1、英美概況個人整理資料政治部分一、翻譯THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE PREAMBLEWhen in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected
2、60;them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle th
3、em, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. 前言在人類事務(wù)發(fā)展的過程中,當(dāng)一個民族必須解除同另一個民族的聯(lián)系,并按照自然法則和上帝的旨意,以獨立平等的身份立于世界列
4、國之林時,出于對人類輿論的尊重,必須把驅(qū)使他們獨立的原因予以宣布。A FORMAL DECLARATION OF WARWe, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the
5、60;world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United
6、 Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political con
7、nection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy
8、 War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of
9、60;this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. 因此,我們這些在
10、大陸會議上集會的美利堅合眾國的代表們,以各殖民地善良人民的名義,并經(jīng)他們授權(quán),向世界最高裁判者申訴,說明我們的嚴(yán)正意向,同時鄭重宣布:我們這些聯(lián)合起來的殖民地現(xiàn)在是,而且按公理也應(yīng)該是,獨立自由的國家;我們?nèi)∠麑τ跏倚е业娜苛x務(wù),我們與大不列顛王國之間的一切政治聯(lián)系從此全部斷絕,而且必須斷絕;作為一個獨立自由的國家,我們完全有權(quán)宣戰(zhàn)、締和、結(jié)盟、通商和采取獨立國家有權(quán)采取的一切行動。我們堅定地信賴神明上帝的保佑,同時以我們的生命、財產(chǎn)和神圣的名譽彼此宣誓來支援這一宣言.Give me liberty,or give me deathIt is in vain, sir, to exten
11、uate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would
12、they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! 企圖使事態(tài)得到緩和是徒勞的。各位先生可以高喊:和平!和平!但根本不存在和平。戰(zhàn)斗實際上已經(jīng)打響。從北方刮來的風(fēng)暴將把武器的鏗鏘回響傳到我們耳中。我們的弟兄已經(jīng)奔赴戰(zhàn)場!
13、我們?yōu)槭裁催€要站在這里袖手旁觀呢?先生們想要做什么?他們會得到什么?難道生命就這么可貴,和平就這么甜蜜,竟值得以鐐銬和奴役作為代價?全能的上帝啊,制止他們這樣做吧!我不知道別人會如何行事;至于我,不自由,毋寧死!2、 概念 P307-P3301.Three main principles a.Federalism b.the Separation of powers c.the respect for the American Constitution2. The procedure of the amendment a.Two-thirds of both houses shall thin
14、k it necessary b.Then it should be ratified by three-fourths of the state. 實例:Then in 1791,the first ten amendment were made,This is the well-known”Bill of Rights”.3. The separation of powers-Checks and Balance a.The legislature branch-Congress Senate i. 100 senators ii. six years iii. President of
15、senate(Vice-president of the United States) The House of Represents i. 435 congressmen ii. Two years iii.The speaker of the House The outstanding characteristics is that the Vice-president of the United States is the Ex-officio president of the Senate. b.The Executive Branch and The President Presid
16、ent - cabinet -Vice-president + 15 departments c.The Judiciary and Legal System The U.S Supreme Court is headed by a Chief Justice and eight other Judges,all called Associate Justice. 4.Political Parties and Electionsa. Thomas Nast drew a political picture with a donkey representing the Democratic P
17、arty and elephant representing the Republican Party.b.the member of Democratic Party called Democrats the member of Republic Party called republicansc.choosing the candidates - primary electionsd.Election of the President The number of“electors”from each state is equal to that of its senators and re
18、presentatives in Congress.So there are altogether in the country 538 presidential electors,535 for the States,(435 plus 100) and 3 for the District of Columbia(without seats in Congress).e.Winner-take-all If the candidates of a party for “electors” in a given state receive a majority of the total vo
19、te,then the party is entitled to have all the electoral votes for that state,even though a presidential candidate receives only slightly more than electoral votes of that state.This system is known as the “winner-take-all”. 地理部分1、 五大湖的名稱及各大地形填圖歷史部分1、 Territory In 1803 , Louisiana , purchase , Europe
20、an War , from Napoleon I In 1819 , Florida , , ,from Spanish In 1845 , Texas , annex , U.S-Mexico War , from Mexico In 1867 , Alaska , purchase , , from Russia In 1889 , Hawaiian , the last state of America2、 Eight Regions 1.The New England Region (6) Maine , New Hampshire , Vermont , Massachusetts
21、, Rhode Island and Connecticut 緬因州,新漢普郡,佛蒙特州,馬薩諸塞州,羅德島州,康涅狄格州 2.The Middle Atlantic Region (6) 3.The South Region (11) 4.The Midwest Region (8) 5.The Region of the Great Plains (6) 6.The West Region (11) 7.Alaska 8.Hawaii3、 The definitions of nouns 1.Melting Pot It is a phrase commonly used to signi
22、fy the mixture ans assimilation of different races that Have immigrated into the U.S. P16 2.Mayflower In the autumn of 1620,for the religions freedom,73 men and 29 women who were called pilgrims started for American in a ship named the Mayflower. P56 3.The New Deal In order to deal wit The Great Dep
23、ression of 1929-1933,Franklin D. Roosevelt became the 32nd President in 1933.And he put forward his economic reform program package called the New Deal.Including Relief,Recovery,Reform. P106 4.Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine was a policy of the United States introduced in 1823 which was included
