1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上自動化專業(yè)英語講義(2010-2011第學期)課前要求:通讀課文1遍、將生詞查出。課后要求:獨立完成作業(yè)。預習下次課的內容成績計算辦法:平時成績50%,期末考試成績50%。平時成績由作業(yè)(約40分)和出勤(約10分)等決定,缺交作業(yè)、或者作業(yè)抄襲者被發(fā)現(包括將作業(yè)給別人抄襲者)本次記為0分。作業(yè)要整潔。作業(yè)必須按時完成,必須在上課前交作業(yè)!請假者,請通過他人交作業(yè)。答疑地點:杰德控制系統(tǒng)工程研究中心(一校西門南 三層樓305室)答疑時間:每周工作日上午10:0011:30、下午3:005:00(周四除外)之間,請先電話聯系辦公電話:2554參考書:工業(yè)自動化專業(yè)外語
2、,王樹青,韓建國編,化學工業(yè)出版社,2001年。自動化專業(yè)英語教程王宏文,機械工業(yè)出版社,2007年。Modern Control System,R.C. Dorf, R.H. Bishop,科學出版社,2004年。自動化專業(yè)英語,李國厚,王春陽,北京大學出版社,2006年。,任金霞,任金霞,何小陽,華中科技大學出版社,2008年。自動化專業(yè)英語,王旸,原馳,哈爾濱工業(yè)大學,2008年。自動化專業(yè)英語,王建國,陳東淼,中國電力出版社,2005年。自動控制專業(yè)英語,沈宏,電子工業(yè)出版社,2003年。自動控制專業(yè)英語,李國厚,清華大學出版社,2005年。自動化專業(yè)英語,戴文進,章衛(wèi)國,武漢理工大學
3、出版社,2006年。自動化與電子信息專業(yè)英語,楊植新,周勁,孫江波,電子工業(yè)出版社,2009年。教學課號教學時間講課內容提要交翻譯練習周次月日0194.18Pronunciation of mathematical expressions; Major catalogue; Periodicals and journals0294.20Specified English words and expressions for automation and thermal system03104.25Introduction to process control; PID control04104.
4、27Introduction to modern control theory05115.2Fundamentals of Process Control06115.4A Process Control System07125.9On the Adaptive Control08125.11The introduction of fuzzy control09135.16PLC10135.18Intelligent Robots11145.23The Application of Computers12145.25Renewable energy13155.30Introduction to
5、optimization algorithm14156.1Introduction to thermal systems15166.6Steam temperature control and CCS16166.8How to write a technological paper, especially the abstractNo.1 Pronunciation of mathematical expressions; Major catalogue; Periodicals and journals1.1 Pronunciation of Mathematical Expressions
6、The pronunciations of the most common mathematical expressions are given in the list below. In general, the shortest versions are preferred (unless greater precision is necessary).1、Logicthere Existsfor All / Anyp implies q / if p, then qp if and only if (iff) q / p is equivalent to q / p and q are
7、equivalent2、Setsx belongs to A / x is an element (or a member) of Ax does not belong to A / x is not an element (or a member) of AA is contained in B / A is a subset of BA contains B / B is a subset of AA cap B / A meet B / A intersection BA cup B / A join B / A union BA minus B / the difference bet
8、ween A and BA cross B / the Cartesian product of A and B3、Real numbersx plus onex minus onex plus or minus onexy / x multiplied by yx minus y, x plus yx over y / x on ythe equals signx equals 5 / x is equal to 5x (is) not equal to 5x is equivalent to (or identical with) yx is not equivalent to (or i
9、dentical with) yx is greater than yx is greater than or equal to yx is less than yx is less than or equal to yzero is less than x is less than 1zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1mod x / modulus x / absolute value of xx squared / x (raised) to the power 2x cubedx to the fourth
10、 / x to the power fourx to the nth / x to the power nx to the (power) minus n(square) root x / the square root of xcube root (of) xfourth root (of) xnth root (of) xx plus y all squaredx over y all squaredn factorialx hatx barx tildexi / x subscript i / x suffix / x sub xi / x superscript i / x super
