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1、閱讀課教學的設計與組織日照市教學研究室徐慶仰課標對讀的要求 1能根據上下文和構詞法推斷、理解生詞的含義; 2能理解段落中各句子之間的邏輯關系; 3能找出文章中的主題,理解故事的情節(jié),預測故事情節(jié)的發(fā)展和可能的結局; 4能讀懂常見體裁的閱讀材料; 5能根據不同的閱讀目的運用簡單的閱讀策略獲取信息; 6能利用字典等工具書進行學習; 7除教材外,課外閱讀量應累計達到15萬詞以上。 閱讀教學目的-培養(yǎng)流暢的閱讀者 培養(yǎng)基本的理解技能 培養(yǎng)真實生活閱讀技能 培養(yǎng)靈活的閱讀技能(根據不同的閱讀目的選擇不同的閱讀方式) 培養(yǎng)批判性閱讀能力 培養(yǎng)自主閱讀者 增強學生的語言知識、社會文化知識和閱讀知識 減少閱讀

2、者背景知識的依賴性幫助其掌握詞語自動解碼的技能 閱讀教學的內容 辨認語言符號 猜測陌生詞語的意思和用法 理解文章的隱含意義 理解概念性意義 理解句子言語的交際意義 理解句子之間的關系 通過銜接詞理解文章各部分之間的意義關系 辨認語篇指示詞語 確定文章的主要觀點或主要信息 從支撐細節(jié)中理解主題 總結文章的主要信息 培養(yǎng)基本的推理技巧 培養(yǎng)跳讀技巧 培養(yǎng)覽讀技巧 將信息圖表化辨別語言符號? 1.Its raining cats and dogs. Mary is the last person Id like to see. He is anything but an artist.People

3、often remember what whey were doing when they heard the news of important events in history.Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks.etiquette(not the same)in cultures(文化文化)(standing close)_ in some Asian(亞亞洲的洲的) countriesuncomfortable in_in situationsnot allowed in _ in our own homes(talking loudly)

4、Standing close is quite common in Asian. Some people feel uncomfortable in Europe Etiquette is not the same in all situations.Etiquette is not the same in every culture or in every situation.Talking in home is fineTalking in library is impoliteMy name is Leo.Im from Australia and Ive been teaching i

5、n China for two rears.I teach in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang Province This is an interesting city with a very colourful history.There is some European influence in the city, and some of the buildings ar in Russian style.Im from Australia and Ive been teaching in China for two rears.理解句子言語的交際

6、意義課文閱讀教學設計的步驟1、分析課文的真實語義、真實語境、真實語用目2、分析真實的閱讀語用目的3、設計恰當的閱讀技能學習目的4、確認圖式差距(schema gap),即學生尚無、課文理解卻需要的圖式 5、設計課文閱讀目標(真實閱讀目的、語言學習目標、閱讀技能目標、圖式建構目標)與相關學習目標6、根據目標設計教學活動、教學過程、教學策略、教學評價7、反饋修正語篇語用分析的維度 是誰寫的? 寫的是什么?(有誰?什么時間?什么地方?發(fā)生/論述了什么事/主題?) 為誰寫? 為什么寫? 怎么寫的? 產生什么影響?Would you mind keeping your voice down?語用分析作者


8、議的方式。What is etiquette?Rules of etiquette in different cultures or situations.To be a person with good manners in any culture to form proper social interactions and behavorsSuggestions to the rule-breakers文章理解層次示例圖To know what it is and how to do in different situations表層深層課文教學一般應該遵循 1、意義理解在先,語言學習在后

9、 2、體現層次,先整體后局部 3、先主旨后細節(jié) 4、先表層后深層 5、閱讀技巧貫穿于始終 6、知識學習基于語篇閱讀課堂的基本結構 Warm up Pre-reading Reading Comprehension Learning about languange Using language Summing up閱讀課pwp教學模式Pre-reading While-reading Post-readingPre-reading Stage Aim of the pre-reading stage:激發(fā)學生對話題興趣激發(fā)學生對話題興趣調動閱讀內在動機調動閱讀內在動機激活學生的認知圖式激活學生的

10、認知圖式Pre-reading Stage 圖式理論概念 圖式是“過去的反映,或過去的經驗的積極組織”,是個不斷發(fā)生作用的已有知識結構,遇到新事物時,只有把這些新事物和已有的圖式聯(lián)系起來才能被理解。(Bartlett) 兩個特質:記憶中的有組織的知識網絡、建立在個體經驗基礎之上Pre-reading Stage Reading strategies for this stage 培養(yǎng)根據閱讀期望進行預測的策略 培養(yǎng)根據談論文章題目或線索進行預測的策略 培養(yǎng)根據閱讀期望提出問題的策略Who?What kind of history?How has I been studying history?

