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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上Unit 4 Matriculation FixationChinese Translation of Paragraphs1.兩年前的一天,我坐在費(fèi)城一所醫(yī)院的大廳里焦急地等待著,一位素不相識(shí)的人突然向我講述了他女兒的大學(xué)就讀計(jì)劃。由于那天下午我79歲的老母親剛動(dòng)了大手術(shù),還沒(méi)醒過(guò)來(lái),我無(wú)法全神貫注地聽(tīng)他的敘述。但是隨著他講述的深入,我卻記住了其中的大部分與話題有關(guān)的細(xì)節(jié)。2. 這位女生雖然算不上出類(lèi)拔萃,但還算出色,她已經(jīng)被一所一流名牌大學(xué)接受,不過(guò)沒(méi)有助學(xué)金。與此同時(shí),一所當(dāng)?shù)氐亩髮W(xué)也錄取了她,并承諾全免學(xué)費(fèi)。由于家里還有幾個(gè)孩子排在后面將上大學(xué),經(jīng)濟(jì)自然有些

2、緊,這位父親便說(shuō)服 女兒接受了第二所大學(xué)的錄取通知?,F(xiàn)在,他擔(dān)心她某天會(huì) 懊 悔 這個(gè)決定,因?yàn)樗龑?lái)畢業(yè)的學(xué)校名氣較小,結(jié)交不廣,為她敞開(kāi)的大門(mén)也少些。雖然她的學(xué)位證書(shū)使她離通往 成功的黃金大道并不遙遠(yuǎn),但卻不會(huì)把她直接放在這條大道上。3. 我本世俗百姓,對(duì)一些陌生人的婚姻、職業(yè)和嗜好最為私密的細(xì)枝末節(jié)耳熟能詳,因此很早便掌握了調(diào)解這類(lèi)危機(jī)的必備技巧。我告訴這位男士,我許多高中同學(xué)都畢業(yè)于這所 二流大學(xué),但他們都過(guò)上了豐富而充實(shí)的生活。4. 我告訴他,我自己就畢業(yè)于費(fèi)城一所二流大學(xué),和她女兒要就讀的學(xué)校并無(wú)二致,而我也已在世上為自己找到了一小塊立足之地。我還告訴他,我的大學(xué)歲月是我人生中最快

3、樂(lè)的時(shí)光,教授們既有才識(shí)又很敬業(yè),對(duì)他們的教誨和啟發(fā)我永懷感恩之心。他又追問(wèn)我的個(gè)人情況,我解釋說(shuō)我是個(gè)自由 作家,我扼要羅列了自己的資歷,還告訴他我對(duì)自己的職業(yè)生涯也很滿意。5. 這位父親從來(lái)沒(méi)有聽(tīng)說(shuō)過(guò)我,也沒(méi)有讀過(guò)我的作品。盡管他對(duì)我那可憐的履歷佯裝興趣,我依然看出他已經(jīng)崩潰了。他女兒也計(jì)劃從事新聞行業(yè),如果走上和我一樣的學(xué)術(shù)道路,最終也會(huì)像我一樣失敗。6.我始終沒(méi)有弄明白他為什么去那醫(yī)院。7.我之所以提及此事,是因?yàn)樗凵淞嗽谠撍秃⒆由洗髮W(xué)的時(shí)刻到來(lái)時(shí)家長(zhǎng)們神經(jīng)質(zhì)到了什么程度。我知道我在說(shuō)什么。明年秋天,我的女兒就要上大學(xué)了;三年之后,我的 兒子也要跟著上大學(xué)。看著他們離開(kāi)家門(mén),我會(huì)難過(guò)

4、。這些年,他倆帶給了我無(wú)盡的歡樂(lè)。但是事情總是有兩面性的。我的孩子離家后,我將不必再加入到那些令人頭腦麻木的討論,探討我自己的孩子或者哪個(gè)朋友或鄰居的孩子上哪所 大學(xué)啦,為什么要上那所大學(xué)啦。在這個(gè)話題上,我已經(jīng) 徹底落伍了。8. 我對(duì)此不感興趣,并非因?yàn)槲易运?,也不純粹是因?yàn)槲仪撇黄饎e人的子女,而是因?yàn)槲野l(fā)現(xiàn),這類(lèi)關(guān)于擇校的談話幾乎都很庸俗乏味,不是自吹自擂,就是自我貶損。與此相比,我寧愿聊聊怎么打紙牌。9. 最令人憤慨的是,在有些討論中,家長(zhǎng)顯然是想替孩子做主,決定孩子的職業(yè),并從中得到情感上的滿足。這些人相信,進(jìn)入一流大學(xué)等于拿到了通向成功的無(wú)限期護(hù)照和一生財(cái)運(yùn)亨通的保證。這些一心往上爬