11、fix / x super the sum fromequals one to n ai / the sum as runs from 1 to n of the ai4、Linear algebrathe norm (or modulus) of xOA / vector OA OA / the length of the segment OAA transpose / the transpose of AA inverse / the inverse of A5、Functionsf x / f of x / the function f of xa function f from S t
12、o Tx maps to / x is sent (or mapped) to f prime x / f dash x / the (first) derivative of f with respect to xf doubleprime x / f doubledash x / the second derivative of f withrespect to xf tripleprime x / f tripledash x / the third derivative of f with respect to xf four x / the fourth derivative of
13、f with respect to xpartial F on partial x / partial differential F on xthe partial (derivative) of f with respect to x1the second partial (derivative) of f with respect to x1the integral from zero to infinitythe limit as x approaches zerothe limit as x approaches zero from abovethe limit as x approa
14、ches zero from belowlog y to the base e/ log to the base e of y / natural log (of) ylog y to the base e / log to the base e of y / natural log (of) yIndividual mathematicians often have their own way of pronouncing mathematical expressions and in many cases there is no generally accepted “correct” p
15、ronunciation.Distinctions made in writing are often not made explicit in speech; thus the sounds fx may be interpreted as any of: fx,The difference is usually made clear by the context; it is only when confusion may occur, or where he/she wishes to emphasize the point, that the mathematician will us
16、e the longer forms: f multiplied by x, the function f of x, subscript x, line FX, the length of the segment FX, vector FX.Similarly, a mathematician is unlikely to make any distinction in speech (except sometimes a difference in intonation or length of pauses) between pairs such as the following: an
17、d and and 6、其它數學符號和公式例子4/5four fifths / 4 on 50.025zero point zero two five 38.49thirty-eight point four nine2%two per centthe second power of five / five to the power twothe square root of xsix times the seventh power of tenplus ; positive-minus ; negativemultiplied by ; times; /divided by=is equal
18、 to ; equals( )round brackets ; parentheses (parenthesis)i; jimaginary unitfactorial asine of xarc sine of xthe product of the terms indicatedthe sum of the terms indicatedb primeb second primeb sub twob second prime sub mthe first derivative of y with respect to xthe second derivative of y with res
19、pect to xintegral between limits a and bx approaches to infinitya plus b is equal to ca minus b equals cs equals v multiplied by tv equals s divided by ta plus b minus c multiplied by d, all divided by e equals fC over R equals G divided by the sum of one and H times G 1.2 Major Catalogue根據國家教委1998年
