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1、民營企業(yè)人力資源管理轉型升級的九大方略 20世紀70年代,現(xiàn)代管理理論誕生,其主要代表為馬斯洛、戴爾·卡內基、麥戈里格和哈羅德·孔茨,代表著作為馬斯洛的人類動機理論和動機和人、戴爾·卡內基的如何羸得朋友和影響人們、哈羅德·孔茨的管理理論的叢林。此外,麥戈里格的X理論、Y理論也發(fā)揮了巨大的影響。    現(xiàn)代型管理理論的主要觀點為:“人的自我實現(xiàn)要求為企業(yè)發(fā)展創(chuàng)新的最大動力,因此,企業(yè)管理必須以發(fā)揮人的主動性和創(chuàng)造性為根本取向?!狈磳Π讶俗兂蓪崿F(xiàn)利潤的機器,反對人在規(guī)則化、標準化、程序化的重復工作中喪失人性尊

2、嚴和主動創(chuàng)造性,在管理理論中摻入了西方“民主、人權、自由”的基本社會價值觀念。    現(xiàn)代管理理論主張在企業(yè)日常管理過程中更偏重于對人性的尊重,主張用人的創(chuàng)造性和主動精神來實現(xiàn)企業(yè)效益增長,有著強烈的人本主義傾向。受現(xiàn)代化理論影響,歐美企業(yè)紛紛對本企業(yè)的管理模式進行改革,在企業(yè)人力資源的管理中更多地尊重員工個性、尊重員工首創(chuàng)精神,諸如彈性工作制一類的人性化工作方法應運而生。在這種強調人性解放的管理革命中,歐美企業(yè)的效益實現(xiàn)了最大幅度的增長。20世紀六、七十年代的西方“新技術革命浪潮”就是這種變革的直接產物。    

3、對歐美企業(yè)管理模式進行總結,我們可以得出這樣一個公式:經驗型管理階段(工業(yè)革命開始)科學型管理階段(20世紀初開始)現(xiàn)代型管理階段(20世紀60年代開始),其中實現(xiàn)了兩次大飛躍。在管理方式上,經驗型管理是人治,科學型管理是法治,現(xiàn)代型管理是文治;曾水良認為,民營企業(yè)人力資源的管理模式的人才結構是從未進行戰(zhàn)略轉移時沿襲下來的現(xiàn)實結構,并沒有從企業(yè)由經驗型管理階段科學型管理階段現(xiàn)代型管理階段升級而重新進行新的規(guī)劃與調整。    不同環(huán)境、不同企業(yè)發(fā)展階段中,企業(yè)員工應整合在一個創(chuàng)新價值導向的激勵機制之中,獲得人才競爭力。高素質的專業(yè)人才與管理人才是民營企業(yè)目

4、前最稀缺的資源,企業(yè)發(fā)展越快對人才的需求就越大,任何企業(yè)如果不能從企業(yè)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略的高度,以現(xiàn)代化、國際化、市產化的眼光看待人力資源的管理問題,其發(fā)展遲早會遇到瓶頸。曾水良認為,對民營企業(yè)而言,建設現(xiàn)代化的人力資源管理體系,必須要有效把握以下九大要素:    一、人才激勵機制歸屬感長期化    從重視企業(yè)目標的企劃到形成一套有效的業(yè)績指導、業(yè)績評價和業(yè)績輔導改進體系,以及建立以此相適應的報酬激勵制度、人員培訓與開發(fā)計劃、人員進退升遷制度和形成相應工作流程程序等。曾水良認為,企業(yè)必須要建立起這些規(guī)范化的制度體系和運作程序

5、。跨國公司靠的就是制度的再生產,企業(yè)大了就不能僅僅靠產品,而要靠制度。    沉淀福利制度。有些企業(yè)實行優(yōu)良的福利制度,包括獎金、利潤提成、股份等以吸引人才,但是這些條件不是一次性就能得到,而需要個考察周期,只有在你工作一定年限達到企業(yè)的要求它才能真正變現(xiàn)。上述二項,被譽為企業(yè)留住精英人才的“金手銬”,實踐價值可觀。    股票期權。單純的給人才高工資,已證明不太能發(fā)揮應有效用了,那樣企業(yè)始終沒有人才的利益參與,有必要做些改變以讓他們隨著企業(yè)的成長更清楚地看到希望。    現(xiàn)

