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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上說課稿 Lessons draft尊敬的各位領導、老師大家下午好!Respect leaders, teachers everybody good afternoon!今天我說課的題目是中職英語第一冊第三單元Sunny days, rainy days第三節(jié)課。今天我將從教材分析、 學情分析、 教學目標、 教學重點、難點 、教法和學法、 教學程序、 板書設計以及評價和反思這八個方面來說說我對本節(jié)課的理解和設想。Today I'm going to talk about is the subject of Vocational English book 1 un

2、it third Sunny days, rainy days third class. Today I will from the teaching material analysis, analysis of the situation, the teaching goal, teaching emphasis, difficulty, teaching methods, teaching program, writing on the blackboard design and evaluation and Reflection on these eight aspects to tal

3、k about my understanding and ideas of this lesson.一、教材分析A, analysis of textbooks本課程所選的教材是外研社出版的英語基礎模塊第一冊,它是全國中職課程改革國家規(guī)劃新教材。Sunny days, Rainy days是本書的第三單元,本單元共分5個課時完成,本節(jié)課為第三課時Listening and speaking部分,在前兩節(jié)的學習后,同學們已經(jīng)對本單元的內(nèi)容有所掌握,并且對一些基礎知識已經(jīng)很熟悉了,這為過渡到本節(jié)課的內(nèi)容學習打下了基礎。The selected the course materials in Eng

4、lish "basic module" FLTRP published the first book, it is the new teaching material planning national vocational curriculum reform. Sunny days, Rainy days is the third unit of the book, this unit can be divided into 5 classes, the class for third hours Listening and speaking parts, in the

5、first two after learning, students have to have mastered the element content, and some basic knowledge has been very familiar with, this foundation for the transition to the contents of the class learning.二、學情分析:Two, analysis of the situation:本課的教學對象是中職一年級的學生,中職學校英語學習的基礎都比較薄弱,由于初中打下了不同的基礎,不少同學對英語學習產(chǎn)

6、生了不同的想法,甚至是疑慮和抵觸。因此通過本節(jié)課的學習,讓學生掌握一些與天氣相關(guān)的知識,通過學習本節(jié)課的知識讓學生享受到英語學習的樂趣,進而自覺地學英語、愛英語是在本節(jié)課的教學中最大的,也是最具挑戰(zhàn)性的目標。The teaching object is the first grade students in secondary vocational schools, secondary vocational school English learning foundation is weak, because of the different basis of junior high scho

7、ol, many students have different ideas about English, and even doubts and resistance. Therefore, through this course, make students master some weather related knowledge, by learning this lesson let students enjoy the fun of learning English, and then consciously learn English, love English is in th

8、e class teaching in the largest, is also the most challenging goals.三、教學目標Three, the teaching goal根據(jù)上述教材分析,考慮到學生已有的認知結(jié)構(gòu)心理特征,制定如下教學目標:According to the analysis of the teaching material, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the students cognitive structure has been established as t

9、he goal, teaching:1知識目標:掌握本節(jié)課出現(xiàn)的重點單詞、短語和句型, 同時掌握溫度的英文讀法。1 knowledge objectives: master the class key words, phrases and sentence patterns, and master the temperature English pronunciation.2能力目標:在熟練掌握和運用與天氣和氣溫相關(guān)的句型的基礎上,能夠以天氣為話題進行簡單的情景表演。2 goals: the master and apply foundation and the weather and the

10、 temperature related patterns, to talk about the weather as a simple scenario.3情感目標:通過本節(jié)課的學習培養(yǎng)學生的積極參與和創(chuàng)新能力,并不斷激發(fā)學生的學習興趣。讓學生們愛英語,愛生活。3 emotion goal: to cultivate students' active participation and innovation ability through the course, and continue to stimulate students interest in learning. Let

11、the students love English, love life.四、教學重點和難點Four, the emphasis and difficulty in1、教學重點:掌握本節(jié)課出現(xiàn)的重點單詞、短語和句型, 同時掌握溫度的英文讀法。1, the teaching focus: master the class key words, phrases and sentence patterns, and master the temperature English pronunciation.2、教學難點:在熟練掌握和運用與天氣和氣溫相關(guān)的句型的基礎上,能夠以天氣為話題進行簡單的交流。2

