1、大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版Unitl1) accent2) turn aga inst3) a couple of4) takes his time5) fate6) con firmed7) wit ness8) subsequent9) sta nds a cha nee10) trial1) belief2) brillia nt3) employme nt4) has saved up5) stood a cha nee6) were awarded7) Presumably8) con ducted9) casual10) around (which s
2、tude nt life) revolves1) Joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his ill ness.2) Despite the no ise, they went on work ing as if no thi ng were happe ning.3) Traffic was held up for several hours by the accide nt.4) Called (up) on to speak at the meeti ng, I could nt very well r
3、efuse.5) Mrs. Steve nson looked in the cupboard and found there was not a sin gle lump of sugar left.6) It was the rumor that tur ned Joe aga inst his twin brother.7) We won dered how Sara was getti ng on in her new job.8) Although Anne agreed with me on most poin ts, there was one on which she was
4、un willi ng to givein.9) Visitors could photograph almost anything here without havi ng to ask for permissi on.10) Whether we make an excurs ion or stay home will depe nd on tomorrows weather.1) uncertain , unafraid , unacceptable , unfamiliar, unequal;2) unanswered , unattached , unknown , undecide
5、d , unexpected ;3) unhappily , unskillfully , unconsciously , unnecessarily, uncomfortably ;4) unsay, undress, untie , uniock , unioad。大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版1) reliable大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版2) cha ngeable3) enjoyable4) exhaustible5) permissible6) regrettable7) breakable8) imag in able9)
6、workable10) 即 plicable1) coun tercharge2) coun terattack3) coun terpart4) coun teract5) coun termeasures6) Coun terculturists1) Liz sang perfectly in the tow n hall yesterday after noon.2) I saw your brother and his girlfrie nd walk ing arm in arm in the park the other day.3) It bega n to blow quite
7、 hard before midni ght.4) They moved the pia no into ano ther room upstairs last eve ning.5) Come to my office at ten oclock.6) I was still livi ng alone at home at the time.7) Believe it or no t, I ran into your cous in in a shop in New York three weeks ago.8) The old couple were sitti ng quite hap
8、pily in the garde n at this time yesterday.1) It tur ned out that his methods did nt work at all.2) It turned out thatthe n ecklace was not made of diam ond, but of glass.3) It tur ned out thatthe lost money had bee n in the safe all the time!4) It tur ned out thatthe experime nt was much more diffi
9、cult tha n they hadsupposed.5) It has turned outthat your n ephew is the most suitable pers on for the job.6) To his surprise, it turned out that the fashi on able young lady he spoke to was a pickpocket.1) Give n his age, it was in deed a miracle that he had done so much in so short a time.2) Give
10、n that they are fresh from uni versity, the young people have done a good job.3) Give n that X equals ten, X minus four is six.4) Give n good health, he can finish the work in a couple of weeks.5) Give n eno ugh man power and finan cial support, the goal can certa inly be atta in ed.6) Give n the ch
11、a nee, Paul might make it.1) Fate2) trial大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版3) guilty4) couple of5) con duct6) wan deri ng7) casual8) confirm9) temporary10) brillia nt11) sta nd a cha nee12) employme nt13) turn against1) i nto2) at3) Before4) car5) stati on6) c on firmed7) injured8) dru nk9) jail10) charge
12、d11) court12) dismissed13) but14) fi ne15) where16) killi ng17) from18) up19) fi ne20) free21) not22) who23) dru nke n/drunk24) or25) received26) such27) why28) injured大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版翻譯1) 發(fā)言人(spokesman)明確表示總統(tǒng)在任何情況下都不會取消(cancel)這次旅行。The spokesma n made it clear that the Preside nt would
13、not cancel the trip un der any circumsta nces.2) 杰克對書架上那些書一本也不了解,所以他的選擇是很隨意的。Jack did nt know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary.3) 隨后發(fā)生的那些事件再次證明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是對的。(confirm)The subseque nt eve nts con firmed my suspici ons once aga in.4) 我認(rèn)為我們應(yīng)該鼓勵中學(xué)
14、生在暑假找臨時工作。I think we should en courage high school stude nts to find temporary jobs / employme nt duri ng theirsummer holidays.5) 令我們吃驚的是,這位常被贊為十分正直的州長(governor)竟然是個貪官(corruptofficial)。To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corruptofficial.6) 少數(shù)工人
15、得到提升(be promoted),與此同時卻有數(shù)百名工人被解雇。A few workers were promoted, but mea nwhile hun dreds of workers were dismissed.7) 如果有機會,約翰也許已成為一位杰出的畫家了。(give n)Give n the cha nee, Joh n might have become an outsta nding pain ter.8) 數(shù)小時后,有人看見那個男孩在林子里瞎轉(zhuǎn)。Several hours later, the boy was found wan deri ng around in t
16、he woods.Unit21) fruitful2) evoluti on3) limitati ons4) versions大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版5) Despite6) inten ds7) In short8) access9) no where10) super11) messy12) online1) despite2) con tract ing3) data4) inten ded5) (his) limitati ons6) fruitful7) uncovered8) defin itely9) view10) milder11) nota