6、在成了企業(yè)最能拴住人才心的有力工具,特別是對核心人才來說。通過股票期權,企業(yè)成為“人人有份”的利益共同體,人才成為企業(yè)的主人,更得以長遠分享企業(yè)利益。引入人力資源管理,謀求共同發(fā)展,確保人才“歸屬感”;筆者認為,現(xiàn)代企業(yè)將面臨越來越嚴酷的競爭,這既是一個挑戰(zhàn),也是一種機會,要在競爭中脫穎而出的唯一途徑是充分開發(fā)、科學管理人力資源,這樣才能引導企業(yè)不斷走向成功,要管理好人力這種特殊的稀缺資源,企業(yè)領導必須從思想上轉變觀念,弄清人力資源的管理目標以及與企業(yè)整體戰(zhàn)略、管理環(huán)境、企業(yè)文化的關系。 二、管理人文、人性化保障人才創(chuàng)造力    員工往往在感受

7、到被關心的情況下才會感到自信,并希望這種關心能用金錢或其他無形的東西表示。只有人才感到你在關心他們,才會追隨你,為你賣命干;“錢不是萬能的,但是沒有錢是萬萬不能的。    中國民營企業(yè)老板們說的最多的一個詞匯可能就是“以人為本”,然而如何實踐“以人為本”卻沒有概念,“以人為本”成了自我標榜的“噱頭”。曾水良認為,對于企業(yè)微觀層次的人力資源管理各項運作策略,民營企業(yè)是最欠缺的,沒有具體的運作策略,再好的理念僅僅只是概念。    我們一定要注意,不同的業(yè)務、不同的企業(yè)組織形式等決定了在這些領域中的人力資源管理具體運作操

8、作策略是不一樣的,不能一味地來復制。過于忽視人性是管理的一大失敗,想想不少外資企業(yè)宣揚“尊重人、關心人”的企業(yè)理念,不也正是在這種理念的召喚下人才紛紛涌向的嗎?尊重人才,意味著人才不僅是工作的伙伴,還是生活中的朋友,彼此之間在人格上是同等的;也意味著工作本身不是強迫經理人必須服從。對人才來說,不再是單純被使用,而是在雙方協(xié)商自愿的基礎上,選擇更利于人才成長的工作項目和問題解決之道。    這樣,管理者與人才不再是單純的命令發(fā)布者和被動接受者、實施者,而會很容易地結成事業(yè)上的工作伙伴,工作也就成了人才追求自我實現(xiàn)的一個價值平臺。企業(yè)的人力資源管理政策就會很

9、自然地考慮人才的需求,容易贏得人才的認可和贊同,在此基礎上選擇合適的激勵措施保障其創(chuàng)造力的發(fā)揮。    三、人才競爭機制市場化    沒有市場,就無法建立競爭機制,也實現(xiàn)不了效率。這里的市場有雙層含義:一:包括民營企業(yè)的內部人力資源市場以及外部人力資源市場。規(guī)范化的要求就是要讓企業(yè)把市場選擇作為解決企業(yè)人員“進口”與“出口”的道路。    企業(yè)雖然用人機制企業(yè)雖然用人機制市場化了,但是企業(yè)對員工的勞動價值沒有真正市場化,有的企業(yè)報酬低,員工合法權益得不到保障,企業(yè)保險不落實,

10、員工的后顧之憂得不到解決,加之缺乏科學的管理,等等,沒有體現(xiàn)出待遇留人、事業(yè)留人、感情留人,影響了員工的積極性。    然而,我們必須也要明白,市場化對接機制的規(guī)范化只是基礎。對國外企業(yè)而言,對于建立在科層制企業(yè)組織基礎上的組織構造、薪酬制度、信息采集、評價過程乃至設計方法已是眾所周知。我們建立起來人力資源和市場化對接機制的管理體系,縱然能使我們在國內獲得管理上的優(yōu)勢,但同國外同行企業(yè)相比卻沒有絲毫的優(yōu)勢,在這些領域,西方企業(yè)的管理已經相當成熟。    四、人才契約用工機制國際化   