24、 in the president Monroes message to the congress . It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. Intervention. P764、 The History 1.American history is generally agreed to h
25、ave begun in 1607 when the first group of the British colonists went to America and started to build their settlement there.And the first settlement is Jamestown. P502.French and Indian War 1756-1763.The American War of Independence(1775-1783)3.The Contradiction between Britain and te Colonists i. 1
26、765 The Stamp Act Paper must be used for all legal documents and other articles. It was repealed in 1766,It was the first victory of colonies. ii. Soon after the last Act The Townshend Acts It requests te goods imported must be taxed. It was repealed in 1770 except the tax on tea. iii.In the spring
27、of the 1770 The Boston Massacres Boys,soldiers,troops,crowded.Fired,killed,wounded. A town meeting.Colonists dont allow English troops there. iv.In 1772,Committees of Correspondence Boston,Virginia,get in touch with people in other towns. Colonists are beginning to get organized for coming struggles
28、. v.In 1773,The Boston “Tea Party” After the passing of the “Tea Act”,A party of fifty or sixty men disguised as Indians went on East India Companys ship,broke open the tea chests and poured the tea into the water.4.The Unity of the Colonies. i. The First Continental Congress was held in Philadelphi
29、a in September,1774. ii. Patrick Henry from Virginia made a famous speech on March 23rd,1775 “Give me liberty or give me death.”It is the bugle.(號角)5. The fire of Lexington and the Declaration of Independence. a. The American War of Independence. b. In May 1775,the Second Continent Congress was gath
30、ering in Philadelphia. c. Thomas Paines pamphlet “Common Sense”called on people to take up arms to fight for Independence. d. A representative of Virginia,Richard Henry Lee suggested to draw up a declaration of independence.Then it was drew up by a committee including Thomas Jefferson as head.On Jul
31、y 4th,1776,the document was accepted by the Congress and since then July 4th has been observed as Independence Day of the United States.6.Progress of te War The Turning Point of the war. The victory of Saratoga was the turning point of the war which had a great significance because it saved New York
32、 State and the whole New England.Also the British plan of separating New England from the other states failed.Furthermore,it made it possible for the Americans to make a treaty of alliance with France.7. The significance of the war The American War of Independence was of great historical importance
33、and influence. a. A new republic emerged and it marked a new beginning of American history. b. It tells the world that a just cause will sooner or later win while the evil cause will certainly lose. c. The victory of the American people also greatly encouraged the people in the colonies ruled by the
34、 Spanish and promoted the national liberation struggle of the other colonies in the world. The Growth of the Nation 8. The president of U.S.A 1789-1797 George Washington 1797-1801 John Adams 1801-1809 Thomas Jefferson 1809-1817 James Madison 1817-1825 James Monroe 1825-1829 John Q. Adams 1829-1837 A
35、ndrew Jackson 1837-1841 Martin V. Buren 1841 William H. Harrison 1841-1845 John Tyler 9. the U.S-Mexican War a. In 1835,pillaging Taxes,the Mexican territory was the start to the U.S-Mexican War. b. In May 1846,the American troops started the aggressive war against Mexico. c. In September 1847,the C
36、ity of Mexico,capital of the country ,fell into the hands of the American troops. d.In February 1848 ,a treaty was signed and the war came to the end.According to the treaty,Mexico lost half of her territory. The American Civil War(1861-1865) 10.The Slavery Problem In 1852,”Uncle Toms Cabin”came out
37、,writing by Harriet Beecher Stower,The book describe the cruel things might happen to a slave under a cruel master.It arouse a great and universal hatred for slavery. 11.The Political Conflicts. a. In 1854,Stephen A. Douglas,a Democrat in Senate,introduced a bill in the Senate known as “Douglas Bill
38、” b. Kansas-Nebraska Act c. In 1859 there was a man called John Brown who intended to settle the slavery trouble by force.His plan awaken the slaves while he was hanged for treason. d. In 1860,Abraham Lincoln was elected president.He put up that“House divided”. 12.The progress of the Civil War. a. Turning Point:The Union forces won a great victory at Gettysburg and this greatly encouraged te Union army. b. The Homestead Act. In May 1862,Lincoln issued it.It stimulated the development of capitalist agriculture in the south. c. The Emancipation Proclamation.(解放黑奴宣言) On the September 22nd,1862
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