新世紀英語高一第一冊和第二冊units 1--8 單元基礎(chǔ)詞匯知識要點梳理_第1頁
新世紀英語高一第一冊和第二冊units 1--8 單元基礎(chǔ)詞匯知識要點梳理_第2頁
新世紀英語高一第一冊和第二冊units 1--8 單元基礎(chǔ)詞匯知識要點梳理_第3頁
新世紀英語高一第一冊和第二冊units 1--8 單元基礎(chǔ)詞匯知識要點梳理_第4頁
新世紀英語高一第一冊和第二冊units 1--8 單元基礎(chǔ)詞匯知識要點梳理_第5頁
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1、新世紀英語第一冊Unit One OccupationsText (課文練習(xí))Translate the following sentences into English (1) 烹調(diào)有各種不同的方法。(various) There are various ways of cooking .(2) 我決定聽從她的建議,早點兒睡覺。(follow) I decided to follow her advice and went to bed early.(3) 這支醫(yī)療隊由兩名外科醫(yī)生和四名護士組成。(make up of) The medical team is made up of two

2、surgeons and four nurses.(4) 你長大后想做什么?(grow up) What are you going to take up/ follow when you grow up?(5) 警方懷疑這兩起案件可能有關(guān)聯(lián)。(link)The police suspect that the two crimes may be linked.(6) 第二起交通事故涉及兩輛小汽車和一輛卡車。(involve) The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.(7) 律師仔細地將程序解釋給我們聽。(explain) The la

3、wyer carefully explained the procedure to us.(8) 女孩的臉上帶著幸福的笑容。 (wear) The girl is wearing a happy smile.(9) 音樂會有大量的觀眾。(audience) There was a large audience at the concert.(10) 男孩比女孩在做警察方面更受到偏愛。(favour) Boys are favoured over girls as policemen.(11) 許多家庭收集報紙以廢物利用。(collect) Many families collect newsp

4、apers for recycling.(12) 努力工作帶來成功。(produce) Hard work produces success.(13) 越來越苛刻的環(huán)境條例對經(jīng)濟的增長可能產(chǎn)生不利的影響。 (impact) Tougher environmental laws could have a negative impact on economic growth.(14) 俱樂部的成員包括各行業(yè)的人。(walk) The members of the club include people from all walks of life.(15) 暴力犯罪的增加是一種新的趨勢。(tren

5、d)The rise in violent crime is a disturbing new trend(16) 他給孩子的喉部動了手術(shù),從而救了他的命。(operate) He operated on the boys throat, and saved his life.Supplementary Reading Translation1. 高中畢業(yè)生 大學(xué)畢業(yè)生(graduate)High school graduate university graduate 她是第一中學(xué)的畢業(yè)生 She is a graduate of NO.1 School.克蕾絲以優(yōu)異成績從高中畢業(yè)了。(gra

6、duate)Chris graduated from high school with honors.2. 他的教書生涯非常成功。(career)His teaching career has been a great success.3. 他堅持說自己沒病,不應(yīng)該被送去醫(yī)院。(insist)He insisted that he was all right and shouldnt be sent to hospital.4. 我還沒有把握該做些什么。(sure)I m not sure of what to do./ Im not sure what I ought to do.5. 糟糕

7、的管理導(dǎo)致了工廠的倒閉。(management)Bad management led to the failure of the factory.6. 對你所做的一切,我非常感激。(grateful)Im so grateful to you for all that youve done.7. 盡管我不喜歡他,但他是個優(yōu)秀的人。(even though)He is an excellent man, even though I dont like him.8. 我們已經(jīng)決定盡一切努力救火中的孩子。(make up ones mind)We have made up our minds to

8、save the child in the fire with all possible means.9. 你能獨自完成這項工作嗎?Can you finish the work on your own?10. 不要半途放棄你的計劃。(give up)Dont give up your plan half way.11. 我們對待困難應(yīng)采取積極態(tài)度。(attitude)We should take a positive attitude towards hardship.12. 他對物理一點也不感興趣。(take)He takes no interest in physics.Unit One

