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1、初中中考英語(yǔ)詞匯例句A1. I ma bit tired. I think I ll go home.我有點(diǎn)累,我認(rèn)為我要回家了。2. - How are you feeling today?- A bit better, thanks.你今天感覺(jué)怎么樣?好多了,謝謝。3. We needa bit of good luck.我們需要一點(diǎn)好運(yùn)。4. I know nothing about the accident.對(duì)于這個(gè)事故,我一無(wú)所知。5. I d like totravel about the world.我想環(huán)游世界。6. He likes to walk about after s

2、upper.他喜歡在晚餐后散步。7. I didn actcept his gift.我沒(méi)有接受他的禮物。8. I received his invitation yesterday, but I decided not to accept it. 昨天我收到了他的邀請(qǐng),但是我沒(méi)打算接受它。9. There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals.有很多人都將努力實(shí)現(xiàn)自己的目標(biāo)。10. I haven acthieved very much today.我今天還沒(méi)有收獲很多。11. They ran straightacross t

3、he road.他們直接穿過(guò)了馬路。12. He walked across the bridge.他走過(guò)了橋。13. I walk across the square to the caf. e我穿過(guò)這個(gè)廣場(chǎng)到了咖啡店。14. It took us two hours to walk through the forest.穿過(guò)那個(gè)森林花了我們兩個(gè)小時(shí)。15. Let me give you a piece ofadvice.讓我給你一條建議吧!16. I need someadvice about my computer.關(guān)于用電腦我需要一些建議。17. They walked becaus

4、e they couldn afford ta taxi.因?yàn)楦恫黄鸬氖抠M(fèi),所以他們步行。18. I d like to go on holiday, but I canafford the ti met . 我想去度假,但是我抽不出時(shí)間。19. Television affords pleasure to many people.電視給許多人提供了歡樂(lè)。20. I started to feel afraid of going out alone at night.晚上,我開(kāi)始害怕獨(dú)自一人外出。21. Don t beafraid to ask if you don t understand

5、.如果你沒(méi)聽(tīng)懂,就不要害怕問(wèn)問(wèn)題。22. I can t come to the party, Iafraid. m我恐怕我去不了這個(gè)聚會(huì)。23. We walked against the snow.我們迎著雪走。24. Most people areagainst the new idea.許多人都反對(duì)那個(gè)新主意。25. That happened a long timeago.那是很久前發(fā)生的事情了。26. The train left a few minutes ago.幾分鐘前火車(chē)剛開(kāi)走。27. Your friend was here a weekago, wasn t he?你的

6、朋友一周前來(lái)的,對(duì)嗎?28. I have heard thisbefore.我以前聽(tīng)說(shuō)過(guò)這件事。29. I never met him before.我以前從未碰到過(guò)他。30. We agreed to meet up later and talk things over.我們同意稍后再會(huì)面談?wù)撌虑椤?1. I asked for a pay rise and sheagreed.我要求漲工資,她同意了。32. Sheagreed to my idea.她同意我的觀點(diǎn)。33. Is she going toagree to our suggestion?她會(huì)同意我們的建議嗎?34. Do y

7、ou agree with me about the need for more schools?有必要建立更多的學(xué)校,你同意我的觀點(diǎn)嗎?35. It was really a bad accident -they re lucky to baelive.這真的是一場(chǎng)很糟糕的事故-他們能活著真是太幸運(yùn)了。36. The sport is still very much alive and kicking in this country. 這項(xiàng)運(yùn)動(dòng)現(xiàn)在依然存在,而且在這個(gè)國(guó)家很受歡迎。37. We must keep our traditionalive.我們必須延續(xù)我們的傳統(tǒng)。38. Have

8、 you almost finished?你差不多完成了嗎?39. The boat looked almost like a toy.那艘船看起來(lái)像幾乎很像一個(gè)玩具。40. He spentall his money.他花光了他所有的錢(qián)。41. All my friends are kind.我的朋友們都很善良。42. You have hadall the fun and I have had all the work. 你享受了所有的快樂(lè),我承擔(dān)了所有的工作。43. All of the toys were broken.所有的玩具都?jí)牧恕?4. I invited my five si