20、頒布的新專業(yè)目錄(Major Catalogue),將原工業(yè)自動化(Industrial Automation)、自動控制(Automatic Control)、自動化(Automation)、電氣技術(Electrical Technology)等專業(yè)合并統(tǒng)稱為自動化專業(yè)(Automation)。全國專業(yè)指導委員會對本專業(yè)本、??粕把芯可谋匦拚n程(compulsory subjects/required subjects)和選修課程(elective subjects)做了指導性規(guī)劃,除一些大學基礎課程外,還應包括的主要專業(yè)基礎課和專業(yè)課有:電路(Theory of Circuit)模擬
21、電子技術(Analog Electronics Technology)數字電子技術(Digital Electronics Technology)電力電子技術(Power Electronics Technology)電磁場(Electromagnetic Field)電工測量(Electric Measurement)電機學(Theory of Electric Motors)自動控制理論(Automatic Control Theory)現代控制理論(Modern Control Theory)微機原理(Principle of Microcomputer)計算機控制技術(Computer
22、 Control Techniques)自動調節(jié)裝置(Automatic Regulators)過程控制系統(tǒng)(Process Control System)電氣自動控制(Electrical Automatic Control)電力拖動基礎(Fundamental of Electric Drive)交流調速系統(tǒng)(AC Motor Speed Regulating System)電力拖動自動控制系統(tǒng)(Automatic Control System for Electric Drive)單片機應用(Application of Single-chip Computer)可編程序控制器系統(tǒng)(Pr
23、ogrammable Logical Controller System)供電技術(Power Supplying Technology)系統(tǒng)仿真(System Simulation)樓宇自動化(Building Automation)線性系統(tǒng)(Linear System)自適應控制(Adaptive Control System)系統(tǒng)辨識(System Identification)模糊控制與神經元網絡(Fuzzy Control and Neutral Network)電氣CAD(Electrical CAD)計算機多媒體與網絡技術(Multimedia and Network Techn
24、ique)運動控制(Motion Control)網絡化控制系統(tǒng)(Networked Control System)1.3 Periodicals and Journals1.3.1 國內自動化專業(yè)主要期刊(略)1.3.2國外自動化專業(yè)主要期刊國別中譯刊名外文刊名刊號美國IEEE電力輸送匯刊IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery730B0001TPD美國蘇聯電氣工程Soviet Electrical Engineering730B0078美國日本電工Electrical Engineering in Japan732B0068美國電氣世界Electrical W
25、orld721B0003美國控制與系統(tǒng)Cybernetics and Systems737B0055美國自動化Automation737B0015美國電機與動力系統(tǒng)Electric Machines Power Systems732B0007美國控制論Cybernetics737B0005美國IEEE工業(yè)電子學匯刊IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics730B0001美國IEEE能量轉換匯刊IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion730B0001-TBC美國控制工程Control Engineering737B
26、0013美國IEEE 工業(yè)應用匯刊IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications730B0001美國IEEE 控制系統(tǒng)雜志IEEE Control System Magazine730B0001美國IEEE 自動控制匯刊IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control730B0001美國儀表與控制系統(tǒng)I&CS(Instruments & Control Systems)美國IEEE功率電子學匯刊IEEE Transactions on Power electronics美國IEEE動力系統(tǒng)匯刊IEEE Trans
27、actions on Power Systems美國IEEE儀表與測量匯刊IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement730B0001-TIM美國IEEE機器人與自動化雜志IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation730B0001-JRA美國IEEE機器人與自動化匯刊IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation730B0001美國IEEE系統(tǒng)、人與控制論匯刊IEEE Transactions on Systems、Man and Cybernetics73
28、0B0001TSMC美國IEEE模式分析與機器信息匯刊IEEE Transaction on Pattern, Analysis and Machine Intelligence737B0021英國現代動力系統(tǒng)Modern Power Systems720C0069英國電氣工程師協會評論IEE Review736C0058英國電氣評論Electrical Review730C0002英國自動化Automation737C0006英國自動化Automatica737C0003英國控制與儀表應用Control & Instrumentation737C0002英國國際控制雜志Interna
29、tional Journal of Control737C0001英國模式識別Pattern Recognition738C0065英國國際電力與能源系統(tǒng)雜志International Journal of Electrical Power Energy Systems730C0083英國英國電氣工程師學會B輯:電力應用IEE Proceedings, B: Electric Power Application730C0004-B英國電氣工程師協會會報D輯:控制理論與應用IEE Institution of Electrical Engineers Proceedings, D: Contro