9、 Occupations 詞組句型Book One Unit One Occupations1、來自各行業(yè)的人們 1、people from all walks of life2、從事不同職業(yè)2、take up different occupations3、生死攸關(guān)3、the difference between life and death4、毫無例外4、without exception5、教育機構(gòu)5、educational institution (可數(shù))6、接待客人6、receive(/greet) people7、作為秘書男孩比女孩更受歡迎7、Girls are favored ov

10、er boys as a secretary 8、學(xué)習(xí)新知識8、acquire new knowledge9、某人被卷入某事;某人參與某事某事牽涉到某人9、sb. be/get involved in sthEg. Many people were involved in the fight.sth. involve sb.eg. The fight involved many people.10、老師給學(xué)生打分。授課布置作業(yè)批改試卷10、Teachers give grades to their students.give/ explain lessonsgive/ assign homew

11、orkcorrect/ mark test papers11、老師對學(xué)生的影響是終身的。11、Teachers impact on their students stays all through their lives.12、給病人動手術(shù)12、operate on sick people13、修復(fù)不正常的器官13、repair the organs that no longer work properly14、有大量觀眾14、have a large audience15、今天他的發(fā)型很怪。15、He is wearing a strange hair-style today.16、對于英語

12、學(xué)習(xí)采取積極的態(tài)度16、take a positive attitude towards English study17、年輕人應(yīng)該自己選定學(xué)習(xí)科目。17、Young people should decide their course of study for themselves.18、下定決心18、make up ones mind to do sth./ about sth.19、我決定學(xué)習(xí)商業(yè)管理。19、I decide to take up/ study business management20、從事教書的職業(yè)從事醫(yī)生的職業(yè)從事律師的職業(yè)20、follow a teaching c

13、areerfollow a doctors careerfollow the law21、對某事感興趣21、take an interest in sth.22、獨自做出重大決定22、make a great decision on ones own23、他放棄了在政府部門的工作。23、He gave up his government service.24、愿意做某事24、choose to do sth.Eg. He chose to leave right away instead of staying there.25、老板和客戶間的橋梁25、a link between the bo

14、ss and the visitors26、制定計劃和時刻表26、work out plans and timetables Unit TwoTranslation:1、 站在這美麗的森林中,他情不自禁的深呼吸。( can t help but )Standing in the beautiful forest, he couldnt help but have a deep breath2、 她出身于醫(yī)學(xué)世家。( come from )She came from a medical family.3、 在經(jīng)歷了一次又一次的失敗后,他終于成功了。(one after another )Havi

15、ng had one failure after another, he finally succeeded.4、 中國加入世貿(mào)組織后,一大批外資公司涌入了上海。( a great number of )Since China entered WTO, a great number of foreign companies have flooded into Shanghai.5、 她的父母忙于工作,因此她在年幼時就學(xué)會了照顧自己。( at an early age )Her parents were busy with their work, so she learnt how to tak

16、e care of herself at an early age.6、 他想知道怎樣才能表現(xiàn)運動中的人體美。( in motion )He wanted to know how to represent the beautiful human body in motion.7、 他30歲時被公認為是當(dāng)時杰出的雕塑家之一。( regard as )By the time he was thirty, he was regarded as one of the outstanding sculptors of the age.8、 乘公共汽車從這兒到機場至少要花一個小時。( It )It tak

17、es at least one hour to get to the airport from here by air.9、 你相信我不知道昨天所發(fā)生的一切事情嗎?( that )Do you believe that I dont know all the things that happened yesterday?10、她最終拒絕了去當(dāng)秘書。( turn down )Finally she turned down the job of being a secretary.11、他又帥體型又健壯,深受同學(xué)的喜愛。(well-built)He is handsome and well-bui