5、的傻瓜家長(zhǎng)們,在宣告自己孩子的歸宿并慶賀自己干了件好事的同時(shí),也流露出了一副普魯士式的好斗,低聲挖苦那些子女天賦不高的父母。天賦不高的父母。對(duì)他們而言,撫養(yǎng)孩子最艱難的部分已經(jīng)熬過(guò)去了。孩子初中畢業(yè)上了對(duì)頭的預(yù)備學(xué)校,交上對(duì)頭的朋友,參加了對(duì)頭的活動(dòng),現(xiàn)在又瞄準(zhǔn)了對(duì)頭的大學(xué)。現(xiàn)在我們可以閃人離開(kāi)這兒搬到托斯卡納了。10. 但在現(xiàn)實(shí)中,人生并非止步于17歲,也不止步于21歲!在現(xiàn)實(shí)生活中,有些孩子雖然接受了最好的教育,但人生卻糟糕無(wú)比。做我這行的,不少人雖上對(duì)了名校,但最終卻入錯(cuò)了行。那些最有可能成功的少男少女之中,有些最終將靠福利救濟(jì)生活,或者淪落于貧民區(qū),需要父母的接濟(jì)。父母的責(zé)任并不止于孩

6、子離開(kāi)家門(mén)之時(shí),父母的責(zé)任永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)完結(jié),這就是為什么大自然賦予你當(dāng)父母的職責(zé)。11. 第二類(lèi)人是數(shù)目更為龐大的強(qiáng)迫癥患者,他們突然意識(shí)到,自己平庸的孩子將不會(huì)有出息。17年沒(méi)有好好讀過(guò)書(shū),沒(méi)有參觀過(guò)博物館,沒(méi)有修過(guò)的高級(jí)預(yù)備課程,現(xiàn)在終于釀成惡果,那些步入阿默斯特學(xué)院、巴德學(xué)院和杜克大學(xué)宏偉的演講大廳之夢(mèng)瞬間化為烏有。這些家長(zhǎng)們羞愧難當(dāng),無(wú)地自容,咕噥著那些名不見(jiàn)經(jīng)傳的學(xué)校名字,他們的孩子正 要灰溜溜地到那兒讀書(shū)了。毫無(wú)例外,這些學(xué)校在人們聞所未聞且都無(wú)人知曉的小鎮(zhèn)上,連它們所在州的首府也只有那些勇闖險(xiǎn)關(guān)節(jié)目的多次獲 勝者才知道。臉色凝重的家長(zhǎng)似乎在說(shuō),市場(chǎng)說(shuō)了算,我的孩子是笨蛋 !12. 然

7、而,現(xiàn)實(shí)總能打亂老鼠和門(mén)薩策劃得最糟糕的計(jì)劃。有些孩子開(kāi)竅較晚,有些孩子則在競(jìng)爭(zhēng)不太激烈的環(huán)境中表現(xiàn)更優(yōu)秀。許多人雖然沒(méi)有名校的學(xué)位,但在社會(huì)上照樣成就斐然。同樣,你也不應(yīng)該僅僅因?yàn)楹⒆記](méi)跨過(guò)人生第一道、甚至第二十道欄桿,就不認(rèn)他。馬蒂斯40多歲才成名,比爾·蓋茨、大衛(wèi)·格芬、邁克爾·戴 爾、格雷頓·卡特和麥當(dāng)娜 都曾在大學(xué)中途輟學(xué) 。羅納德·里根曾就讀的是很小的尤里卡學(xué)院,沃倫·巴菲特上的則是內(nèi)布拉斯加州林肯市的足球?qū)W校。即便你可能讀過(guò)弗·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德(其本人于1917年從普林斯頓退學(xué))小說(shuō)中的故事,人生并

8、非一出獨(dú)幕劇,通常還有第二幕和第五幕,更不要說(shuō)續(xù)篇了。上述擇校問(wèn)題之荒唐程度,莫過(guò)于人們按規(guī)定參觀大學(xué)校園時(shí)看到的景象了。家長(zhǎng)們根本不清楚自己想要什么,特別是在那些引人注目、名聲在外的學(xué)校。最近我們到麻省理工學(xué)院參觀,我看了30秒鐘招生辦公室攝制的視頻,該段視頻自嘲地說(shuō)該校是個(gè)書(shū)呆子工廠。隨后,我妻子和女兒繼續(xù)觀看視頻,聽(tīng)它向申請(qǐng)的學(xué)生保證說(shuō),麻省理工學(xué)院生產(chǎn)的是人間難覓的書(shū)呆子,而我則在校園漫步。我真的看到了很多書(shū)呆子。我這么說(shuō)并非指責(zé)他們什么。13. 那天早晨晚些時(shí)候,一位導(dǎo)游帶我們一群人參觀了校園。走到一處,她指給我們一個(gè)餐廳說(shuō),學(xué)生可以在那里買(mǎi)到便宜的快餐?!耙活D多少錢(qián)?”一位母親興奮

