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1、高級(jí)英語(yǔ)(上)Lesson one Rock Superstars:what Do TheyTell Us About Ourselves and our Society?1. 搖滾樂是表現(xiàn)青少年叛逆精神的音樂。Rock is the music of teenagerebellion 2. 知其崇拜何人便可知其人。By a man's heroes ye shall know him 。3. 芝加哥圓形劇場(chǎng)擁擠、悶熱, 變成了搖滾的殿堂。.the Chicago Amphitheaterwas packed,sweltering,rocking.4. 舞臺(tái)上,滾石樂隊(duì)的米克賈格爾正唱

2、著午夜漫步人。Onstage,Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones was singing “ Midnight Rambler” 5. 賈格爾 , 抓起一個(gè)半加侖的水罐,順著舞臺(tái)前沿邊跑邊把水灑向前幾排汀流浹背的歌迷們。Jagger.grabs a half-gallon jug of water and runs alongthe front platform,sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners.6. 歌迷們蜂擁而隨,渴望沾上幾滴洗禮的圣水。They s

3、urge to follow him,eagerto be touched by a few baptismal drops.7. 在首都中心劇場(chǎng),約 1.4 萬(wàn)名歌迷尖叫著擁向臺(tái)前,Some14,000 screamingfans were crunching up to the front of the stage at Capital Center.8. 炎國(guó)的鬼怪歌士愛利斯庫(kù)珀的表演接近尾聲。Alice Cooper America'Ssinging ghoul,was ending his act.9. 鮑勃狄倫和他的樂隊(duì)正在為音樂會(huì)上要用的樂器調(diào)音。Bob Dylan an

4、d TheBand Were tuning for a concert.10. 這就是朝圣, 我應(yīng)該跪著爬進(jìn)去。This is Pilgrimage.I ought to be crawling on my knees.11. 你如何看待這種贊美和英雄崇拜呢?How do you feel about all this adulation and hero worship?12. 當(dāng)米克賈格爾的崇拜者把他視作大太教或神時(shí),你是贊成還是反對(duì)呢?When Mick Jagger s fans look at him as a high priest or a god,are you with th

5、em or against them?13. 你是否贊同克里斯辛格對(duì)鮑勃狄倫的近乎宗教般的崇敬?Do you share Chris Singer s almost religious reverence for Bob Dylan?14. 你是否認(rèn)為艾利斯庫(kù)珀的表演令人厭惡而拒絕接受呢?Do you reject Alice Cooper as sick?15. 或者,你會(huì)不會(huì)因?yàn)槲枧_(tái)上這個(gè)怪異的小丑表達(dá)出了你內(nèi)心最狂野手的幻想而 莫 名 其 妙 地 被 吸 引 ? Or are you drawn somehow to this strange clown,perhaps because

6、he acts out your wildest fantasies?16. 一些社會(huì)學(xué)家認(rèn)為,你對(duì)這些問題的回答,很能說(shuō)明你在想什么,你所在的社 會(huì) 在 想 什 么 換 句 話 說(shuō) , 可 以 說(shuō) 明 你 和 你 所 在 社 會(huì) 的 立 場(chǎng) 。 Some sociologistssay that your answers to them could explain a lot about whatyou are thinking and about what your society is thinking-in other words, about where you and your s

7、ociety are.17. 霍羅威茨把搖滾樂的舞臺(tái)視為某種辯論的論壇,一個(gè)各種思想交鋒的場(chǎng)所。Horowitz sees the rock music arena as a sort of debating forum,a place where ideas clash and crash.18. 他認(rèn)為這是一個(gè)美國(guó)社會(huì)努力地定義和重新定義其情感和信仰的地方。Hesees it as a place where American society struggles to define and redefine its feelings and beliefs.19. 只有他們才能把創(chuàng)造與夸張

8、、理智與動(dòng)作、文字與聲音、音樂和政治融為一體。 It is they alone who combine invention and exaggeration, reason and motion, word andsound, music and politics 20. 與其說(shuō)搖滾樂是一種音樂推動(dòng)力,不如說(shuō)它是一種社會(huì)心理的表現(xiàn)。Rock music.is really a sociological expression rather than a musical force.21. 就連艾爾維斯普雷斯利也并非真正是一種偉大的音樂力量。Even Elvis Presley wasn'