9、sters but not all can come.我邀請(qǐng)了我的五個(gè)姐妹,但是她們不能全部來(lái)。45. My boss does notallow me to use the telephone.我的老板不允許我用電話。46. -Can I smoke?-Im sorry, its not allowed.-我能抽煙嗎?-很抱歉,這里不允許抽煙。47. Just talk among yourselves for a few minutes.你們自己先討論幾分鐘。48. They divided the money upamong the children.他們把錢(qián)分給了孩子們。49. I w

10、as sitting between my parents. 我坐在我爸媽之間。50. I ll phone yobuetween five and six this evening.今晚六點(diǎn)到七點(diǎn)之間我會(huì)給你打電話。51. Would you like another cup of tea? 你要再來(lái)一杯咖啡嗎?52. He has gotanother pen.他又買(mǎi)了一支筆。53. We cannot do it another time. 我們不能再做一遍。54. That is quite another thing.那完全是另一碼事。55. I do not like this p

11、en. Please give me another one. 我不喜歡這支筆。請(qǐng)重新給我一支。56. I rang the bell but there was noanswer.我按了鈴,但是沒(méi)人應(yīng)答。57. The answer he gave us was quite surprising.他給我的回答讓我非常驚訝。58. Have you had ananswer to his letter?你已經(jīng)回了他的信嗎?59. Who knows the answer to this question?誰(shuí)知道這個(gè)問(wèn)題的答案?60. He answered quietly.他安靜地回答。61.

12、 Pleaseanswer me a letter as soon as possible.請(qǐng)盡快給我回答。62. Think carefully before you answer.在回答前請(qǐng)考慮清楚。63. Helen is anxious about travelling on her own.海倫對(duì)她獨(dú)自旅行感到不安。64. -Feeling scared, Joe?-No, just a little anxious.-覺(jué)得害怕嗎,喬依?-不,只是有點(diǎn)不安。65. He seemed mostanxious to speak to me alone. 跟我單獨(dú)說(shuō)話他看上去很不安。66

13、. A smile appears on his face.一抹笑容浮現(xiàn)在他臉上。67. Roger appeared very upset.羅杰看上去很難過(guò)。68. I appreciate his help when we moves.我對(duì)于他在我們搬家時(shí)提供地幫助表示感謝。69. -Thanks, boys, I appreciate it.-Youre welcome.-謝謝,孩子們,我很感激。-不客氣。70. His talents are not fully appreciated in that company.他的才能在那個(gè)公司沒(méi)有得到充分賞識(shí)。71. What time di

14、d you arrive ?你什么時(shí)候到的?72. Give me a call to let know when youvearrived .你一到那兒就給我打電話。73. Ask him about the book you lost - he may found it.詢(xún)問(wèn)他一下關(guān)于你那本丟失的書(shū)他也許能找到。74. Asking your boss for a pay rise shows that you are an excellent employee. 向你老板要求漲工資來(lái)表示你是個(gè)好員工。75. She hasasked me to come to the party.她曾經(jīng)

15、問(wèn)過(guò)我能不能參加這個(gè)舞會(huì)。76. Did you ask your boss for a pay increase?你向你老板要求漲工資了嗎?77. Don t wake him up- he is asleep.別叫醒他-他睡著了。78. Grandad fell asleep watching TV.爺爺在看電視時(shí)睡著了。79. The warmth from the fire made her feelsleepy.火爐的溫暖讓她覺(jué)得想睡覺(jué)。B1 . I have somebad news for you, I m afraid.恐怕我有些壞信息給你。2 . Smoking is bad

16、 for your health.吸煙對(duì)你的健康有害。3 .The fish has gonebad.魚(yú)已經(jīng)壞了。4 .He was badly hurt in the accident.他在事故中嚴(yán)重受傷。5 .Rob did very badly in the History exam.Rob 在歷史考試中考得很糟糕。6 .The school isbadly in need of some new computers. 學(xué)校急需一些新電腦。7 .She looksbad. (= in poor health, sick)她看起來(lái)不舒服。8 .I hope he is not feelin

