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1、大副面試英語1大副面試英語1. can you tell me about your educational backgroud and working experience?A reference answer:I graduated from Nantong navigation college in 1987. I studied there for two and half years. I have worked as a seamen on ten ships for seventeen years. I have the experience of chief officer o

2、n two ships for twelve months. One ship is J.TONG, which registered port is HONGKONG. The another ship is J.KING, which registered port is Kingstown. Up to now, I have worked for Jiangsu ocean shipping company in the past seventeen years. JOSCO now changed his name to Jiangsu ocean shipping limited

3、company. I just ceased contract with them. I want to work for freign shipowner for next ten years. This is my first face-to-face interview. I will try my best. Thank you.2. can you tell me the responsibilities of the chief officer? Under the leadership of the master, the chief officer shall carry ou

4、t the daily management of the deck department, and he is also responsible for cargo handling. The specific duties include:1) watch-keeping from 0400-0800 hours and 1600-2000 hours when underway or at anchor;2) safety of the ship and work place, safety equipment; 3)daily safety and sanitary inspectio

5、n;24)store and spare parts inventory management;5)maintenance on deck;6)stowage plan making;7)supervision of the loading and unloading process;8)cargo caring on board;9)some other work and duties designated by the master of the vessel 3. can you talk about the previous vessel you worked on board. It

6、 was an ocean-going ship, but is mainly loaded and discharging cargoes in Asia. It was an old ship built at 1994. But the general condition of the ship was quite good because we did very good maintenance work on board.4. what types of cargoes have ever been carried on board your last vessel?I have w

7、orked on container and general cargo vessels and I have experienced a lot of cargo handling.5. where was your last vessel s trading (plying , sailing) area?It was an ocean-going ship, but it mainly loaded and discharged cargoes in Asia . She has ever been to many countries such as China, Japan , Kor

8、ea, Thailand , Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and so on. 6. did you have the experience of working with foreign crews? What were their nationalities?No, I never worked with foreign crews. But I have experiences ofgood3cooperation with foreigner as a ship s officer. I respect foreignerand dareto co

9、ntrol them on board as a chief officer according to company sSMS.Or: But The last two vessels I worked on had crew from severalcountries. The masters were from Indian, the chief engineers were fromHong Kong and Philippine and other seamen were from china, Indian, Burma and Vietnam.7. can you tell me

10、 how to make a stowage plan?Based on the capacity of the hold, the stowage factors, types ofcargo,loading and discharging ports rotation, I shall calculate the volumeofthe cargo that is to be loaded into different holds. Then I shallcalculate the draft of the vessel and trimming, shear force ,bendin

11、gmoment and GoM to meet the requirements of the ship. At last,stowage plan is made based on these factors.8. what does a stowage factor of mean?how many cubic meters is needed to stow one metric ton of certaingoods, it is the meaning of stowage factor. Stowage factors shouldinclude allowance for dun

12、nage, irregular size of certain goods, palletsand something else. Even the most carefully determined stowagefactor is not absolute and it should be used only as a guide while planning cargo disposition.9. if there happens stevedore damage to cargo, equipment of ship s4structure in the loading or dis

13、charging ports, what should you do?If damage happens, I must record it first and then report it in anappropriate written form to the master and other parties concerned. The report must be signed by the liable parties admitting they have (or have not) responsibility for the damage. The damage report

14、shall be carefully worded and shall be supported with photos and other evidence, if any.The damage repo rt should also include the following contents: ship sname, voyage number, date, geographical location, name of the person who took the photos and his signature, location where the photo was taken,

15、 and what is intended to show.10. what precautions do you have to take before cargo operation is carried out?I shall check the pre-cargo operation check lists to make sure thatno item is missing. The following procedures are to be adopted: 1) thechief officer shall make a cargo operation plan, in wh

16、ich thefollowing factors shall be considered: the cargo must be stowed insuch way that the stability, trim, shearing forces and bendingmoments are within the limits as laid down by the stability manual; excessive weight on tank tops , tweendecks and hatch covers must be avoided; and cargo must be st

17、owed and secured in such way as to avoid damage which can result in possible loss of life or property.52) Pre- operation conference with all ship s personnel to be involvedin the cargo operation should be held to discuss such matters as cargo disposition, numbers of gangs and working hours, usual an

18、d special safety requirements, ballasting and de-ballasting information, special requirements regarding cargo operation , damage prevention and control, personnel organization, cargo watch etc. the chief officer must ensure that all relevant personnel have fully understood the intended cargo and all

19、 usual and special safety operational requirements.11. what will you do if cargo damage is found or suspected before loading or during loading?I shall report to the master first and foremost. The master should decide whether to replace the damaged cargo. For the full-set machines and high-valued pro

