1、石墨烯相關(guān)研究高被引文獻(xiàn)(被引次數(shù)超過(guò)360,檢索時(shí)間2010年) 顯示 1 條,共 50 條作者: Novoselov, KS; Geim, AK; Morozov, SV; Jiang, D; Zhang, Y; Dubonos, SV; Grigorieva, IV; Firsov, AA標(biāo)題: Electric field effect in atomically thin carbon films來(lái)源出版物: SCIENCE, 306 (5696): 666-669 OCT 22 2004摘要: We describe monocrystalline graphitic f
2、ilms, which are a few atoms thick but are nonetheless stable under ambient conditions, metallic, and of remarkably high quality. The films are found to be a two-dimensional semimetal with a tiny overlap between valence and conductance bands, and they exhibit a strong ambipolar electric field effect
3、such that electrons and holes in concentrations up to 10(13) per square centimeter and with room-temperature mobilities of similar to10,000 square centimeters per volt-second can be induced by applying gate voltage.ISSN: 0036-8075DOI: 10.1126/science.1102896顯示 2 條,共 50 條作者: Thess, A; Lee, R; Nikolae
4、v, P; Dai, HJ; Petit, P; Robert, J; Xu, CH; Lee, YH; Kim, SG; Rinzler, AG; Colbert, DT; Scuseria, GE; Tomanek, D; Fischer, JE; Smalley, RE標(biāo)題: Crystalline ropes of metallic carbon nanotubes來(lái)源出版物: SCIENCE, 273 (5274): 483-487 JUL 26 1996摘要: Fullerene single-wall nanotubes (SWNTs) were produced in yiel
5、ds of more than 70 percent by condensation of a laser-vaporized carbon-nickel-cobalt mixture at 1200 degrees C. X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy showed that these SWNTs are nearly uniform in diameter and thai they self-organize into ''ropes,'' which consist of 100 to 500 SWN
6、Ts in a two-dimensional triangular lattice with a lattice constant of 17 angstroms. The x-ray form factor is consistent with that of uniformly charged cylinders 13.8 +/- 0.2 angstroms in diameter. The ropes were metallic, with a single-rope resistivity of <10(-4) ohm-centimeters at 300 kelvin. Th
7、e uniformity of SWNT diameter is attributed to the efficient annealing of an initial fullerene tubelet kept open by a few metal atoms; the optimum diameter is determined by competition between the strain energy of curvature of the graphene sheet and the dangling-bond energy of the open edge, where g
8、rowth occurs. These factors strongly favor the metallic (10,10) tube with C-5v symmetry and an open edge stabilized by triple bonds.ISSN: 0036-8075顯示 3 條,共 50 條作者: Novoselov, KS; Geim, AK; Morozov, SV; Jiang, D; Katsnelson, MI; Grigorieva, IV; Dubonos, SV; Firsov, AA標(biāo)題: Two-dimensional gas of massle
9、ss Dirac fermions in graphene來(lái)源出版物: NATURE, 438 (7065): 197-200 NOV 10 2005摘要: Quantum electrodynamics ( resulting from the merger of quantum mechanics and relativity theory) has provided a clear understanding of phenomena ranging from particle physics to cosmology and from astrophysics to quantum c
10、hemistry(1-3). The ideas underlying quantum electrodynamics also influence the theory of condensed matter(4,5), but quantum relativistic effects are usually minute in the known experimental systems that can be described accurately by the non-relativistic Schrodinger equation. Here we report an exper
11、imental study of a condensed-matter system (graphene, a single atomic layer of carbon(6,7) in which electron transport is essentially governed by Dirac's ( relativistic) equation. The charge carriers in graphene mimic relativistic particles with zero rest mass and have an effective 'speed of
12、 light' c* approximate to 10(6) m s(-1). Our study reveals a variety of unusual phenomena that are characteristic of two-dimensional Dirac fermions. In particular we have observed the following: first, graphene's conductivity never falls below a minimum value corresponding to the quantum uni
13、t of conductance, even when concentrations of charge carriers tend to zero; second, the integer quantum Hall effect in graphene is anomalous in that it occurs at half-integer filling factors; and third, the cyclotron mass m(c) of massless carriers in graphene is described by E = m(c)c(*)(2). This tw
14、o-dimensional system is not only interesting in itself but also allows access to the subtle and rich physics of quantum electrodynamics in a bench-top experiment.ISSN: 0028-0836DOI: 10.1038/nature04233顯示 4 條,共 50 條作者: Geim, AK (Geim, A. K.); Novoselov, KS (Novoselov, K. S.)標(biāo)題: The rise of graphene來(lái)源
15、出版物: NATURE MATERIALS, 6 (3): 183-191 MAR 2007摘要: Graphene is a rapidly rising star on the horizon of materials science and condensed-matter physics. This strictly two-dimensional material exhibits exceptionally high crystal and electronic quality, and, despite its short history, has already reveale
