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1、江西語法十四交際用語考點一考點一 問候問候1面對面問候面對面問候How are you?/How do you do?/How is everything going?/How are you getting on?Im fine./OK, thanks./Thank you./Not bad.2間接問候間接問候Please give my best wishes/regards/love to.Sure, I will./Of course.(2021云南中考云南中考)Tim, how is it going with you? . Im having fun.ATerrible BBori

2、ngCVery tiring DPretty good考點二考點二 打打1打一方用語打一方用語Could/May/Can I speak to.?Whos that (speaking)?Is. at home?Im calling to tell/ask you to.2接一方用語接一方用語Hello, this is. speaking.Wait for a moment./Hold on for a moment.Im afraid hes not here/hes out now.Can I take a message?(2021江蘇徐州中考江蘇徐州中考)Hello! May I s

3、peak to Rose please? . I will go and get her.ASpeaking BHold on, pleaseCI dont know DHurry up, please考點三考點三 贊賞和應對贊賞和應對1表示贊賞表示贊賞Thank you (very much)/Thanks (a lot)/Many thanks./Its so kind of you./Thank you all the same.2應對應對Not at all./My pleasure./Its a pleasure./Thats OK./Thats all right./Youre w

4、elcome./Dont mention it.1(2021湖北武漢中考湖北武漢中考)It s very kind of you to help me. Thank you very much. AThank youBDont thank meCSorry to help you very littleDYou are welcome2(2021江蘇徐州中考江蘇徐州中考)Thanks for listening to my problem and giving me your advice, Amy. . Thats what friends are for.AMy pleasure BWit

5、h pleasureCNever mind DIts nice of you3(2021湖南邵陽中考改編湖南邵陽中考改編)Gina, your new dress looks so nice. ANo, no BThank youCYes DCertainly考點四考點四 負疚和應對負疚和應對1負疚負疚Excuse me./I beg your pardon.Sorry./Im (so) sorry.I really feel bad about.2應對應對It doesnt matter./No problem./Forget it./Never mind./Thats all right.

6、/Thats OK.1(2021山東臨沂河東模擬山東臨沂河東模擬)Im sorry to trouble you, Miss Gao. AFine, thank you BIts very kind of youCIt doesnt matter DAll right2(2021上海中考上海中考)Im awfully sorry for bringing you so much trouble. ANever mind BIts a pleasureCOf course not DYou are welcome3(2021湖北恩施中考改編湖北恩施中考改編)Sorry, I have no ti

7、me to help you. I have to go to see the doctor. AThank you all the same. BAre you kidding?CThank you. DWith pleasure.考點五考點五 祝賀、祝愿和應對祝賀、祝愿和應對1祝賀他人獲得勝利祝賀他人獲得勝利Congratulations!2祝他人旅途愉快,玩得開心祝他人旅途愉快,玩得開心Have a good trip!/Have a good/great time!/Enjoy yourself./Have fun!3祝愿他人順利經(jīng)過考試等祝愿他人順利經(jīng)過考試等Good luck!1(

8、2021山東東營廣饒模擬山東東營廣饒模擬)Well study in different schools next term. I hope youll enjoy your time in the new school!_AIll take your advice. BThe same to you.CCongratulations! DMe, too.2.(2021湖北恩施中考改編湖北恩施中考改編)My friends and I are going out for a picnic tomorrow._AMy pleasure. BHave a good time!CHelp yours

9、elves. DYou made it!3(2021四川涼山中考四川涼山中考)Mom, Ill take an important test tomorrow.Dont be nervous, Sandy. _AGood luck. BGood idea!CWell done. DHave a good time!4(2021四川眉山中考四川眉山中考)I hope everything goes well for you and take care. AHave a good time BThank youCNo problem DNever mind考點六考點六 懇求允許和應對懇求允許和應對

10、1懇求允許懇求允許Can/Could/May I.?I wonder if I could/can.2允許允許Yes./Sure./Certainly./Of course./Thats OK./All right./Go ahead.3不允許不允許Im sorry, but.Youd better not.No, please dont.Im afraid.1(2021山東濰坊高密二模山東濰坊高密二模)Could I trouble you to help me solve the math problem? Whats it?AI hope not. BWhat a shame!CNo p

11、roblem. DBetter not.2(2021山東濰坊諸城二模山東濰坊諸城二模)Could you please take care of my pet dog when Im away? AIt doesnt matter BWith pleasureCNever mind DYoure welcome3(2021山東濟南槐蔭二模山東濟南槐蔭二模)Andy, could you go swimming with me on Sunday? . I have to work on a science report.AWith pleasure BIm sorryCNever mind D

