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1、一時態(tài)詳解16個時態(tài)中,常用的有12個:一般現(xiàn)在時、一般過去時、一般將來時、過去將來時、現(xiàn)在進行時、過去進行時、將來進行時、現(xiàn)在完成時、過去完成時、將來完成時、現(xiàn)在完成進行時和過去完成進行時。其他時態(tài)很少單獨使用。 下面把各種時態(tài)的構成和用法做一個全面的介紹。 1、一般現(xiàn)在時 通常以動詞原形表示。主語為第三人稱單數(shù)時,用現(xiàn)單三形式。 動詞be和have(表示“擁有”)各人稱的單數(shù)形式為: 第一人稱單數(shù) 第二人稱單數(shù) 第三人稱單數(shù) Have Have Have Has Be Am Are is 一般現(xiàn)在時的否定式、疑問式和簡單回答形式如下: 動詞be 與 have(表示“擁有”):否定式直接把n

2、ot放在動詞之后,疑問式直接把動詞放在主語之前,見下表: 否定式 疑問式 Be Have Be Have I am not (Im not) I have not (havent) Am i? Have i? You are not (arent) You have not (havent) Are you? Have you? He is not (isnt) He has not (hasnt) Is he ? Has he ? 動詞be 的否定疑問式和簡單回答: 否定疑問式 肯定回答 否定回答 Am I not (arent i)? Yes, you are. No, you arent

3、 Are you not (arent you)? Yes, I am. No, Im not. Is he not (isnt he)? Yes, he is. No, he isnt 動詞be 與 have(表示“擁有”):否定式直接把not放在動詞之后,疑問式直接把動詞放在主語之前,見下表: 否定式 疑問式 Be Have Be Have I am not (Im not) I have not (havent) Am i? Have I ? You are not (arent) You have not (havent) Are you ? Have you? He is not (

4、isnt) He has not (hasnt) Is he ? Has he ? 動詞have(表示“擁有”) 的否定疑問式和簡單回答: 否定疑問式 肯定回答 否定回答 Have I not (havent i)? Yes, you have. No, you havent. Have you not (havent you)? Yes, I have. No, I havent. Has he not (hasnt he)? Yes, he has. No, he hasnt. 注意:have 作為行為動詞則只能按照行為動詞的規(guī)則變化。 行為動詞(以study為例)一般現(xiàn)在時的否定式、疑問

5、式和簡單回答(注意要加助動詞do/does) 否定式 疑問式 I do not (dont) study Do I study You do not (dont) study Do you study He does not (doesnt) study Does he study 否定疑問句式 簡單回答(肯定/否定) Do I not (Dont I) study? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Do you not (Dont you) study? Yes, you do. No, you dont. Does he not (Doesnt he) study? Yes,

6、 he does. No, he doesnt. 2、現(xiàn)在進行時 由助動詞be 現(xiàn)在分詞構成。其中be有人稱和數(shù)的變化,有三種形式:第一人稱單數(shù)用am, 第三人稱單數(shù)用is, 其他用are。 現(xiàn)在進行時的否定式是:直接在助動詞be后面加上not;疑問式是:把助動詞be提到主語之前。以study 為例: 否定式 疑問式 I am not studying Am I studying? You are not studying, Are you studying? He is not studying. Is he studying? 5、一般過去時 一般過去時通常由動詞過去式表示。一般過去時的否

7、定式、疑問式和簡單回答形式要用助動詞do 的過去式did, 同時注意實義動詞要用原形。以study 為例,其否定式、疑問式和簡單回答形式如下: 否定式 疑問式 I did not (didnt) study. Did I study? You did not (didnt) study. Did you study? He did not (didnt) study. Did he study? 否定疑問式 簡單回答 (肯定/否定) Did I not (Didnt I) study? Yes, you did. No, you didnt. Di you not (Didnt you) st

8、udy? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. Did he not (Didnt he) study? Yes, he did. No, he didnt. 6、過去進行時 由助動詞be 的過去式 現(xiàn)在分詞構成。其中be有人稱和數(shù)的變化,第一、第三人稱單數(shù)用was,其他用were. 1)過去進行時動詞主要表示在過去某一時刻或某一段時間內正在進行或持續(xù)進行的動作。過去進行時經(jīng)常與過去時配合使用。例如: This time yesterday, we were having an English lesson. 昨天這個時候,我們正在上英語課。 The teacher was giv