20、ducts I must ask for the replacement in the loading port if damages are found. If the damaged cargoes cannot be replaced, the chief mate shall make remarks on the mate s receipt.If disputes happen on the quantity and quality of the cargoes, Ishall, at the discretion of the master, ask the cargo surv

21、eyor to do the survey. If necessary, under the endorsement of the ship owner, I shall write a letter of protest(based on the format provided by the company) to prove the innocence of the seamen on board.During the voyage, if a very small amount of cargo is damaged, with6the permission of the master,

22、 I shall throw it away into the sea to avoid any disputes with any third party.12. what are the differences between the bill of lading and the mate sreceipt?A tally sheet is the basis of the mate s receipt. The mate sreceipt is thebasis of the B/L. the condition of the cargo is clearly shown on them

23、ate s receipt. It is very important to make sure that the cargocondition on the bill of lading is the same as that on the mate sreceipt.The mate s receipt is the le gal evidence of the cargo received and the B/L is the legal evidence of the cargo ownership. If the consigner wants the master to issue

24、 a clean B/L on the basis of unclean mate sreceipt, the master firstly must ask for permission from the company.If the company agrees, the consigner must issue reliable letter of indemnity or letter of guarantee.13. if the draft survey proves a shortage of cargo after loading in completed, what will

25、 you do apart from reporting to the master? Will you make any remarks on the mate s receipt?In the case, I shall report the problem to the master first. With the permission of the master, I shall ask the third party surveyor to do the survey. If the survey shows there is shortage or damage of the ca

26、rgo, I shall write remarks on the mate s receipt showing the loss or damage or shortage.7The third party is to be invited to make the objective report on the real quantity of the volume of the cargo. If the cargo is proved to be in shortage, I shall write remarks on the mate s receipt.14. what do yo

27、u know about the ISM code and SMS? How many chapters are there in the ISM code(as amended)? What are these chapters? The ISM code is the International Safety Management Code. The purpose of this code is to provide an internatioal standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollut

28、ion prevention. The objectives of the code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular to the marine environment and to property.The 16 chapters of ISM Code are :general, safety and environment protection policy,

29、company responsibilities and authority, designated person(s), master s responsibilities and authority, resources andpersonnel, development of plans for shipboard operation, emergency preparedness , reports and analysis of non-conformity, accidents and hazardous occurrences, maintenance of the ship a

30、nd equipment, documentation, company control, certification and periodical verification, verification, interim certification, and forms of certificates, the last four chapters are newly added in the new version of ISM code.SMS means safety management system, and this system is mad based8on the 16 el

31、ements of ISM Code, which is a compulsory part SOLAS74. the shipowner of manager cannot get document of compliance(DOC) and SMC without audited Safety Management Certificate (SMC) by Class designated by the flag registry country administration. Every company should develop, implement and maintain a

32、safety management system(SMS).15. what do observation, non-conformity and major non-conformity mean respectively?Observation means a statement of fact made during a safety management audit and substantiated by objective evidence. Non-conformity means an observed situation where objective evidence in

33、dicates the nonfulfillment of a specified requirement. Major non-conformity means an identifiable deviation that poses a serious threat to the safety of personnel or the ship or a serious risk to the environment that requires immediate corrective action and includes the lack of effective and systema

34、tic implementation of a requirement of this code.16. have you experienced any on-board internal audit before? The onboard internal audit is carried out at the discretion of the designated person of the owner. When the auditors come on board, the seamen should give full support to them. If observatio

35、n or nonconformity items are found in the audit, these items should be9treated with due diligence and rectified on time.As the chief officer, I should be very familiar with the operation and calibration of the gas detector and the loading computer.17. what is garbage management plan?The MARPOL 73/78

36、 requires that a garbage management plan should be developed in accordance with the IMO guidelines on board almost all ships. The plan includes the procedures for garbage collection, separation, processing and disposal, as well as the management and requirements of garbage processing equipment, impl

37、ementation of the plan and crew responsibilities. All processing work should be recorded in the garbage book.18. how do you carry out the deck machinery maintenance/on board the last vessel, I often ordered my bosun to organize the deck crew to maintain such equipment as windlass, steering engine, d

38、errick, crane, wires, meters and winch. Chipping and greasing are also among their daily routines as per the PMS(planned maintenance system). All maintenance plans for the machines in the deck department shall be made by the chief officer.19. as the chief officer, what precautions do you have to tak

39、e to prepare for the PSC inspection?The chief officer should arrange for the checks of the followingitems: LSA and FFE equipment, garbage disposal records, gangway safety,10ballasting system, sanitary condition, especially in the accommodation area, the galley, provision stores, cargo operation safe

