已閱讀5頁,還剩57頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、整理ppt整理pptWarm upWarm upPlease count numbers from one to twenty.整理ppt整理ppt整理ppt整理ppt整理ppt1 2 3 4 5one two three four five6 7 8 9 10six seven eight nine ten整理ppt11 12 13eleven twelve thirteen14 15 16fourteen fifteen sixteen17 18 19seventeen eighteen nineteen整理ppt1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819

2、整理ppt搶說數(shù)字搶說數(shù)字threetwoeleveneighteensixteentwentyseventeenfiveeighttentwelvesixnineteenfifteenfourninesevenfourteenthirteenone整理ppt20 21 22twenty twenty-one twenty-two30 40 50thirty forty fifty60 70 80 sixty seventy eighty90 ninety 100 one hundred整理ppt整十表達整十表達ten 10 twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40fifty

3、50 sixty 60seventy 70 eighty 80ninety 90 one hundred 100整理ppt102030405060708090100911253847566574839整理pptLets count the numbers.zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteensixteen seventeen eighteen nineteentwenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eigh

4、ty ninety one hundred 整理pptWho can do it?Who can do it?1+2=2+2=3-3=8-5=整理pptUnit 10 An easy maths lessonTeacher : JennyDate : Oct 21st一堂容易的一堂容易的數(shù)學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)課課整理ppt整理pptWhat is What is one one plusplus two? two?Its three.整理pptReviewplusis整理ppt1 + 2 = 3onetwoplus isthree整理pptWho can do maths?Who can do maths?

5、4+6=5+6=4+1=8+1=3+8=2+3+4=6+7=11105911913整理ppt+=oneplustwois three1 + 2 = 3整理pptoneplusthree is four1 + 3 = 4+=整理ppttwoplustwois four2 + 2 = 4+=整理pptthreeplustwois five3 + 2 = 5+=整理pptWho can do maths?9-6=8-7=3-3=5-2=6-3=10-5=11-9=整理ppt_整理pptWhat is What is three three minusminus two? two?Its one.整理

6、ppt8 - 5 = 3eightfiveminusisthree整理ppt3 - 3 = 0threethreeminusiszero整理pptsevenminusfouris three7 - 4 = 3-=整理pptsixminustwois four 6 - 2 = 4-=整理ppttwelveminus five is seven 12 - 5 = 7-=整理pptWho can do maths?9-6=8-7=3-3=5-2=6-3=10-5=11-9=整理ppt整理pptAn easy maths lesson 1 + 2 = 3 one plus two is three2

7、+ 2 = 4 two plus two is four 3 3 = 0 three minus three is zero8 5 = 3 eight minus five is three整理pptQuiz 1+2=3 One plus two is three.2+3=5 Two plus three is five.3+4=7 Three plus four is seven.4+5=9 Four plus five is nine.5+6=11 Five plus six is eleven.6+7=13 Six plus seven is thirteen.7+8=15 Seven

8、plus eight is fifteen.整理ppt2+2=4 Two plus two is four.6+2=8 Six plus two is eight.5+3=8 Five plus three is eight.7+4=11 Seven plus four is eleven.8+5=13 Eight plus five is thirteen.9+6=15 Nine plus six is fifteen.10+7=17 ten plus seven is seventeen整理ppt14-2=12 fourteen minus two is twelve13-5=7 thir

9、teen minus five is seven15-8=7 fifteen minus eight is seven65-37=28 sixty-five minus thirty-seven is twenty-eight74-26=48 seventy-four minus twenty-six is forty-eight99-99=0 ninety-nine minus ninety-nine is zero整理ppt7-3=4 Seven minus three is four.47-19=28 Forty-seven minus nineteen is twenty-eight.

10、99-34=65 Ninety-nine minus thirty-four is sixty-five.97-61=36 Ninety-seven minus sixty-one is thirty-six.99-51=48 Ninety-nine minus fifty-one is forty-eight.5-1=4 Five minus one is four.整理ppt3.Lets say.l4 + 3 = l6 + 2 =l6 + 1 = l9 4 = l( ) 3 = 10l9 3 = four plus three is sevensix plus two is eightth

11、irteen minus three is tennine minus three is sixsix plus one is sevennine minus four is five整理ppt5.Look, think, draw and say.整理ppt整理ppt整理ppt整理ppt1)Choose one number in the air first. How much do you need to make it 10?2)Find the missing numbers on the floor. Which numbers are missing?整理ppt7.Lets cha

12、nt.lOne, two, three, three, two, one.lCounting numbers is fun.lFour, five, six, six, five, four.lOpen the windows and close the door.lSeven, eight, nine, nine, eight, seven.lSeven boys names are called “Steven”.lTen, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten.lTen children want to count them again.整理ppt整理ppt8.Word tot

13、al puzzles.TIGER is worth 20+9+7+5+18=59ANT is worth 1+14+20=35Can you find an animal worth less than ANT?Can you find an animal worth more than TIGER?整理pptgiraffe = snake =horse =hippo =elephant =bee =整理pptHomework1.抄寫數(shù)字0、10、20、30、40、50、60、70、80、90、100和 plus、minus 各“8+1”遍 。2.報聽寫數(shù)字0到20在家庭本上。簽字。3.用英文

14、寫出下列數(shù)學(xué)題的英文表示。 (1)12+8= (3) 9+7= ( 2)7+10= (4) 5+6=整理pptMaths is fun.Three, two, one.Maths is easy.But we are busy.容易容易繁忙繁忙整理ppt整理pptve got = have got 有有整理pptlets = let us讓我們讓我們數(shù)數(shù)數(shù)數(shù)整理pptue e/ ju: /2.Listen, look, point and say.整理pptmute huge fume cute duke tube fuse tune 啞巴啞巴巨大的巨大的冒煙冒煙可愛的可愛的公爵公爵管子管子保險絲保險絲曲子曲子整理ppt nude lute mule


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