30、l Theory and Applications730C0004德國電工學雜志ETZ-Eledtrotechnische Zeitschrift730E0005德國電工技術文獻ETZ Arehiv721E0004德國能量與自動化Energy &AutomationISSN0931-6221德國電能Elektrie721A0001德國電技術Elektrodechnik730E0053德國計量-控制-調節(jié)MSR(Messen,Steuern,Regeln)737A0001德國自動化技術Automatisierungs-Technik738E0005德國電子學Elektronik(Fach
31、zelitschrift fur Entwickle und Industrielle Anwender)736E0001德國德國工程師協會志VDI-A(Zeitschrift fur Maschinenbau und Metallbear-beilung)710E0002法國電學雜志Revue Generale de 1Electricite Elektrotechnik730F0004瑞士電技術Elektrotechnik730LD057瑞士ABB評論ABB Review730LD002荷蘭人工智能Arifical Intelligence738LB003意大利自動化與計分表裝置Autom
32、azione e Strumentazione737MC052日本計測與控制計測與控制737D0055日本三菱電機技報三菱電機技報732D0005日本電氣評論電氣評論721D0050日本歐姆電氣雜志OHM電氣雜志732D0006日本電氣學會雜志電氣學會雜志730D0087日本電氣學會論文志,B電氣學會論文志,B730D0087-B日本儀表應用與控制工程Instrumentation and Control EgineeringISSN:0955-9531日本機器人機器人737D0060日本系統(tǒng)與控制系統(tǒng)與控制737D0053日本人工智能學會志Journal of Japanese Societ
33、y for Artificial Intelligence737D00741.3.3 國內外自動化學術團體1、美國電氣與電子工程師學會(The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,簡稱IEEE)IEEE是電氣與電子工程方面目前世界上最大的學術團體。它與100多個國家建立了人事往來和學術交流活動,并已逐漸發(fā)展成一個國際性的機構。現有國內外會員20余萬人。IEEE活動主要是舉辦大量國際性或全國性會議和出版期刊和會議錄,舉辦各種展覽會,組織會員訪問科研單位和工廠企業(yè)的實驗室、進行職業(yè)調查并出版相應的調查報告等。IEEE按專業(yè)活動劃分為:
34、計算機;控制系統(tǒng);電介質與電氣絕緣;電子器件;工業(yè)應用;工業(yè)電子學;信息理論;測試設備與測量;大功率電子學(委員會);機器人與自動學(委員會);系統(tǒng)、人與控制論等10個部和36個技術協會和委員會。2、英國電氣工程師學會(The Institute of Electrical Engineers,簡稱IEE)IEE目前有會員82 000人,主要活動也是召開學術會議和出版科技刊物。IEE與IEEE相似,每年要組織召開許多國際會議和討論會,多數出版會議錄或論文摘要,并以連續(xù)出版物的形式出版IEE會議出版物(IEE Conference Publication)或IEE討論會論文摘要(IEE Coll
35、oquium Digest),這類出版物均以會議名稱命名,并有連續(xù)編號,如International Conference on Mobile Radio Systems and Techniques(Conf.Publ.No.238)。IEE編輯出版的刊物中影響較大的是IEE會報,共分AJ 10個分輯(雙月刊),均為工程學的核心期刊。3、國內主要相關專業(yè)性學會中國自動化學會中國電機工程學會中國動力工程學會中國系統(tǒng)仿真學會中國儀器儀表學會中過電工技術學會中國電子學會中國系統(tǒng)工程學會中國計算機學會 No.2 Specified English words and expressions for
36、automation and thermal systemactuator 執(zhí)行器adaptive control 自適應控制amplitude 幅值振幅anti-reset windup 抗積分飽和assumption 假設automatic control 自動控制auto-tuning 自整定bandwidth 帶寬black-box model 黑箱模型white-box model 白箱模型gray-box model 灰箱模型boiler drum 汽包水位capacitance 電容capacitor 電容characteristic equation 特征方程closed-lo
37、op stability 閉環(huán)穩(wěn)定controller tuning 控制器整定converge 收斂convergence 收斂性diode 二極管direct-digital-control 直接數字控制distributed control 分布控制emission 排放,散發(fā)empirical model 經驗模型equilibrium 平衡點feedback control 反饋控制fuzzy control 模糊控制fuzzification 模糊化de-fuzzification 解模糊generalized predictive control 廣義預測控制generator
38、發(fā)電機turbo-generator 汽輪發(fā)電機turbo-generator unit 汽輪發(fā)電機組feed-forward control 反饋控制intelligent control 智能控制linear quadratic regulator LQR,線性二次高斯控制magnitude 大小,幅值manual control 手動控制multiple variable system 多變量系統(tǒng)numerator polynomial 分子多項式negative feedback control 負反饋控制partial fraction expansion 部分分式展開proport
