷:1 The rich man SendS his mother a bird for birthday. ( ) 2 The bird is Very CIeVer()3. The bird Can Sing and dance()4 The bird is
23、Very expensive()5 The rich man?S mother eats the bird() 選擇 填空:1. The rich man SendS a birthday PreSentA: his Wife B: his mother2 The bird Can A: talk in twelve IangUageS B: Sing two famous OPeraS 3. The bird Very A: CheaP B: expensive4. HiS mother thinks A: the bird is CIeVer B: the bird is deliciou
24、s六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)閱讀練習(xí)(十三)Gary and DOnkeyGary goes to the market to SelI his donkey When he feels third, he gets On it. After a WhiIe J afriend COmeS and asks him: " Where are you going?, U I?m going to SelI my donkey n AnSWerSGary. "Oh, my god! , he cries, "Where?S my doney? " What?” HiS fr
25、iend IaUghS and says, " Aren?tyou riding a donkey?快速判斷:1 Gary WantS to SelI his donkey()2 Gary rides his donkey to the market()3 gary IOSeS his donkey()4. Gary?S friend rides the donkey.()選擇填空:1 Gary goes to SelI A: his ChiCken B: his goat C: his donkey 2 He feels J SO he gets OntO the donkeyA:
26、 thirsty B: tired C: hungry3. He meets On the way.A: his brother B: his friend C: his donkey 4. Gary can?t find A: his friend B: his donkey C: his father(二)A CIeVer CrOWA CrOW is thirsty He finds a bottle With a IittIe in it BUt the neck Of the bottle is too long, theCrOW can?t get the Water The CrO
27、W thinks and thinks, and then he has a good idea He PUtS SOmePebbIeS in the bottle, the Water rises up. NOW he Can drink the Water %rhat a CIeVer crow!快速判斷:The CrOW WantS to drinks Water()There isn?t any Water in the bottle()the bottle?S neck is too long,SO the CrOW can?t get the Water()The CrOW dri
28、nks Water at IaSt()The CrOW is Very CIeVer()選擇填空:1 The CrOW is A: hungry B: tired C: thirsty2 The bottle?S neck is A: too IOng B: too ShOrt C: too big3 The CrOW PUtS man in the bottleA: StiCkS B: PebbIeS C: bricks4. The CrOW is A: StUPid B: CleVer C: naughty(Zl)The Man and the MOnkeyA monkey IikeS m
29、iming man?S action. One day a man WantS to PIay a joke On the monkey FirSt he gives the monkey a banana SO When he PeeIS the banana, the monkey peels, too. Heeats, the monkey eats, the monkey eats. He SliIiIeSJ the monkey smiles. He PretendS angry, themonkey ShOWS an angry face At last, the man PiCk
30、S UP a StOne and PretendS to hit his head byhimself, but the monkey makes a face to him and do an action. That is to Say UHOW StUPid youare! ”快速判斷:1 The monkey Can mime man?S action.()2 The monkey can?t eat the banana()3 The man hits himself With a stick. ( ) 4. The monkey is Very clever.()選擇填空:1. T
31、he monkey is A: naughty B: StUPid 2 The man gives the monkey A: an apple B: a banana C: a PeaCh3 The man PretendS to hit himself With A: a bone B: a StiCk C; a StOne4. The monkey thinks A: the man is CIeVer B: the man is StUPid六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)閱讀練習(xí)(十四)MagiC WOrdSHello! I?m Mr BIaCk I Iike fishing Very much I Of
32、ten go fishing in the Sea EVery time I getmany fish home My neighbours are Very SUrPriSed They Often askme: UHOW Can you get SO manyfish?n I always tell them: T have magic WOrdS When I am fishing, I WilI CIOSe my eyes and murmur, ? Fish, fish, Send me a fish? Then the fish COmeS' DO you believe
33、me? HaVe a try!快速判斷:1 Mr. BIaCk IikeS fishing Very much()2 Mr. BIaCk Often goes fishing in the river()3 Mr. BIaCk naver fishes One fish()4 Mr BIaCk Often fishes many because he has magic WOrdS()選擇填空:1. Mr BIaCk IikeS A: SWimming B: fishing C: ShOPPing 2. He Often goes fishing in the A: river B: POnd
34、 C: Sea 3. Mr BIaCk Often fishes A: many B: IittIe 4 The neighbours are at SO many fishA: happy B: SCared C: SUrPriSed5 Mr BIaCk WilI and Say his magic WOrdSA: CIOSe his mouth B: CIOSe his eyesOne YUan and Ten YUanTom: MUnL I SaVe you One yuan today.Mum: HOW Can you do it?Tom: I run home after the b
35、usMum: Good! TOmOrrOW you Can run after a taxi, then you Can SaVe ten yuan.Why Are YOU SO Sad?MrS Green : Why are you SO sad?MrS BrOWn: BeCaUSe I IOSt my Cat IaSt WeekMrS Green: I?In SO SOrry. BUt Why don?t you Write SOmething On thePaPer and Send it to the newspaper that you Want it back?MrS BrOWn:
36、 Don?t be SO SiIly. She is a JaPaneSe Cat and She can?t read EngIiSh newspaper選擇填空:1 Sad means A: happy B: glad C: nice D: UnhaPPy 2 IOSt a Cat A: MrS BrOWn B: Mr BrOWn C: MrS Green D: Mr Green 3. MrS Green asks MrS BrOWn to WrOte SOmething to the A:MrS BrOWn B: MrS Green C: Cat D: newspaper 4 is Si
37、Ily. A: MrSBrOWn B: Mr BrOWn C: MrS Green D: Mr Green 5 "She" in the IaSt SentenCe means A: MrS Green B: MrS BrOWn C: Cat D: nobody(四)They Can?t UnderStand MeSon: MUm J I SPOke to EngliSh PeOPIe in EngliShMum: English? YOU Iearn OnIy a Iittie English, Can you UnderStandthem? Son: It doesn?
38、t matter! BUt they can?t UnderStand me!快速判斷:1 The boy?S EngIiSh is Very good()2 He SPOke to ChineSe PeOPIe in EngliSh()3. The PeOPIe can?t UnderStand him()4 The SOn can?t UnderStand them()六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)閱讀練習(xí)(十五)(一)IS BOd In ,(請(qǐng)把Betty與TiIn之間的對(duì)話重新排列,使句意通順)Betty Tiln1. Hello! 6503794. 6. Hello, Bob.2 Bye! 7 OK.
39、ThankS GOOdbye! 3 Oh, sorry! He?S not at home 8.Hi, Betty. ThiS is Tim.4 No, this is Betty HOW are you?5 Fine, thanks, Tim. 9. IS BOb in? Betty?What WilI the Weather Be Tomorrow?Lily: Mum, What WilI the Weather be tomorrow?Mum: Maybe it?ll be rainy. Maybe it?ll be sunny.Lily: I don?t Iike rain. WilI
40、 it be sunny?Mum: SOrryJ I don?t know. I?In not you Care the Weather tomorrow?Lily: TOmOrrOW is SUnday. I WantMum: It SOUndS WOnderfU1. I do hope And you Can enjoythe Weatherman. By the way, Why do to fly my kite in Xinghai SQUarethe Weather tomorrow WilI be fineyourself Look! It?S 7:2O. Let?S IiSten to the Weather forecast OK?Lily: OK! That?S a good idea Ten minutes IaterJ I?ll know theWeather tomorrow in Dalian. Thank you, Mum.回
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