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1、Module 6 The Tang PoemsI.重點單詞一識記聯(lián)想運用會書寫、核心單詞.expensen. 費用2.in depe ndencen. 獨立3.advancen. 進(jìn)步;進(jìn)展4.gla neev.一瞥;迅速看一眼5.me ntaladj.內(nèi)心的;精神上的6.revealv.揭示,揭露;顯露7.shadown.影子,陰影8.sharev.分享,共享、閱讀單詞1. acquai ntancen. 相識的人; 泛泛之交2. caterv.滿足需求3. dampadj.潮濕的4.literaryadj.文學(xué)的5.altituden.高度;海拔6.a nni versaryn.周年紀(jì)念日

2、7.arbitraryadj.任意的;隨機的8.astr onomyn. 天文學(xué)9.corresp ondv. 通信10.departuren. 啟程;上路11.e nterprisen. 事業(yè)12.mercha ntn. 商人13.specialistn. 專家14.surge onn.外科醫(yī)生三、拓展單詞Part 1口主學(xué)習(xí)卞于知識2.approvevi.贊成;同意vt.批準(zhǔn);通過宀 approvaln.贊成;同意2.imagination n.想象; 空想 imaginevt.想象imaginativeadj.富有 想象力 的Timaginableadj.可想象到的 imaginarya

3、dj.想象的,虛構(gòu)的3. provev.證明是;被發(fā)現(xiàn)是Tproofn.證據(jù)4. donatev.提供;捐Tdonationn.捐獻(xiàn)5. reflectv.反映,顯示;表達(dá)Treflectionn.反映;反射;映像,反映物6. failuren.失敗者;失敗Tfailv.失敗7. expansionn.擴張Texpandv.擴大,擴張,膨脹8. tolerantadj.寬容的;容忍的Ttolerancen.寬容,忍耐Ttoleratev.容忍;寬容;忍受9. suffering(s)n.(肉體或精神上的)痛苦;苦難Tsufferv.遭受(痛苦);蒙受10.appealn.魅力,吸引力v.懇求,

4、呼吁;吸引T即pealingadj.有吸引力的,有趣的ll.decoratev.裝點;美化Tdecorationn.裝飾;美化; 裝飾物Tdecorativeadj.裝飾的,用于美化的12.typicallyadv.典型地,有代表性地;向來,一向Ttypicaladj.典型的13.cauti onv.警告;勸.小心Tcautiousadj.小心謹(jǐn)慎的Tcautiouslyadv.小心謹(jǐn)慎地會積累1. “看”之種種1glaneev.(粗略地)看一下;掃視n. 一瞥;掃視2glarev.瞪眼;怒目而視3wat chv. 看;注視4wit nessv.目擊n.目擊者5starevt.&vi. 凝視;

5、盯著看2. reveal 近/反義詞集錦1uncoverv. 發(fā)現(xiàn);揭開2discoverv.發(fā)現(xiàn)33exposevt.揭發(fā);使曝光4maskvt. 掩飾;戴面具5hidev. 隱藏3“相似詞”展廳1altitude高度,海拔宀 attitude 態(tài)度2dessert 甜點宀 desert 舍棄3adapt 適合Tadopt 收養(yǎng)4wander 漫步Twonder 想知道5fellow 家伙Tfollow跟隨4. 以 ist 為后綴的高頻名詞全接觸1specialist專家2journalist記者3psychologist 心理學(xué)家4eco nomist 經(jīng)濟學(xué)家5. 記住“容忍”四兄弟1t

6、oleratevt. 忍受,容忍2bearvt. 忍受3standvt. 忍受4put up with 忍受,容忍會應(yīng)用用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1.0n heari ng the brave girl s disease, loca l people lined up to don ate blood forher, and their don ation has saved her life.(d on ate)2. He failed again, but his repeated failure never discouraged him.He never admittedhe was a

7、 failure.(fail)3. He is a cautious man and is always doing things with cauti on.You should get onwith him cautiously.(cautio n)4. The students usually decorate their classroom with paper flowers andballoons.But this year they intend to buy some decorative lights and special decorations.(decorate)5.A