9、;t really a great musical force.22. 艾爾維斯只不過(guò)是體現(xiàn)了50 年代青少年那種心灰意冷的精神狀態(tài)。It'sjust that Elvis managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s.23. 報(bào)紙寫社論批判他,電視網(wǎng)也封殺他。Newspapers editorialized againsthim,and TV networks banned him.24. 當(dāng)他在埃德沙利文的星期日晚問的綜藝節(jié)日里出現(xiàn)在于百萬(wàn)人面前時(shí),一場(chǎng)“辯論”就此展開。 When he appeared

10、on the Ed. Sullivan Sunday night variety show in front of millions, akind of “ debate” took place.25. 大多數(shù)成斫觀眾眉頭緊鎖,表示反對(duì),而大多數(shù)年輕觀眾鼓掌稱贊。Most ofthe older viewers frowned, while most of the younger viewers applauded.26. 他 唱 出 了 變 革 和 老 一 代 人 的 困 惑 。 He spoke of change and of the bewilderment of an older g

11、eneration.27. 甲殼蟲樂隊(duì)運(yùn)用其幽默專長(zhǎng),或許還借助毒品的一點(diǎn)麻醉,倡導(dǎo)和平與虔誠(chéng)。The Beatles.urged peace and piety, with humor and maybe a little help from drugs.28. 素以傲慢不羈、街頭打架而聞名的滾石樂隊(duì)的成員們大唱革命之歌。TheRolling Stones, arrogant street-fighting men.demanded revolution.29. 杰斐遜飛機(jī)樂隊(duì)的我們能夠聯(lián)合和志愿者(有了一場(chǎng)革命)這兩首歌更是激進(jìn)青年的進(jìn)一步的革命宣言。The Jefferson Airpl

12、ane's "We Can BeTogether" and “ Volunteers ( Got a Revolution) ” were two further statements of radical youth.30. 但政治并非是60年低硬搖滾樂所辯論的唯一主題。But politics wasn't theonly subject debated in the hard rock of the sixties.31. 詹妮斯喬普林用歌聲表達(dá)自己的憂愁。Janis Jophin sang of her sadness.32. 甲殼蟲樂隊(duì)揭示了愛與恨

13、之間的一系列的感情。The Beatles showed therewere a range of emotions between love and hate.33. 之后, “樂隊(duì)”樂團(tuán)把鄉(xiāng)村音樂和西部音樂所表達(dá)的較為傳統(tǒng)的觀念與硬搖滾樂較為激進(jìn)的 “都市” 觀念結(jié)合在了一起。Then cameThe Band,mixing the moretraditional ideas of country and western music into the more radical“ city" ideas of the hard rock.34. 這鄉(xiāng)村音樂的成分,幫助聽眾表達(dá)了一種

14、“擺脫這一切”、“重返過(guò)去時(shí)光”的強(qiáng)烈愿望。This country element.helped its audience express an urge to“ get awayfrom it all ”, to “ go back to the old days" 35. 當(dāng)前最能說(shuō)明霍洛威茨看法的例子之一就是約翰丹佛。Oneof the best current examples of what Horowitz is talking.about is John Denver.36. 他最著名的歌曲陽(yáng)光照在我肩上 、 高高的落基山和鄉(xiāng)間小路結(jié)合了民謠搖滾的音樂動(dòng)力與能量,而歌

15、詞則贊美了“往昔美好時(shí)光”的樸素的歡樂。His most notable songs “ Sunshine on My Shoulders", “ RockyMountain High", and “ Country Road" combine the musical drive and power of folk rock, while the lyrics celebrate the simple joys of “ the good old days".37. 像所有的藝術(shù)家一樣,這些搖滾音樂家所反映出來(lái)的感情和信仰幫助我們認(rèn)識(shí)并形成屬于我們自己的

