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1、2021-2022學(xué)年寧夏銀川市一中高二上學(xué)期1月期末考試英語試題??荚図樌ê鸢福偡郑?50分;考試時間:120分鐘)第一部分:聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分20分)第一節(jié)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳 選項,并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀 下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。1. What wiI I Lisa do this afternoon?A. Go to a mov i e.B. Prepare a party.C.Visit her brother.2. Where are most probab

2、ly the speakers?A. At the supermarket.B. On the street.C. In a restaurant.3. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Waiter and customer.B. A couple.C.Classmates.4. What does Mike think of the concert?A. WonderfuI.B. Just so-so.C.Disappointing.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A

3、. A kind of food.B. A Ch i nese dynasty.C. A h i story I esson.第二節(jié)聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選 項中選出最佳選項,并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題, 每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。聽下面一段對話,回答第6、7題。6. Why does Linda want to have her hair done?A. She needs to take some p i ctures.B. She Ioves a m

4、ode I s ha i rstyIe.C. She d i s I i kes dark purp I e.50 For the I itt le ones, walking across the room to p i ck up toys from the f I oor and put them i nto the toy box he I ps deve I op the i r motor skills. Sort i ng toys i nto groups of colors wi I I a I so help develop the i r sensory skills.C

5、hores teach kids how to fol low di rections. Whether you are giving instruct ions to a toddler (學(xué)步的幼兒) or a middle- schooler, descr ibing what you are expect ing your chi Id to doand then doing it, in returnwi I I teach them how to fol low di rect ions, 51_ Remember, on I y age-appropr i ate instruc

6、tions can he I p them learn this important I ife ski II.Chores teach responsibi Iity and respect. Do your chi Idren think that thei r rooms are just somehow poof! neatened ? Or that the i r d i rty clothes are mag i caI Iy returned to the i r wardrobe (衣櫥)? Hav i ng your child c I ean up the i r own

7、 messes wi I I he I p give them a sense of respons i b i I i ty. Task them with ass i st i ng i n mak i ng the family' s meaIs. 52 These wi I I he Ip them understand a I I the i r parents do to keep the home runn i ng smooth Iy and be more respectfuI of i t.Chores encourage teamwork. Everyone i

8、n the home has the i r own jobs to allow the house to funct i on. 53 Sure, they may comp lain about do i ng chores, but they' ve come to understand that the chores they are tasked with each day or week are a I I a bigger part of keeping the fami Iy functioning.A. They can benefit from doing this

9、.B. Chores he Ip chiIdren I earn Ii fe skills.C. Or Iet them sort and foId the i r own Iaundry.D. Chores he Ip deveI op motor and sensory skills.E. Speak to your child at a I eve I they wi I I understand.F. Encouraging kids to do chores wi I I make them we I I-rounded people.G. It I essens parents&#

10、39; stress I eve I s and teaches k i ds to work together as a team. 第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)When I was young my understand i ng of I i fe was simple. Th i s made i t 54 for me to deaI with the wor Id around me. As I grew up, things seemed more 55 , which made I ife more cha

11、I I eng i ng. Now, mi dd I e-aged, I find my 56 of the wor I d i s return i ng to the simple.When I try to teach my daughter important 57 about I ife, I wi I I break comp Iicated th i ngs58 into sma I I pieces. One of those basics i s 59 , for yourseIf, and for others.I teach my daughter to 60 . To

12、fail fee I s bad, 61 but not to have tr ied fee I s worse, because you can' t respect yourself for i t. And as the say i ng 62 , f you don' t respect yourself, no one eIse will.When I was seven or e i ght, I p I ayed at my cous i n* s house with h i s toys. H i s fam i I y was better off tha

13、n m i ne, and he had many more toys. There was one 63 that I * d a I ways wanted, and I 64 i t i nto my pocket. But a moment Iater I 65 , even at that age, that I wouId never enjoy playing with the toy. I wouId always know I had 66 , and my opinion of myse I f wou I d 67 . When h i s mother dropped

14、me off I ater that day, I shamefaced I y 68 out the toy and gave i t back. She knew, I ' m sure, what had happened, 69 she thanked me and never spoke of i t aga i n.I hope to he I p my daughter avo i d s imi I ar 70 . She f i rst has to ga i n se I f-respect 71 she can start respect i ng others.