40、ty and documents. Besides, the chief officer should follow the master sinstructions in organizing the emergency drill.20. what precaution do you have to take before entering an enclosed space?I shall nominate the standby personnel and prepare the ventilation, breathing tool, connecting signals, oxyg

41、en, air and poisonous gases testing equipment, and other necessary equipment according to the checklist. I shall then get the master s signature on the checklist.21. what checks do you have made before any hot work is permitted? Imust make sure of the following:There is no gas leakage on cargo deck

42、or pump room area; The nearby places shall be free of inflammable materials or gases and portable extinguishers are available;The area where the hot work is done is not piles with solvents of any kind, including diesel oil, kerosene, paint , cleaners and thinners; Gas testing is also important to ma

43、ke sure no flammable or toxic gas ispresent at the work site and that the oxygen content is 21% by volume;Ventilation condition should also be checked before any hot work is done.The master s approval must be obtained under all circumsta nces.11While in port22. on board your previous vessels, how of

44、ten did you conduct a fire-fighting drill?I carried out a fire fighting drill at least once every month. 23.what are the chief officer s responsibilities with regards to cargo operation?The chief officer is in charge of safe handling of all cargooperation. He must submit all cargo plans to the maste

45、r for approval and discuss any critical stage of cargo operation with the master, he is responsible for making cargo records, time sheets, port logs and other paperwork related to cargo operation. He must also prepare cargo operation order and get all duty officers to read and understand it.24. what

46、 are the chief officer s responsibilities with regard to deckmaintenance?The chief officer should prepare the deck maintenance schedule boththe long-term and short-term ones and discuss the schedule with the master. He is in charge of the deck department personnel and shouldoversee their maintenance

47、 work. He should also write the monthly maintenance report.25. when the charted depth of anchorage is 40 meters, usually how do you drop the anchor?Before dropping the anchor, I should make sure that the windlass and 12the brakes are in good condition and there is good holding ground. I should also

48、study the water depth, weather and sea conditions and take into account the duration of the anchorage action.During the anchoring, I should lower the anchor until it touches ground, then disengage and slack the chain cable until the length is paid out. Main engine should be used to stretch the cable

49、. I should not use excessive weight for the cable.The length of the cable must be decided by the master in advance. No matter how deep the water is , at least two shackles should remain on board.26. if water depth is more than 80 meters, is it possible for you to drop the anchor?Except in an extreme

50、 emergency situation, dropping anchor in this depth of water is very dangerous. So, if the anchor has to be dropped, the geographical condition(sea bed and adjacent area), weather condition must be carefully studied beforehand. If possible, you should have a discussion or meeting with relevant crew

51、before the work is done.27. how do you keep proper ventilation during the voyage? Your ship is loaded with steel coil at constantsa in December and the cargo is to be discharged in Singapore.In order to prevent rust formation on the surface of the cargo, I must13make sure the temperature in holds is

52、 higher than the dew point at any times. Ventilation is to be made on the condition of dew point and try to lower the dew point.Under the above situation, no ventilation is needed because the ship sails from a cold place to a hot place.28. how do you maintain the minimum under keel clearance (UKC) w

53、hen the vessel during passage /in fairways/inside ports?Refer to master s answer.29. in case of cargo damage (for example, before the vessel arrives at the discharging port, when opening the hatch, you find the quality of the surface cargo has changed), how do you handle it?Well, I have to know the

54、quantity of the cargo whose quality has changed. If the cargo is a small quantity, I shall dispose it myself. If it is a large quantity, I shall ask for decision from the master. 30.what are sensitive cargoes as defined by the P&I club/the cargoes that are particularly susceptible to moisture an

55、d damage are called sensitive cargoes. For the sensitive cargoes, special attention shall be required. The P&I CLUB defines the following cargoes as sensitive cargoes: cement, grain, and sugar.31. how do you judge whether the cargo holds are fitted for loading?According to the requirements of th

56、e voyage instructions or the charterparty, I shall first see if it meets the charterer s demands. Then14I will make my own judgment . if the holds are not suitable for loading any type of cargo, I shall report this to the master and ask him to decide on this.32. can you please briefly explain the ge

57、neral requirements for grain cargo carriage?1) hold preparationthe hold should be very clean and free from scale and odor. All bilges should be clean and dry. The tank top should be clean, stainless and dry. The front and rear sides of the brackets and beams, piping etc. should be completely washed

58、and clear of all residues and dust from the previous cargo. And if the ship carried grain in the previous voyages and insects are found in the hold, the holds should be fumigated with insecticide.2) ventilationgrain can self heat, condense and absorb moisture. Without good ventilation, the cargo can easily deteriorate. In case of bulk grain, air is to be blown to the surface of the grain continuously on a daily basis in order to remove the air from the cargo. The temperature of the cargo shall be tested by thermometer on a daily basis and be recor


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