8、ll the readers can4t imagine how he can be so imaginative and write so many5imaginary stories.We are all amazed at his rich imagi natio n.(imagin atio n)6.1 know we should lear n to be tolera ntof others but I really canbad manners any Ion ger.(tolera nt)7.They all agreed to expand the new company,

9、but the expansion will of money.(expa nd)8.1 carried the small Ian tern and walked around the river.The light was reflectedin the river.The reflect ion looked so beautiful.(reflect)n.核心短語一識記聯(lián)想運用會書寫1.approve_of贊成,冋意;滿意2. take_ on呈現(xiàn)出3.in_return作為回報4.take_hold_ of抓住5.all_at_ once突然6.deal with處理,對付7.cat

10、er for滿足. 的要求8.gla nee at瞥見, 迅速看-眼9.corresp ond with與亍通信;和.相一:10.on sec ond thoughts經(jīng)重新考慮之后11.th ink of.as.把看作12.learn .by heart記住會積累1.“視覺”家族 stare at凝視 glare at怒目而視 gla nee at瞥一眼 gaze at盯著2.v.+ as短語相聚 view.as. 把.看作t tolerate hiscost them a lot refer to.as.稱.為63con sider/regard/th ink of/look on /se

11、e.as.把.當(dāng)作/看作.4describe.as.把.描述為.會應(yīng)用選用上表左欄短語填空1. They firmly took _hold _of all the lifelines of their national economy.2. Ted has made up his mind to give it up, but on_secon_thoughts he determinedto try a third time.3. Retailers also have to cater _for very different tastes around the country.4.1do

12、n t approve ofyour way of looking at things.5. We ve corresponded_ with_ each other for years but I ve never actually met him.6. Her teacher helped her so much that she bought him a beautiful pen in_retur n._ _川.經(jīng)典句式一分析背誦仿寫句型公式 1: if only 常引導(dǎo)虛擬語氣的條件句、感嘆句,意為“但愿,要是就好了”。教材原句 If only people could see me

13、 in side.句型仿寫Look at the trouble we re in .If only advice.看看我們現(xiàn)在所處的困境。要是我們采納了老師的建議就好了。句型公式 2 :狀語從句的省略教材原句It is said that he drowned when he fell intoa river while trying to take hold of the reflect ion of the Moon.據(jù)說他在試圖捉月亮的影子時掉進(jìn)江里溺水而亡。句型仿寫I m happy to know that I ll stay with your family in the nex

14、t few mon thswhile_studying_at_the_local_high_school_.(2017 浙江 10 月卷滿分作文 )我很高興知道當(dāng)我在當(dāng)?shù)馗咧袑W(xué)習(xí)時,將在接下來的幾個月里和你的家人待在一起。句型公式 3: as/so.as. “和.一樣的”。教材原句 As he was not so successful as some of the other young men of his timein the Civil Service Exam in atio n to become a gover nment official.由于他當(dāng)時沒有像其他年輕人一樣在科舉考

15、試中取得成功,成為一名政府官員句型仿寫 Actually, I m asexcellent_asthe_other_students_ in myclass.(2017 天we had taken our teacher s7津卷滿分作文)8實際上,我和我們班上的其他同學(xué)一樣優(yōu)秀。W.語段改錯一回顧修正熱誦根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容,對下面材料進(jìn)行修改。文中共有10 處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。Readi ng and writ ing poetry are a very pers onal experie nce.For childre n, it isa good

16、way to explore Ian guage and have a fun with words as well as to express themselves.But teachers and psychologists have found other use for poetry as a form oftherapy to help people with problems.Write poetry can help people deal with changes in their lives.Bywritingdown your feelings,you can learn

17、to understand yourself well andgive yourself voice if you feel you are being igno red.A poem might be away of telli ng some one everyth ing whe n you don t feel able to talk with it faceto face.But it doesn t mean they have lost their sense of humour.Poems writing as therapy can befunny too, while l

18、aughter is also considered to be very good medicine.答案themselves.Readi ng and writi ng poetryareisa very personal experienee.For children, it isa fun with words as well as to expressa good way to explore Ian guage and haveButteacherotherano theruse for poetry as a form oftherapyto helpWriteWritingpo

19、etry can help people deal withchanges in their lives.By writing down your feelings, you can learn to understandyourselfwelland give yourself voice if you feel you are being igno red.Aapoem might be a way of tellingeveryth ingsome onewhe n you don t fe el able to talksomethi ngwithaboutface to face.B

