1、( 2012 重慶卷, 34 ) 兒童早期的睡眠問題很有可能在他們長大的時候還會繼續(xù)這一證據(jù)已經(jīng)在數(shù)年研究后被發(fā)現(xiàn)了。Evidencehasbeenfoundthroughyearsofstudythatchildrensearlysleepingproblemsarelikelytocontinue when they grow up.( 2012 天津卷, 9 )你在十字路口向左轉還是向右轉都沒有關系,每條路都通向公園。It doesn t matter whether you turn right or left atthe crossing -both roads lead to th
2、e park.(2012 四川卷,17 )科學家研究人類大腦是如何運作來制作電腦的。Scientistsstudyhowhumanbrainsworktomakecomputers.( 2012 上海卷, 34 )善良通常是通過坦誠來實現(xiàn)的,這是個很有道理的想法。There is much truth in the idea that kindness is usually served by frankness.( 2012 上海卷, 38 )- 我們只有這個小書柜,那樣可以么?-不行的,我要找的是個更大更結實的東西。- We've only got this small bookc
3、ase. Will that do?- No, what I am looking for is something much bigger and stronger.( 2012 陜西卷, 20 )提供了有多大五個的課程,而且你可以選擇任何一個最適合你的課程。As many as fivecoursesareprovided,and you arefreeto choose whichever suits you best.( 2012 山東卷, 25 )在這個店里面,不管你是用現(xiàn)金支付還是信用卡支付都沒有關系。It doesnt matter whether you pay by cash
4、 or credit card in this store.(2012 全國卷 I ,24 )根本不清楚總統(tǒng)能做什么來結束罷工。It is by no means clear what the president can do to end the strike.( 2012 遼寧卷, 34 )不久前一天,那個新來者去圖書館找關于馬克吐溫的書。The newcomer went to the library the other day andsearchedforwhateverhe couldfindaboutMark Twain.(2012 江西卷, 25 )他突然想起來,他把鑰匙落在辦公
5、室了。It suddenly occurred to him that he had left his keys in the office.( 2012 江蘇卷, 27 )通知在下午兩點的時候來了,說是會議會被推遲。The noticecame aroundtwointheafternoonthatthemeeting would be postponed.( 2012 湖南卷, 26 )這個村子里的每個人都很友好,不管你在這兒待了時間短還是長。Everyoneinthevillageisveryfriendly.Itdoesntmatter whether you have lived t
6、here for a short ora long time.(2012 福建卷, 35 )我們承諾任何一個人參加舞會都有機會和這個電影明星拍照。We promisewhoeverattendsthepartya chancetohavea photo taken with the movie star.( 2012 北京卷, 24 )Jerry 并不后悔做了那個評論,但是他感覺本可以表達的不同。Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt that he could have expressed it differently.( 2012
7、安徽卷, 27 )大體而言,一個人的極限智力是在出生的時候就定好了,但是是否他能夠達到這個極限將取決于環(huán)境。Thelimitsofaperson sintelligence,generallyspeaking,arefixedatbirth,butwhetherhe reachesthese limits will depend on his environment.(2012浙江卷, 4 )我給自己做出了一個承諾,今年,也就是我高中的第一年,將要過的不同。I made a promise to myself that this year, my first year in high scho
8、ol, would be different.(2011 北京卷 22 )芭芭拉瓊斯帶給她的粉絲的是誠實和快樂。 What Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness.(2011北京卷 31 )這個令人震驚的消息讓我意識到我們將要面對的是個多恐怖的問題。Theshockingnewsmademe realizewhatterribleproblems we would face.(2011上海卷 35 )有明顯證據(jù)表明最難演繹的痛苦就是身體上的疼痛。Thereisclearevidencethatthemostdiffic
9、ultfeeling of all to interpret is bodily pain.( 2011 上海卷 38 )你想要通過言語傳遞的信息可能正好和別人理解的完全相反。The message you intend to convey through words maybe the exact opposite of what others actually understand.( 2011 山東卷 26 )恐怕與其說他是個行動者還不如說他是個空談者,這就是為什么他從來沒有完成過任何事情。Iam afraidhes moreofa talkerthana doer,whichis wh
10、y he never finishes anything.( 2011 山東卷 33 )我們已經(jīng)給她提供了份工作,但是我不知道她是否會接受它。Weve offered her the job, but I dont know whethershell accept it.(2011 江西卷 26 )村民們已經(jīng)知道我們將要做的就是重建這個橋。The villagershavealready knownwhatwelldo istorebuild the bridge.( 2011 江蘇卷 26 )這個人并沒有很快報導這個事故,這個從來并不清楚。It was never clear that th
11、e man hadnt reported theaccident sooner.( 2011 安徽卷 33 )他的書寫如此地令人困惑以至于我們很難弄清楚他要表達的是什么。His writing is so confusing that its difficult tomake out what it is he is trying to express.( 2011 四川卷 10 )我們老師總是告訴我們,如果我們想要成功的話,就要去相信我們所做的和我們自己。Our teachers always tell us to believe in what we do and who we are i