9、ing us a lesson when Tom walked into the room.  老師在給我們上課時,湯姆走進教室。 While we were having supper, all the lights went out. 我們吃飯的時候,燈滅了。 He was reading while she was setting the table. 她擺桌子時,他在讀書。 It was getting dark. The wind was rising. 天漸漸黑下來了。風勢增強了。 2)過去進行時動詞常用always, continually, frequent

10、ly 等詞連用,表示過去經(jīng)常發(fā)生的行為。這種用法表明帶有的感情色彩。例如: The two brothers were frequently quarreling when they were young. 兩兄弟小時候常吵架。 In Qing Dynasty, China was always making concessions to western powers. 清朝時,中國總是對西方列強妥協(xié)。 7、過去完成時 一律用had + 過去分詞構成。 用法: 1)表示發(fā)生在過去某一時間或動作之前的事情,即“過去的過去”。用過去完成時,必須有一個過去的時間或動作來作參照,說明在此之前某事已發(fā)生

11、。如果兩個動作都是在過去發(fā)生的,先發(fā)生的用過去完成時,后發(fā)生的用一般過去時。例如: She told me she had been there three times before. 她告訴我她以前到過那里三次。(“去過”發(fā)生在“告訴”之前) How long had he taught here by the end of last term? 到上學期末為止,他在這里教學多長時間啦? (“教學”發(fā)生在上學期末結束之前) When we arrived, the football match had already begun. 我們到的時候,足球賽已經(jīng)開始了。 She had visit

12、ed China twice before she came this year. 她今年來中國之前已訪問過中國兩次了。 2)過去完成時動詞可以表示過去某一時刻之前發(fā)生的動作或呈現(xiàn)的狀態(tài),這一動作一直持續(xù)到過去這一時刻或將繼續(xù)下去。例如: By the middle of last month, I had lived in Beijing for five years. 到上月中旬,我已在北京住了五年了。 By six oclock they had worked for eight hours. 到六點為止,他們已工作八小時了。When I came to Shanghai, he had

13、 been there for a long time. 我到上海時,他在那里很長時間了。 3)過去完成時動詞常用于間接引語和虛擬語氣,我們以后會詳細講述。 4)此外,過去完成時常用于 no soonerthan 和 hardly(scarcely) when 這兩個句型,前面部分用過去完成時,后面部分用一般過去時。例如: No sooner had he stolen the purse than he was caught red-handed. = He had no sooner stolen the purse than he was caught red-handed. 他剛偷到錢

14、包就被當場抓獲。 Saddam had hardly realized what was happening when he was captured. = Hardly had Saddam realized what was happening when he was captured. 薩達姆還沒有意識到在發(fā)生什么事情就被抓獲了。 8、過去完成進行時 had been + 動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞。 用法:表示一直持續(xù)到過去某個時間的行為動作,此行為動作或剛結束、或還沒結束(可以從上下文看出)。這一時態(tài)經(jīng)常與一般過去時一起使用。例如: When he came in, I had been try

15、ing to repair the TV for a couple of hours. 他進來的時候,我一直在努力修理電視機好幾個小時了 The roads were dangerous. It had been raining for two whole days. 道路很危險。雨一直下了兩整天。 They were tired because they had been digging since dawn. 他們累了,因為從天亮開始他們就一直在挖。 The boy was delighted with the new mountain bike. He had been hoping f

16、or one for a long time. 那男孩得到一輛新山地自行車很高興。很長時間來他一直希望有一輛。 9、一般將來時 一般將來時動詞表示將來發(fā)生的動作或情況。主要有以下幾種表現(xiàn)形式: (1)shall/will + 動詞原形 表示單純的將來,不涉及主語的主觀意愿。第一人稱I, we用shall 或will,其余用will. 其否定式、疑問式和簡單回答形式如下: 否定式 疑問式 I shall/will not study. Shall I study? You will not study. Will you study? He will not study. Will he stu

