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1、A. Her leacheEB. Her mother.Goodbye, Yes, I am. I think so. Good idea. A unall one.25.Windy.fk woke up hie.In a ghop.July 3rd.Liu GunliEing.He is of medium build.The Children s Hospital.He did ibe dishes.At 8 o'clockLess than 3 years.Math.On line.Her friends,After dinner.A. Before class.B. In he

2、r free time.廣西賀州市2017年中考英語試卷英語第I卷一、聽力蹲試(30小削,每小題I分,共卻分)(一)聽句子,選畫面/5小題,每小題1分,其5分) 聽句子.選擇上游所聽到的句子內(nèi)容相符的圖甬每個子找一遍。f二)聽句子,選答語5小牌,每小題I分.共5分) 聽句子,選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鹫Z口卷個句子讀遍(B)6.A.OK.B.Hello, Mr. Green,C.(A)7.A.Yes J do.B.Yes, I have,C.(B)8.A.Sounds easy,B.Have a gocxi time,C.(C)9.A.That's right.H、Huny up.C.(A ) 10.

3、 A. A ruler.B. Tbo heavyC.(三)對話理解° (1。小題.每小題】分,共10分)A聽五段短對話.選擇最佳答案。每段對話讀兩遍.(C ) 11. How many girls are there in your class?A. 15.B. 35.C(B ) 12, Whal's the weather like today?A. Cloudy.B. Sunny.C.(B ) 13. Why was Tony late fw class?A.He was ill.BHe missed the bus.C.(C ) 14. Where probably a

4、re the speakers?A,In a restaurant.B.In tfie hospital.C.(A ) 15. Whal's the date today?A.July stB.July 2ndC.B聽第一段長對話,根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容回答第16-17小題,時話說兩遍“ (A ) 16. Who is Lily's favorite coach?A,Lang Ping.B, Yao Ming,C.( C ) 17. Whai does LiuGuoliang look like?A. He is thin.B. He is of medium heigtitC.C聽第二

5、段長對話,根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容回答第18-20小我,對話說兩遍(B ) 18, Which hospital is Tom in?A. The People's Hospital B. The Red Crrss Hospital. C. (B ) 19. What did Tom do after school?A. He hud a fight.B. He rode a bike.C.(C ) 20. What time can Tom go hame?A, At 9 otclock.B. At 10 o'cloclt-C(四)攝文理解,(5小甄,每小題I分,扶5分)聽一篇短文,根

6、據(jù)短文內(nèi)容.回答第21 25小題“短文讀兩遍(A ) 21. How long has Ann learnt English?A- Over 3 yeare.B. Just 3 years.C.(B ) 22 . What subject was Ann interested in when $加 was in Grade Seven ?A. Chinese.B. English.C.( A ) 23. Where does Ann practice spoken English with her classm&tcs?A, tn th# classroonuB. At home,C.

7、 24. Who does Ann sing English songs with?)25. When do« Ann watch English movies?(五)聽短文,填信息.(5小題,每小題I分,共5分)聽一篇短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容不怪以下信息.箍空填,詞.將小詞寫在答題卡上©短文讀兩遍,Family rulesFirstHe has to finish his 26 homework on time.SecondHe must make the bed and 27 clean_the bedroom.ThirdHe's not allowed to pla

8、y computer 28 games or surf the InternetResultThough I hate these family rules, my life has become more 29 wonderfal.I have 3。improved my grades.二.單項選擇(10小題,每小題1分,共10分)從各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并將其字母標(biāo)號在答題支上涂黑二 (B ) 31. I think Readers (朗讀者)is educational TV program.(DB)32.)33.A. aB. anC theT

9、oday is September 10th. It's Day, lefs say "Thank you" to our teachers.A. Teacher'sB. the Teachers,C. TeachersWhen is the Art Festival party?-It'sseven o'clockthe evening of November 18th.D.D./Teachers'(AC)34.)35.A. at; inWe enjoyed A. ourselves-Is Julie as tall as you?

10、一No, she isn't. She's _B._ o力 B.at; oni the beach yesterday, our than me.C.C.on; in usD.D.in; onours(DC)36.)37.A. tallB.I will go camping if itA. won't rainB.Excuse me, do you know _shortthis weekend.isn't rainingevery dafc.c.tallerdon't rainD.D.tallestdoesn't rain(A)38.一It c

11、loses at 9:00 p.m.A. when does the library closeB. when will the library closeC. when the library closesD when the library closedMy father asks me in the street. It*s dangerous.(BD)39.)40.A. not to playB.We should study hard A. whenB.I will never forget the peopleA. whoseD.not playC. not playing we

12、can get much knowledge.so thatC. unless help me a lot in my life.whenC. whichD.D.D.don't play in order to who三.完形填空(10小題.每小題1分.共10分)閱讀下面短文.從各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中.選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并將其字母標(biāo)號在 答題卡上涂黑Do you know One Belt. One Road? We also call it the Modem Silk Road. And Zhang Qian was an early traveler of