17、g bad.我希望他沒(méi)有覺(jué)得不舒服。9.I need your advicebadly .我急需你的建議。10.I shall miss you badly.我會(huì)非常想你的11. He is alive - I can feel his heartbeating.他還活著我能感覺(jué)到他的心跳。12. I could always beat my brother at chess.我經(jīng)常下圍棋下贏我弟弟。13. Try to follow the beat.嘗試著跟隨節(jié)拍。14. I was worried because Mary was late.因?yàn)楝旣愡t到,我很擔(dān)心。15. She was

18、 latebecause of the traffic.她因?yàn)榻煌ǖ脑蜻t到了。16. I will begin thinking about the matter tomorrow.明天我會(huì)開(kāi)始考慮著手這項(xiàng)工作。17.I ll begin when you are ready.你準(zhǔn)備好了我就開(kāi)始。18. She didn betlieve such things mattered much.她不相信這些事竟會(huì)如此重要。1.1 I can b eliteve her it can t be true.我不相信她 這不可能是真的。20. Who does this carbelong to?這輛

19、車(chē)屬于誰(shuí)?21. The housebelonged to my grandfather.這所房子屬于我爺爺。22. Will there be anyone else we know at the partybesides Will and Janet? 除了 W川和Janet之外,聚會(huì)上還有我們認(rèn)識(shí)的人要來(lái)嗎?23. I don t like those shobeess, ides, they re tooeenxspive.我不喜歡這些鞋子,再說(shuō),他們太貴了。24. All of us passedbesides John.除了約翰以外,我們所有人也過(guò)了。25. All of us p

20、assed except John.我們所有人都過(guò)了,除了約翰。26. New York is famous for its skyscrapers.紐約以他的摩天大樓而出名。27. He is good at describing things.他很擅長(zhǎng)描述事物28. He is in good health.他身體很好。29. Wine is made from grapes.酒由葡萄制成。30. Your mother will be very please with you.你母親會(huì)為你感到高興的。31. We havesimilar opinions. My opinions are

21、 similar to hers.我們的觀點(diǎn)很相似。我的觀點(diǎn)和她的很像。32. She is very strict with her children. 她對(duì)她的孩子們要求很?chē)?yán)格。33. You are supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom.如果你想離開(kāi)教室,你應(yīng)該問(wèn)老師。34. We are not supposed to smoke here.我們不能在這里吸煙。35. How much are they willing to pay?他們?cè)敢飧抖嗌馘X(qián)?36. I told them I was wi

22、lling to help.我告訴他們我樂(lè)意幫忙。37. The job was dull andboring .這個(gè)工作無(wú)趣又無(wú)聊。38. Her husband is about the mosbt oring person I ve ever met. 她丈夫是我見(jiàn)過(guò)的最無(wú)聊的人。39. You can borrow the book from the library.你可以從圖書(shū)館借到這本書(shū)。40. Can I borrow your dictionary?我可以借你的字典嗎?41. I borrowed a pound from my brother.我跟我哥哥借了一英鎊。42. L

23、end me your bicycle for a while, will you?把你的自行車(chē)借我一會(huì)兒,可以嗎?43. I lent my dictionary to Tom.我把我的字典借給湯姆了。44. Both Mike and Jim have red hair.麥克和吉姆兩個(gè)人都有紅色的頭發(fā)。45. Is something bothering you?有什么讓你惱怒了嗎?46. Danny, stop bothering me while I am trying to work.丹尼,不要在我嘗試工作的時(shí)候來(lái)打擾我。47. A piece of china breaks eas

24、ily.瓷器很容易被打碎。48. I m exhaustedI n eed a break.我筋疲力盡了,我需要休息。49. The sun shone througha break in the clouds.太陽(yáng)透過(guò)云層的間隙照射下來(lái)。50. I had to break a window to get into the house.我不得不打破一塊窗戶(hù)進(jìn)到房子里。51. The lifts in this building are always breaking down .這棟大樓的電梯總是停運(yùn)。52. The weather wasbright and sunny.天氣明媚而晴朗。5