20、utit does n t mean they have lost theirsense of humour.Poemswriti ngas therapy can be funny too,writte n9whilelaughter is also con sidered to be as/becausevery good medici ne.Part|2|_師生曲研核心考點核心詞匯1. prove link v.證明是,結(jié)果是vt.證明,證實(1) prove sth to sb向某人證明某事prove on eself to be.證明自己是.prove (to be) +n./adj

21、. 原來是,證明是It is proved that.據(jù)證明.,據(jù)證實.(2) proofn. 證據(jù);證明There s (no) proof that.(沒)有證據(jù)證明.1The book hasproved_very_popular,_ giving students a sense of motivation andachievement.(教材原句)這本書被證明很受歡迎,給了學(xué)生們動力和成就感。2The boy tried to prove_himself_(to_be)_a_good_student and he really proved (to_be)_best (good).這

22、個男孩想證明自己是一個好學(xué)生,他確實被證明是最優(yōu)秀的。3lt_is proved_that TV programmes of viole nee have a bad in flue nee on childre n.事實證明,暴力電視節(jié)目對兒童的成長有不良影響。名師指津prove 表示“證明是,結(jié)果是”時是系動詞,無被動語態(tài),用主動形式表示被動意義。2. cautionn.謹(jǐn)慎,小心,警告vt.警告;告誡;提醒(1) eauti on sb not to do sth/agai nst (doi ng) sth警告某人不要做某事cauti on sb about/that.警告某人.with

23、 caution小心地,謹(jǐn)慎地(2) cautiousadj.小心的,謹(jǐn)慎的be cautious about/of.對. 很小心10(3) cautiouslyadv.小心地,謹(jǐn)慎地1The nurse was told that the patient needed to be treated with caution/cautiously.護(hù)士被告知這個病人需要謹(jǐn)慎地對待。2We are advised to be cautious (cauti on) about mak ing friends on the In ternet.我們被建議在網(wǎng)上交朋友要小心謹(jǐn)慎。3Sam cauti

24、oned him against_making/not to_make a hasty decisi on.薩姆告誡他不要草率做出決定。3. approvevi.贊成;同意vt.批準(zhǔn)(1) approve of (doing) sth贊成 / 同意某事approve sth 批準(zhǔn)某事(2) approvaln. 贊成,同意;批準(zhǔn),認(rèn)可disapprovev.不贊成;不同意meet with sb s approval得到某人的批準(zhǔn)with/without approval of經(jīng) / 未經(jīng).的批準(zhǔn)1London Un dergr ound approved_ of_the_idea,_ a n

25、donce sponsors had bee n found topay the expe nses for half the spaces, they agreed to pay for the other half.(教材原句)倫敦鐵路局同意了這個主意,并且一旦找到支付其中一半費用的贊助商,他們愿意付另一半費用。2I m afraid your parents won t approve of yourgoing (go) there.我擔(dān)心你父母不會贊成你到那里去。3By doing well at school he hoped to win his pare nts approval

26、 (approve).他在學(xué)校表現(xiàn)不錯,希望以此得到父母的贊許。名師指津贊成/同意某人做某事”不可說成approve sb to do sth, 因為 approve用作同意;贊成”時是不及物動詞,所以應(yīng)該用approve of sb/one s doing sth ,其中介詞 of 后是動詞一 ing 的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)。4. reflectv.反映,表現(xiàn);反射;思考,反省;(在鏡子或水中)映出一詞多義寫出下列句中 reflect 的含義1The lake reflected the surrounding mountains.反身寸112He said that the stateme nt di

27、d n otreflect his own views. 反映3He reflectedfor a mome nt and the n bega n to speak aga in.思考4His image seemed to be reflected many times in the mirror.( 在鏡子或水中)映出(1)reflect on/upon仔細(xì)考慮/沉思/反省.被映照在中;被反映在(2)reflectionn.反映,表現(xiàn);倒影,影像;思考,反省on/upon reflection經(jīng)過考慮后(改變看法)a reflection of.的反映5Your performanee