12、, teaching difficult points: to master and apply the foundation and the weather and temperature related patterns, to talk about the weather as a simple exchange.五、教法和學法Five, the teaching and learning method(一)說教法:依據(jù)學生的基本情況,為了突出重點,突破難點,有效的實現(xiàn)知識的鞏固和遷移,采用了以下幾種教學方法:(a) teaching said: according to the bas

13、ic situation of the students, in order to highlight key points, break through the difficulty, consolidate and transfer knowledge effectively, adopt the following teaching methods:1、多媒體教學法:通過多媒體的演示,使整節(jié)課的教學內(nèi)容更加的生動,氣氛更加的輕松活躍。1, the multimedia teaching method: through multimedia presentations, make the

14、content of the lesson is more vivid, more relaxed and lively atmosphere.2、任務型教學法:在講解本節(jié)課的文章時,在不同環(huán)節(jié)給學生們分配不同的任務,這樣在完成“任務”的過程中,同學們始終處于一種積極的、主動的學習心理狀態(tài)。2, the task-based teaching method: on this class article, in different links to the students assign different tasks, so in the process of "task"

15、, students are always in a positive, positive learning psychological state.3、情景教學法:在本節(jié)課的內(nèi)容講完之后,給學生真實情境模擬的機會,這樣能夠提高學生的參與能力和創(chuàng)新精神。3, the scene teaching method: after this lesson finished, give students real scenario of the chance, so as to improve students' participation ability and creative spirit

16、.這些常見教學方法的采用,能夠培養(yǎng)學生的合作探究能力和自主學習能力,使同學們在真正意義上成為會學習的人。Using these common teaching method, can cultivate students' cooperative inquiry ability and autonomous learning ability, make the students become the learner in the true sense.(二)說學法:指導學生轉(zhuǎn)變學習方式,既要主動富有個性的學習,在玩中學,鍛煉學生的英語口語表達能力,又提倡合作與交流運用新知識進行語言表達

17、,促進學生創(chuàng)新意識的形成與英語基本技能的培養(yǎng)。(two) learning method: to guide students to change the learning style, not only to take the initiative to personalized learning, play school, training students' oral English expression ability, and promote exchange and cooperation with new knowledge of language expression,

18、 promote the cultivation of students' innovation consciousness formation and basic English skills.六、教學過程Six, the teaching processStep1、課前熱身(要說明主要的內(nèi)容):聽一首與天氣相關(guān)的歌曲讓學生體驗到輕松、活潑的課堂氣氛,激發(fā)學生的學習興趣。Warm up before the class (Step1, to illustrate the main content): listen to a song and weather related song

19、let students experience the relaxed, lively classroom atmosphere, arouse the students' interest in learning.(設計意圖:讓學生在愉快的氛圍下感知本節(jié)課的內(nèi)容,調(diào)動他們的學習積極性。)(design intent: let the students feel the class in a pleasant atmosphere, mobilize the enthusiasm of learning. Their)Step2、新課導入 (要說明怎樣導入):在導入過程中,通過播放生活

20、中最常見的天氣預報視頻來導入本節(jié)課的話題,在播放之后,問同學們以下幾個問題Step2, the new class inducts (to explain how the introduction): during the import process, the most common weather forecast video playback in life to import the lesson topic, after showing, ask the students the following questions1. Do you know how to express wea

21、ther?1 Do you know how to express weather?2. Do you know how to say temperature in English?2 Do you know how to say temperature in English?3. Can you say the weather report like the reporter?3 Can you say the weather report like the reporter?(設計意圖:播放視頻能夠激發(fā)學生們的學習熱情,然后以提問的形式來引入新課能夠激發(fā)學生們的學習積極性。)(design

22、 intent: play video can stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, and then in the form of a question to introduce the new class can stimulate students' learning initiative.)Step3、講授新課 (要有具體的步驟):在新授課過程中包括以下幾個步驟:復習舊知識、句型操練、閱讀訓練、情景表演、內(nèi)容小結(jié)和作業(yè)布置。Step3, teaching new lessons (to be specific step

23、s): including the following steps in the new teaching process: To review old knowledge, drills, reading training, role play, content summary and homework.1、復習舊知識:首先簡單的回顧一下幾個描述天氣的單詞,然后再熟悉一下天氣符號,最后簡單的介紹一下溫度的英文表達法。1, to review old knowledge: a review of the first simple a few words to describe the weather, and then with the weather symbols, finally briefly introduce temperature English expression.(設


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