18、lt, so hes quite popular among his classmates.12、Mary總是把她的房間弄的井井有條。(order)Mary always keeps her room in order.13、這道數(shù)學(xué)題是如此復(fù)雜以至于Tom花了半個小時才解出來。(tricky)The math problem was so tricky that it took Tom half an hour to solve it.14、她是一個能力很強的秘書,所以總是受到老板表揚。(capable)She is a very capable secretary, so she is o

19、ften praised by the boss.15、他為殘疾兒童開辦了一所特殊學(xué)校。(handicapped)He set up a special school for handicapped children.16、我們把昨天拍的幾張照片拿去洗了。(develop)We had the photos that had been taken yesterday developed.17、由于他經(jīng)常遲到,他被革職了。(remove)He was removed from his job because he was always late for work.18、注意不要把鹽和糖搞混了。(

20、mix)Please try not to mix the salt with the sugar.19、警察搜查了整幢房屋以找到殺人兇手。(search)The police searched the whole house for the murderer.20、我們應(yīng)該對生活充滿信心,努力去實現(xiàn)我們的夢想。(confidence)We should be full of confidence in our life and try hard to realize our dreams.Unit Two 詞組句型1. be remembered as被作為(為人)懷念2. be/come

21、from來自/出生于3. at an early age年紀尚小時4. belong to屬于5. oneafter another一個又一個6. by the time不遲于7. regardas把視作8. give a task布置任務(wù)9. at first起初10. turn down拒絕11. notbut不是而是12. agree to do同意做13. shut up隔離;封閉14. get ready to do準備好做15. work alone獨自工作16. get through經(jīng)歷/檢查/用完17. lie on ones back/chest仰/俯臥18. as a r

22、esult(of)作為的結(jié)果19. become used to(doing)習(xí)慣于 used to do過去常常20. ever since自此后21. all over the world全世界22. a great number of許多的/大量的23. home and overseas海內(nèi)外的24. cant help but do禁不住做25. be closely related to與密切相關(guān)26. manage to do設(shè)法(成功)做到27. at the beginning(of)一開始28. meet with遭遇29. no doubt毫無疑問30. in this/

23、that way以這/那樣的方式31. in motion運動中32. be modest about謙虛的33. be selfless/selfish無/自私的34. admire sb. for欽佩某人什么35. lose heart喪失信心36. full of confidence in對充滿信心37. fight against與作斗爭38. well-built體格健美的39. develop films沖洗膠片40. take a picture of照相41. removefrom移除/免去42. (be)quick and orderly快而有序的43. except fo

24、r除了(不包括)44. mix up混淆45. keepin order有序的保存46. search for搜尋47. feel sorry for對感到難過/遺憾 Unit ThreeTranslation (Text)1. 我一直想知道是誰先說出這個簡單的事實。(utter)I have often wondered who first uttered that simple truth.2. 我覺得這么做是一件可恥的事。(shame)I think it a shame to behave like that.3. 這個小男孩吸引了我的注意力。(attention)The little

25、 boy caught my attention.4. 我是如此生氣,以至于想朝他扔?xùn)|西。(feel like)I was so angry that I felt like throwing something at him.5. 這個小女孩盯著櫥窗里的玩具。(stare)The little girl stared at the toys in the window.6. 要是她發(fā)現(xiàn)你把她的書弄丟了將會怎么樣呢?(what if)What if she finds out that youve lost her book?7. 你們最后將有機會提問任何問題。(opportunity)You

26、ll have the opportunity to ask any questions a the end.8. 請給我一些關(guān)于如何省錢的實用建議。(tip) Please give me some useful tips on how to save money.9. 他開始羅羅嗦嗦地講訴自己的工作。(launch)He launched into an account of his career. 10. 研究顯示,飲食習(xí)慣正迅速改變。(indicate) Translation (Additional Reading)Research indicates that eating hab