25、3. She is thebrightest pupil in the class.她是班上最聰明的學(xué)生。54. I bllring you the book as soon as possible.我會(huì)盡快把那本書(shū)帶來(lái)給你。55. Did you bring anything to drink?你帶喝的東西沒(méi)?56. Come over here andbring your book.到這里來(lái),把你的書(shū)也帶來(lái)。57. Let s have one mdorirnek , and then I will take you back home. 我們?cè)俸纫槐?,然后我就帶你回家?8. Anoth

26、er bridge has beenbuilt over the river.河上又建起了一座新橋。59. He s hereon business, not for pleasure.他是來(lái)這里出差的,不是來(lái)玩的。60. He is in the wool business.他從事羊毛交易。61. The shops are verybusy before Christmas.商店在圣誕節(jié)期間很忙碌。62. His parents promised tobuy him a new bike.他的父母承諾給他買(mǎi)一輛新車(chē)。63. Sally b uysing new curtains for t

27、he bedroom.莎莉正在給臥室買(mǎi)新窗簾。64. He got what he wantedby talking very cleverly.通過(guò)聰明的談話,他得到了他想要的。65. He got what he wantedwith flowers and chocolates.他用鮮花和巧克力得到了他想要的。C1. Do you think we should call at Bobs while we re in London?你覺(jué)得我們?cè)趥惗貢r(shí)應(yīng)該拜訪一下鮑勃家嗎?2. The government called in the police to deal with the pro

28、blems.政府叫了警察來(lái)處理這些問(wèn)題。3. I called him up and told him the news.我給他打了電話,并把這消息告訴了他。4. The sound of happy laughtercalled up memories of his childhood.這歡樂(lè)的笑聲喚起了他童年的往事。5. She can speak French very well.她可以把法語(yǔ)說(shuō)得很好。6. She is able to speak French very well.她可以把法語(yǔ)說(shuō)得很好。7. I ll be able tospeak German in another

29、few months.再過(guò)幾個(gè)月我就能說(shuō)德語(yǔ)了。8. After five hours of climbing, we were able to reach the top of the mountain. 爬了五個(gè)小時(shí)后,我們就能夠到達(dá)山頂了。9. I dont care how far Ill have to go.我不介意我得走多遠(yuǎn)。10. Nobody cares what I do.沒(méi)有人關(guān)心我做的事。11. Cross the road withcare.過(guò)公路時(shí)要小心。12. She is old enough to takecare of herself.她長(zhǎng)大了,足以照顧好她

30、自己。13.I dont think she cares about what happens to her children. 我認(rèn)為,她并不在意她的孩子發(fā)生什么事。14.Would you care for a drink?您想要來(lái)一杯喝的嗎?15.Shecares for her father through his long illness.她的爸爸長(zhǎng)期患病期間,她看護(hù)她的爸爸。16.Be careful not to fall.小心,別掉下來(lái)了。1.1 I was socareless with my things.我那么漫不經(jīng)心地對(duì)待我的一切。18 .These bagscarry

31、 easily.這些包搬起來(lái)很容易。19 .Let me carry that for you.讓我?guī)湍隳媚莻€(gè)。20 .They arecarrying out urgent repairs.他們?cè)谶M(jìn)行緊急修理。21 .We carried out her instructions to the letter.我們根據(jù)她的信執(zhí)行了她的指令。22 .She threw the ball and Icaught it.她扔出球,我接住了。23 .The catcatches mice.貓捉老鼠。24 .The police had to drive very quickly in order to

32、 catch the train.為了追上火車(chē),警察不得不把車(chē)開(kāi)得很快。25 .Youll catch (a) cold if you dont put a sweater on.如果你不穿上毛衣,你會(huì)患感冒。26 .The heavy rain was thecause of the flood.那場(chǎng)大雨是造成洪水的起因。27 .His father has goodcause to be proud of him.他的爸爸有足夠的理由為兒子感到驕傲。28 .Do you know what caused the fire?你知道那場(chǎng)火災(zāi)是什么引起的嗎?29 .What caused you