15、 I be I i eve i n respect, because 72i t we' re a I Ienemies. I' m not 73 in this regard, far from it. But I try my best, and I respectothersfor tryingthei rbest i n th i schanging worId.54.A.funn i erB.eas i erC.saferD.deeper55.A.importantB.awkwardC. fragi leD.comp I ex56.A.v i ewB.exper i

16、enceC. aimD. expectat i on57.A.bas i csB.factsC.subjectsD.choices58.A.awayB.offC.downD.out59.A.passionB.loveCrespectD.des i re60.A.forgiveB.acceptC.attendD.try61.A.certa inlyB. eventuaI IyC. severeiyD. wi I I i ng I y62.A.runsB.goesc.wr i tesD.fol lows63. A.for funB. in particularC. with careD. at r

17、andom64. A.spunB. absorbedC.sI i ppedD. fitted65. A.b I ameB. promi sedC.quest i onedD. sensed66. A.I iedB. sto I enC.changedD. cheated67. A.sufferB. improveC.fadeD. spread68. A.gaveB. leftC.pul ledD. hand I ed69. A.soB. orC. forD.but70. A.acc i dentsB. mistakesC.resuItsD. habits71. A.beforeB. unt i

18、 IC.i n caseD. now that72. A.uponB. beyondC. withoutD.despite73. A.honestB. casua IC.caut i ousD. perfect第二節(jié):(共10小題;每題1.5分,共15分)閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(不多于3個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。When HarmonyOS, the Ch i nese seIf-deveI oped operat i ng system for Huawe i mob iIe devices, 74(re I ease) on Aug 9, i t qu i ck I y

19、 became a hot top i c on soc i a I med i a. Many be I i eveit not on Iy represents the r i se of the country 75 a tech power, but a I so shows respect for cI ass i caI Ch i nese culture by the system 76 (name) "Hongmeng" in Ch i nese.Besides "Hongmeng", Huawei has also registered

20、 many of its 77 (produce) under the names of Iegendary creatures from Ch i nese mythoIogy. For examp Ie, the company's processor i s cal led "Kunpeng",a mythicaI creature 78 changed from a f i sh into a giant bi rd .In fact , Huawe i i s not a I one i n us i ng 79 (trad i t i on) cultu

21、re among modern enterpr i ses. Recent Iy there i s a fi Im about the Ch i nese myth i caI f i gure Ne Zha. 80 (base) on the we I I-known work of c I ass i ca I Ch i nese mythology The Invest i ture of the Gods, the film descr ibes Ne Zha as a rebe I I i ous underdog, who has to overcome hardship and

22、 h i s dark fate to become a hero,81 _ (Ii ke) h i s "attractive heroic character in previous cinematic works.As Global Times put 82, uAnci ent mythology has the power to st imu I atecontemporary imagination i n young people. 5, After all, imagi nat i on i s 83 beginning of creation.第三節(jié):單詞及詞組正確

23、形式填空(共10小題;每題1分,共10分)根據(jù)句意,漢語提示或首字母,寫出單詞或詞組的正確形式.84. When spr i ng comes, a v of fIowers wiI I bIossom.85. You don5 t seem very e about the party don5 t you want to go ton i ght?86. The a to the concert costs £5, wh i ch i s not expens i ve.87. The woman has a for her son to have swimmi ng I ess

24、ons.88. There i s no doubt that a I arge number of med i ca I workers have made a great cto defeating COVID-19.把下列短語填入每個句子的空白處(注意所填短語的形式變化):89. (根據(jù).模仿,仿照)the 18th century European bu i I d i ng sty I e, thehouse a I so has i ts own character i st i cs.90. (值得贊揚的是),Mary passed such a difficult examin