27、its are changing fast.1. 他看過這部電影了,但是沒有做任何評論。(comment)He had seen the film, but made no comments on it.2. 她肯定很早就走了,因為她沒有在早餐時間露面。She must have gone out early, for she had not shown up for breakfast.3工作過多,休息過少,常常導(dǎo)致疾病。Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness.4. 笑了一下,以此來回復(fù)我的建議。He responde

28、d to my suggestion with laugh.5. 如果客人不能按時回復(fù)邀請,主人可能無法準備適量的食品和飲料。(amount)If guests dont answer the invitation on time, the host cannot possibly plan for the correct amount of food and drink. 16我們一直后悔賣掉了農(nóng)場。(regret)Weve always regretted selling the farm.7我向他提供飲料,但是她沒有理睬 (respond)I offered him a drink bu

29、t he didnt respond to my offer.8我希望我們能在截止前完成這項任務(wù)。(deadline)I hope we can finish this task before the deadline.9他處事不顧及他人。(regard)He acts without any regard for other people.10我們準時完成了我們的試驗。(schedule)We finished our experiment on schedule.11你究竟欠他多少錢?(owe)How much on earth do you owe him?Unit Three 詞組句型

30、ride on the bus乘汽車a opportunity for sb. to do做某事的機會practise doing sth.訓(xùn)練做某事get off the bus下車what a shame多遺憾exchange with交換at the same time與此同時pay close attention密切注意feels like想做某事,愿意in return作為報答leave alone不管what if要是如何launch into開始侃侃而談stick to堅持(真理)rather than 而不是comment on評論on the right track路子正確/

31、不對forget to do 忘記去做某事receive an invitation收到邀請allow to do允許 做某事show up到場make a phone call打電話reach out to和 聯(lián)系as soon as possible盡快on time準時the amount of 的數(shù)量hundreds of數(shù)百be sure to do務(wù)必without regard to不考慮lead to導(dǎo)致 Unit Four Text (課文練習(xí))Translate the following sentences into English 1. 在圣誕節(jié)這一天許多人到教堂去慶祝

32、耶穌誕生。 (celebrate)On Christmas Day, many people go to church to celebrate the birth of Christ.2. 母親節(jié)是每年五月的第二個星期天。(fall on)Mothers Day falls on the second Sunday of May every year. 3. 在春節(jié)燃放煙火是人們的一個習(xí)俗。(let off)Its a custom for people to let off fireworks during the Spring Festival. 4. 今年國慶節(jié)我們放了一星期的假。(h

33、ave off)We had a week off for National Day this year. 5. 孩子們被商店櫥窗里的玩具吸引住了。(fascinate)The children were fascinated by the toys in the shop window.6. 這個問題與他個人的不幸經(jīng)歷有關(guān)。(connect with)This problem is connected with his sad personal experience.7. 他們明年搬家,父母打算將女兒的房間裝飾得色彩絢麗些。(in bright colours)They are moving

34、 next year, and the parents plan to have their daughters room decorated in bright colours.8. 為了趕走睡意,他一小時內(nèi)喝了五杯咖啡。(keep away)To keep away drowsiness, he drank up five cups of coffee within an hour.9. 開學(xué)典禮上,校長對師生們做了非常有意義和內(nèi)容豐富的演說。(deliver a speech)At the opening ceremony, the headmaster delivered a mean

35、ingful and informative speech to the teachers and students.10. 中秋節(jié)也被稱作是家庭團聚的節(jié)日。(family reunion)Mid-Autumn Festival is also called family reunion Festival.11. 他在奧運會上獲得了一枚金牌從而在職業(yè)生涯上達到了頂峰時期。(round off)He rounded off his professional career by winning a gold medal in the Olympics .12. 晚飯后他坐下來和他的朋友在網(wǎng)上聊天。