9、地問(wèn)。“八美元,”導(dǎo)游回答道。這位婦女不禁打了個(gè)哆嗦,說(shuō)每天晚餐八美元實(shí)在太貴了。 14. “你得花四萬(wàn)美元才能送你的孩子到這里上學(xué),”我插了一句,“請(qǐng)先不要擔(dān)心晚餐的價(jià)格 ?!?5. 自從今年秋天參觀了這個(gè)校園之后,這件事就成了我的一個(gè)重要的保留話題?,F(xiàn)在,每當(dāng)我被卷入有關(guān)大學(xué)擇校的無(wú)休止的討論時(shí),我就表示校園餐廳價(jià)格的持續(xù)監(jiān)管,尤其是帕尼尼三明治的價(jià)格,也應(yīng)成為大學(xué)擇校的一項(xiàng)重要參考指標(biāo)。那些聽(tīng)過(guò)我的類(lèi)似言論的人,也無(wú)從判別我到底是感覺(jué)遲鈍,脾氣乖戾,還是純粹是個(gè)白癡。不過(guò),我們可以這么說(shuō):我從來(lái)就不是上麻省理工學(xué)院的那塊料。Section Four Consolidation Activ

10、itiesI. Text Comprehension1. Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose.A. To tell his personal experience in college selection procedures.B. To offer his philosophy about college selection and ones future career or success in life.C. To describe the importance of parents rol

11、e in childrens college education.Key: B 2. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1). The primary reason for the father to choose a local, second-echelon university for his daughter is based on economic considerations. T2). The authors success as a freelance

12、 writer is largely due to his education in a prestigious university. F3). It is implied, though not stated, that all parents (including the author himself) undergo a critical time when their children are going to college. T4). Ensuring that their children enter one of the top universities is the ult

13、imate objective of some parents. T5). The parents who recognize their childrens incapability to make the cut have never expected their children to go to prestigious universities. T6). The campus tour of MIT enabled the author to change his attitude about college selection. TII. Writing StrategiesWri

14、tten in a personal and informal style, this essay has a number of subtopics that are carefully introduced. What are these subtopics? The essay begins with the authors unexpected encounter with a stranger in a hospital, and ends with his tour of MIT campus. How do these two incidents help to connect

15、all the subtopics to the theme of the essay?The essay has the following subtopics as main components:1) the authors own situation and experiences in college education and college selection (Paragraphs 38); 2) his probe into and comments on the two classes of college selection obsessives (Paragraphs

16、912). The two incidents are respectively related with the first and the second subtopics: the encounter puts the author and the man in a similar situation (both the man and the author have kids who are going to attend college); the campus tour provides support to the authors comments on the matter.T

17、he two incidents help to clarify the subtopics by means of full and progressive explanation of the authors attitude towards the matter (the authors college days, his high school chums, examples of failures and successes, etc.)III. Language Work1. Explain the underlined part(s) in each sentence in yo

18、ur own words.1). Money being tight, with other college-bound children in the family queue, the man had persuaded his daughter to accept the second universitys offer. à Not having much money; children who are going to college2). Now he was worried that she would one day rue this decisionà r

19、egret not having studied in the first-class university3). I . had managed to carve out a nice little niche for myself.à find a job which was very suitable4). Three years later my son will follow suit. à go to college too5). Some of those boys and girls most likely to succeed are going to e

20、nd up on welfare or skid row.à are going to be poor, living on welfare, without a job or a place to live, and often drinking too much alcohol6). A second, far more numerous class of obsessives consists of people who suddenly realize that their Brand X children arent going to make the cut.à

21、 measure up to a certain standard7). Seventeen years of unread textbooks, unvisited museums, and untaken AP courses are now finally taking their toll . à having a bad effect 8). During a recent visit to MIT, I watched the first thirty seconds of an admissions office video poking fun at the univ

22、ersitys reputation as a nerd factory.à making jokes about; a place where boring personalities are fostered9). At one juncture, she pointed out a restaurant where students could grab a fast, inexpensive meal.à At one point10). .sedulous monitoring of on-campus restaurant prices should be a