28、as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.作為學(xué)生,如果你養(yǎng)成了對你如何學(xué)習(xí)進(jìn)行思考的習(xí)慣,你的表現(xiàn)會很棒的。6Usually a child s behavior is a reflect ion (reflect) of his family environment.通常一個孩子的表現(xiàn)是他家庭環(huán)境的反映。5. correspond with和. 通信;與.相一致;相符合(1) correspo ndv.相一致;通信;類似corresp ond to相當(dāng)于;相一致,

29、符合(2) corresp ondencen.通信,一致,符合in corresp ondence with 與.一致; 與.有通信聯(lián)系1I would also like to correspond_ with friends all over thecountry with the samehobbies as mine.我也很想和那些和我一樣有著共同愛好的來自全國各地的朋友保持通信往來。2These goods don t correspondwith/to the list of those I ordered.這些貨物與我的訂貨單不相符。6. cater for 滿足.的要求;顧及;

30、為. 提供所需cater for sb為某人提供服務(wù),滿足某人要求cater for a party/wedding/meeting, etc.為聚會/婚禮/會議等籌辦酒席/提供服務(wù)cater to 迎合,投合be reflected in121The restaura n t will con ti nue to cater_for all the guests duri ng the SpringFestival.在春節(jié)期間該餐廳將繼續(xù)為所有的客人提供服務(wù)。2Varietiesof programs in the TV stationcater to many differenttypes

31、 of interestand taste among the public.電視臺的各種節(jié)目迎合了公眾的不同興趣及胃口。名師指津cater 表示為婚禮、宴會等包辦酒席時與for 連用;而表示“迎合,滿足”時可與 for 或 to 連用。13If_only people could see me in side.要是人們能看到我的內(nèi)心世界就好了。if only“要是就好了,但愿”,常用來表示強烈的愿望和遺憾,它引導(dǎo)的句子要用虛擬語氣。(1)表示與現(xiàn)在事實相反的愿望時用if only sb did/were表示與過去事實相反的愿望時用if only sb had done.表示與將來事實相反的愿

32、望用if only sb would/could/might do.1If on ly Ihad eno ugh money to buy an iPh one 8.如果我有足夠的錢買一部iPhone 8,那該多好。2If only the whole familycould/would_ be (be) united during the 2019 SpringFestival!要是 2019 年春節(jié)全家能團圓就好了!3It s too bad that I failed in the math exam.lf only Ihad worked (work) hardat it!我數(shù)學(xué)考試不

33、及格真是太糟糕了。要是我之前努力學(xué)習(xí)就好了。名師指津only if引導(dǎo)真實條件狀語從句,意為:只有(才)。從句中用陳述語氣。置于句首時,主句用部分倒裝。語境助記 Xiao Ming said, “ If onlyI could pass the 2019 College EntranceExam in ati on !”, but his father said,“ Only if you study hard can you go touni versity which you have bee n look ing forward to.”小明說:“要是我能通過2019 年高考就好了。”但

34、是他爸爸說:“只有你努力學(xué)習(xí)你才能考上你一直渴望的大學(xué)?!碑?dāng)堂達(dá)標(biāo)i.單詞拼寫1.It s foolish to go to theexpense ( 開與肖)of taking music lessons if you neverpractise.重點句型Part 3綜合演練唯元要點142.It is reported that the bus in essma n has donated (捐)a lot of money to the school.3.A survey of the American diet has revealed (透露)that a growing number

35、 of people areoverweight.4. But more tha n a month passed, real win ter had come, and everyth ingwas still clearin his memory as though he had parted (分手)with Anna only the day before.5. The precious paintings were hopelessly ruined by long exposure in the cold, damp(潮濕的)garage.6. The novels written

36、 by the author sell best, but five years ago no one could haveimagined how great a role he was to play in the literary (_ 文學(xué)的)world.7. His term paper mainly deals with the history of social developments in Song Dynasty(朝;代).8. Whichever ( 無論哪個 )team wins on Saturday will go through to the nationalch

37、ampi on ships.n.單句語法填空1.It s the kind of movie that caters to the_worst side of human nature.2.Her husband iscautious (caution), never making a swift decisionabout anything.3.I would appreciate it if my applicati on could get your approval (approve)._4.It s said that walking speed is an important re

