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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上1.改錯(cuò)題About 70 million American are trying to lose weight. 1. _Thats almost one out of three in the United States. 2. _Some ate less of certain foods, especially fat and sugar. 3. _Other exercise, take medicine or even have operations. 4. _Lose weight is not easy, and it can also cost lo

2、ts of money. 5. _But why many people in the US want to lose 6. _their weight? Many people worry about not looking young 7. _and pretty. Other people worry about his health. Many 8. _doctors say putting too much weight is not healthy. 9. _ Almost 30 million people weigh at least 20 percent much 10. _

3、改錯(cuò)題1. American-Americans 2.正確 3. ate-eat 4. Other-Others 5. Lose-Losing 6. many 前加do 7.去掉 their 8. his -their 9.too 前加on 10.much -more2. 短文改錯(cuò)One day we were having English class when Mr. Black saw 1. a boy reading a picture-book and said, “Tom, how do you 2. usually do after lunch ? ” Tom nervously

4、got up his seat. 3. He did not know what to answer. He thought for some 4. time and then said, waiting for supper.” The teacher was 5. unhappy, and at that moment he saw a boy was sleep. He was 6. angry but he was trying not to show for it. Then he asked, “And 7. you, Joke?” Joke wake up and did not

5、 hear the question. He asked 8. his deskmate, who dared not tell him. Then he stood up but 9. replied in a loudly voice, “So do I, sir !” Everybody laughed. 10. 短文改錯(cuò)1. English-an English2. how-what3. up-up from 4.5. waiting-wait6. sleep-sleeping/asleep7. 去掉for8. wake-waked/woke9. butand10. loudly-lo

6、ud3.短文改錯(cuò)Every morning John goes to work by trains. He always 1. _ buys a newspaper , it helps to make the time pass more quickly .2. _One Thursday morning, he turned on the sports 3. _ page . He wanted to see the report about an important4. _ football match the night before . The report was such 5.

7、_ interesting that he forgot to get off at his station . He didnt know it when he saw the sea. He got off 6. _ at the next station , and had to wait long time for a 7. _ train to go back . Of course, he arrived very late 8. _ at the office . His boss were very angry when Tom told him 9. _ why he was

8、 late . “Work is very more important than football ! ” 10. _     答案: 1. trains train 2. itwhich 3. onto 4. seeread 5. suchso 6. whenuntil 7. long前加a 8. 9. werewas 10. verymuch 4.短文改錯(cuò)Women are playing an increasingly important part in society today More and more women are working like

9、workers ,farmers,                            1_  soldiers,scientists and even leaders instead only         

10、60;                     2_  keeping the houseNow almost all the work which men                   

11、60;  3_  can do is completely done by womanWomen are                              4_  no longer looked down by society   

12、;                                       5_  With the development of society,women's position(地位) 

13、;              6_  in the family has improved as well,because of                           

14、;        7_  they can support themselves by working and make money               8_  The husband and wife are now equal in the familyThey deal       &

15、#160;    9_  problems of daily life,and share happiness each otherYou can        10_  hardly find the situation in today families where women are              &

16、#160; 11_  busy cooking,when men are sitting in armchairs,doing nothing      12_  In spite of these changes,the liberation(解放)of women hasn't completely realized 13_  Some women don't get equal pay for equal workThis is a    &#

17、160;             14_  problem must be settled,not only by society,but by women themselves         15_   參考答案:106likeas 107instead后加of 108去掉第一個(gè)the 109womanwomen 110down后加upon或on 111

18、 112去掉of 113makemaking 114deal后加with 115happiness后加with 116todaytoday's 117whenwhile 118hasn't后加been 119120problem后加that或which5.短文改錯(cuò)Recently I took part a geography research study group. Our topic 1. is environmental pollution and protection.We took a variety 2. of pictures showed the presen

19、t pollution conditions of our city. To 3. our surprised, there are still a lot of people doing silly things to our 4. surroundings. Some people throw rubbish anywhere where they like;5. some cars give off harmful gases and waste water are poured into the 6. rivers by some factories. Worse still, peo

20、ple sometime have to make 7. them way through dusty winds as a result of the the pollution. Through 8. our research, we come to know that everybody must pay more attention 9. to our environment and some measure should be taken 10. 答案及解析:1. part 后面加in, take part in “參加”是固定詞組2. is 改為was, 這里應(yīng)該用過(guò)去時(shí)態(tài)3. s

21、howed 改為showing,在這里應(yīng)該用ving形式作pictures 的定語(yǔ)4. surprised 改為surprise , to ones +抽象名詞 “令某人”k+s-5#u 5. where改為that 或去掉where6. are 改為is ,主語(yǔ)是waste water 不是harmful gases and waste water,必須注意分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)7.sometime 改為sometimes 8. them 改為their , make ones way 前進(jìn),進(jìn)展9.正確10.measure 改為measures 86.短文改錯(cuò)I saw a case falling