13、 the Ancient Silk Road. He was probably the first 41 to bring ba;k good information about the central Asian lands to China.In 138 BC, Han Wudi sent Zhang Qian to the Yuc-chi people to ask fbr their 42 against the Xiongnu who lien infringed (侵犯)them, 43 ,on the way to the Western Regions, he was caug

14、ht by the Xiongnu people. Zhang had to stay with them 44 about 10 years before he got away. When Zhang finally 45 the Yue-chi in the North India, he was 46 to find that they didn't want to fight against the Xiongnu people .On 47 return journey t Zhang Qian and his men were 48 again. It was not u

15、ntil 125 BC that they returned io China. 49 Zhang didn't finish his job, he learned a lot about the places, people, customs and cultures of the 36 kingdoms (王國)in ihe Western Regions.Later Han Wudi sent Zhang to the West again. Zhang's journey to the West helped 50 intemational trade, especi

16、ally in silk, between China and the West. That's the Ancient Silk Road.(C)41.A.menB.man'sC. manD. men's(B)42.A.questionB.helpC. knowledgeD. answer(D)43.A.HappilyB.ExcitedlyC. LuckilyD. Unfortunately(A)44.A.fbrB.sinceC atD. in(B)45.A.arrivedB.reachedC. gotD. liked四、閱讀理解(15小題.每小題2分,共30分)(B

17、)46. A.comfbitableB.disappointedC.excitedD.enjoyable(c)47. A.himB.heC.hisD.himself(A)48. A.caughtB.madec.servedD.heard(D)49. A.ButB.Asc.BecauseD.Although(c)50. A.useB.getc.developD.secLostA yellow dog with two big ears.If ycu find it, please call David at 251-6778.Thanks a lot.Kung fu PandaSaturday

18、and Sunday blew Cinema k3O(half for children under 12) Call Mr. Zhang at 251-4321.H 汰 ing Cluboin us for a 20-mile country hiking on Sunday October 15th.<iangyang Square at 3:00 p.m.Cal! Miss Li at 251 5778 for more information.根據(jù)表格內(nèi)容,這擇最佳選項,將其標(biāo)號在答題卡上涂黑。(B ) 51. Who lost a yellow dog?A.Mary.B.Dav

19、id.C.Miss Li.D.Mr. Zhang.(A ) 52. Jack is 10 years old, how much should he pay for one movie ticket?A.¥15.B.¥20.C.¥12.D.¥30.(D ) 53. Mr. Wang wants to go hiking, he should call.D. 251-5778A. 251-6778B. 251-6709C. 251-4321One pleasant New-ycar morning, Edward's father gave him

20、 two bright, new silver dollars. He had wishes for a long time to buy some new books.As he ran down the street to the bookstore, he saw a poor German family, the father, mother and three childrenwalking in the cold wind.“I wish you a happy New Year/ said Edward as he was happily passing on. The man

21、shook his head, for he could not understand or speak English. But he pointed to his mouth, and to the children, as if to say, "These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long lime.”Edward quickly understood that these people were poor and m trouble. He took out his dollars , and gave one t

22、o the maa and the other to his wife.When Edward came home, his father asked what books he had bought.441 have bought no books/said he."I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hungry and tired. I think I can wait for my books till next New Year. * “My dear boy." said his

23、father, “here are some books. 1 give them to you, more as a reward for your goodness of heart than as a New-year gift”"Always be ready to help people around you every year of your life will be a HAPPY NEW YEAR!”根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容.選擇最佳選項,將兌標(biāo)號在答題卡上涂黑。C. His mother.D. A German.(B ) 54. Who gave Edward two dol

24、lars?A. His fnend.B. His fether.)55. What did Edward do after he saw a poor German family?He only passed by.He gave them some books.Near his home.In front of the bookstore.A. He did nothing.B.C. He gave them two dollars.D.)56. Where did Edward meet the German family ?A. On his way to the bookstore.B

25、.C. In a park.D.(D ) 57. Which of the following is true?A. The German father was so sick that he couldn't feed his family.B. Edward gave two dollars to the father.C. Edward's father didn't ask him what books he had boughtD. Edward's father gave him some books as a reward for his kind

26、ness.Do you know why difterent animals or insects have their special colors? Colors in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.Some birds like eating locusts (蝗蟲),but birds can't easily catch them. Why? It is because locusu change theircolon together with the change of the colors of cr

27、ops. When crops are green, locusts look green' But as the harvest time comes, locusts change to the same brown color as crops have. Some other insects with different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others, so they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at nighLIf you

28、study the animal life, you will find the main use of coloring is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quickly through the forest. They cannot be easily seen by hunters. This is because they have the colors much like the trees.Have you ever noticed an even more strange fact? A k