17、dy? 否定疑問式 簡單回答(肯定/否定) Shall I not (shant i) study? Yes, you will. No, you wont. Will you not (Wont you) study? Yes, I shall/will. No, I shant/wont. Will he not (Wont he) study.? Yes, he will. No, he wont. 例如: I shall be twenty years old next year. 我明年二十歲。 The sky is black. I think it will rain. 天黑下來

18、了。我想可能會下雨。You will meet him at the station this afternoon. 你下午會在車站碰到他。 The train will arrive soon. 火車快要到了。 When shall we see you next time? 我們下次什么時候能看見你呢? He probably wont go with us. 他大概不能和我們一起去。 注意: 1)shall, will的縮寫形式為ll, 如Ill, youll, hell 和shell等。 2)will 用于第一人稱時,可以表示將來的意愿、決心、允諾、命令等;shall用于第二、三人稱時

19、,可以表示說話人的將來的意愿。例如: I will give you a new pen for your birthday. 我將送你一支新鋼筆作為生日禮物。(允諾) I will take the college entrance examination. 我將參加大學入學考試。(決心) Shall I open the window?  我打開窗戶好嗎?(征求允諾) You shall have the book as soon as I get it. 我一拿到書就給你。(說話人的允諾) The enemy shall not pass.  決不

20、讓敵人通過。(說話人的保證) I will do my best to help you.  我愿意盡力幫助你。(意愿) Nobody shall be late for the meeting. 任何人開會都不能遲到。(說話人的命令) (2)be going + 動詞不定式 1)這種結構表示主體現(xiàn)在打算在最近或將來要做某事。這種打算往往是事先考慮好的。例如: My brother is going to learn English next year.  我哥哥準備明年學英語。 I am going to meet Tom at the station

21、 at six. 我六點鐘要到火車站去接湯姆。 She is not going to be there.  她不會到那兒去的。 When are you going to finish your work?  你的工作什么時候做完? He is going to stay a week.  他準備呆一星期。 We are going to call a meeting to discuss it. 我們準備開個會來討論一下。 2)這種結構還可以表示說話人根據(jù)已有的跡象認為非??赡芗磳l(fā)生某事。例如: Look at these bl

22、ack clouds?it is going to rain. 看這些烏云?要下雨了。 I think it is going to snow. 我看要下雪。 I am afraid I am going to have a bad cold. 恐怕我要得重感冒。 10、將來進行時 shall/will be + 現(xiàn)在分詞 用法:將來進行時動詞表示在將來某一段時間內將會發(fā)生的動作。 This time next week we shall be working in that factory. 下星期這時候,我們將在那個工廠勞動。 When I get up tomorrow morning,

23、 my mother will be getting breakfast for me. 當我明天早晨起床時,我媽媽將在為我準備早飯。 I will be seeing him next month.  我下個月將要見他。 Tomorrow we will be going to the village fair.我們明天去趕集。 We will be taking our holiday at the seaside in July.  七月份我們要去海邊度假。 一般將來時與將來進行時都表示將來,那么如何區(qū)別一般將來時和將來進行時呢?將來進行時不表示個

24、人意愿,強調主觀上感覺某事即將發(fā)生,并對這一事情有著期待,感情色彩較濃,強調動作。一般將來時主要是對某一事情即將發(fā)生做一個事實性的說明或陳述,強調事實或意愿。 11、過去將來時 (1)由should/would + 動詞原形構成。第一人稱用should; 第二、三人稱用would。美國英語所有人稱一律用would. should/would 的簡略形式為d, 如Id, youd; would not 和should not的簡略形式分別為wouldnt 和shouldnt. (2)過去將來時表示從過去某時間看將要發(fā)生的事情,多用在賓語從句中。還可以表示過去的傾向或過去經(jīng)常發(fā)生的事情。如: Th

25、ey asked me if I would go to Guangzhou soon. 他們問我是否很快要去廣州。 She told me she would come again next week. 她和我說她下周還來。 I told him to leave immediately, but he wouldnt. 我告訴他馬上離開,但他不。 Hed play the violin when he was in low spirits. 他情緒低落的時候,就拉小提琴。 When I was in college, I would find a part-time job during