36、(sit down to)He sat down to chatting online with his friends after supper.13. 他的身體狀況時好時壞。(vary from to)His health varies from good to rather weak.14. Julie下定決心改過自新更加努力學(xué)習(xí)。(turn over a new leaf)Julie decided to turn over a new leaf and study harder.Unit Four 詞組句型1. 在某一天1. fall on2. 復(fù)活節(jié)彩蛋2. Easter eggs

37、3. 主要的商業(yè)機構(gòu)3. major businesses4. 慶祝圣誕節(jié)4. observe Christmas5. 用絢麗的顏色5. in bright colours6. 彩燈6. coloured lights7. 致辭7. deliver a message8. 坐下來從事;開始結(jié)束進行8. sit down to 9. 使圓滿結(jié)束9. round off 10. 與有關(guān)10. be connected with11. 圣誕夜11. Christmas Eve12. 放幾星期的假12. have several weeks off13. 感恩節(jié)13. Thanksgiving Day

38、14. 家庭團聚14. Family reunion15. 圣誕老人15. Santa Claus/Father Christmas16. 順著煙囪下來16. come down the chimney17. 專營圣誕節(jié)的裝飾品17. specialize in Christmas decorations18. 辭舊迎新18. say good-bye to the old and hello to the new19. 陰/陽歷19. the lunar/solar calendar20. 慶祝新年20. observe /celebrate the New Year21. 重要的事情21.

39、 a big deal22. 從到的變化22. vary from to23. 驅(qū)走厄運23. keep away misfortunes24. 把看作24. viewas25. 點燃煙火25. let off fireworks26. 倒記時26. count down27. 午夜鐘聲最后一響時27. at the stroke of midnight28. 翻開新的一頁28. turn over a new leaf Unit 5 PetsTranslation1 除了這家工廠,他還負責(zé)一家公司。 (in addition to)In addition to the factory, he

40、 is in charge of a company.2 這位老人很孤獨,所以他養(yǎng)了一只狗來陪伴他。(keepcompany)The old man felt lonely, so he raised a dog to keep him company.3 火車快開了,他在最后一刻終于出現(xiàn)了。(turn up)The train was leaving and he turned up at the last moment.4 沒有人能避免這事的發(fā)生。(prevent)Nobody can prevent the thing from happening.5 如果被狗咬了,你就可能會染上一種可

41、怕的疾病狂犬病。(infect)If you are bitten by a dog, you may be infected with a terrible diseaserabies.6 他們正學(xué)著依靠自己,這樣很好。(rely on)They are learning to rely on themselves, which is very good.7 科學(xué)家正在努力追蹤失去聯(lián)系的人造衛(wèi)星。(track)Scientists are trying to track the lost satellite.8 要把糖和鹽分開是不容易的。(tellapart)It is not so eas

42、y to tell sugar and salt apart.9 我好不容易擠進人群,買回兩張票。(make ones way)I made my way into the crowd and bought back two tickets.10. 從某種程度上來說,這個工作做的很好。(in a way)The work was well done in a way.11. 紅軍在長征中走過25000里的路程。(cover)The Red Army covered a distance of 25000 li during the Long March.12. 如果沒有人要這本書,我們就給他吧

43、。(might as well)If no one else wants the book, we might as well give it to him.13.這個故事一代一代傳下去。(pass on)The story is passed on from generation to generation.14. 如果你想學(xué)好英語,你應(yīng)該有好的語感。(sense)If you want to learn English well, you should have a good sense of language.15. 據(jù)說蒼蠅會引起疾病。(breed)It is said that fl

44、ies will breed diseases.Unit Five Pets 詞組句型充當(dāng)work as嗅出smell out追蹤動物的氣味track the scent of animals除之外in addition to在某種程度上in a way與某人分享某物share sth. with sb.和做伴keep sb. company嗅覺sense of smell把區(qū)分開tellapart走過距離cover a distance of隆冬in the depths of winter顯示的癥狀show symptoms受感染be infected with把傳給pass on不久以后