33、 to change your mind?什么造成了你改變主意?30 .Certainly , well consider your suggestion, Alan.當(dāng)然,我們會(huì)考慮你的建議。31 .- Can I come along? -Certainly .-我能一起來(lái)嗎?-當(dāng)然可以。32 .-Did you break my camera? - Certainly not.-你弄壞了我的照相機(jī)嗎?- 的確沒(méi)有。33 .I havent had achance to read my letter.我還沒(méi)能有機(jī)會(huì)去看我的信件。34.Nothing will change him, and

34、 he will always be the same.沒(méi)有什么能夠改變他,他將總是那樣。35.He changed trains at Chicago.他在芝加哥換火車(chē)。36.Where can I change my English money for U. S. dollars?我在何處能把我的英國(guó)貨幣兌換成美元?37.Bread ischeap in this supermarket because they bake it themselves. 因?yàn)樗麄冏约汉姹好姘?,所以這家超市里的面包便宜。38.Ill just have a quick check to see if the

35、letter has arrived yet.我將只是訊速查看一下是否那封信已經(jīng)到了。39 .Make a phone call tocheck that youre writing to the right person. 打個(gè)電話去核準(zhǔn)一下,你要把信寫(xiě)給正確的人。40 .He checked the temperature every morning.他每天早晨查體溫。41 .Choose three from these books.從這些書(shū)中挑選出三本。42 .That shirt is dirty. Here is a clean one.那件襯衣臟了,這兒是一件干凈的。43 .I

36、used to clean my bedroom on weekends.我過(guò)去常常在周末把我的房間收拾干凈。44 .My memory is not clear on that point.那一點(diǎn)我記得不清楚了。45 .The skies wereclear and blue.天空湛藍(lán)無(wú)云。46 .Youll do as you are told, is thatclear?要你做什么你就照著做,明白了嗎?47 .They spent the daycleaning out the garage作庫(kù)).他花了那一天去把車(chē)庫(kù)打掃干凈了。48 .We spent all Saturday mor

37、ningcleaning up .他花了整個(gè)星期六上午徹底打掃衛(wèi)生。49 .The mayor is determined toclean up the city.市長(zhǎng)下定決心要把這座城市徹底打掃干凈。50 .When does the shopclose?那家商店何時(shí)關(guān)門(mén)?51 .Get close to me and Ill tell you something funny.到我這邊來(lái),我來(lái)告訴你個(gè)滑稽的事情。1.1 I need some newclothes.我需要一些新的衣服。53 .He bought a lot of clothes.我買(mǎi)了許多衣服。54 .These peopl

38、e need foodc, lothing and shelter.這些人需要食物、衣物和避難的住處。55 .Hows Martin coming along with his English?馬丁的英語(yǔ)進(jìn)展如何?56 .When the right opportunity comes along, shell take it.當(dāng)合適的機(jī)會(huì)出現(xiàn)時(shí),她會(huì)抓住它。57 .Jobs are hard tocome by these days.這些日子里,工作難找。58 .The magazinecomes out once a month.這種雜志一個(gè)月出版一次。59 .The dreamcomes

39、 true.夢(mèng)想成真。60 .He came up with a good idea to solve the problem.他想出了解決這個(gè)問(wèn)題的好主意。61 .Its common for children to be afraid of the dark.對(duì)于孩子來(lái)說(shuō),怕黑夜是常見(jiàn)的。62 .We are working together for acommon purpose.為了共同目地,我們齊心協(xié)力共同合作。63 .He cant compare with Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies.他不能和作為悲劇大師的莎士比亞比。64 .Ther

40、es nothing tocompare with a nice cold drink when you get home after work. 沒(méi)有什么比下班后的一杯冷飲還愜意。65 .Neighbours complained to the police about the dogs barking.鄰居因?yàn)楣方新暥蚓焱对V。66 .He complained that he couldnt find a job anywhere.他發(fā)鬧騷說(shuō)哪兒也找不到工作。67 .She complained to me about his rudeness.她因?yàn)樗拇拄敹蛭冶г埂?8 .We