25、at ion.91. After reading Lucy* s Ietter, I(得出結(jié)論)that she was a veryi nteI I i gent person.92. I can5 t he I p I augh i ng(每次)I hear the joke.93. The traveI agency told him that he had to pay 100 dol lars (提前)if hewanted to go to traveI in Hong Kong Disneyland.第四部分:寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)第一節(jié):短文改錯(共10小題,每小題1分,滿

26、分10分)假如英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10處錯 誤,每句中最多有兩處。錯誤涉及單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個漏詞符號A,并在此符號下面寫出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用斜線'劃掉。修改:在錯詞下面劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。注意:1、每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;2、只允許修改10處,多者從第11處不計分Dear Si r/Madam,Word came wh i ch the teachers from Ashev i I I e Schoo I i n Amer i ca wouId pay a visit i n

27、 our schooI for commun icat i on. Have read your requi rements, I am wi I I i ng to be one of the volunteers.I am Li Hua, a Senior 3 student. I think I am qua I if ied for the job. I have a good command of ora I ly Engl i sh, which can make me to communicate with fore i gners fluently. What's mo

28、re, I was always ready to he Ip others and fuI I of the spirit of devot ion. To do the work well, I'd I ike to receive any necessary training, and do whichever our schooI requi res. I'll make fulI preparat ion and there i s no doubt that I wiI I be outstand i ng voIunteer.I wouId apprec i at

29、e you i f you couId take my request i nto cons i derat i on.Yours, L i Hua 第二節(jié):書面表達(dá)(滿分25分)假定你是李華,你的留學(xué)生朋友Irene發(fā)來郵件說她想追求個性,不喜歡穿校服上學(xué),甚至 想改動校服。請你給她回一封郵件,告訴她中學(xué)生穿校服的必要性。注意:1 .詞數(shù)100左右(開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,但不計入總詞數(shù));2.可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫Dear I rene,Yours sincerely.L i Hua2021-2022學(xué)年寧夏銀川市一中高二上學(xué)期1月期末考試英語試題參考答案題號12345678910111

30、2131415答案BABCABBA0BA0C0A題號161718192021222324252627282930答案CBCABACBDAB0AAB題號313233343536373839404142434445答案DBCDB0DDA0DADA0題號464748495051525354555657585960答案BADADECGBDAACCD題號61626364656667686970717273答案ABBCDBACDBACD1.聽力(20 分)1一5 BABCA 610 BBACB 1115ACCCA 1620CBCABII 單項選擇:(滿分 16 分)21-25 ACBDA 26-30 BC

31、AAB 31-36 DBCDBCIII.閱讀:(滿分24分)37-40III.閱讀:(滿分24分)37-40DDAC41-44 DADA 45-48 CBAD 49-53 ADECGIV.完形填空(滿分20分54-58IV.完形填空(滿分20分54-58BDAAC 59-63 CDABB 64-68 CDBAC 69-73 DBACDIV.語法填空:(滿分15分)74. was released 75. as76. named 77. products 78. which 或 that 79.traditional80. Based 81.80. Based 81.uni ike 82. it

32、83. theV.單詞拼寫:V.單詞拼寫:(滿分10分)84.89.85. enthusiastic 86. admission 87. arranged 88. contributionMode I I ed after 90. To her credit 91. drew a cone I us i on came to a conclusionreached a conclusion 92. every time 或 each time 93. in advance Wc ahead oftime 或 ahead of schedule短文改錯:(滿分10分) 1. which 改為 t

33、hat 2. in 改為 to 3. Have 改為 Having . 4. oral ly 改為 oral 5.刪掉 to 6. was 改為 am 7. Whichever 改為 whatever 8. preparation 改為 preparations9.加 an 10. you 改為 it.VII.書面表達(dá) (滿分 25 分)One possible version:Dear Irene,I*m sorry to hear that you are upset about the schooI uniform. I*m writing to encourage you to wea