38、flection (reflect) of health.5. What she has just said isn t in_correspondence with the views of the majority.6. The mass market caters for a wide range of customers, produci ng ready to wearclothes in large qua ntity and sta ndard sizes.7.lf only I h adn t in formed (inform) her of the n ews, she w

39、ould n t have felt sosad.8.lf most breadw inners don ate a day s payto_ the Project Hope, the n it will behopeful.9. They spent a whole day decorating(decorate) the meeting room in order to welcomethe new prin cipal s coming.10. Nowadays it is typical of a young gen erati on to take it for gran ted

40、that pare nts should give them15whatever they desire.川.單句改錯1.We can concludefrom the results that the experiment was failure.failure_ 前力口a2.The hat decorating with some pinkish flowers looked more beautiful than theothers. decoratingdecorated3.0n the long journey he proved himself to an amusing comp

41、anion.to后力口 be_4.1 gla need the hall and found many familiar faces among the audie nce.gla need后加 at_5.If buyers pay in the advanee, they can makelarge wholesale purchases at a discount. 去掉 theIV.一句多譯/句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. 她不同意女兒獨自去旅行。1She_didnt_approve_of_her_daughter_traveling_all_by_herself. (approve)2She_didnt

42、_gave_her_approval_to_her_daughter_traveling_all_by_herself._(approval)3She didnt_agree that_ her_ daughter travelled_all_ by _herself._(agree)2. Margaret corresp on ded with him un til his death.TMargaret held/kept up corresp ondence with him until his death.TMargaret was in correspondence with him

43、 until his death.3. They hope this new evide nee will prove his innocence.TThey hope this new evide nee willprove him innocent.TThey hope this new evide nee willprove him to be innocent.TThey hope this new evide nee willprove hejs innocent.課下作業(yè)題型組合練I.語法填空16(2018 云南省昆明市高三復(fù)習(xí)教學(xué)質(zhì)量檢測)Summeris almost here

44、, and the weather is heat ing up.1._ you drink eno ughwater every day? Many kids don t, according to a new study 2._(publish) intheAmerican Journal of Public Health.Erica Kenney, a 3._(scienee)at Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health,originally planned to look into the amount of sugary drinks tha

45、t kids were consuming inschools.However ,4._ she was doing the research , she noticed that manykids were 5._(simple) not drinking enough water.Kenney and her team examined figures from a group of 4 , 000 children aged from6 to 19, between the years of 2009 and 2012.While looking through the survey r

46、esults, she 6._ (find) that more than half of the kids were dehydrated( 脫水的 ).A lack 7._ water can lead to health problems such as headaches, poorphysical performance, and even more serious problems.Your body needs more water when you are inhot climates , when you are physically active, and when you

47、 have a fever.Kenney said ,“ 8._ is good news that this public health problem has asimple solution.If we can focus on encouraging kids 9._(drink) more water alow cost, sugar free drink we can improve their drinking habits, which may allow many kids tofeel 10._ (great) throughout the day and do bette

48、r in school. ”【語篇導(dǎo)讀】 一項調(diào)查表明, 許多在校的孩子沒有喝足夠的水, 超過半數(shù)的孩子處于脫水 狀態(tài)。1.Do 考查一般疑問句和時態(tài)。根據(jù)該句中的“ you drink enough water every day ?” 可以判斷,該句為一般疑問句,且問的是經(jīng)常發(fā)生的動作,故用Do。2.published 考查過去分詞。 a new study 和動詞 publish 之間是邏輯上的動賓關(guān)系,故 用過去分詞作后置定語。 3.scientist 考查名詞。根據(jù)該句中的不定冠詞 a 可知,該處用名詞,表示“一位科學(xué) 家”。 4.when/while/as 考查狀語從句的引導(dǎo)詞。

49、根據(jù)該句中的進(jìn)行時態(tài)“ she was doing the research ”并結(jié)合語境可以判斷, 此處表示“當(dāng)她進(jìn)行研究時, 她注意到許多孩子根本沒有 喝足量的水”。whe n/while/as 都表示當(dāng)?shù)臅r候”。175. simply 考查副詞。空處修飾動詞 drinking ,故用副詞形式。 6. found 考查動詞的時態(tài)。根據(jù)該句中的“ the kids were ”并結(jié)合語境可知,該處陳述的是過去發(fā)生的事,故用一般過去時。 7.of考查固定搭配。a lack of 為固定搭配,意為“缺乏”。 8.It 考查代詞。 分析該句結(jié)構(gòu)可知, 該句為包含 that 引導(dǎo)的主語從句的主從復(fù)合