41、areconsidering buying a new car.他在想買(mǎi)一輛新車(chē)。69 .We will have to consider your offer carefully.我將不得不仔細(xì)考慮你的提議。70.If you consider that shes only been studying English a year, she speaks it very well.如果你想想她才學(xué)英語(yǔ)一年,你就會(huì)覺(jué)得他說(shuō)得很好了。71.1 havent cooked the dinner.我沒(méi)有做晚餐。72.Mum is the bestcook in the world.媽媽是世界上最好的

42、廚師。73.My husband is a very goodcook.我的丈夫是一位非常好的廚師。74.I prefer gascookers to electric ones.我寧可用燃?xì)鈴N具而不愿意用電器灶具。75 .Please send acopy of this letter to Mr Grey.請(qǐng)把這信發(fā)一封給格雷先生。76 .I copied the letters into my book.我把這封信抄寫(xiě)到我的書(shū)上了。77 .Jean alwayscopies the way I dress.簡(jiǎn)總是模仿我穿衣的風(fēng)格。78 .How much did that bagcost

43、?那個(gè)袋子花了多少錢(qián)?79 .Careless drivingcost him his life.粗心駕駛讓他付出了生命的代價(jià)。80 .The cost of living is going up.生活費(fèi)在上漲。81 .The book had a bluecover.那本書(shū)有張藍(lán)色封皮。82 .Shecovered the table with a cloth.她用一塊布把桌子蓋住了。83 .Dust covered the furniture.家具上布滿(mǎn)了灰塵。84 .They crossed the road.他們橫穿過(guò)公路。85.It sounded like thecry of a

44、woman in pain.它聽(tīng)起來(lái)像女人痛苦的哭聲。86.The boy cried for help.那男孩大聲呼救。87.I cut a piece of birthday cake for them all.我為他們每人切了一塊生日蛋糕。88.Shecut her finger on a piece of glass.他在一片玻璃上把手劃破了。89.Blood poured from the deepcut on his arm.血液從他胳膊上的那深深的傷口噴涌而出。D1.Is there anydanger of fire?那里有失火的危險(xiǎn)嗎?2. Children s lives

45、adraenigner every time they cross the road. 孩子們每次過(guò)這條馬路,生命都面臨著危險(xiǎn)。3. Doctor said she is now out ofdanger.醫(yī)生說(shuō)她現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)脫離危險(xiǎn)。4. This river is dangerous for swimmers.對(duì)游戲者來(lái)說(shuō)這條河是危險(xiǎn)的。5.I don t know how dsharees, wear that dress.我不知道她是怎么敢穿那件裙子。ll be sorry.6.If you ever dare call me that name again, you 如果你敢再叫我那個(gè)名

46、字一次,你會(huì)后悔的1.1 t was dark outside and I couldn t see much. 外面很黑,我看不清1.5 he is always wearing a pair ofdark blue trousers. 她總是穿著一條深藍(lán)色的褲子。1.6 turned off the light and lay there in the dark.我關(guān)掉了燈光,在黑暗中躺在那里10 .We re in thdark just as much as you are.我們和你一樣在暗處11 .Mr. Smith, it s alrea(debeenith.史密斯先生,事情已經(jīng)處

47、理好了。12 . They try to deal politely with angry customers.他們盡力去有禮貌地應(yīng)付生氣了的顧客。13 . It s difficud ecide between the two.很難在這兩個(gè)之間做出決定。14.I can decide what to do.我不能決定做什么15. Everybody must make adecision for themselves.每個(gè)人必須為自己做決定。16. “ Are you going to visit them?dependWe ll, it你打算去拜訪他們嗎?嗯,看情況而定。17. The c

48、ountry depends heavily on its tourist trade.這個(gè)國(guó)家很大程度上依靠旅游業(yè)。18. Their future depends on how well they do in these exams.他們的未來(lái)取決于他們?cè)谶@些考試中的表現(xiàn)。19. Chicago developed into a big city in the late 1800s.芝加哥在19世紀(jì)末發(fā)展成為一個(gè)大城市。20. The children are beginning todevelop a sense of responsibility.孩子們開(kāi)始培養(yǎng)責(zé)任感。21. My g