39、ional plus integral plus derivative control PID控制physical modeling 物理模型prerequisite 先決條件process control 過程控制ratio control 比率控制robustness 魯棒性saturation 飽和self-tuning regulator 自校正調節(jié)器set-point 設定值simulation research 仿真研究startup/start-up 啟動state space model 狀態(tài)空間模型step function 階躍函數step response 階躍響應pul
40、se response 脈沖響應system identification 系統(tǒng)辨識s-plane s平面z-plane z平面theorem 定理theoretical 理論上的thermocouple 熱電偶time delay 時延transducer 傳感器sensor 傳感器transfer function 傳遞函數transmitter 變送器true value 真值unit matrix 單位矩陣valve 閥門voltage 電壓white noise 白噪聲color noise 有色噪聲zero-order hold 零階保持器open-loop 開環(huán)closed-lo
41、op 閉環(huán)minimum-phase 最小相位non-minimum phase system 非最小相位coal-fired power plant 燃煤發(fā)電廠circulating fluidized bed boiler 循環(huán)流化床鍋爐disturbance rejection 抗擾動feed-forward plus feedback control 前饋加反饋控制cascade control system 串級控制steam temperature 蒸汽溫度first order system 一階系統(tǒng)second order system 二階系統(tǒng)first order plus
42、 pure time delay system 一階加純滯后系統(tǒng)(FOPDT)second order plus pure time delay system 二階加純滯后系統(tǒng)(SOPDT)critical 臨界的sub-critical 亞臨界的super-critical 超臨界的ultra-super-critical 超臨界的carbon monoxide (CO) 一氧化碳carbon dioxide (CO2) 二氧化碳nitrogen oxide (NOx) 氮氧化物板式空氣預熱器 plate air-preheater半無煙煤 semi-anthracite半直吹式燃燒 sem
43、i-direct firing備件 duplicate part, renewals備品 spare parts備用 reserve備用電源 reserve power supply備用發(fā)電廠 stand-by generator備用發(fā)電機 reserve feed tank備用機組 stand-by set, stand-by unit, reserve machine備用零件 spare detail本征矢量/特征矢量 eigenvector本征值/特征值 eigenvalue泵 pump給水泵 feed water pump閉式循環(huán) closed circulating, closed
44、cycle表面式減溫器 surface type attemperator表面式冷卻器 surface cooler表面式凝汽器 surface condensor并列運行 parallel operation不靈敏區(qū) dead zone不完全燃燒 incomplete combustion廠用電 auxiliary power, station service除氧 deaeration除氧器 deaerator除氧水箱 deaerator storage tank吹灰器 soot blower擋板 baffle plate, dash低速磨煤機 low speed mill調峰 cyclin
45、g loading對流過熱器 convection superheater發(fā)電成本 generating cost輻射式過熱器 radiant superheater負荷分配 load distribution鋼球磨煤機 ball tube mill給煤機 coal feeder, pulverized coal feeder給粉機 pulverized fuel feeder, pulverized coal feeder鼓風機 blower, aerator鍋爐 boiler超臨界鍋爐 supercritical boiler亞臨界鍋爐 subcritical boiler燃煤鍋爐 coa
46、l-fired boiler燃油鍋爐 oil-fired boiler直流鍋爐 once-through boiler回轉式空氣預熱器 rotary air-preheater機組負荷 unit load經濟負荷 economic load空氣 air一次空氣 primary air 二次空氣 secondary air三次空氣 tertiary air過??諝?excess air空氣預熱器 air preheater, air heater板式空氣預熱器 plate air preheater管式空氣預熱器 tubular air preheater回轉式空氣預熱器 rotary air
47、preheater三分倉空氣預熱器 trisector air preheater爐膛安全監(jiān)控系統(tǒng) furnace safeguard supervision system (FSSS)凝汽器 condensor排粉機 pulverizer exhauster頻率 frequency額定頻率 normal frequency固有頻率 inherent frequency工頻 power frequency自然頻率 natural frequency燃燒 combustion切圓燃燒 tangential combustion四角燃燒 diagonal combustion熱電聯產 cogeneration熱電偶 thermocouple, thermopair省煤器 economizer脫硫 desulphurization旋風分離器 cyclone separator送風機/鼓風機 forced fan (FDF)引風機/吸風機 induced fan (IDF)再熱器 reheater專業(yè)詞匯往往有其特殊詞義(不能只記得單詞的一個意思):memory 內存;記憶bus 總線(Field Bus Control Syst
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