16、d a cornucopia of new physics and potential applications, which are briefly discussed here. Whereas one can be certain of the realness of applications only when commercial products appear, graphene no longer requires any further proof of its importance in terms of fundamental physics. Owing to its u
17、nusual electronic spectrum, graphene has led to the emergence of a new paradigm of 'relativistic' condensed-matter physics, where quantum relativistic phenomena, some of which are unobservable in high-energy physics, can now be mimicked and tested in table-top experiments. More generally, gr
18、aphene represents a conceptually new class of materials that are only one atom thick, and, on this basis, offers new inroads into low-dimensional physics that has never ceased to surprise and continues to provide a fertile ground for applications.ISSN: 1476-1122顯示 5 條,共 50 條作者: Zhang, YB; Tan, YW; S
19、tormer, HL; Kim, P標(biāo)題: Experimental observation of the quantum Hall effect and Berry's phase in graphene來(lái)源出版物: NATURE, 438 (7065): 201-204 NOV 10 2005摘要: When electrons are confined in two-dimensional materials, quantum-mechanically enhanced transport phenomena such as the quantum Hall effect can
20、 be observed. Graphene, consisting of an isolated single atomic layer of graphite, is an ideal realization of such a two-dimensional system. However, its behaviour is expected to differ markedly from the well-studied case of quantum wells in conventional semiconductor interfaces. This difference ari
21、ses from the unique electronic properties of graphene, which exhibits electron - hole degeneracy and vanishing carrier mass near the point of charge neutrality(1,2). Indeed, a distinctive half-integer quantum Hall effect has been predicted(3-5) theoretically, as has the existence of a non-zero Berry
22、's phase ( a geometric quantum phase) of the electron wavefunction - a consequence of the exceptional topology of the graphene band structure(6,7). Recent advances in micromechanical extraction and fabrication techniques for graphite structures(8-12) now permit such exotic two-dimensional electr
23、on systems to be probed experimentally. Here we report an experimental investigation of magneto-transport in a high-mobility single layer of graphene. Adjusting the chemical potential with the use of the electric field effect, we observe an unusual half-integer quantum Hall effect for both electron
24、and hole carriers in graphene. The relevance of Berry's phase to these experiments is confirmed by magneto-oscillations. In addition to their purely scientific interest, these unusual quantum transport phenomena may lead to new applications in carbon-based electronic and magneto-electronic devic
25、es.ISSN: 0028-0836DOI: 10.1038/nature04235顯示 6 條,共 50 條作者: Hu, JT; Odom, TW; Lieber, CM標(biāo)題: Chemistry and physics in one dimension: Synthesis and properties of nanowires and nanotubes來(lái)源出版物: ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH, 32 (5): 435-445 MAY 1999ISSN: 0001-4842顯示 7 條,共 50 條作者: SAITO, R; FUJITA, M; DRE
26、SSELHAUS, G; DRESSELHAUS, MS標(biāo)題: ELECTRONIC-STRUCTURE OF CHIRAL GRAPHENE TUBULES來(lái)源出版物: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 60 (18): 2204-2206 MAY 4 1992摘要: The electronic structure for graphene monolayer tubules is predicted as a function of the diameter and helicity of the constituent graphene tubules. The cal
27、culated results show that approximately 1/3 of these tubules are a one-dimensional metal which is stable against a Peierls distortion, and the other 2/3 are one-dimensional semiconductors. The implications of these results are discussed.ISSN: 0003-6951顯示 8 條,共 50 條作者: Rao, AM; Richter, E; Bandow, S;
28、 Chase, B; Eklund, PC; Williams, KA; Fang, S; Subbaswamy, KR; Menon, M; Thess, A; Smalley, RE; Dresselhaus, G; Dresselhaus, MS標(biāo)題: Diameter-selective Raman scattering from vibrational modes in carbon nanotubes來(lái)源出版物: SCIENCE, 275 (5297): 187-191 JAN 10 1997摘要: Single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) that
29、 are found as close-packed arrays in crystalline ropes have been studied by using Raman scattering techniques with laser excitation wavelengths in the range from 514.5 to 1320 nanometers. Numerous Raman peaks were observed and identified with vibrational modes of armchair symmetry (n, n) SWNTs. The