12、f we want to succeed.(2011 遼寧卷 23 )20 個學生想要參加這個旨在教人們?nèi)绾慰焖匍喿x的課堂。Twenty students want to attend the class that aims to teach how to read fast.(2011 遼寧卷 32 )當戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā)的消息傳來之后,他決定去參軍 When the news came that the war broke out, he decided to serve in the army.(2011 天津卷 13 )現(xiàn)代科技已經(jīng)明確證實了吸煙會導致很多疾病Modern science has
13、 given clear evidence that smoking can lead to many diseases.( 2011 陜西卷 15 )我想要開始自己的事業(yè) - 這就是如果我有錢了要干的事情。I d like to start my own business that s what I d do if I had the money.( 2011 重慶卷 22 )是否那個就的車站要被一個現(xiàn)代的酒店取代仍然還在討論當中。It is still under discussion whether the old busstationshouldbe replacedwitha mod
14、ern hotelor not.( 2011 重慶卷 34 )通常對公眾來說都不太容易看清一項新的發(fā)明能給人類帶來什么好處。It is not always easy for the public to see what use a new invention can be of to human life.( 2011 湖南卷 31 )在一個問題被解決之前,必須要明顯地知道這個問題本身是什么。Before a problem can be solved, it must be obviouswhat the problem itself is.( 10 福建)我們應該尊重食物并且想到那些沒有
15、我們所擁有的東西的人們,并且好好地對待食物。We shouldrespectfoodand thinkaboutthepeoplewhodont have what we have here and treat food nicely.( 10 湖南)Cindy 猛地把門關上了, 并且突然哭了起來。 辦公室沒有一個人知道他為什么如此生氣。Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears.No one in the office knew why she was so angry.( 10 天津)作為一個新的畢業(yè)生,他不知道需要花費什么來開始一個新
16、的事業(yè)。As a new graduate, he doesnt know what it takes tostart a business here.(10 北京)被一些人看成是確定的東西被許多其他人看成是缺點。What some people regard as a drawback is seen as aplus by many others.(10 浙江) -我們這周去野營怎么樣,僅僅是為了改變了- 好吧,你要怎樣就怎樣How aboutcampingthisweekend,justfora change?OK, whatever you want.( 10 浙江)盡管大約有 200
17、0 個病人已經(jīng)吃個這個藥,但是這藥物會帶來什么副作用現(xiàn)在還不太清楚。It is uncertain what side effect the medicine willbring about, although about two thousand patientshave taken it.(10 上海)她偏愛城市生活的一個原因就是他可以很方便就去像商店和餐廳這樣的地方。One reason for her preference for city life is thatshe can have easy access to places like shops andrestaurants.
18、( 10 湖北)房價將要下降的消息已經(jīng)導致了很多人以較低的價格把房子賣掉了。The news thatthehousingpricewillfallhascausedmany people to sell their houses at lower prices.( 10 山東)在拍賣開始之前,我要把孩子們在快到的季節(jié)里需要的東西列一張表。Beforethesalesstart,Imake a listofwhatmy kidswill need for the coming season.( 10 上海)當一個司機要改變車道的時候,他應該使用轉向信號讓其他司機知道他要轉的車道。When ch
19、anginglanes,a drivershoulduse histurningsignal to let other drivers know which lane he isentering.( 10 四川)一個人在旅行的時候玩的多開心很大程度上取決于他和誰去,是和朋友去還是和親戚去。How much one enjoyshimselftravelingdependslargelyon who he goeswith,whetherhisfriendsor relatives.(10 全國)我們還沒有決定好我們要把我們新的家具放哪里。We haventdiscussedyetwherewe
20、 aregoingtoplaceour new furniture.( 10 湖北) I want to be liked and loved for what I am inside.我想要讓別人喜歡并且愛著我內(nèi)心的一切(10 全國) -你已經(jīng)讀完那本書了么?- 沒有,我已經(jīng)讀到了小孩發(fā)現(xiàn)秘密洞穴那里了Have you finished the book?- No, I ve read up to where the children discover the secret cave.( 10 江蘇) - 在周末的時候,我喜歡整天把自己關在房間里,聽音樂。-那就是我不同意的地方,你應該有一個
21、更加積極的生活。Iprefershuttingmyselfinandlisteningtomusicall day on Sundays.That s whereI dont agree.You shouldhavea moreactive life.(10 北京)查爾斯狄更斯喜歡他自己的小說,Copperfield,的部分原因就是這本小說相當緊密滴聯(lián)系了他自己的生活。PartofthereasonCharlesDickenslovedhisown novel,David Copperfield, was that it was rather closelymodeled on his own