45、shortly after防止發(fā)生guard against輪流,依次take turns一歲大的孩子one-year-old boy(輪胎)脫落come off上樓go upstairs突然all of a sudden過了一會after a while幾乎不能呼吸can hardly breathe失火be on fire絆倒在.上stumble over最好還是might as well遺留,遺忘leavebehind偶然遇到knock into發(fā)出哭聲let out a cry尖著嗓門叫shout at the top of ones voice朝前進make ones way搖尾巴w

46、ag ones tail羊群,鳥群a flock of sheep/ goats/ birds(指人)成群結(jié)隊come in flocks犯罪現(xiàn)場the scene of crime提高聲音raise ones voice籌款raise money引起懷疑raise doubts發(fā)出歡呼聲、叫聲raise a cheer/cry新品種的玫瑰花a new breed of rose知書達理的年輕女士a well-bred young lady繁殖季節(jié)the breeding season田徑項目track and field events掌握/失去的線索keep/lose track of清楚,

47、明白make sense/ make sense of明智的決定a sensible decision敏感的女孩a sensitive girl一代一代傳下去pass sth on from generation to generation處于戒備/疏忽狀態(tài)be on guard/off (ones) guard防止事故;預(yù)防疾病guard against accident/diseaseUnit Six Cartoons and Comic Strips (課文練習(xí))Translate the following sentences into English(1) 羞恥感、危險感 (feel

48、ing)a feeling of shame/ danger表達/流露情感express/ show ones feelings好感/惡感 good/ ill feelings(2) 他努力用文字來表達他的所見所聞。(o words)He is trying to put what he saw and heard into words.(3) 除了干面包和水,他們沒有被給予其它食物作為晚餐。(other than)They were given nothing other than dry bread and water for their evening meal.事實真相與

49、你想的完全不同。(other than)The truth is quite other than what you think.(4) 遇到危險時你應(yīng)保持鎮(zhèn)靜。(keep)You should keep calm when you are in danger.對不起,讓你久等了。(keep)Sorry to keep you waiting.(5) 我到處尋找我的襪子。(hunter)Ive been hunting everywhere for my socks.(6) 交通工具(means) means of transportation一種表達情感的新方法。(means) a new

50、means of expressing ones feeling富人(means) a man of means 入不敷出(means) to live beyond ones means(7) 這條規(guī)則就這樣形成了。(come into being)Thus the regulation came into being.(8) 用快件把這封信寄出去。(express)Send the letter by express. 特快列車 an express train(9) 新機器的運轉(zhuǎn)速度將提高一倍,從而降低成本。(thus)The new machines will work twice a

51、s fast, thus greatly reducing costs.(10) 暑假中你作何消遣? (amuse)How do you amuse yourself during the summer vacation?.(11) 我應(yīng)該說這次實驗是不成功的。(describe)I should describe the attempt as unsuccessful.(12) 幽默感 (humour) a sense of humour(13) 握住邊上的把手。(hold)Hold it by the handle at the side.人們一度認為地球是扁的。(hold)People

52、once held that the earth was flat.(14) 醫(yī)生們正在研究一種治療肺癌的新技術(shù)。(technique)Doctors are developing a new technique for treating lung cancer.(15) 這兩個問題的特點很不相同。(character)The two problems are quite different in character. 漢字 Chinese characters(16) 這家書店的書價格從5元到25元不等。(range)The books in this store range in pric

53、e from 5 yuan to 25 yuan./The prices of books in this store range from 5 yuan to 25 yuan.(17) 我們都很同情那些洪災(zāi)的受害者。(sympathy)We all have great sympathy for the victims of the flood.我們贊同你的觀點。We are in sympathy with your views.(18) 輕快的歌曲 生動的描述 靈敏的頭腦(lively)A lively song a lively description a lively mind(19) 你必須更換廚房的燈泡。(replace)You must replace the lamp in the kitchen. (20) 我們必須把兇犯繩之以法。(bringto justice)We must bring


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