30、Raman spectra are in good agreement with lattice dynamics calculations based on C-C force constants used to fit the two-dimensional, experimental phonon dispersion of a single graphene sheet. Calculated intensities from a nonresonant, bond polarizability model optimized for sp(2) carbon are also in
31、qualitative agreement with the Raman data, although a resonant Raman scattering process is also taking place. This resonance results from the one-dimensional quantum confinement of the electrons in the nanotube.ISSN: 0036-8075顯示 9 條,共 50 條作者: Odom, TW; Huang, JL; Kim, P; Lieber, CM標(biāo)題: Atomic structu
32、re and electronic properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes來(lái)源出版物: NATURE, 391 (6662): 62-64 JAN 1 1998摘要: Carbon nanotubes(1) are predicted to be metallic or semiconducting depending on their diameter and the helicity of the arrangement of graphitic rings in their walls(2-5). Scanning tunnelling
33、microscopy (STM) offers the potential to probe this prediction, as it can resolve simultaneously both atomic structure and the electronic density of states. Previous STM studies of multi-walled nanotubes(6-9) and single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs)(10) have provided indications of differing structures a
34、nd diameter-dependent electronic properties, but have not revealed any explicit relationship between structure and electronic properties, Here we report STM measurements of the atomic structure and electronic properties of SWNTs. We are able to resolve the hexagonal-ring structure of the walls, and
35、show that the electronic properties do indeed depend on diameter and helicity. We find that the SWNT samples exhibit many different structures, with no one species dominating.ISSN: 0028-0836顯示 10 條,共 50 條作者: Castro Neto, AH (Castro Neto, A. H.); Guinea, F (Guinea, F.); Peres, NMR (Peres, N. M. R.);
36、Novoselov, KS (Novoselov, K. S.); Geim, AK (Geim, A. K.)標(biāo)題: The electronic properties of graphene來(lái)源出版物: REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS, 81 (1): 109-162 JAN-MAR 2009摘要: This article reviews the basic theoretical aspects of graphene, a one-atom-thick allotrope of carbon, with unusual two-dimensional Dirac-
37、like electronic excitations. The Dirac electrons can be controlled by application of external electric and magnetic fields, or by altering sample geometry and/or topology. The Dirac electrons behave in unusual ways in tunneling, confinement, and the integer quantum Hall effect. The electronic proper
38、ties of graphene stacks are discussed and vary with stacking order and number of layers. Edge (surface) states in graphene depend on the edge termination (zigzag or armchair) and affect the physical properties of nanoribbons. Different types of disorder modify the Dirac equation leading to unusual s
39、pectroscopic and transport properties. The effects of electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in single layer and multilayer graphene are also presented.ISSN: 0034-6861DOI:顯示 11 條,共 50 條作者: Berger, C (Berger, Claire); Song, ZM (Song, Zhimin); Li, XB (Li, Xuebin); Wu, XS (Wu, Xiaosong); Br
40、own, N (Brown, Nate); Naud, C (Naud, Cecile); Mayou, D (Mayou, Didier); Li, TB (Li, Tianbo); Hass, J (Hass, Joanna); Marchenkov, AN (Marchenkov, Atexei N.); Conrad, EH (Conrad, Edward H.); First, PN (First, Phillip N.); de Heer, WA (de Heer, Wait A.)標(biāo)題: Electronic confinement and coherence in patter
41、ned epitaxial graphene來(lái)源出版物: SCIENCE, 312 (5777): 1191-1196 MAY 26 2006摘要: Ultrathin epitaxial graphite was grown on single-crystal silicon carbide by vacuum graphitization. The material can be patterned using standard nanolithography methods. The transport properties, which are closely related to t
42、hose of carbon nanotubes, are dominated by the single epitaxial graphene layer at the silicon carbide interface and reveal the Dirac nature of the charge carriers. Patterned structures show quantum confinement of electrons and phase coherence lengths beyond 1 micrometer at 4 kelvin, with mobilities
43、exceeding 2.5 square meters per volt-second. All-graphene electronically coherent devices and device architectures are envisaged.ISSN: 0036-8075DOI: 10.1126/science.1125925顯示 12 條,共 50 條作者: RINZLER, AG; HAFNER, JH; NIKOLAEV, P; LOU, L; KIM, SG; TOMANEK, D; NORDLANDER, P; COLBERT, DT; SMALLEY, RE標(biāo)題:
44、UNRAVELING NANOTUBES - FIELD-EMISSION FROM AN ATOMIC WIRE來(lái)源出版物: SCIENCE, 269 (5230): 1550-1553 SEP 15 1995摘要: Field emission of electrons from individually mounted carbon nanotubes has been found to be dramatically enhanced when the nanotube tips are opened by laser evaporation or oxidative etching.