26、the summer holidays every year to earn my tuition. 我上大學的時候,每年暑假都找份臨時工掙學費。 (3)其他表示過去將來時的結構: 12、將來完成時 shall/will + have + 過去分詞 用法:將來完成時動詞主要表示在將來的某一時刻或將來的某一時刻之前完成的動作,這一動作也可能繼續(xù)進行。例如: By seven oclock this afternoon we shall have got to Shanghai if the train keeps good line. 如果火車運行正常,我們今天下午七點就到上海了。 Before

27、 bedtime Xiao Ming will have completed his work. 到上床睡覺的時候,小明會做完他的工作(或作業(yè))。 By February next year this foreign expert will have been here on this job for five years. 到明年二月,這個外國專家在這兒做這項工作就滿五年了。 By Sept. 2008 Beijing will have held/hosted the Olympic Games. 到2008年9月,北京將舉行完了奧運會。二1.被動語態(tài)的構成 被動語態(tài)由“be+及物動詞的過

28、去分詞”構成。這里要強調一定是及物動詞的過去分詞,因為不及物動詞不能帶賓語,也就不可能有被動語態(tài)。英語主動語態(tài)有16個時態(tài);被動語態(tài)常用的有8個,以give為例說明如下: 時態(tài) 動詞形式 一般現(xiàn)在時 Am/is/are given 一般過去時 Was/were given 一般將來時 Shall/will be given 現(xiàn)在進行時 Am/is/are being given 過去進行時 Was/were being given 過去將來時 Should/would be given 現(xiàn)在完成時 Has/have been given 過去完成時 Had been given 被動語態(tài)的疑問

29、句是將第一個助動詞移到主語之前、句末用問號;否定式是在第一個助動詞后加not或never等其他否定詞、句末用句號。The origin of the universe will probably never be explained. 宇宙的起源大概永遠也不會被解釋清楚。 Is the restaurant being decorated? 那家餐館正在裝修嗎? The restaurant is not being decorated. In the fact the restaurant has never been decorated。 那家餐館沒有在裝修。實際上,那家餐館從來沒有裝修過

30、。 2.被動語態(tài)的用法 1、不知道或沒有必要指出動作的執(zhí)行者。換個說法,有一件事情不知道是誰干的或者不想說出是誰干的,這時就用被動語態(tài)。例如: I felt a littlie nervous when I was being interviewed. 我接受面試的時候,有點緊張。 These fighters are imported from Russia. 這些戰(zhàn)斗機是從俄國進口的。 That place has been turned into a swimming pool. 那個地方已被變成游泳池。 2、說話或發(fā)表意見時,為了顯得客觀公正,也常用被動語態(tài) Hes said/beli

31、eved/reported to be in the U. S. A. 據(jù)說/據(jù)信/據(jù)報道他在美國。 還有下列常用句型(that后面跟句子): It is said that.  據(jù)說 It is reported that.  據(jù)報道 It is hoped that.  希望 It is believed that.  人們相信 It is announced that.  據(jù)宣布 it is (well) known that.  眾所周知 It has been de

32、cided that.  已經(jīng)決定 It is supposed that.  人們認為 It is suggested that.  有人建議 It must be remembered that.  務必記住 It is taken for granted that.  被視為當然 三、虛擬語氣 多數(shù)中國人對虛擬語氣的理解是:虛擬語氣表示說話人的愿望,是假設的,虛構的,與事實相反的,或者是不太可能的。這種理解固然是對的,但并不全面。在英語中,虛擬語氣是個廣義的概念,包括好幾種句型和結構。假設

33、,意愿等只是虛擬語氣的兩個方面。     英漢兩種語言表達虛擬語氣的方式差異: 而在英語中,虛擬語氣是通過句子中謂語動詞的特殊形式來表示的。這又一次證明動詞在英語中的核心地位,又一次證明要學好英語語法,就要學好英語動詞。由于虛擬語氣是通過句子中謂語動詞的特殊形式來表示的,因此,掌握虛擬語氣中所使用的各種謂語動詞形式變化是掌握虛擬語氣的關鍵,這也是虛擬語氣的難點。虛擬語氣本身也是英語語法的一個難點。 學習虛擬語氣的方法是分別弄通虛擬語氣的各種句型和結構,各個擊破。下面對虛擬語氣在各種句式中的用法分別介紹。 (一)虛擬語氣用于表示假設的條件狀語從句,狀語從句