11、 我國一些民營企業(yè)有一項所謂的“體制內”與“體制外”的用工方式。如是這種現(xiàn)狀,企業(yè)也要建立起體制內的人員怎樣在企業(yè)內部人力資源市場中“進出”的規(guī)則,否則那些“體制外”的人員心理怎么能平衡?要么就打破體制和觀念的束縛建立起統(tǒng)一的契約化社會化用工方式一些民營企業(yè)的人力資源經理就曾向我訴說過多重體制的人員管理方式讓他們工作起來備感苦惱。    當然這里也需要國家對企事業(yè)單位的管理體制要徹底放開。此外,企業(yè)為了保證人才使用上的效率,不同層次人才的市場價格信號將成為企業(yè)確立薪酬水平的重要參照。筆者認為,民營企業(yè)一定要借助現(xiàn)代人力資源管理的先進方法技術,建

12、立規(guī)范化人力資源管理體系,形成高效的人力資源平臺,與國際接軌,才能獲得同國外企業(yè)同臺競技的機會。    五、人才能力培育基因化    我們這個社會需要什么樣的人,我們企業(yè)需要培養(yǎng)什么樣的人,學不適用,學不能用,這原本就是個大課題!社會每時每刻都在改變,我們的企業(yè)隨著社會的改變而改變,那么我們的人才應該怎么樣才能適應企業(yè)的改變呢?曾水良認為,員工培訓是維系企業(yè)生存乃至可持續(xù)發(fā)展的關鍵舉措?,F(xiàn)實情況中,培訓效果與組織期望結果往往相悖,內部成本及外部經濟效應的存在往往使企業(yè)陷人進退兩難的困境。  &#


14、心智模式,改造個人能力與組織力相匹配,力求培訓卓有成效!我們口頭上常講的人才是企業(yè)第一資源是否真正落實呢人才在企業(yè)中是處于什么地位呢,是否是當驢做馬的打工身份呢?要知道忠誠優(yōu)秀的人才,完全是企業(yè)塑造培訓開發(fā)出來的,只是企業(yè)家潛意識里還沒足夠重視。    六、人才職業(yè)生涯規(guī)劃目標化    實施企業(yè)員工職業(yè)生涯的規(guī)劃,設計與管理目的是為企業(yè)長期戰(zhàn)略發(fā)展之需要,尋求企業(yè)發(fā)展目標與員工個人發(fā)展目標的一致性,在充分掌握員工個人生命周期與企業(yè)發(fā)展生命周期之間的關系上,為企業(yè)做好人力資源的開發(fā)與配置。曾水良認為,讓員工了解員工個

15、人生涯與企業(yè)發(fā)展之間的關系,在兼顧企業(yè)利益與員工個人利益的前提下設定個人目標,做到員工個人與企業(yè)間目標一致,行為一致,共同創(chuàng)業(yè),共享成功,并且結合自身的具體情況開展職業(yè)生涯。    企業(yè)實施職業(yè)生涯開發(fā)與管理戰(zhàn)略所需要的基本條件是:以發(fā)展經濟為主的社會安定、以人為中心的企業(yè)管理和有自我發(fā)展意識的企業(yè)員工。置于左側的工作主要由企業(yè)組織實施,置于右側的工作主要由個人完成,而置于中間的工作表示必須由企業(yè)和個人在充分討論、達成共識的基礎上合作進行。    七、人才與組織能力歸核化   

16、0;企業(yè)的核心能力體系是一個動態(tài)的系統(tǒng),它不是一成不變的,需要不斷的完善和發(fā)展,以確保這一體系能夠使企業(yè)獲得競爭優(yōu)勢,實現(xiàn)企業(yè)的戰(zhàn)略目標。兩種情況要求企業(yè)對員工核心能力體系做出調整:隨著環(huán)境的變化,民企的戰(zhàn)略目標及實現(xiàn)戰(zhàn)略目標的途徑也會有所變化,員工核心能力體系必須做出相應的變化。    即使民企在實現(xiàn)戰(zhàn)略成功轉移后,由于競爭者的跟隨和模仿,企業(yè)的員工核心能力體系不再具有獨特性,這時,員工核心能力體系必須做出必要的改變。總之,企業(yè)的員工核心能力體系的建立與發(fā)展是為了獲得企業(yè)競爭優(yōu)勢,實現(xiàn)企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略目標、完成企業(yè)使命。企業(yè)建立了員工核心能力體系并不斷去發(fā)展它