12、Good idea4(2021內(nèi)蒙古通遼中考內(nèi)蒙古通遼中考)Excuse me, can I ask you some questions? . ASure, go ahead BCongratulationsCThats right DIt doesnt matter5(2021甘肅白銀中考甘肅白銀中考)Hello, Sally! Can I see Mr. Brown? . Ill tell him you are here.AWhat a pity BJust a minuteCCongratulations DNever mind考點七考點七 約請和應對約請和應對1約請約請Will/W

13、ould/Could/Can you come to.?Would you like to.?May I invite you to.?2接受約請接受約請(Yes,) Id love/like to.Yes. Its very nice of you.That would be nice.3回絕約請回絕約請No, thank you.Id love/like to, but.Its so kind of you, but I.1(2021四川宜賓中考改編四川宜賓中考改編)Shall we go to see the documentary Amazing China or stay at ho

14、me?Either is OK. AGo ahead BIts up to youCThats all right DI dont know2(2021山東煙臺中考山東煙臺中考)Could you go swimming with me this afternoon, Jane? , but I have to do the chores first.AId like to BOf course notCI dont mind DIts nothing3(2021重慶渝北中考重慶渝北中考)Lets watch TV after dinner. AYes, Id love toBSorry, I

15、m notCI dont know DSounds like a good idea4(2021重慶渝北中考重慶渝北中考)Would you like something to eat? . Ive had enough.AYes, I would BYes, pleaseCNo, I wouldnt DNo, thanks5(2021云南曲靖中考云南曲靖中考)Shall we go for a picnic or study for the test this weekend? AThats it BIts up to youCI dont think so DI guess so考點八考點

16、八 勸告、建議和應對勸告、建議和應對1勸告、建議勸告、建議Youd better (not) do sth.You should (not) do sth.Why dont you do sth.?/Why not do sth.?How/What about doing sth.?Shall we.?/Lets.2贊同勸告、建議贊同勸告、建議Great!/Why not?/Its a good idea./Sounds great./Its up to you.3不贊同勸告、建議不贊同勸告、建議Im afraid that./Im afraid not.1(2021安徽合肥廬陽二模安徽合肥廬

17、陽二模)I think we should drive cars less to reduce the pollution. We can ride bikes or walk if possible.AI agree. BSorry?CNever mind. DAre you kidding?2(2021四川遂寧中考四川遂寧中考)Dont be late for class next time, Jiang Tao. AOK, I will BI knowCSorry, I wont DIt doesnt matter3(2021江蘇連云港中考江蘇連云港中考)Lisa, dont do ma

18、ny things at one time, or youll be tired out. You cant Aburn the candle at both endsBprovide for a rainy dayCput all your eggs in one basketDdo as Romans do when in Rome考點九考點九 問路和應對問路和應對1問路問路Excuse me, where is.?How can I get to.?Could you tell me how to get to.?Could you please tell me the way to.?

19、Which bus can I take?2應對應對Its over there on the left/right.Its next to./in front of./between. and./behind.Go along this road.You cant miss it.Turn right/left and.Sorry. Im new here./Im a stranger here.1(2021湖北隨州中考湖北隨州中考)Excuse me, wheres the library? . Im new here, too.Thank you all the same.ASorry,

20、 I dont know BThat way, pleaseCThis is the library DThere it is2(2021山東德州中考山東德州中考)Excuse me. Id like to take exercise but Im new here. Could you please tell me ?Follow me. I will take you there.Ahow I can get to the airport Bwhere the supermarket is Chow to get to the police stationDwhich the way to

21、 the sports center is 考點十考點十 喜好和厭惡喜好和厭惡1喜好喜好Which one do you prefer/like better?I like. better than.Would you like.?Whats your favorite.?Why do you like it?2厭惡厭惡I dont like. at all.I prefer to. rather than.(2021湖北隨州中考湖北隨州中考)What do you think of talk shows? . I watch them every week.AI cant stand them BI love themCI dont think so DI agree with you考點十一考點十一 情感情感1高興高興Im happy/excited to hear that.Its wonderful/amazing.Thats great.2稱心稱心Well done!/Perfect!Thats fine/better.3憂慮和關切憂慮和關切Whats wrong (with you)?Whats the matter (with you)?What


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