34、相當于漢語的“假如” “要是”等。 請看一個句子: If she invites me tomorrow, I shall go to the party. 如果她明天邀請我參加聚會,我就去。 這是個帶條件從句的主從復合句,是直接的陳述語氣,主句謂語動詞用將來時,從句謂語動詞用現(xiàn)在時代替將來時,表示能實現(xiàn)的動作。這句話說明說話人認為邀請的可能性較大。此句的條件是“只要她邀請我”,“去”這一動作就能實現(xiàn)。 請把這句話與下面虛擬語氣的帶條件從句的主從復合句進行比較: 1)   If she invited me, I should go to the party. 假如她邀請我

35、參加聚會,我就去。(說話人認為邀請的可能性較小或不可能。) 這句話主句謂語動詞用過去將來時,從句謂語動詞用一般過去時,其含義是: She will probably not invite me, so I shall not go to the party.  她很可能不會邀請我參加聚會,所以我不會去。 2)   If she had invited me yesterday, I should have gone to the party. 假如她昨天邀請我參加聚會,我就去了。 這句話主句謂語動詞用“should have + 過去分詞”形式,從句用過

36、去完成時,對過去發(fā)生的事情進行虛擬假設,表示與過去事實相反的情況,其含義是: She didnt invite me yesterday, so I didnt go to the party. 她昨天沒有邀請我參加聚會,因此我沒有去。 3)   If she should invite me tomorrow, I should go to the party. 如果她明天邀請我參加聚會,我會去的。 這句話主句謂語動詞用過去將來時,從句謂語動詞也用過去將來時,表示的意思是,“邀請我”的可能性較小,對將來要發(fā)生的情況表示懷疑。其含義是: It is unlikely tha

37、t she will invite me tomorrow, so I shall not go to the party. 明天她不可能會邀請我,因此我不會去。 從以上例句可以看出:虛擬語氣的條件句是用謂語動詞的特殊形式來表示與現(xiàn)在、過去事實相反的情況或對將來發(fā)生的情況表示懷疑,和直陳語氣條件句的謂語動詞形式以及所表達的含義完全不同。虛擬語氣條件句中所用的謂語動詞過去式、過去完成式、過去將來式等只表示不同的虛擬語氣,與直陳語氣句子的過去時、過去完成時等毫無關系,在學習時應注意加以區(qū)別,不要混淆。現(xiàn)將虛擬語氣在條件句中的各種具體形式和用法分述如下:1、對現(xiàn)在的虛擬,表示與現(xiàn)在事實相反的假設時,

38、條件狀語從句的謂語動詞用過去式(be的過去式用were.而主句中的謂語動詞用would (should, could, might) + 動詞原形。見下表: 條件狀語從句的動詞形式 主句的動詞形式 If+主語+動詞過去式(be的過去式were.在口語等非正式場合中,I,he,she,it等后面也可用was.但在If I were you中,一定要用were,不能用was. I (we)should+動詞原形 主語+would (might,could)十動詞原形 2、對過去的虛擬,表示與過去的事實相反的假設時,條件狀語從句的謂語動詞用過去完成時,主句的謂語動詞用would (should, c

39、ould, might)+過去分詞。見下表: 條件狀語從司的動詞形式 主句的動詞形式 If+主語+had+過去分詞 i(we)should+have+過去分詞 主語+could (might,could)+have 過去分詞 3、表示與將來事實相反的假設,對將來表示懷疑,或將來的動作不太可能實現(xiàn)時,條件狀語從句和主句的謂語動詞有以下形式:(見表) 條件狀語從句的動詞形式(三種) 主句的動詞形式 (1)if十主語+動詞過去式(be的過去式用were),通常要與一個表示將來的時間狀語連用. (2)If+主語(任何人稱和數(shù))+should+動詞原形 (3)if+主語(任何人稱和數(shù))+were to+