17、,可以使企業(yè)獲得更多的競爭優(yōu)勢,更好地實現(xiàn)目標和使命。    八、企業(yè)文化政工共和化    企業(yè)要可持續(xù)發(fā)展,就必須不斷完善企業(yè)的經營管理體系和企業(yè)文化,管理體系是硬件,文化則是軟件,亦是企業(yè)的靈魂。曾水良認為,一些企業(yè)為了塑造自身的文化形象,在脫離企業(yè)經營管理實際的情況下總結了,一套經營理念或企業(yè)精神。由于這些理念或精神根本不被員工認可,因此這種企業(yè)文化實際上成為一種脫離企業(yè)實際的空談。雖然對于外部的不知情者可能會起到一時的包裝功效,但是對于企業(yè)自身而言,純屬一個漂亮的花瓶,其作用可想而知。  

18、;  企業(yè)缺乏凝聚力和認同感研究表明,一套大家接受的價值觀對企業(yè)來說是十分重要的,提煉企業(yè)員工“認同的企業(yè)文化”以建立共和的企業(yè)政工文化,它可以幫助企業(yè)員工樹立起共同的理想,信念,從而全力以赴地為共同的目標努力。同時它又是構成團結,和諧的人際關系的基礎。請重視“企業(yè)文化”,決定企業(yè)發(fā)展成長的永遠是文化,文化永遠是企業(yè)一切經營管理活動的核心。  九、人才才能發(fā)揮成就化    這是人才成為管理者的最大向往,權力下放就是讓他們看到施展才華的希望。在國外,只要你優(yōu)秀,你就擁有足夠的舞臺,我們也有必要順應世界趨勢,把優(yōu)秀的管

19、理人才推到前臺。如有些企業(yè)實行所有權、經營管理權分離,就是給優(yōu)秀人才足夠的權力空間和相互尊重、彼此信任和充分溝通的組織環(huán)境。重視人才學習、教育,積極幫助其自我成長。    “人才是科學發(fā)展的第一資源,人才優(yōu)勢是最具潛力、最可持續(xù)、最可依靠的優(yōu)勢??茖W發(fā)展觀的核心是以人為本,一方面,企業(yè)在發(fā)展目標上要體現(xiàn)一切為了人,另一方面在發(fā)展動力上要體現(xiàn)一切依靠人。從發(fā)展動力上講,以人為本更多地體現(xiàn)以人才為本。曾水良認為,老板要努力建設一個人的才華受到充分尊重、人才價值得到充分承認的企業(yè),人才才能得到最大限度的發(fā)揮,一個不僅物質財富不斷豐富、而且各類人才充分涌流的企業(yè)

20、。老板要堅持人才優(yōu)先的理念,堅持人才投入是效益最大的投入,人才開發(fā)是最具潛力的開發(fā),人才引進是最具價值的引進,做到人才資源優(yōu)先開發(fā)、人才結構優(yōu)先調整、人才資本優(yōu)先積累、人才制度優(yōu)先創(chuàng)新,以人才優(yōu)先發(fā)展引領和帶動企業(yè)發(fā)展。老板要懷著求賢若渴的心態(tài)愛護愛惜人才、理解信任人才、包容激勵人才,在培養(yǎng)上”揚長補短“,在使用上”揚長避短“,在保護上”揚長容短“,讓尊重、愛惜、寬容、激勵人才蔚然成風。    拿破侖說,“一個人最大的幸福就是自己的才能得到最大限度的發(fā)揮”。老板們必須努力使職業(yè)經理人和各部門主管能夠在公司的日常工作中得到最大的幸福,讓他們感到公司就是自己

21、才能得到最大發(fā)揮的場所,除此之外,他們不再有另尋一番天地發(fā)揮才能的想法。    曾水良認為,企業(yè)管理的兩大方面管人和管事而言,管事易而管人難,因為人是活動的、復雜的、有七情六欲和價值取向的。故,企業(yè)領導必須充分認識到了人本管理的重要性,需不斷采取新措施完善人力資源管理。企業(yè)領導要樹立一種“得人才,得天下”的人才觀.堅持以人為本的管理思想,形成求才、選才、用才、育才、激才、留才的機制.加大人員的技能開發(fā)與能力培養(yǎng),建立學習型組織;建立三個層面員工關系管理及員工職業(yè)生涯規(guī)劃;建立企業(yè)的核心能力體系;建立規(guī)則文化。    

22、;企業(yè)管理的人才機制的建立必須高度重視目的性和系統(tǒng)性,建立可持續(xù)的人才提升和企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略實現(xiàn)的人力資源機制,人的思想觀念尤為重要。企業(yè)管理必須象軍隊一樣,形成體系與建制必建立信仰文化,從而達成其終極目的,就是為了實現(xiàn)企業(yè)的戰(zhàn)略意圖和戰(zhàn)略目標。Was born in the 1970 s, modern management theory, the main representative of maslow, dale Carnegie, MaiGe Greg and Harold coontz, representative works of maslow's theory of huma