11、Why in China?Pre-reading Stage Students can be asked to: (學生活動) 觀看教材配套視頻 談論閱讀配套圖畫 談論話題或題目 談論已知的關于這個話題的內容 寫下自己期望閱讀能夠回答或解決的問題 回答教師提出的問題 頭腦風暴 。 。Pre-reading Stage Important tips: 主要目的是進行閱讀準備,時間過長就會削弱閱讀過程。單詞處理的原則是幫助學生掃除閱讀文本障礙,但是如果是閱讀理解的目標,則不宜講解。 While-reading Stage Aim of the while-reading stage:幫助學生理解文

12、章的內容幫助學生理解文章的結構幫助學生理解寫作者的目的 While-reading Stage Reading strategies for while-reading stage 使用略讀技能使用略讀技能 使用掃讀技能使用掃讀技能 使用搜尋特定信息的技能使用搜尋特定信息的技能 推斷作者目的和意圖的技能推斷作者目的和意圖的技能While-reading StageStudents can be asked to: 快速閱讀,獲取主旨大快速閱讀,獲取主旨大意意 尋找具體細節(jié)尋找具體細節(jié) 形式轉換(圖畫、表格、形式轉換(圖畫、表格、對話等)對話等) 摘錄要點摘錄要點 畫文本信息畫文本信息/結構圖結

13、構圖 回答事實性或推論性問回答事實性或推論性問題題 事件排序事件排序 判斷正誤判斷正誤猜測詞意猜測詞意/句意句意判斷指代排序段落給段落標題給文段標題。文章結構示例一How about the art of receiving?Receiving a purseReceiving a sweaterReceiving money Receiving is more difficult than giving.etiquettedifferentthe sameculturessituationsgive suggestions politely文章結構示例二Students have probl

14、emsTalk to someoneHow to solve problemsRoberts adviceWho?FriendsTeachersParentsExpertsLauras problemLauras ideaAt firstAt lastWorried for daysFelt much better文章內容結構圖1文章內容結構圖2Receiving is difficultA purse from parents embarrassedPretend to like itOrange sweater from grandparentsTo make them happyGuil

15、tyHard to buy others clothesmoneyUncomfortableMake one think they are lazyWear it when meeting themA gift that has thought behind it 圖表化的分析結構 有助于學生把握整體的層次和內部結構 給學生其他語言活動以支撐(如復述、縮寫、做摘要等) 有助于學生閱讀策略和語篇分析能力的形成語篇分析技巧 引導學生關注重點詞匯 引導學生關注文脈走向 引導學生關注語篇構成和連接手段 提出問題要指向語篇理解與分析 關注閱讀過程而不是閱讀結果語篇分析例析1)In 1901, H.G.

16、Wells, and English writer, wrote a book describing a trip to the moon. When the explorers landed on the moon, they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities. They expressed their surprise to the “ moon people” they met. In turn, the “moon people” expressed their surprise. “Why, ” they

17、asked, “are you traveling to outer space when you dont even use your inner space?” 1.Is the whole text going to talk about a trip to the moon?2. The theme is the “underground cities”? 3. Contrasts between the two surprises and the outer and inner spaces.語篇分析例析 2) H.G. Wells could only imagine travel

18、 to the moon. In 1969, human beings really did land on the moon. People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon. However, the question that the “moon people” asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.1.“However” means that t

19、he 2nd part is opposite to the 1st part?2.The 2nd part is, logically, more important. 3.So, the topic is how can we use the inner part?語篇分析例析 4) Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use the earths space. The surface, they say, can be u

20、sed for farms, parks, gardens, and wilderness. H.G. Wells “Moon people” would agree. Would you?1.This paragraph is a further development of the previous paragraph and the meaning is throughout.2.The author is in favor of “down”.Post-reading Stage Aim of the post-reading stage:1、根據閱讀內容進行思維活動、根據閱讀內容進行

21、思維活動 2、將所讀內容與學生自己經歷、將所讀內容與學生自己經歷、知識、興趣和觀點相聯(lián)系知識、興趣和觀點相聯(lián)系 3、豐富、完善認知圖式、豐富、完善認知圖式 4、通過運用鞏固語言知識、通過運用鞏固語言知識1、你們喜歡故事里面的哪一個?不喜歡哪一個?為什么?2、如果在午夜12點的時候,辛黛瑞拉沒有來得及跳上她的南瓜馬車,你們想一想,可能會出現什么情況?3、如果你是辛黛瑞拉的后媽,你會不會阻止辛黛瑞拉去參加王子的舞會?你們一定要誠實喲!4、如果辛黛瑞拉因為后媽不愿意她參加舞會就放棄了機會,她可能成為王子的新娘嗎?5、這個故事有什么不合理的地方?美國老師的問題Post-reading Stage Reading strategies for post-reading stage 反思 觀察歸納運用綜合 評價 活動組織Post-reading Stage Activities at the post-reading stage 口頭討論 角色扮演 書


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