34、r it instead of hating it. Here are the reasons.I know that you may consider that the uniform is not fashionable enough to express your persona I i ty. However, i t shows the spi r it of your schoo I, which i s what the schoo I uniform is al I about. What's more, wearing schooI uniforms can prev

35、ent us from comparing with each other as we don't have to pay too much attention to dressing up. Final ly, it would be he I pf u I to bui Id a sense of teamwork if we wear school uniforms.Al I in all, I hope you can value your schooI uniform.Yours sincerely.Li Hua2021-2022學(xué)年寧夏銀川市一中高二上學(xué)期1月期末考試英語試

36、題7. What does the man suggest Linda do?A. Cut her ha i r much shorter.B. Dye her hai r less frequently.C. Learn more about hai r dying.聽下面一段對話,回答第8、9題。8. How old is the man?A. 38 years old.B.40 years old.C.42years old.9. What is the man advised todo?A. Wa I k to work.B.Taik with Tom5s father.C. Exer

37、cise at the gym.聽下面一段對話,回答第10至12題。10. What movie did Bob watch recently?A. Inside Out.B. Coco.C.Up.11. Where did the woman watch themovie Soul?A. On the I nternet.B. Atthe theater.C.On TV.12. What is the movie Soul mainlyabout?A.A jazz band.B.A famous jazz musician s I ifeC.A man* s exper i ences af

38、ter an acc i dent.聽下面一段對話,回答第13至16題。13.How do the speakers go to the Great Mosque?A. On foot.B.By coach.C.Bybus.14.Which place does the womanlook forward to most?A. The Great Mosque.B. The Ancient City Wall.C. The Terra Cotta Warr iors & Horses.15.How many times has thewoman been to China?A. Nev

39、er.B.Once.C. Four times.16.When wi11 the speakersarrive in Xi * an?A. Around 7:30 pm.B. Around 8:00 pm.C. Around 10:00 pm.聽下面一段獨白,回答第17至20題。17. What is Mana?A. A doctor.B. A rescue worker. C. A zookeeper.18. How did Mana, s act become known at first?A. It was reported on TV.B. 11 was reported i n a

40、paper.C. It was posted on the Internet.19. What were Mana' s col leagues doing when he was saving the elephant?A. Sav i ng someone.B. Looking for witnesses.C. Tak i ng care of the eIephant1 s mother.20. Why did Mana know how to perform CPR on the elephant?A. He once took a course.B. He I earned

41、from a v i deo.C. He knew i t from a co I I eague.第二部分 單項填空(本題有16小題,每小題1分,共16分) i n her best suit, the girl tr i ed to make herseIfat the party.A. Dressed: not i cedB. Dress i ng; not icingC. Dressed; noticingCI. Dressed; noticingD. Dressing; noticed22. The matter22. The matteryour study sure Iy req

42、u i res carefuI Iy.A. re I at i ngto; deaIing withB. re Iated to; dealt withC. re Iated to; deaIi ng withC. re Iated to; deaIi ng withD. relating to; having dealt with23. Everyth i ng23. Everyth i ngi nto cons i derat i on,they be Ii eved themseIves more andreturned tothei r positions.A. to takeB.ta

43、kenC. to be takenD.tak i ng24. After the guests I eft,she spent as much time as she couIdthe rooms.A. t i dy upB. toclear awayC. c I ear awayD. tidying25. Tak i ng th i s med i c i ne, i fupwi I I of course do good to h i s heaI th.A. cont i nuedB. to cont i nueC. cont i nuesD.cont i nu i ng26. Most

44、 members ofthe committee werefavourof the suggestion, only awereagainst it.A. major i tyB. minor ityC.quant i tyD.amount27. Brad was Jane' s brother.he reminded me so much ofJane.A. No doubtB. Above a I IC. No wonderD. Of course28. We found thestudents seated at tables and had thei r eyeson thet