23、n motivation and motivation and people, dale Carnegie's "how to win friends and influence people," Mr. Harold hole "management theory jungle". In addition, the MaiGe lattice theory X and theory Y also played a big impact.As the main point of the modern management theory: &quo

24、t;man's self-fulfillment requirements for maximum power of innovation, enterprise development, therefore, enterprise management must to man's initiative and creativity for fundamental orientation." Against men have been turned into profit machine, people in the regularization, standardi

25、zation and programming of duplication in the loss of human dignity and active creativity, in the management theory with the western "democracy, human rights, freedom," the basic social values.Modern management theory argues that in the process of enterprise daily management more focus on r

26、espect for human nature, advocating the creativity and initiative of choose and employ persons to achieve benefit growth enterprise, have a strong tendency of humanism. Influenced by modernization theory, the European and American companies to the management mode of the reform, the enterprise human

27、resources management in the greater respect for individuality, respect staff initiative, such as flexibility of humane working method arises at the historic moment. In this kind of stressed human liberation management revolution, Europe and the United States the benefit of the enterprise to achieve

28、the most substantial growth. The 60 s and seventy s of the 20th century western "new wave of technological revolution" is the direct result of the change.To summarize in Europe and the enterprise management mode, we can conclude that a formula: experience management stage (industrial revol

29、ution) - KeXueXing management phase, which began in the early 20th century, modern management phase, which began in the 1960 s, including the two big leap. In the mode of management, management experience is rule of man, KeXueXing management is the rule of law, modern management is a sandwich; Had g

30、ood water that private enterprise human resources management mode of talent structure is never the real structure, inherited from the shift in strategy when no - KeXueXing management phase by the experience from the enterprise management, modern management stage to upgrade to the new planning and ad

31、justment.Different environment, different stages of enterprise development, enterprise employees should be integrated in a value orientation of the incentive mechanism of innovation, talent competitiveness. Highly qualified professionals and managers is the private enterprise is the most scarce reso

32、urces, enterprise development faster, the greater the demand for talent, if any enterprise can not from the height of the enterprise development strategy, with modernization, internationalization, the city produces the view of human resource management problem, sooner or later, its development will

33、encounter bottlenecks. Once water good thought, for private enterprises, the construction of modern human resources management system, must be effective grasp the following nine main factors:A, talent incentive mechanism belonging permanentFrom attaches great importance to the enterprise target of p

34、lanning to form a set of effective guidance, to improve system performance evaluation and performance coaching, and to be adapted to compensation incentive system, staff training and development plan, personnel system and the formation of the corresponding workflow application and promotion, etc. On

35、ce water good thought, the enterprise must establish the standardized system and operation procedures. The reproduction of the multinational companies rely on is the system, the enterprise cannot only the product, and want to rely on system.Precipitation welfare system. Some enterprises implement go

36、od welfare system, including bonuses, profits, commission, etc. In order to attract talents, but these conditions is not a one-time can get, and need a cycle, only in a certain year you work to achieve the requirement of the enterprise can truly realise it. The above two paragraphs is known as the e

37、nterprise hold "golden handcuffs" of elite talent, considerable practical value.Stock options. Simple to talent high wages, has proved not too can play their utility, that enterprise has not involved with the interests of the people, it is necessary to make some changes to make them as com

38、panies to more clearly see the growth of hope.Now enterprises can through talented person heart is a powerful tool for most, especially for the core talent. Through stock options, the enterprise become the "everyone has a" community of interests, talents become the master of the enterprise

39、, more to be able to share long-term business interests. Introduction of human resource management, seek common development, to ensure the talent "belonging" The author thinks that, the modern enterprise will face more and more severe competition, it is a challenge, also is a kind of chanc

40、e, the only way to stand out from the competition is fully developed, the scientific management of human resources, so as to guide the enterprises to success, to manage the human this special scarce resource, enterprise leadership must change concept on thought, cognizant of the human resources mana

41、gement goal and the enterprise overall strategy, management environment, the relationship between the enterprise culture.Second, management, humanities, human security talent creativityEmployees tend to feel be concerned will feel confident, and hope that this can care about money or other intangibl