23、vital component of the winnowing procedure, particularly vis-a-vis panini.à the process of reducing a large number of universities to a much smaller number; with regard to2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1). The only illumination (illuminate) was from a skylig

24、ht.2). The golden autumn light provided the inspiration (inspire) for the painting.3). There was a biographical (biography) note about the author on the back of the book.4). She was utterly devastated (devastate) when her husband died.5). Shes neurotic (neurosis) about her weight she weighs herself

25、three times a day.6). Its infuriating (infuriate) when people keep spelling your name wrong, isnt it?7). Hes obsessive (obsess) about punctuality8). Liz has a fixation (fixate) with food.9). The medical examination before you start work is obligatory (oblige).10). Her controversial speech was punctu

26、ated with noisy interjections (interject) from the audience.3. Fill in the blank(s) in each sentence with a phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.Explaining1 | Filling1 | Filling2 | Explaining2 | Proof-reading | Clozein jeopardy | screw up | in question | flat outtick off | take a toll |

27、 sotto voce | winnow downdragoon into | follow suit | fork over | stem from1). Ive been dragooned into giving the after-dinner speech.2). I stayed at home on the night in question.3). The lives of thousands of birds are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spillage.4). When one airline reduces its pri

28、ces, the rest soon follow suit .5). I screwed up my exams last year.6). The problems of the past few months have taken a toll on her health and there are shadows beneath her eyes.7). Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding.8). The remark was uttered sotto voce.9). We had to fork over ten

29、bucks to park near the stadium.10). Tick off each item on the list as you complete it.11). A list of 12 candidates has been winnowed down to a shortlist of three.12). She told him flat out that she would not go to the show.4. Explain the meaning of the underlined part in each sentence.1). Spending t

30、ime with ones family is never an unalloyed pleasure.à a one-hundred-percent pleasant experience2). I cant stand his belligerence.à his wish to argue with people all the time3). She gave a bashful smile as he complimented her on her work.à embarrassed 4). When his parents died, he foun

31、d himself $100,000 better off.à had $100, 000 more than he had in the past5). The CIA was monitoring his phone calls.à secretly listening to6). Northbound traffic is moving very slowly because of the accident.à Traffic which is traveling north7). She had a look of utter devastation on

32、 her face.à extreme shock and sadness8). In his closing remarks, the chairman thanked everyone who had helpedà concluding9). If you have not signed a contract, you are under no obligation to pay them any money.à it is not necessary for you to10). There was a screech of brakes and the

33、bus shuddered to a halt.à shook violently and stopped5. Correct the errors in the following passage. The passage contains ten errors, one in each indicated line. In each case, only one word is involved.Corrections should be done as follows:Wrong word: underline the wrong word and write the corr

34、ect word in the blank.Extra word: delete the extra word with an “×.”Missing word: mark the position of the missing word with a “” and write the missing word in the blank.Ivy Retardation It didnt down on me that there might be a few holes in my education until I was about 35. Id just bought a ho

35、use, the pipes needed fixing, and the plumber was standing in my kitchen. There he was, a short, beefy guy with a thick Boston accent, and I suddenly learned that I didnt have the slightest idea what to say to someone like him. So alien was his experience to me, so unguessable his value, so mysterio

36、us his very language, that I couldnt succeed in engaging him in a few minutes of small talk before he got down to work. Fourteen years of higher education and a handful of Ivy League degrees, and there I was, stiff and stupid, struck dumb by my own dumbness. “Ivy retardation,” a friend of mine calls

37、 this. I could carry out conversations with people from other countries, in other languages, but I couldnt talk to the man who was standing in my own house.Its not surprising that it took me so long to discover the extent of my miseducation, because the latest thing an elite education will teach you

38、 is its own inadequacy. The first disadvantage of an elite education, as I learned in my kitchen that day, is that it makes you incapable of talking to people who dont like you. Elite schools pride themselves on their diversity, but that diversity is almost entirely a matter of ethnicity and race. W

39、ith respect in class, these schools are largely homogeneous. At the same time, because these schools tend to cultivate liberal attitudes, they leave their students in the paradoxical position of wanting to advocate on behalf of the working class while being unable to hold a simple conversation with

40、anyone in it.The second disadvantage is that an elite education inculcates a false sense of self-worth. Getting to an elite college, being at an elite college, and going on from an elite college all involve numerical rankings: SAT, GPA, GRE. You learn to think for yourself in terms of those numbers.