22、 life.( 09 湖南)她對我們來說很重要,我們已經(jīng)準備好了做任何事情來拯救她的生命。She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to dowhatever it takes to save her life.( 09 江西)這些年地球變得越來越暖和這樣的一個事實已經(jīng)讓很多科學家擔憂了。The facthasworriedmany scientiststhattheearthis becoming warmer and warmer these years.( 09 北京)剛開始的時候, 他很憎恨他的新工作, 但是他決定給自己幾個月來看看是否
23、可以變得更好。At first he hated the new job but decided to givehimself a few months to see if it got any better.(09 全國 I )我能和負責國際市場的任何一個人說話么?CouldI speakto whoeverisinchargeofInternationalSales please?(09 海南)他們需要考慮的重要的問題之一就是公眾的健康問題。Oneofthemostimportantquestionstheyhadtoconsider was that of public health.(
24、 09 陜西) how-to 這本書對任何一個想要干這個工作的人都很有幫助。The how-to book can be of help to whoever wants todo the job.( 09 上海)作為一個新的外交官, 他經(jīng)常在想如何在這樣的一個場合上表現(xiàn)的更合適一點。As a new diplomat,he oftenthinksofhow he can reactmore appropriately on such occasions.(09 四川)消息傳來說王林已經(jīng)被北京大學錄取了。News came from the school office that Wang Li
25、n hadbeen admitted to Beijing University.(09 天津)他們應該為他們的未來好好準備, 這對學生來說很清楚。It is obvious to the students that they should getwell prepared for their future.( 09 浙江) 有沒有可能你去機場接我一下。沒問題Isthereanypossibilitythatyoucouldpickme upat the airport? No problem.( 09 重慶)我們應該考慮下學生要學校圖書館提供更多關于流行科學書籍的要求。We should c
26、onsider thestudentsrequest that theschoollibraryprovidemore bookson popularscience.( 09 江蘇)大家覺得,西方許多年輕人將如婚姻這樣能夠成為一生中最重要的決定的事情歸功于運氣。Many young people in the West are expected to leavewhatcouldbelifesmostimp ortantdecisionmarriagealmost entirely up to luck.(09 山東)那個迷路的小女孩決定待在原地并且等她的媽媽。The littlegirlwh
27、o gotlostdecidedtoremainwhereshe was and wait for her mother.(08 北京)那些公司共同努力來創(chuàng)造出他們希望是21 世紀最好的交通工具。The companiesareworkingtogetherto createwhattheyhopewillbe thebestmeans oftransportinthe21stcentury.(08 天津)上一次我們玩得開心的時候是我們?nèi)ニ珗@玩的時候。Thelasttimewehadgreatfunwaswhenwewerevisiting the Water Park.( 08 安徽)學生
28、總是很有興趣弄清楚他們能和一個新老師走到什么程度。Studentsarealwaysinterestedinfindingouthow farthey can go with a new teacher.( 08 湖南)當被問到他們最需要什么的時候, 那些孩子說他們最需要的就是感到重要和被愛。When asked what they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.(08陜西)明天就是Tom 的生日,你知不知道party在哪舉行?Tomorrow is Tom s birthday. Have
29、 you got any i where the party is to be held?dea(08 重慶)重慶人對他們過去的十年里的成就都感到非常驕傲PeopleinChongqingareproudofwhattheyhaveachieved in the past ten years.( 08 浙江)有些孩子學一門和父母在家說的不同語言是為了挑戰(zhàn)他們自己。Somechildrenwanttochallengethemselvesbylearninga languagedifferentfromwhattheirparentsspeak at home.(08 福建)我們都知道2008
30、奧運會會在北京舉行。What isknown tous allisthatthe2008 OlympicGameswill take place in Beijing.(08 山東)她告訴我對她來說最重要的東西就是她的家庭。Whatwas mostimportanttoher,she toldme,was herfamily.(07 全國)學英語最重要的就是足夠的練習WhatmattersmostinlearningEnglishisenough( 07 天津)這邊的海灘每年夏天都吸引了大量的游客,溫暖的陽光和軟軟的沙灘造就它的現(xiàn)在。The seasideheredrawsa lotoftou
31、ristseverysummer.( 07 安徽)你只能有把握你現(xiàn)在所擁有的東西,你不能掌控你未來將要的到的東西。You can only be sure ofwhat you have at present;youcannotbe sureofsomethingyoumightgetinthe(07 湖南)檢查了門關了, 燈熄了之后, 那個男孩打開了臥室的門。Having checked the doors were closed, and that allthe lights were off, the boy opened the door to hisbedroom.(07 陜西)家長