22、 off a mans bike on my way to the 1. cinema in this afternoon . I shouted out to the man 2. to stop. But he didnt hear me and ride away. I was 3. wondering what to do while I had an idea. I stopped a 4. taxi and got in it with the case. Soon I caught up with 5. the man. Got the case back, he was so

23、thankful that he 6. offered me some money, and I refused it politely. Then 7. the driver took him to the cinema. When I paid him, the driver 8. pushed my hand away and said with smile, “Neither will I 9. accept your money”. I felt very happy though I was late for the film. 10. 答案及解析1. falling 改為 fal

24、len , 表示錢夾被這個(gè)男人從自行車上掉下,see sth done 結(jié)構(gòu)2. in 劃去, 這是一個(gè)中式英語(yǔ), “ 今天下午” 就是this afternoon3. ride改為rode, 這里應(yīng)該是和and前面的did 構(gòu)成并列, 用過(guò)去時(shí)態(tài)4. while 改為 when, 表示正在那時(shí), 用到“be doing when ” 結(jié)構(gòu)5. in 改為 into ,這里表示進(jìn)入出租車6. Got 改為Getting, 它的邏輯主語(yǔ)和后面動(dòng)作的主語(yǔ)是同一人7. and改為but, 前后是轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系k+s-5#u 8. 第1個(gè)him改為 me9. smile 前面加a10. 正確97.短文改錯(cuò)X

25、iaoming is used to send a lot of cards to his friends 1. at new year time. And all his classmates did same. But 2. on one day he read a report in the newspaper, which said 3. that cards are made of trees. A large number of cards would 4. consume a lot of trees but at present more and more trees have

26、 5. been cut down lead to serious floods in some areas. Xiaoming 6. felt shocked at the report in the newspaper and realized the 7. important of protecting trees, and then he shared this report 8. with their classmates. From now on he decides to send his 9. wishes to his friends by telephone instead

27、 sending cards. 10. 答案及解析1. 去掉is, 這里是過(guò)去常常寄賀卡給他的朋友們 used to do sth 過(guò)去常常做某事, 而 be used to do sth 表示被用來(lái)做某事2. same 前面加the3. 去掉on, 這是一個(gè)中國(guó)式英語(yǔ)4. of 改為from, 賀卡由樹(shù)木制成,看不出材料5. but改為and, 前后是并列關(guān)系6. lead 改為leading, 這里用進(jìn)行時(shí)表伴隨7. 正確8. important改為importance, 這里是意識(shí)到保護(hù)樹(shù)木的重要性,用名詞形式9. their 改為his ,人稱不一致10. instead 后面加of

28、,instead of doing sth 代替做某事,是固定詞組8.短文改錯(cuò)Most people know that the around openings in our eyes    1._ are called the pupils.Some people know that the pupils of  2._ the eyes change for the brightness of lightThe brighter      3._ the light, the smaller the pupil

29、.0The more bright the light,       4._ the larger it become.    5._ Now scientists know that fear, angry, and even surprise   6._ can also cause the pupils to getting larger.They have found out 7._ that when people see something they like, their pupi

30、ls get larger. 8._ Pupils get smaller when people look at something they are not fond. 9._ Scientists are learning a lot of how people feel by studying their pupils.  10._ 81aroundround                  &#

31、160;              82去掉called后的the83forwith                                &

32、#160;              84moreless85becomebecomes                                

33、;  86angryanger87gettingget                                            8889fond后

34、加of                                           90ofabout9.短文改錯(cuò)When the world enters the 21s

35、t century, the development in the    1. _science and technology will bring us much more new hopes and  2. _chances we've never imagined before. People are hoping have    3. _a peaceful and highly developing world. To catch up with        4.

36、_the new development and to be success in the new century the    5. _younger generation is required to have  different kind of skills  6. _and abilities, such like the computer science and the English      7 _language. Otherwise one will be left behind. Young

37、people       8. _should study even hard at school and prepare themselves         9. _mentally and physically to face with the new challenge.     10._第一節(jié): 短文改錯(cuò)(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)When the world enters the 21st century, the deve

38、lopment in the   1. thescience and technology will bring us much more new hopes and  2. manychances we've never imagined before. People are hoping have  3.toa peaceful and highly developing world. To catch up with        4.developedthe new d

39、evelopment and to be success in the new century the    5.successfulyounger generation is required to have different kind of skills    6.kindsand abilities, such like the computer science and the English     7 aslanguage. Otherwise one will be left be

40、hind. Young people      8. should study even hard at school and prepare themselves        9. hardermentally and physically to face with the new challenge.       10. with10.短文改錯(cuò)Small children often laugh at a la

41、me or blind pelple, _ 76. or at someone who isn't dressed as good as they are. _77. And as they grow up, they learn not to hurt people's _78. feelings by laughing at their problems.They learn to _ 79. laugh at the other things.Most important,they learn _80. to laugh at themselves.Suppose you

42、're playing at a _81. game.You make a silly mistake and defeat.Do you _82. become angry? Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do better next time? Suppose you are on a _83. special dinner.You accidentally spill some foods.Why _84. keep worrying about how clumsy you looked?Why not to _85. laugh it off and enjoy yourself any way?


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