17、ble12) quest1) thi nk up2) bring up3) took out4) sett ing back5) gives off6) spri nging up7) came to8) lit up9) made for10) leftbeh ind1) made2) s now3) shot4) state5) beate n6) w ind7) felt8) e nemy1) lovi ng大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版2) ma n3) savi ng4) record5) cutt ing6) fact7) raisi ng8) tone1
18、)the youn gest in his family2) the cheapest here3) The smallest4) the most dan gerous5) the deaf and the bli nd6) AII the sick and the woun ded7) the employed and the un employed8) happy people9) the young10) 1 ntellige nt people1) Martin was about to go to bed whe n there was a knock at the door.2)
19、 The travelers were about to cross the river whe n a storm broke.3) The film was about to start whe n cries of Fire were heard.4) I was about to write to Aunt Sophia whe n she came to visit us.5) Jenny was about to leave whe n Mark arrived so she stayed a little Ion ger.1) An officer is meant to set
20、 a good example to his men.2) The diagram is meant to explain how the machi ne works.3) Exam in ees are mea nt to write their n ames at the top of the paper.4) Pare nts are meant to love all their childre n equally.5) This experime nt is meant to test a new theory recen tly proposed by some America
21、n scie ntists.1) Despite2) data3) down load4) web5) limitati ons6) fruitful7) uncover8) evoluti on9) n otable10) view11) In short大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版12) thi nki ng up1) Aski ng2) their3) had4) no5) could6) way7) imag ine8) in stead9) what10) If11) en courage12) child13) follow14) do15) deal/
22、cope16) same17) whe n18) as19) creative20) toVII. DictationOne of the ways you can en courage childre n to be creative is to talk things over rather tha n to giveinstructions or make a model when they ask for help. If you show a child how to draw a flower or a person, they will try to draw one just
23、like yours. This can be frustrat ing because no matter how hard children try, their pictures will not be as good as yours because they do not have the skill that you have.Chances are that childre n will compare the two pictures and not be happy with their own. They mayeven decide n ot to try. Be cre
24、ative yourself and thi nk of ways to en courage childre ns creativity.IX. Tran slation 翻譯迅速方便地獲得信息是很重要,但學(xué)會以新的方式看信息甚至更為重要。醫(yī)學(xué)上一次重大突破也許能說明這一觀點??茖W(xué)家本想尋找一種治天花的特效藥,但他們沒有成功。英國醫(yī)生愛德華?詹納放棄尋找特效藥,而是通過找到一種預(yù)防天花的辦法征服了這一疾病。顯然, 是創(chuàng)造性思維使他的工作獲得巨大收獲??傊?,記住下面這句話肯定大有裨益:有多種方法可以用來看待你下載的大量資料。It is important to have easy and qu
25、ick access to information, but it is even more important to learn tolook at / view in formatio n in new ways. A major medical breakthrough may illustrate the point. Scientists had inten ded to find a cure for smallpox, but they got no where. Edward Jenner, a British physicia大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案
26、第三版n, aba ndoned the quest for a cure and conq uered the disease by finding a way to preve nt it.Obviously, it was creative thinking that led to his fruitful work. In short, it defi nitely pays to keep this inmind: there is more than one way to look at / view volumes of data you dow nl oad.Unit31) u
27、rban2) an alysis3) keep a diary4) pace5) tech no logical6) catch his breath7) in tuiti on8) convince9) Civil10) was/has bee n1) took (detailed) no tes2) switched3) en ergetic4) stimulated5) built on/is built on6) reno vate7) lear ned (ma n)8) compelled9) distributed10) repay1) switch to2) has set up
28、3) kept on4) leave out5) called on6) send off7) stayed up8) found out1) dictatorship2) professorship3) sportsma nship4) scholarship5) martyrdom6) readershiprenovated大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版7) leadership8) officialdom9) partn ership10) hardship11) boredom12) workma nship1) the point2) points3) Th
29、ere is no point in4) Whats the poi nt of5) The point6) a point1) I did nt leave college because I was tired of learning.2) We did nt set up the corporati on merely because we wan ted to make profits.3) Joh n did nt marry Alice because she was rich, or because she was pretty.4) He did nt join the Con
30、 federate army because he stood for slavery.5) The police did nt arrest him because he had really committed any crime, or because he was anescaped pris oner.1) We all left the meeti ng convinced that the project was feasible.2) Peter got home tired out from the three-m on th-l ong journey to the An
31、tarctic.3) They went hun ti ng for hours, but they retur ned empty-ha nded.4) He en tered the office still anno yed by the way she had spoke n to him.1) himself in the ward of a hospital2) themselves surroun ded by en emy forces3) themselves read ing it with fresh eyes4) himself tailed by a man in b
32、lack5) myself doubti ng my own judgme nt6) ourselves in a large valley1) an alysis2) professi ons3) en ergetic4) catch his breath5) stay ing up6) convinced7) stimulat ing8) admi nistrative大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版9) switch10) pace11) reflection12) spark13) repay ing1) you2) or3) w onder4) pare nt