16、感情和信仰。Like all artists,these rock musiciansmirror feelings and beliefs that help us see and form our own.38. 我們以什么來(lái)回報(bào)他們呢?What do we give them in return?39. 在 1972 年的一次全國(guó)民意調(diào)查中,中學(xué)生中超過(guò)10%的男生和20%的女生都表示他們心中的英雄是超級(jí)搖滾歌星。In one 1972 national opinion poll,morethan 10 percent of the high school boys and 20 per

17、cent of the girls said their hero was a rock superstar.40. " 我暗自嘲笑這些先生和女士,他們從沒想到我們會(huì)成為擁有億萬(wàn)財(cái)富的寵兒。”演唱這支歌曲的是“文化英雄”艾利斯庫(kù)珀?!?And I laughed to myself at the men and the ladies. Who never conceived of us billion-dollar babies."The particular “ culture hero” whosings that is Alice cooper.Lesson TWOF

18、our Choices for young People1 .吉姆賓斯是斯坦福大學(xué)畢業(yè)班的主席,他在畢業(yè)前夕給我寫了一封信,信 中談及了他的一些疑慮。Shortly before his graduation,Jim Binns, presidentof the senior class at Stanford University,wrote me about some of his misgivings.2 . 我們這一代人對(duì)成人社會(huì)的不信任比其他任何一代都要強(qiáng)烈, 我們對(duì)那個(gè)世界完全拒絕的傾向也與俱增。More than any other generation.ourgeneratio

19、n views the adult world with great skepticism.there is also an increased tendency to reject completely that world.3很顯然,他的話代表了許多同時(shí)代的人的心聲。Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries4. 大致來(lái)說(shuō),他們的態(tài)度可歸納如下, Roughly,their attitude might besummed up about like this.5. 該 承 擔(dān) 責(zé) 任 的 可 能 正 是 那 些 管 理 這 個(gè)

20、世 界 的 成 年 人 。 The people responsible are, presumably, the adults who have been running things.6. 沒有那樣的教導(dǎo),我們也能行。That kind of lesson we can do without 7. 在我看來(lái),這些結(jié)論合情合理,至少?gòu)乃麄兊慕嵌葋?lái)看是這樣的。Theseconclusions strike me as reasonable, at least from their point of view.8. 對(duì)新生代來(lái)說(shuō),要緊的問題不在于我們的社會(huì)是否不夠完美(我們可以想當(dāng)然地認(rèn)為是這樣

21、的),而在于該如何對(duì)待這個(gè)社會(huì)。The relevant question for the arriving generation is not whether our society is imperfect(we can take that for granted) ,but how to deal with it.9. 盡管這個(gè)社會(huì)嚴(yán)酷而不合情理,但它畢竟是我們擁有的唯一的世界。For allits harshness and irrationality,it is the only world we' ve got.10. 所以,選擇一種對(duì)待這個(gè)社會(huì)的方式,是年輕的成年人必須首

22、先做出的決定,而且通常也是他們一生中最重要的決定。Choosing a strategy to cope withit,then,is the first decision young adults have to make,and usually the most important decision of their lifetime.11. 根據(jù)我的發(fā)現(xiàn),他們的基本選擇只有四種。So far as I have been able todiscover,there are only four basic alternatives.12. 脫離傳統(tǒng)社會(huì)Drop Out13. 這是一種最古老

23、的權(quán)宜之計(jì),可以在任何地方、被任何年齡的人使用,不管他們是否借助于致幻劑。This is one of the oldest expedients,and it can bepracticed anywhere,at any age,and with or without the use of hallucinogens.14. 那些認(rèn)為社會(huì)太過(guò)無(wú)情、太過(guò)復(fù)雜、令人難以忍受的人通常會(huì)選擇這個(gè)辦法。lt always has been the strategy of choice for people who find the world too brutal or too complex to

24、 be endured.15. 奉行此道的人蔑視這個(gè)社會(huì),拒絕承擔(dān)任何社會(huì)責(zé)任,卻以這樣或那樣的方式依賴社會(huì)養(yǎng)肥自己。ln one way or another,its practitioners batten on thesociety which they scorn and in which they re-fuse to take any responsibility.16. 我們中的一些人對(duì)此很厭惡認(rèn)為這種生活方式很不光彩 Some of us find this distasteful-an undignified kind of life.17. 但對(duì)于那些卑微、虛弱又缺乏自尊的