32、所說的和所做的對孩子有一個長期的影響。what parentssay and do has a life-longeffecton their(07 浙江)你為什么不在城鎮(zhèn)里碰碰運氣呢?那里有最好的工作。Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? Thats where(07 福建)別人怎么想你與你無關,相信你自己It is none of your business what other people thinkabout you. Believe yourself.(07 江蘇)選擇一個正確的字典取決于你要用它來干什么。Choosingtherightdict
33、ionarydependson what you want(07 山東)他不停滴改變他的想法,這讓我很擔憂。( 06 全國)看到那個建筑物頂上的旗幟了么?那就是我們早上所做的事情。See the flags on top of the building? That was whatwe did this morning.(06 全國) -你的父母是怎樣看待你的決定呢?-他們總是讓我做我認為我應該做的事情(06 北京) -你能幫我一個忙么?-這取決于是什么忙。(06 天津)我們過去認為不可能的東西現(xiàn)在似乎都可能了。What we used to think was impossible now
34、does seem( 06 山東)無論哪支隊伍在星期六的時候贏了都可以參加全國錦標賽。Whichever team wins on Saturday will go through tothe national championships.( 06 安徽)我突然想到一個很溫馨的想法, 就是我可以用零花錢為我媽媽生日買些花。A warm thought suddenly came to me that I might usethepocketmoney tobuysome flowersformy mothers( 06 四川) - 我們已經(jīng) 30 年沒見面了。- 信不信由你,但是我仍然記得那個
35、我們在一個雨夜迷路的那個事情。But I still remember the story, believe it or not,( 06 遼寧)讓這個點不同的是它提供更多的私人服務What makes thisshopdifferentisthatitoffersmorepersonal services.( 05 全國)許多人都寫了一篇關于他們隊伍未能贏得比賽的原因的文章。Mary wrote an article on why the team had failed towin the game.( 05 天津)大象有它們自己的方法來辨別一個物體的形狀,和這個物體是粗糙還是光滑。Elep
36、hantshavetheirown way totelltheshapeofanobject and whether it is rough or smooth.(05 遼寧)你知不知道到底教室里面在發(fā)生什么?Do you haveanyideawhatisactuallygoingon intheclassroom?(05 山東) The shopkeeper did not want to sell for what he thought was not enough.店主不想賣那些他們認為不足的東西(05 浙江)丹比給我秘書留了一個言說是下午的時候還會打過來。Danbyleftwordw
37、ithmy secretarythathe wouldcallagain in the afternoon.(05 福建)媽媽要來了,你預期媽媽為你的生日帶了什么禮物呢?Mum is coming. What present do you expect for yourbirthday?( 05 湖南) I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize what silly mistakes I had made.我被她的話給驚住了,這讓我意識到我已經(jīng)犯了一個多愚蠢的錯誤( 05 重慶)那個老太太的手抖的很頻繁。 她向醫(yī)生解釋這個抖手半
38、年前是怎樣開始的, 并且正是由于這個, 她又是怎么樣被迫放棄她的工作的。The old lady s hand shook frequently. to her doctor how this shaking had before, and how , only because ofShe explainedbegunhalfa yearthis,shehad beenforced to give up her job.(05 江西)他做這件是的方法和我們過去做的方法不同。The way he(05 安徽)那個學校發(fā)生了很大的變換,它已經(jīng)不是20 年前的那個學校了,那時候它的設備是如此的破舊。
39、Greatchangeshavetakenplaceinthatschool.Itisno longer what it was 20 years ago, when it was sopoorly equipped.(04 廣東)父母們被教育去了解教育對他們孩子來說是多么的重要Parentsaretaughttounderstandhowimportanteducation is to their childrens future.(04 全國)你說每個人都應該平等,這就是我不同意的地方。You aresayingthateveryoneshouldbe equal,and thisis w
40、hereI disagree.( 04 全國)這條路覆蓋著雪,我搞不明白為什么他們堅持要騎摩托車走。The roadiscoveredwithsnow.I cant understandwhythey insist on going by motorbike.( 04 天津)一個現(xiàn)代化的城市已經(jīng)建立在 10 年之前是個廢地的地方A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland ten years ago.( 04 北京)我們不能弄明白為什么大量的昆蟲,鳥類和動物快要滅絕了。We cant figure out why quite a n
41、umber of insects,birds, an( 04 湖南)我想爸爸很想知道我最近在干什么,所以我決定給他寄一個便條。I think father would like to know what Ive been up( 04 上海春)前些天,我媽媽以一個我認為比較危險的速度在街上開著車。The otherday,my brotherdrovehiscardown thestreetat what I thought was a dangerous speed.( 04 上海春)和這封信一起的是他的承諾說他這個圣誕節(jié)的時候會來看我。Along with the letter was his promise that he wouldvisit me this coming Christmas.( 03 上海)當今什么東西控制著空氣里二氧化碳的排放和吸收這已經(jīng)相當明白了。Itisprettywellunderstoodwhatcontrolstheflowof carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.(03 上
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