29、ind of fish :n the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid (液體)when it faces danger. While the liquid spreads oven its enemies cannot find it. And it immediately swims away. So it has lived up to now though it is not strong at all.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳選項.將其標(biāo)號在答題K上涂黑.C ) 58. What arc the special colors of

30、 diflercnt animals or insects used for?A. Showing their beauty.B. Finding themselves.C. Protecting themselves.D. Seeing others.B ) 59, In the harvest time, what is the color of the locusts?A.Green.B.Brown.CYellow.D.Red.A ) 60. When do other insects with different colors from plants come out?A.At nig

31、ht.B.In the afternoon.CAt noon.D.In the morning.C ) 61. Can hunters easily see the bears or lions in the forest?A.I don't know.B.I am not sure ycLCNo, they can't.D.Yes, they can.DOnce a king got two nice felcons (,睡)from his son . He loved them struch and he ordered the best 222 to train the

32、m to fly.After several months, the king came to see how the training was going. He found that one falcon had already been able to ffy high in the sk); while the other was staging on the branch (樹枝)of a tree quietlyjust xeq)ing still.The called all his falconers together and ordered them to try every

33、 way they could to make the other felcon fly. But none of them Axxeeded One day; while the king was taking a walk in the forest, an idea came to his mind. He sent tor a fanner who lived in the fbE into his palace to train it atonoc.The next tnoming, the king saw the other felcon flying above in the

34、sky free y.is unbelievable! ' siiouted the king ."How couldyou make it happen ?*The farmer replied, "irs veiy easy. I just cut off the branch where the felcoi rested"It's always the same to human beings. Wt all have “two flying wings'in our hearts as wdL but we often seem

35、not to notice them and stay where wc arc just for safct)r and comftxt Wc won realize wc can fly so high and freely until the Ijranch“ we are resting on breaks 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳選項,將其標(biāo)號在答題卡上涂黑,But the other fidcon didn't fly atalL BolhAandB.)62. What did the king find after several months, training?A. O

36、ne fhlcco could fly hi的 in the 血B.C. The king ordered the best 間concr to tram them to fly.D.)63. Who did the king send for to make the other fekx» fly mtbe sky?A. The best felconer.B. The farmerThefolconers.D. The king's soa)64. What does the underlined word ' fiA.農(nóng)民B.國王虹'mean in Ch

37、inese ?C.曬師D.國王的子A. is there a hotel around here?B. Thanks so much.& how can 1 help you?p. the bank is on your right p. Ifs across from the bank. F. This way, please.(C ) 65. Uhat,s the best title for the passage?C. The Flying Wings.D. The Best Fakona.A. The Beautiful Falcons. B. The Bright King

38、.五、補全對話(5小題,每小題1分,共5分)根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從方框中選出5個最佳選項補全對話,并將其字母標(biāo)號在答題卡上涂黑,其中有一項是多余的0A: Hi, excuse me.B: Yes, 66 CA: Well. T*m new in town, 67 AB: Yes, there is. It's on Center StrccL 68 EA: Oh.where*s the bank?B: Just go along the street. Turn right at the first crossing, then you are on Center Street 69 D T

39、he hotel is across from the bank.A: Oh, that's great! 70 BB: No problem. Goodbye.A: Bye-bye!六.綜合填空(20小題,每小題1分,共20分)(一)選詞填空:閱讀下面材料,用方框中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式在空白處填空,每間限用一次。請將完整的唯詞 填(在答題卡時應(yīng)的橫線上,每空只的址一間。(10小題,每小題1%共10分) good say them poor down at but continue hole frogJA group of frogs1青蛙)wcrc traveling through

40、the forest, but unluckily two of 71 them fell into a hole. The other frogs tried to help them. When they saw how deep the 72 hole was, they cried to the two frogs that they could not be saved The two frogs didn't care and tried their 73 best to jump up out of the hole. The other frogs kepi 74 th

41、at they were sure to die. Finally, one of the two 75 frogs heard whai the other frogs were saying and gave up. Thenhe fell 76 draaiand died.However, the other frog 77 conlinued to jump as hard as he could. 78 At last, he made it ouL When he got ouU (he other frogs asked, “Did you hear us?” The frog,

42、 who had a 79 poor hearing, explained, T thought you were encouraging me all the time.”The story teaches us a lesson: There is power of life and death in the tongue (言語) An encouraging word to those who are down can help them exit 80 but a discouraging word can lull them.(二)單詞拼寫:根據(jù)句子意思及所給的中文或百字母提示完成

43、單詞,請將完整的單訶填寫在答題卡對應(yīng)的橫線上. 每空只能填一詞。(10小題,每小即I分,共10分)7.88.Don't be angry (生氣的)with your parents.Lu Yi and Deng Chao are successful actors(演員).Today is the little boy's ninth (第九)birthday.They 3UM?(花 費)an hour volunteering in the old people's home every afternoon.The skirt is very beautiful, Lucy really ( A正地)likes it.Could I borrow your eraser*? 1 can't find mint.I either watch TV or r


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