25、人來(lái)說(shuō),這也許是可行的,最可以忍受But for the poor in spirit,with low levels of both energy andpride,it may be the least intolerable choice available.18. 這種策略在古代也有先例。This strategy also has ancient antecedents 19. 他們?cè)敢庾允称淞?,愿意為社?huì)作出貢獻(xiàn),但是他們不喜歡這個(gè)文明的環(huán)境,也就是不喜歡充滿丑惡和壓力的城市。They are willing to support themselves and to contrib

26、ute something to the general community,but they simply don t like the environment of civilization;that is the city,with all its ugliness and tension.20. 這種方法的問題在于無(wú)法再大規(guī)模地實(shí)施。The trouble with this solutionis that it no longer is practical on a large scale.21. 不幸的是,在我們的地球上,高尚的野蠻人和未被破壞的領(lǐng)土越來(lái)越少;除了南北極,地球上已沒

27、有尚未開發(fā)的地區(qū)。Our planet,unfortunately,isrunning out of noble savages and unsullied landscapes; except for the polar regions,the frontiers are gone.22. 盡管少數(shù)富有的鄉(xiāng)伸仍可遁入田園但總的遷移趨勢(shì)還是從鄉(xiāng)村到城市。A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life-but in general the stream of migration i

28、s flowing the other way.23. 這種策略一直深受那些無(wú)法忍受民主決策過(guò)程單調(diào)、冗長(zhǎng)的運(yùn)作方式的人或相信只有武力方可改變基本制度的人的歡迎。This strategy is always popularamong those who have no patience with the tedious workings of the democratic process or who believe that basic institutions can only be changed by force.24. 在他們看來(lái),這種方式具有傳奇般的感召力,通常以某個(gè)魄力十足且具

29、有超凡 魅 力 的 人 物 為 代 表 。 To them it offers a romantic appeal,usually symbolized by some dashing and charismatic figure.25這一策略簡(jiǎn)單明了,具有更大的吸引力,It has the even greater appeal of simplicity.26. 既然這個(gè)社會(huì)已經(jīng)無(wú)可救藥,那就讓我們?cè)宜樗?,在它的廢墟上建起一個(gè)更加美好的世界。Since this society is hopelessly bad,let' s smash it andbuild something

30、 better on the ruins.27. 這些人的革命并未成功,他們直到老年仍情緒激昂地策劃著浩劫。These arethe ones whose revolutions did not come off; they have been able to keep on cheerfully plotting their holocausts right into their senescence.28. 但最不幸的是那些革命獲得成功的人,他們活在幻想破滅中,發(fā)現(xiàn)新制度與他們所推翻的舊制度一樣冷漠無(wú)情、刻板僵化。But the most unfortunate arethose whos

31、e revolutions have succeeded. They Iived ,in bitter disillusion-ment,to see the establishment they had overthrown replaced by a new one,just as hard-faced and stuffy.29. 當(dāng)然,我并不是說(shuō)革命一無(wú)所成。1 am not,of course,suggesting thatrevolutions accomplish nothing.30. 一些革命(美國(guó)革命、法國(guó)革命)確實(shí)促進(jìn)了社會(huì)改革和進(jìn)步。Some(TheAmerican R

32、evolution,the French Revolution)clearly do change things forthe better.31. 我要說(shuō)的只是無(wú)論成敗與否,那些發(fā)動(dòng)革命的理想主義者都是注定要失望的的,因?yàn)樗麄兊某晒^不可能帶來(lái)一個(gè)他們所夢(mèng)想的嶄新的世界個(gè)蕩滌了所有人類污濁的嶄新世界。My point is merely that the idealists whomakethe revolution are bound to be disappointed in either case For at best their victory never dawns on the

33、 shining new world they had dreamed of,cleansed of all hu-man meanness.32. 乍一看,這一途徑毫無(wú)吸引力。At first glance , this course is far-frominviting.33. 它缺乏感召力,不可能立竿見影。lt lacks glamour.lt promises no quickresults.34. 它依靠令人惱火且不可靠的游說(shuō)以及民主決策來(lái)實(shí)現(xiàn)。lt depends on the exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasio

34、n and democratic decision making 35. 它需要耐心,這正是人們所缺的。lt demandspatience,which is always inshort supply.36. 這種辦法值得一提的是,它有時(shí)真的奏效在這特定的時(shí)期和地方,它能夠提供比其他任何可用的方式都要好的遏制某些社會(huì)暴行的良方。About allthat can be said for it is that it sometimes works-that in this particular time and place it offers a better chance for remed

35、ying someof the world's outrages than any other available strategy.37. 幾乎所有地方的經(jīng)濟(jì)機(jī)構(gòu)都處于癱瘓狀態(tài),The economic machinery had broken down almost everywhere.38. 與此同時(shí),我們這一代人漸漸發(fā)現(xiàn)改造世界有點(diǎn)像在亞平寧山區(qū)打仗,剛占領(lǐng)一個(gè)山頭,另一座山又在前方赫然聳現(xiàn)。At the sametime,my generation wasdiscovering that reforming the world is a little like fighti

36、ng a military campaign in the Apennines,as soon as you capture one mountain range,another one looms just ahead.39. 當(dāng) 30 年代的主要問題大體得到控制時(shí),新的問題富足社會(huì)的問題、種族平等的問題、保持城市適于居住的問題,以及應(yīng)付各種新偽裝下的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的問題等前所未有的問題又出現(xiàn)了。As the big problems of the thirties werebrought under somekind of rough control,new problems took their

37、place-the unprecedented problems of an affluent society,of racial justice,of keeping our cities from becoming uninhabitable,of coping with war in unfamiliar guises.40. 我們突然意識(shí)到,我們居住的這個(gè)小小宇宙飛船的乘客數(shù)量大約每40 年就會(huì)增長(zhǎng)一倍。It dawnedon us rather suddenly that the number of passengerson the small spaceship we inhabi

38、t is doubling about every forty years, 41. 只要地球上的人口繼續(xù)以這種癌細(xì)胞擴(kuò)散般的速度增長(zhǎng)下去,其他所有的問題事實(shí)上就都將無(wú)法解決。我們的城市會(huì)愈加擁擠、令人生厭;居住的地方會(huì)更加雜亂,空氣和水也會(huì)更加骯臟。Solong as the earth' s population keepsgrowing at this cancerous rate,all of the other problems ap-pear virtually insoluble. Our cities will continue to become more crowd

39、ed and noisome.The landscape will get more cluttered,the air and water even dirtier.42 . 如果太多的人必須爭(zhēng)奪不斷縮減的食物和生存空間,那么大規(guī)模的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)將不可避免。And warfare on a rising scale seemsinevitable if too manybodieshave to struggle for ever-dwindling shares of food and living space.43 .因此吉姆賓斯這代人肩負(fù)著極其艱巨的任務(wù)。So Jim Binns' g

40、eneration has a formidable job on its hands.Lesson Three The Use of Force1. 他們是我的新病人,我所知道的只有奧爾遜這個(gè)名字。請(qǐng)您盡快趕來(lái),我女兒病得很重。They were new patients to me,all I had was the name,Olson*Please come down as soon as you can,my daughter is very sick.2. 當(dāng)我到達(dá)時(shí),孩子的母親迎接了我,她是一個(gè)大塊頭的女人,臉上帶著驚慌,衣著整潔卻一臉歉是說(shuō),這位就是醫(yī)生嗎?然后就帶我進(jìn)了屋。W

41、henI arrivedI was met by the mother,a big startled looking woman,very clean and apologetic who merely said,ls this the doctor? And let me in.3. 在廚房的桌子旁邊,這個(gè)孩子穿得嚴(yán)嚴(yán)實(shí)實(shí)的,坐在她父親的腿上。他父親試圖站起來(lái);但我向他示意不用麻煩,然后我脫下外套開始檢查。The child wasfully dressed and sitting on her father's lap near the kitchen table. He trie