50、句, It作形式主語,真正的主語是 that 引導(dǎo)的主語從句。 18式。處與此處對應(yīng),應(yīng)用形容詞的比較級。n.短文改錯(2018 甘肅省蘭州市高考實戰(zhàn)模擬考試)interested.Iwent to the swimming pool without my father.He taught mewhat to swim.Atfirst , I was afraid of dive in the water.And Ifelt uncomfortable inthe water.Butmy father said he will protect me.Then I began to swim,

51、and I couldn t swim forward to at all .It mademe upset.The n my father told me how to move and how to stretchout my hand and legs.Slow , I could move a little .In fact, it was not that eas y.Ilearned it for almost half monthwas excited whe n my father told me I made it.答案swim forward to at all .It m

52、ade me upset.The n my father told me how to move and howme I made it.in.書面表達(dá)(2018 河南省高三畢業(yè)班第一次模擬考試假定你是校英語俱樂部主席李華,計劃下個月在全校開展一次英文演講比賽。請你給Mr.Smith 寫一封英文電子郵件,邀請他擔(dān)任本次比賽的評委,并詢問他下周什么時候有空 在學(xué)校大禮堂做一次關(guān)于演講技巧的講座。9.to drink考查動詞不定式。 encourage sb to do sth為固定搭配,故此處用動詞不定lO.greater考查形容詞的比較級。根據(jù)該句中的anddo better in schoo

53、l ”可知,空Last summer holiday,Ilear nedto swim.Itwas very unforgettableandLastsummeto swim.It was very unforgettableandin terestedineewent to the swimming poolwithout耐比my father.He taught mewhat而todiveswim.At first , I was afraid ofdivinginthe water.And I felt uncomfortablein the_willwater.But my fathe

54、r said he 機咖 protectandme.Then I began to swim,I couldn thandSlowto stretch out myhand legs. Sowy,could move a little.Infact , it was notthat easy.I learned it for almost half amon th.Iwas excited whe n my father told19注意:1.詞數(shù) 100 左右;2. 可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫;3. 郵件的開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。Dear Mr.Smith ,I m Li Hua,

55、 Chairman of th e English Club of our school.Look ing forward to your reply!Yours,Li Hua【參考范文】Dear Mr.Smith,Im_Li_Hua, Chairman of the English Club of our school.Toin crease stude nts in terest in lear ning En glish and provide a cha nee for them toshow their progress in En glish studies, we pla n t

56、o orga nize an En glish speechcompetiti on in our school next mon th.Both you and all the En glish teachers in our school will be invited to be judges.To make the competition more wonderful, I d like to invite you to give us alecture about how to deliver a good speech in En glish in our school hall.

57、 So couldyou please let me know whe n it will be convenient for you n ext week?20Looking forward to_our reply!_Yours,Li_Hua基礎(chǔ)回扣練(回扣 B8M4 B8M6)I.單詞拼寫1. Last night s TV news said that by then thedeath of the missing people had notbeen proved ( 證明)yet.2. A man may have acquaintances(熟人)all over the wor

58、ld, but very few true friends.3. A ni mal behaviourists have bee n study ing these mon keys for decades (_幾十年).4.She was a person accustomed ( 習(xí)慣)to hav ing eight hours sleep a night.5. Hilary acknowledged( 承認(rèn))her defeat, and congratulated Trump on winning theelectio n.6. He could never have foresee

59、n (預(yù)想至 U ) that one day his books would sell in millions.n.單句語法填空1.1approve of your earning some money, butplease don t neglect your studies.2. While walking(walk) dow n a dark street one evening, I heard screams coming frombeh ind the bushes.3. To deal with the global financial crisis, our country

60、has worked out a string offorceful measures over the past mon ths.4. As many as 150 miners died in the accident.lfonly the mine owners had paid (pay)eno ugh atte nti on to the safety measures!5. Weibo as well as WeChat serves as a media platform for people to share theirthoughts in sta ntly (in sta


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