42、e things said. Only feel you are concerned about their talent will follow you, hard to do for you; "Money is not everything, but without money you can do nothing.Chinese private enterprise owners say the most a word may be "people-oriented", but how to practice has no concept of "

43、;people-oriented", "people-oriented" became "trick" of itself. Had a good think, for the operations enterprise micro level of human resources management strategy, is the lack of private enterprises, no specific operation strategy, it is a good idea just concepts.We must pay

44、attention to, and different business and different forms of business organization determines the human resources management in the field of the concrete operation operation strategy is not the same, not to blindly copy. Ignorance of the management of human nature is a big failure, think a lot of for

45、eign companies to promote "respect people, care people" the enterprise idea, not is also under the call of the concept of people are flocking to it? Respect talents, means that talent is not only a work partner, or the life friend, each other are equal in personality; Also means that the w

46、ork itself is not forcing managers must obey. For talent, is no longer just be used, but on the basis of mutual agreement voluntarily, choose in favor of the project of the talents growth and problem solution.In this way, managers and talent is no longer a simple command publishers and passive recip

47、ients, implementers, and will easily form a business partnership, also has become the talent work value pursuit of self-realization of a platform. Enterprise human resources management policy will naturally consider talented person's demand, easily won the approval of all talents and agree, on t

48、his basis to choose the appropriate incentive measures to ensure the full play of creativity.Three, talent competition mechanismNo market, will not be able to establish competition mechanism, can achieve efficiency. The market has double meanings: a: including the private enterprise internal human r

49、esources market as well as the external human resources market. The requirement of standardization is to let the enterprise the market choice as a solution to enterprise staff "import" and "export".Enterprises while the employing mechanism while the employing mechanism, but the e

50、nterprise to employees of labor value has no real market, some enterprises pay is low, employees' legitimate rights and interests protected, business insurance does not implement, the trouble back at home of employee is not solved, and the lack of scientific management, and so on, not reflect tr

51、eatment retention to attract and retain talented people, public recognition, influence the enthusiasm of the employees.However, we must also understand that the standardization of the market docking mechanism is the foundation. For foreign enterprises, for an organization based on dissecting the ent

52、erprise organization structure, salary system, information collection, evaluation process and the design method is well known. We set up the management of human resources and market docking mechanism system, even if can make us in the domestic management advantages, but compared with foreign counter

53、parts enterprises have no the slightest advantage, in these areas, the management of the enterprise has been quite mature in the west.Four, internationalized talent employment contract mechanismSome private enterprises of our country has a so-called "system" and "system" mode of

54、labor. So this kind of situation, the enterprise how to establish the system of personnel in enterprise internal human resources market "in and out of the" rules, otherwise how could the "system" personnel psychological balance? Or to break the bondage of system and the idea to e

55、stablish a unified way of leasing social labor some private enterprise human resources manager has been telling me that the multiple system of personnel management way to let them work with fretting over.Here, of course, also need to state on the management system of enterprises and institutions to

56、completely let go. In addition, the efficiency of enterprise in order to ensure that people use different levels of talent market price signal will be an important reference to enterprises establish the level of compensation. The author believes that the private enterprise must use advanced methods

57、of modern human resources management technology, establishing standardized human resource management system, forming efficient human resources platform, and the international community, to get the opportunity to compete with foreign enterprises.Five, the talented person ability cultivating geneOur s

58、ociety needs what kind of person, enterprise, we need to develop what kind of person, not apply to learn, to learn can't use, this originally is a big issue! Society is changing every time, our company with the change of the social change, then our talents should be how to adapt to the change of

59、 the enterprise? Had a good think, staff training is the key for enterprise survival and sustainable development measures. The reality, the training effect and the organizational expectation result often at odds, the existence of the internal cost and external economic effects tend to make the enter

60、prise into the plight of the horns of a dilemma.Fierce competition in the talent market has been in the job seekers feel that, constantly improve their own skills and abilities is the root of its foothold in society, personnel, when choosing enterprise will not only look at present salary, benefits,

61、 also want to see the private enterprise to the attention of the personnel training and development. Training and development has been become one of the most important factors of private enterprises to attract talents. For private enterprises do not take the personnel training and development, it is

62、 will not be able to adapt to the business competition on the basis of the human resources competition challenges, but also to the employees the irresponsible immoral behavior, for the enterprise, employees don't have to establish a "loyalty". Had a good think water, standardization construction personnel training mechanism, is to require companies to set up a series of enterprise training development system, especia


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