42、d to get up,but I motioned for him not to bother,took off myovercoat and started to look things over.4. 我能夠覺察出他們都很緊張,而且用懷疑的眼光上下打量著我。1 could see that they were all very nervous,eyeing me up and clown distrustfully.5. 像通常一樣,在這種情形下,他們不會(huì)提供太多的情況,而是等著我告訴他們病情;這就是為什么他們會(huì)在我身上花3 美元。As often,in such cases,they

43、weren't telling me more than they had to,it was up to me to tell them;that's why they were spending three dollars on me.6. 這個(gè)孩子臉上沒有任何表情,她用冷漠的目光死死地盯著我,像要把我吃掉似的。她紋絲不動(dòng),內(nèi)心似乎很平靜。這是一個(gè)非常惹人喜愛的小娃娃,外表長(zhǎng) 得 像 小 母 牛 一 樣 結(jié) 實(shí) 。 The child was fairly eating me up with her cold,steady eyes,and no expression on

44、 her face whatever.She did not move and seemed,inwardly,quiet; an unusually attractive little thing,and as strong as a heifer in appearance.7. 她長(zhǎng)著一頭漂亮濃密的金發(fā),就像照片刊登在廣告插頁(yè)上和周日?qǐng)?bào)紙圖片版上的那些孩子一樣。She had magnificent blonde hair,in profusion* One ofthose picture children often reproduced in ad-vertising leaflet

45、s and the photogravure sections of the Sunday papers.8. 像醫(yī)生們經(jīng)常做的那樣,我估摸著病情,問了個(gè)問題,作為診斷的開端。她嗓子疼嗎?As doctors often do I took a trial shot at it as a point ofdeparture. Has she had a sore throat?9. 那個(gè)月碰巧她就讀的那個(gè)學(xué)校已經(jīng)有好幾例白喉病。雖然到目前為止沒有人說(shuō)出這件事,但很顯然,我們都想到了。As it happens we had been having anumber of cases of dip

46、htheria in the school to which this child went during that month and we were all,quite apparently,thinking of that,though no one had as yet spoken of the thing 。10. 好了,我說(shuō),我們先看看噪子吧。我露出自己所能展現(xiàn)的最佳的職業(yè)微笑,詢問孩子的名字。我說(shuō), 來(lái)吧, 瑪?shù)贍栠_(dá),張開嘴, 讓我看一下你的嗓子。Well,lsaid,suppose we take a look at the throat first.l smiled in

47、my best professional manner asking for the child's first name.l said,come on,Mathilda,open your mouth and let's take a look at your throat.11. 哦,來(lái)吧,我勸道,張大嘴,讓我看看。看,我說(shuō)著把兩只手伸開,我的手里沒有東西,張大嘴,讓我看看。Aw,comeon,l coaxed,just open your mouthwide arid let metake a look. Look,l said opening both hands wi

48、de,l haven't anything in my hands. Just open up and let me see.12. 他是一個(gè)多好的人呀,她的母親插話道。你看他對(duì)你多好呀,來(lái),聽話。他不會(huì)傷害你的。Such a nice man,put in the mother. Look how kind he is toyou.Come on,do what he tells you to. He won't hurt you13. 聽到這里我狠狠地咬了咬牙,要是他們沒用“傷害”這個(gè)詞,我也許能有些收獲。 At that I ground myteeth in disgu

49、st.lf only they'wouldn't use the word"hurt"I might be able to get somewhere 14. 但我沒有允許自己著急或惱怒,而是慢聲細(xì)語(yǔ)地說(shuō)著話再次靠近這個(gè)孩子。But I did not allow myself to be hurried or disturbed but speaking quietly and slowly I approached The child again 15. 父母兩人都非常尷尬,充滿歉意。Both the mother and father almost t

50、urnedthemselves inside out in embarrassment and apology.16. 看在上帝的份上,我打斷了她的話,請(qǐng)不要再在她面前說(shuō)我是一個(gè)好人。我來(lái)是看看她的噪子,也許她患了白喉,而且很可能會(huì)死于這種病。For heaven'ssake,l broke in. Don' t call me a nice man to her. I' m here to look at her throat on the chance that she might have diphtheria and possibly die of it.17.