40、動詞原形 I(we)should+動詞原形 主語+would (might, could)+動詞原形 4、當條件狀語從句表示的行為和主句表示的行為所發(fā)生的時間不一致時,動詞的形式要根據(jù)它所表示的時間來調整。這與以上三種情況不同,虛擬語氣的謂語動詞形式?jīng)]有遵循以上規(guī)律。5. 以上句型可以轉換成以下形式: 1)條件狀語從句省略if:在書面語中,如果條件狀語從句的謂語中有were, had 或should, 就可以省略if, 并將were, had 或should 放到句首,謂語主語之前,用 “Were/Had/Should + 主語”的形式。這種虛擬語氣在意義上與帶if 的條件狀語從句相同。當然,

41、如果從句沒有were, had, 或should,就不能省略if. 2)用介詞短語代替條件狀語從句。(可以改為條件狀語從句)。例如: Without air, there would be no living things. But for your help, I couldnt have done it. 3)用其他方式代替條件狀語從句(可以改寫為條件狀語從句。)例如: It would produce bad results to do that. 用動詞不定式 =If you did that/should do that, it would produce bad results.

42、6、虛擬語氣省略條件從句或主句 表示虛擬語氣的條件句的主句或從句有時可以省略,而省略部分的含義仍有所體現(xiàn)。(二)虛擬語氣的其他句型和用法 1、用在“wish+賓語從句”中,表示很難實現(xiàn)或不能實現(xiàn)的愿望,可以翻譯為“但愿”, “悔不該”等。表示現(xiàn)在不能實現(xiàn)的愿望,從句的謂語動詞用過去式;表示將來的愿望,從句的謂語動詞用“would (could)+動詞原形”;對過去的事情表示愿望,從句的謂語動詞用 “had+過去分詞” 或“could + have + 過去分詞”。Wish 后面的賓語從句必須用虛擬語氣,不管這個愿望是否能實現(xiàn)。如: I wish it were Spring all the y

43、ear round. I wish you could go with us. We wish we had arrived there two hours earlier.2、用在as if/as though,或even if/even though引導的從句中: 這時,如果從句中表示的動作發(fā)生在過去,則謂語動詞用had過去分詞形式;如果指的時現(xiàn)在的狀況,則用過去式(be用were);指將來則用would(should, could)+動詞原形。這里只看從句動作發(fā)生的時間,與主句的時態(tài)沒有關系。3、在It is (high) time (that)句型中,后面的從句的謂語動詞常用過去式(b

44、e的過去式用were), 或用should+動詞原形(should 不能省略)來表示。這句話的意思是“(現(xiàn)在)該”。For example: It is time we left/should leave. It is high time that you got married. 4、在 I would rather (that)句型中,后面的從句的謂語動詞用過去式(be的過去式用were)。這句話的意思是“我寧可”,表示說話人的意愿。 For example: Id rather I were in the rain now. Id rather you did not tell him.

45、 5、用在suppose開頭的祈使句中,從句的謂語動詞變化與as if后面的動詞變化規(guī)律相同,用過去式、過去完成式、或過去將來式。意思是“假如”,但suppose 是動詞,不是連詞。如: Suppose the boss walked in. What should I do? Suppose Saddam had not been captured. What would the U.S. do? Suppose Chen Shui-bian should declare Taiwan independent.   What would China do? 6、用在for

46、 fear that或lest引導的從句中,表示“怕”“萬一”等意思。從句的謂語動詞用should動詞原形,should 可以省略。如: She closed the windows for fear that she (should) catch cold. The officer forbade the use of artillery lest the citys industry be damaged. Lest the wall should collapse, they evacuated from the building. 7. 在表示建議、要求、命令等意思的動詞,如arran

47、ge, command, demand, desire, insist, order, propose, request, require, suggest, beg, move(提議)后面的賓語從句中,謂語動詞用should + 動詞原形,should 可以省略,而引導賓語從句的that 不能省略。例如: We suggested that we (should) have a meeting. We insisted that they (should) go with us. The doctor ordered that she (should) stay in bed for a f

48、ew days. He demanded that we (should) start right away. The commander ordered that the bridge (should) be bombed. The villagers requested that the old building not be pulled down. Now lets do some translation: 總經(jīng)理堅持該項目必須按計劃執(zhí)行。 The general manager insisted that the project be carried out as planned.