45、 Emission currents of 0.1 to 1 microampere were readily obtained at room temperature with bias voltages of less than 80 volts, The emitting structures are concluded to be linear chains of carbon atoms, C-n (n = 10 to 100), pulled out from the open edges of the graphene wall layers of the nanotube by
46、 the force of the electric field, in a process that resembles unraveling the sleeve of a sweater.ISSN: 0036-8075顯示 13 條,共 50 條作者: Collins, PC; Arnold, MS; Avouris, P標(biāo)題: Engineering carbon nanotubes and nanotube circuits using electrical breakdown來(lái)源出版物: SCIENCE, 292 (5517): 706-709 APR 27 2001摘要: Car
47、bon nanotubes display either metallic or semiconducting properties. Both Large, multiwalled nanotubes (MWNTs), with many concentric carbon shells, and bundles or "ropes" of aligned single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs), are complex composite conductors that incorporate many weakly coupled nanotu
48、bes that each have a different electronic structure. Here we demonstrate a simple and reliable method for selectively removing single carbon shells from MWNTs and SWNT ropes to tailor the properties of these composite nanotubes. We can remove shells of MWNTs stepwise and individually characterize th
49、e different shells. By choosing among the shells, we can convert a MWNT into either a metallic or a semiconducting conductor, as well as directly address the issue of multiple-shell transport. With SWNT ropes, similar selectivity allows us to generate entire arrays of nanoscale field-effect transist
50、ors based solely on the fraction of semiconducting SWNTs.ISSN: 0036-8075顯示 14 條,共 50 條作者: Stankovich, S (Stankovich, Sasha); Dikin, DA (Dikin, Dmitriy A.); Dommett, GHB (Dommett, Geoffrey H. B.); Kohlhaas, KM (Kohlhaas, Kevin M.); Zimney, EJ (Zimney, Eric J.); Stach, EA (Stach, Eric A.); Piner, RD (
51、Piner, Richard D.); Nguyen, ST (Nguyen, SonBinh T.); Ruoff, RS (Ruoff, Rodney S.)標(biāo)題: Graphene-based composite materials來(lái)源出版物: NATURE, 442 (7100): 282-286 JUL 20 2006摘要: Graphene sheets - one- atom-thick two-dimensional layers of sp(2)-bonded carbon - are predicted to have a range of unusual properti
52、es. Their thermal conductivity and mechanical stiffness may rival the remarkable in-plane values for graphite (similar to 3,000 W m(-1) K-1 and 1,060 GPa, respectively); their fracture strength should be comparable to that of carbon nanotubes for similar types of defects(1-3); and recent studies hav
53、e shown that individual graphene sheets have extraordinary electronic transport properties(4-8). One possible route to harnessing these properties for applications would be to incorporate graphene sheets in a composite material. The manufacturing of such composites requires not only that graphene sh
54、eets be produced on a sufficient scale but that they also be incorporated, and homogeneously distributed, into various matrices. Graphite, inexpensive and available in large quantity, unfortunately does not readily exfoliate to yield individual graphene sheets. Here we present a general approach for
55、 the preparation of graphene-polymer composites via complete exfoliation of graphite(9) and molecular-level dispersion of individual, chemically modified graphene sheets within polymer hosts. A polystyrene - graphene composite formed by this route exhibits a percolation threshold(10) of similar to 0
56、.1 volume per cent for room-temperature electrical conductivity, the lowest reported value for any carbon-based composite except for those involving carbon nanotubes(11); at only 1 volume per cent, this composite has a conductivity of similar to 0.1 S m(-1), sufficient for many electrical applicatio
57、ns(12). Our bottom-up chemical approach of tuning the graphene sheet properties provides a path to a broad new class of graphene-based materials and their use in a variety of applications.ISSN: 0028-0836DOI: 10.1038/nature04969顯示 15 條,共 50 條作者: Nakada, K; Fujita, M; Dresselhaus, G; Dresselhaus, MS標(biāo)題
58、: Edge state in graphene ribbons: Nanometer size effect and edge shape dependence來(lái)源出版物: PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 54 (24): 17954-17961 DEC 15 1996摘要: Finite graphite systems having a zigzag edge exhibit a special edge state. The corresponding energy bands are almost flat at the Fermi level and thereby give
59、 a sharp peak in the density of states. The charge density in the edge state is strongly localized on the zigzag edge sites. No such localized state appears in graphite systems having an armchair edge. By utilizing the graphene ribbon model, we discuss the effect of the system size and edge shape on the special edge state. By varying the width of the graphene ribbons, we find that the nanometer size effect is crucial for determining t
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