41、 They come to signify not only your fate, but your identity; not only your identity, but your value. There is nothing wrong with taking pride in ones intellect or knowledge. There is something wrong with the smugness and self-congratulation that elite schools connive at from the moment the fat envel

42、opes come in the mail. From orientation to graduation, the message is clear: You deserve everything your presence here is going to enable you to get. When people say that students at elite schools have a strong sense of entitlement, they mean that those students think they deserve more than other pe

43、ople because their SAT scores are high. But they dont. Graduates of elite schools are not more valuable than stupid people, or talentless people, or even lazy people. Their pain does not hurt more. Their souls do not weigh more. If I were religious, I would say, God does not love them more.(1) dawn(

44、2) values(3) minutes(4) on(5) last(6) arent(7) to(8) of(9) something(10) higher6. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.Confucius and Socrates Kong Zi, also called Confucius (551479 B.C.) and Socrates (469399 B.C.) lived only a hundred years apart, and during their (1) li

45、fetimes there was no contact between China and Greece, but it is interesting to look at how the world that each of these great philosophers came from shaped their ideas, and how these ideas in (2) turn shaped their societies. Both philosophers lived in (3) times of conflict, though there was more wa

46、rfare in Greece than in (4) China. The Chinese states were very large and feudal, while the (5) Greek city-states were small and urban.The (6) urban environment in which Socrates lived allowed him to be more radical than Kong Zi. (7) Unlike Kong Zi, Socrates was not asked by rulers how to govern eff

47、ectively. Thus, Socrates was able to be more idealistic, focusing on issues (8) like freedom, and knowledge for its own sake. Kong Zi, on the other hand, advised those in government service, and many of his students went on to (9) government. Kong Zi suggested the Golden Rule as a principle for the

48、(10) conduct of life: “Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.” He assumed that all men were equal at (11) birth, though some had more potential than others, and that it was knowledge that set men (12) apart.Socrates (13) focused on the individual, and thought that the great

49、est purpose of man was to seek wisdom. He believed that some people had more (14) potential to develop their reason than others (15) did. Like Kong Zi, he believed that the superior class should rule the (16) inferior classes. For Socrates, the family was (17) of no importance, and the community of

50、(18) little concern. For Kong Zi, however, the family was the center of society, with family relations (19) considered much more important than political relations.(20) Both men are respected much more today than they were in their lifetimes. IV. Translation1. Translating SentencesTranslate the foll

51、owing sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in brackets.1). 他是家里的長(zhǎng)子, 所以也是唯一得到過(guò)父母全身心照顧的孩子。(undivided attention)à Being the eldest son in the family, he was the only one to have gained the undivided attention of his parents.undivided adj.not mixed with other feelings or intenti

52、onse.g.She devoted herself to her students with undivided concentration and energy.2). 他不具備干這項(xiàng)工作所需要的技能。(requisite)à He lacked the requisite skills for the job.requisite adj. necessary for a particular purposee.g.Decision is a quality requisite to a leader. 3). 在那場(chǎng)危機(jī)中, 聯(lián)合國(guó)在當(dāng)?shù)卣团衍娭g進(jìn)行了斡旋。(mediat

53、e)à The United Nations mediated between the local government and the rebels during the crisis.mediate v. to try to end a disagreement between two people or groupse.g. They mediate territorial disputes between neighbouring nations.4). 他用杰出的成就為自己在學(xué)術(shù)界謀得了一個(gè)頂尖科學(xué)家的席位。(carve out a niche)à He has

54、carved out a niche for himself as a leading researcher in his field of study. carve out: to develop a career or position for yourself by working harde.g.It can be difficult to carve out a niche in the fashion industry.5). 當(dāng)我告訴別人我有多大歲數(shù)時(shí),每個(gè)人都故作驚訝。(feign)à Everyone feigned surprise when I told the

55、m how old I was.feign vt. to pretend to have a particular feelinge.g. 'OK,' she said, feigning indifference.6). 數(shù)據(jù)被輸入電腦以后,電腦會(huì)自動(dòng)使其生效。(be validated by)à The data is validated automatically by the computer after it has been entered.validate vt. to make a document legally valid7). 當(dāng)成年人做一件事的

56、時(shí)候,大多數(shù)小孩子會(huì)跟著做, 因?yàn)樗麄儾⒉恢肋@樣做對(duì)不對(duì)。(follow suit) à When an adult does something, most small children will follow suit, because they have no sense of right and wrong.follow suit: to follow in the same pattern; to follow someone else's example.8). 這部小說(shuō)以上世紀(jì)為背景,講述了一個(gè)因和外國(guó)人結(jié)婚,父母與之?dāng)嘟^關(guān)系的姑娘的故事。(disown)à Set in the last century, the novel tells a story about a girl who was disowned by her parents when she married a foreignerdisown vt. to say that you no longer w


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