49、    省長請求再給他一次機會。     The governor requested that he be given another chance. 美國要求伊朗必須無條件放棄其核武器計劃。 The United States demanded that Iran should unconditionally give up its nuclear weapon program (program to develop nuclear weapons) 最高法院裁定此案必須重新審理。 The Supreme Co

50、urt ruled that this case be retried. 醫(yī)生建議,即使在節(jié)假日人們也不應該熬夜。8、使用上述表示建議、要求、命令等意思的動詞派生的名詞,或在這些動詞用作名詞時,名詞之后的從句用虛擬語氣,即從句的謂語動詞用should動詞原形,should 可以省略。從句的引導詞that 不能省略。這與上述第7項類似。如: He made a request that he (should) be allowed to take 3 days off. = He requested that he be allowed to take 3 days off. Our sugge

51、stion is that education not be industrialized. = We suggest that education not be industrialized. The presidents decision is that the war against terrorism be launched at the right time. =The president decided that the war against terrorism be launched at the right time. 9、上述動詞在It is suggested that,

52、 It is required that, Its requested that, Its ordered that, Its arranged that句型中,that 之后的從句用虛擬語氣,即謂語動詞用should+動詞原形, should 可以省略,但引導詞that 不能省略。如: It was suggested that he attend the conference. It was requested that the trial be openly reported. 10、在Its important (imperative, necessary, essential, vi

53、tal, desirable, advisable, better) that句型中,that 引導的從句用虛擬語氣,即謂語動詞用should 動詞原形,should可以省略。這個句型表示說話人的意見、要求等。 For example: It is essential that there should be enough food and clothing for the winter. It is desirable that your wedding be postponed until next July. It is imperative that the board chairma

54、n be present at the board meeting. 另外,在一些習慣用語中也有虛擬語氣的形式。但最好把這些習慣用語作為一種句型來記住。如: May you be happy! May you succeed! Long live the Peoples Republic of China! Everybody leave the room! You had better not resign. I would rather not tell you. 總之,虛擬語氣是英語中的一個難點,因為虛擬語氣的用法和句型較多,動詞的變化比較復雜。在學習的時候要逐個過關。同時,也要善于發(fā)現(xiàn)

55、虛擬語氣的規(guī)律。根據(jù)動詞的變化,大致可以把虛擬語氣分為三種:     一種是動詞用過去式,過去分詞式,或過去將來式,這主要是用if, wish, suppose的情況;     一種是動詞用should+動詞原形(should可以省略),這主要用于表示建議、要求、命令等意思的動詞或名詞后面所接的從句,以及It is important (necessary) that后面所接的從句;     一種是動詞用過去式,如It is (high) time (that)和I woul

56、d rather 后面的從句。同學們還可以自己總結適合自己的規(guī)律,如把虛擬語氣句型可以分為用于簡單句、條件狀語從句、賓語從句、主語從句、表語從句、定語從句、同位語從句等。 Now lets do some exercises to consolidate what we have learned about subjunctive mood: 四、定語從句 所謂從句,就是一個主謂結構相當于整個句子(這樣的句子叫復合句)的一個成分,因此,從句不能單獨使用。在復合句中修飾名詞或代詞、作定語的句子叫定語從句。定語從句是中國人學英語最重要的難點之一。 其實定語從句很有規(guī)律,總結如下:在關系代

57、詞中that既可指人又可指物、既可作主語又可作賓語,因此,除了在非限定性定語從句中,用that一般不會出問題。 關系副詞的用法比較單一,它們從句中只起狀語的作用,表示時間的就用who門,表示地點的就用where,而why只修飾一個詞,即reason。 定語從句所修飾的詞叫“先行詞”,因為它總是處在定語從句的前頭,比定語從句先行一步。 引導定語從句的詞叫關系詞,包括關系代詞和關系副詞。 關系代詞: who,which,that作從句的主語 whom,which,that作從句的賓語(可省略) whose從句中作定語 以下情況只能用that,不能用which:    

58、                      i.              先行詞為不定代詞all, little, none,any,every,no,much, anything, nothing     

59、                    ii.              先行詞有最高級和序數(shù)詞修飾時(包括: the only, the very, the same, the last, the next等)                       iii.              先行詞既有人又有物的時候 以下情況只能


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