49、randfather died at the age of 86.我的爺爺在86 歲時(shí)去世了。22. Police are trying to contact the family of thedead man. 警方正試圖聯(lián)系死者的家人。23. The plant is dead.這株植物死了24. Shakespearedied in 1616.莎士比亞于1616年去世。25. Shedied in a car crash.她死于車(chē)禍。26.I hated to disappoint her. 我討厭讓她失望。27. Jacks exam resultdwisaappointing.杰克的

50、考試成績(jī)令人失望。28 .The wine was excellent, but the food wasdisappointing. 酒很棒,但食物令人失望。29 . I dvisecovered a super restaurant near here.我在附近發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)晚餐店。30 . We discussed when we should go.我們討論了應(yīng)該什么時(shí)候走。31 .The plane have beenunder discussion for a year now. 這個(gè)計(jì)劃至今已經(jīng)討論了一年了。32 .Why do you dislike her so much?你為什

51、么這么不喜歡她?33 . Tom dislikes going to the dentist.湯姆討厭去看牙醫(yī) 34.If you divide 21 by 3, you get 7.如果你將21 除以3,你會(huì)得到7。35 .The children were divided into six groups.孩子們被分成了六組。36.She does well in maths.她擅長(zhǎng)數(shù)學(xué)37. He donated thousands of pounds to charity.他向慈善機(jī)構(gòu)捐贈(zèng)了數(shù)千英鎊。38. Last year hedonated $1.000 to cancer res

52、earch.去年他捐贈(zèng)了 1000美元用于癌癥研究。39.She drew a house.她畫(huà)了一座房子40.I drew my chair up to the table.我把椅子拖到桌子邊。41 .Can I draw $50 from the bank?我能從銀行取50美元嗎?42 .There is no need todress upcome as you are.沒(méi)有必要刻意打扮。你是什么樣子就什么樣子來(lái).43 .Kids love dressing up.孩子們喜歡打扮。44 .He is driving me mad.他把我逼瘋了。45 .The noise isdrivin

53、g me out of mind.噪音讓我心神不寧。46 .I like my tea with just a drop of milk.我喜歡茶中帶一滴牛奶。47. The bottle dropped and broke.瓶子掉下來(lái),碎了。48. Shedropped a postcardto her grandma.她給奶奶寄了張明信片。49. Drop everything and come here放下手頭所工作到這里來(lái)。50. I just drop by to see how you were getting on.我只是順便過(guò)來(lái)看看你怎么樣了。51. Pleasedry the

54、 wet clothes!請(qǐng)把濕衣服弄干。52. The well has run/gonedry .這口井已經(jīng)干涸了。E1. There is a line of trees oneach side of the river.河的兩邊都有一排樹(shù)。2. Each of us had a try.我們每個(gè)人都試過(guò)了。3. We hope for an early production of the play.我們盼望著這部戲的早日上映。4. The bush was plantedearly in the season.這種灌木在當(dāng)季就早早種下了。5. He sat in the car wit

55、h policeman oneither side of him.。他坐在車(chē)?yán)?,兩邊各有一個(gè)警察。6. Either you come in person, or you entrust someone with the matter. 你要么親自來(lái),要么委托別人來(lái)處理之事。7. If he doesn t go, Iewitohner. t如果他不去,我也不去。8. Who else was at the party?還有誰(shuí)參加了派對(duì)?9. Have you got anything else to wear?你有沒(méi)有什么別的可穿的嗎?1. .I want to thank everyone who hasencouraged and supported me.我要感謝所有鼓勵(lì)和支持我的人。11. Jim wasencouraged to begin playing the guitar by his father.吉姆被他的父親鼓勵(lì),然后開(kāi)始彈吉他。12. There is noend of progress.進(jìn)步?jīng)]有終點(diǎn)。13. Th


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