45、he Iaunch ofShenzhou V spacesh i p.A.f i xedB. fix0. fixingD. to f i x29. Anewto teach i ng I anguages i s be i ng used here, and i t has turned out tobevery he IpfuI to the students.A.approachB. meansC. methodD. way30. My cous i n brought out a I I her foureven i ng dresses and to Id me to takeI i

46、ked.A. whateverB. wh i cheverC. whereverD. however31.Suddenly, a ta I I man driving a golden carr iagethe girl and took her away,32.33.34.i nto the woods.A. seizing;C. seizing;toA. Exposed i sappearedd i sappear i ngB. se i zed; d i sappearedD. seized; disappear ingthe sun, rain and wind for a long

47、time, the stone spI it.B. ExposedC. Expos i ngD. To exposeWe a I I know that a good s I eep i ng bag i s a necessary part of every camper sA. exper i meritB. enterta i nmentC. equ i pmentD. sett IementDon' t use words,express i ons, or phrasesto peopIe with specificknowledge.A. be i ng knownB. h

48、av i ng been known C. to beknown D. known35. See, your computerhas broken down again! It doesn' tsense to buy thecheapest brand of computer just to save a few do I Iars.A. have B. makeC. display D. br i ngI stood i n the middle of the room, star i ng at the toys, and i n my imagination, the toys

49、 .A. got close to IifeB. brought back to I ifeC. came to lifeD. were cIose to life第三部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分34分)第一節(jié)(共12小題;每小題2分,滿分24分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項。ASummer Camps i n Season!STEM Camp Ju Iy 10 to August 14, Cost: $18090% of the jobs i n the future will requ i re STEM (Sc i ence, Techno I o

50、gy, Engineer i ng& Mathemat i cs) educat i on. We f i nd ways to make I earn i ng fun and exc i t i ng for students to he I p ensure the i r futures. Campers part i c i pate i n fun and engag i ng STEM act i v i t i es! Register : www. stemcamp, ca or ca I I 519-475-6600.Kandalore June 15 to 28,

51、 Cost: $2, 340The f i nest traditional camp i n Canada, prov i des the best of both canoe (獨木 舟)adventures and in-camp activities. For more than 65 years, Kandalore has given campers the opportun ity to know and be themseIves. We create a warm and support i ve env i ronment where k i ds can express

52、the i r un i que se I f, grow i n se I f-conf i dence and build I ifet ime fr iendships. Register : www, kandalore, com or caI I 416-322-9735.ESL Summer Camp June 25 to July 21. Cost: $5,500Picker i ng Col Iege has an excit ing ESL summer camp for students aged 12-18 who want to I earn Eng I i sh an

53、d exper i ence the wonders of summer at our 42-acre campus: students enjoy the excel lent dormitory, dining, academic, and soc i a I fac iIi t i es od one of Canada 'sol dest independent schools. Regi ster : www. p i cker ingco / lege, on, ca or call 905-175-8900.DEEP Summer Academy August 16 to

54、 26, Cost: $465We provide highly motivated high schooI students from across the worId with the opportunity for advanced study in a var iety of engineer ing, technology , business and science sub jects. Organized by the University of Toronto, DEEP i s one of the most d i verse preuniversity engineer

55、i ng programmes a I I over the worId with scholarsh i ps. Register: www. outreach, engineering, ut or onto, ca or ca I I 416-946-0816.36. Where can you go if you are interested in the exper ience of adventure?A. DEEP Summer Academy.B. STEM Camp.C. ESL Summer Camp.D. Kandalore.37. Wh i ch number shou

56、Id you caI I i f you want to improve your Eng Ii sh?A. 519-475-6600.B. 416-322-9735.C. 416-946-0816.D. 905-175-8900.38. When wi I I the shortest camp start?A. On August 16. B. On June I5. C. On June 25. D. On Ju I y 10.39. How are STEM Camp and DEEP Summer Academy s imiI ar?A. They both offer schoIarships for students.B. They prov ide the same courses for students.C. They both prepare students for th


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