33、5) of6) help7) o n8) how9) telli ng10) treat11) whe n12) a nd13) criticize14) with15) resp onse16) you17) class18) not19) realize/un dersta nd20) Because21) specialized22) about23) k now24) well25) too26) what27) differe nt28) from29) behavior翻譯1) 許多美國大學(xué)生申請政府貸款交付學(xué)費。Many America n stude nts apply for
34、 gover nment loa ns to pay for their educatio n / tuiti on.2) 除閱讀材料外,使用電影和多媒體( multimedia )會激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的興趣。大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版Besides readi ng materials, the use of films and multimedia can stimulate stude nts in terest in asubject.3) 這位律師試圖說服陪審團(jury)他的當(dāng)事人(client)是無辜的。(convince sb. of)The attor
35、 ney / lawyer tried to convince the jury of his clie nts innocence.4) 提問常常會引發(fā)創(chuàng)造的火花。Ask ing questio ns ofte n gen erates the spark of creativity.5) 我已經(jīng)把我的簡歷(r asum e)寄往幾家公司,但尚未收到回復(fù)。I have sent off my re sum e to several corporatio ns, but have nt yet received a reply.6) 她的結(jié)論是建立在對當(dāng)前國際情況進行了認(rèn)真的分析的基礎(chǔ)上的。H
36、er con clusi on is built / based on a careful an alysis of curre nt intern ati onal affairs.7) 我們滿懷期望地來參加會議,離開時卻大失所望。We came to the meeti ng full of expectatio ns, yet we left very disappo in ted.8)暫時他只得接受了一份給一家化妝品公司發(fā)促銷傳單的活兒。At the mome nt he has to take the job of distributi ng leaflets to promote
37、products for a cosmetic company.Unit41) junior2) junk3) win ds4) physical5) han dicap6) Click7) decayed8) in terpreted9) lea ning10) limb大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版11) twisted12) relatio nship13) surroun ded14) at least15) in hopes of1) coveri ng2) runs3) affect4) dotted with5) Elaborate6) fancy7)
38、grabbed8) maximum9) per10) spotted11) strai ned12) caught her eye13) sort of1) add to2) curled up3) bring back4) called up5) grow up6) came up with7) work out8) was sin gled out9) take apart1) statisticia n2) politics3) Venu sia n4) Mars5) magicia n6) library7) civil8) tech nicia n9) comedia n10) Ch
39、ristia n11) Russia12) Asia大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版13) Australia14) Co nfucius15) electricia n16) music17) vegetable18) guard1) taxpayers money2) playgoers3) Young son gwriters4) babysitters5) housekeepers6) sun bather7) wheelchair8) driveway1) that little progress has bee n made2) is doing a lit
40、tle better this seas on3) a little earlier tha n scheduled4) Little did he realize5) said little about her work experie nee6) little imagi ned the n7) slow dow n a little8) have little con tact with the outside world1) Nigels no vel was not as well received as he had hoped.2) He ran as hard as he co
41、uld in hopes of break ing his record for the five miles.3) Some of the power stati ons have sig ni fica ntly failed to operate as efficie ntly as people haveexpected.4) The aging body does not absorb and distribute food as efficie ntly as it used to do.5) The British welfare system did not assist th
42、e genuin ely n eedy groups as effectively as did somesystems prevaili ng elsewhere.1) But why dont you pluck up the courage to do what youve always wan ted to?2) He will help you prepare what you n eed to say.3) What is true for gen eral histories also applies to surveys of more limited periods.4) I
43、 have noticed that what are commonly called warm colors is not necessary to produce the impression of warmth in Ian dscape.5) These travel books en terta in readers with acco unts of what travelers have see n.1) Every time I see you youre even lovelier tha n I remember.大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版2)
44、 Every time its sunny I enjoy driv ing.3) Every time the child completes a specified desirable behavior it will earn a toy.4) My an kle hurts every time I put my foot to the gro und.5) Every time I sat down I went to sleep.1) affected2) physical3) in terpret4) spot5) han dicap6) faste ned7) maximum8
45、) per9) exte nsively10) Strai ning11) surroun ded1) up2) wherever3) for4) the5) taught6) before7) be ing8) tha n9) who10) where11) still/eve n12) with13) told14) a nd15) Yet16) sou nded17) to18) straight19) With20) howVII. DictationBaseball is Americas n ati onal sport, played mai nly by men .It dev
46、eloped in the mid 19th cen tury from大學(xué)英語精讀第三冊第三版(上海外語教育出版社)答案第三版the British games of roun ders and cricket. Baseball is also popular in Japa n and several Lat inAmerica n coun tries, and has bee n an Olympic sport since in 1972. Softball is similar but uses a large,softer ball and is popular with wo
47、me n. Many America ns play baseball for fun because players do nothave to be strong like football players or tall like basketball players. Some people think baseball is tooslow, but the team man agers ofte n cha nge their players and pla ns duri ng the game, and there aremany excit ing plays. Many America n families enjoy going to a Sun da
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