51、 接著一場(chǎng)戰(zhàn)斗開始了,我不得不這樣做,為了保護(hù)她,我必須做咽喉分泌物培養(yǎng)(以便確診病情)??墒俏沂紫雀嬖V家長(zhǎng)這完全取決于他們。我說(shuō)明了其危險(xiǎn)性,但同時(shí)提出只要他們承擔(dān)責(zé)任我就不會(huì)堅(jiān)持做這次喉嚨檢查。Then thebattle began. I had t.o do it.l had to have a throat culture for her own protection, But first I told the parents that it was entirelyup to them.I explained the danger but said that I would not

52、 insist on a throat examination so long as they would take the responsibility.18. 如果你不按大夫說(shuō)的去做,你就得去醫(yī)院了,母親嚴(yán)厲地警告她。lf youdon't do what the doctor says you ll have to go to the hospital,the mother admonished her severely.19. 畢竟我已經(jīng)喜歡上了這個(gè)野蠻的小東西,但卻看不起這對(duì)父母。After all,l had already fallen in love with the

53、savage brat,but the parents were contemptible to me.20. 在接下來(lái)的“戰(zhàn)斗”中他們?cè)絹?lái)越難堪,被摧垮了,直至精疲力竭,而這個(gè)女孩由于恐懼,對(duì)我的抗拒達(dá)到了驚人的地步。In the ensuing struggle theygrew more and more abject,crushed,exhausted while she surely rose to magnificent heights of insane fury of effort bred of her terror of me.Lesson Four Die as You

54、Choose1. 需要制定有關(guān)安樂死的法律,這一問題是不能再回避了。The needfor laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for much longer.2. 在世界上的一個(gè)大國(guó)家里,安樂死受到醫(yī)療機(jī)構(gòu)的譴責(zé),但其秘密實(shí)施的次數(shù)更多,并且不讓公眾知道。In one of the world ' sbiggest countries, euthanasia is condemned by the medical establishment , secretly practiced many times more often, and almost

55、 never comes to light.3. 而在這些國(guó)家里,哪國(guó)實(shí)施了安樂死的醫(yī)生深陷囹圄、日漸憔悴?Which of these countries has a mercy-killing doctor now languishing in its jail?4. 不僅禁止安樂死的大國(guó)美國(guó)而言,對(duì)所有的國(guó)家來(lái)說(shuō),這都涉及道德問題。There is a moral here for all the countries, and not just for the big death-forbidding country, America.5. 一月份, 美國(guó)醫(yī)療協(xié)會(huì)雜志刊登了一封奇怪的信,

56、在信中一位匿名醫(yī)生聲稱,他在一名20 歲的癌癥患者的要求下殺死了她。InJanuary the Journal of the American Medical Association. published a bizarre letter , in which an anonymousdoctor claimed to have killed a 20-year-old cancer patient at her own request.6. 這挑起了一場(chǎng)將會(huì)持續(xù)到秋季的爭(zhēng)執(zhí)不休的辯論,到那時(shí)加利福尼亞人會(huì)對(duì)安樂死合法化的議案進(jìn)行投票。This started a debatethat wil

57、l rumble on into the autumn, whenCalifornians mayvote on a proposed law legalizing euthanasia.7. 或許這封信就是為了取得這種爭(zhēng)論的效果而寫的。The letter wasprobably written for polemical impact.8. 在那些情況卜,即使是安樂死的最極端的支持者也不會(huì)贊同這種行為。Even the most extreme proponents of euthanasia do not support such an action in those circumstances.9. 然而,在美國(guó)、英國(guó)和許多其他國(guó)家,比這好不到哪兒去的醫(yī)療怪事無(wú)疑也在繼續(xù)發(fā)生著,幾乎成了可怕的常規(guī)。Yet medicalmonstrosities that are hardly any better undoubtedly continue, almost as a matter of ma-cabre routine , in America, Britain and many other countries.10. 這樣, 由于自愿安樂死是禁忌,醫(yī)生常常自己做決定在晚上用注射器給病人注射致命的藥劑,使病人非自愿地被殺死。T


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