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1、努力的你,未來可期!The Emperors New Clothes南京市白下高新小學(xué)英語短劇劇本旁白:Once upon a time, in a faraway place there lived an Emperor. This Emperor was verystrange. He didnt like to ride horses.He didnt like to go fishingHe didnt like towatch TVHe didnt like to play computer games 旁白:What did he like ? Oh, he just liked

2、the new clothes.旁白:Every day, he wanted to wear some new clothes and walk on the streets.Part 1侍 A: Your new suit has arrived, your Majesty.(您的新衣服到了,陛下。)皇帝:Great, help me put it on.仆人幫國王穿衣Well, what do you think?得意地照鏡子侍A: Oh, it looks good, your Majesty.(這樣子看起來,真太棒了,陛下)侍 B: It fits you very well, yo

3、ur Majesty.(真太合適您了,陛下)臣 1: Very nice, your Majesty.(真太漂亮了,陛下)臣2: So cool, your Majesty.(真太酷了,陛下)大臣們也跟著附和Part 2旁白:AH the tailors in the country worked very hard and made new clothes for him. But he was never satisfied with anything |裁縫們出場,并且交頭接耳、議論紛紛(裁縫們坐定,來一段紡紗舞蹈)裁縫 1 : I heard that the Emperor was

4、not quite satisfied with the new suit.(我聽說皇帝陛下對 這次的新衣服不太滿意)裁縫 2: What should we do, then? Who has new ideas?(那我們接著該怎么辦?)裁縫3: Oh, I dont know. How about you?用手肘碰了碰旁邊的裁縫1并問道(噢,我可不知道。咦,你覺得該怎么辦呢?) 裁縫1: You know, I would do anything before that.(你們知道的,我寧愿去做任何事情,也不想再做裁縫了)裁縫2: Quiet! Mind your head.(小聲點(diǎn),當(dāng)心

5、你的腦袋?。┎每p 3: Sh, hurry up, girls. Let s make the clothes first.Part 3旁白:One day, two men came to the palace. They were not tailors. They were liars. They wanted to make some money. They asked to meet the Emperor騙子和大臣 3 出場騙倆: We have something very special to show to the Emperor.(我們有很特別的東西想要呈上)臣3: Tha

6、fs what everyone says.(每個(gè)人都是這樣說的,可國王不是誰都接見的) 騙 A: Ah, but this is different from all the others.(噢,但這個(gè)可是與眾不同的,) 騙 B: Yes, its magical. We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret method.(是的,它是有魔力的。我們用特別的方法織出一種有魔力的布)臣3: Really? Uhum! Wait, wait here.(真的嗎?嗯那好吧,你們先在這兒等著)騙倆:Oh, thank

7、s so much.(噢,真太感謝了)臣 3: Two men have been inquiring for you, your Majesty.(國王陛下,有兩個(gè)人想要見您) 皇帝:What do they want to see me about?(他們?yōu)楹问虑笠娢遥浚┏?走到皇帝跟前,沖著皇帝的耳朵竊竊私語了一陣?;实?Something magical?大眼睛,難以置信地問道Oh, I love new things. Ask them in.(我喜歡新奇的玩意兒,快請他們進(jìn)來)臣 3: Come with me, please.(請隨我來)騙 AB: Thank you.(謝謝)P

8、art 4騙 AB: We can make the magic cloth.騙 A: Only clever people can see the magic cloth.騙 B: Stupid people cant see it, your Majesty.(我們能織出一種神奇的布。這種布只有聰明的人才看得見,愚蠢的人是看不見的。) 皇帝: How wonderful! It can show me who was clever and who was stupid.(這真是太好了!它能告訴我誰是聰明的人,誰是愚蠢的人。)臣 1: Oh, thats a good idea, your

9、Majesty.(噢,這真是個(gè)好點(diǎn)子?。┏?2: It sounds wonderful!大臣們紛紛奉承著皇帝: Oh, be quick. Make a suit for me with the magic cloth. Tm going to wear it on New Years Day.(就用這魔法布匹給我做身衣服吧!我將在慶祝新年的那天穿。)騙 AB: Oh yes. WeH make the most beautiful suit for you, my Majesty.(是的,我們將為您做 一身最華麗的衣服)臣 1: Wow, how terrific!(哇,真太妙了?。┏?2

10、: Oh, this is so cool!(噢,真是酷斃了?。┦绦l(wèi)AB在私下小聲地談?wù)撝?,并不時(shí)地點(diǎn)著頭。這時(shí),皇帝咳了兩聲,侍衛(wèi)AB立刻安靜下來,于是皇帝又接著問皇帝:皇帝咳了兩聲Can it be ready in time?(你們能按時(shí)完工嗎?)騙B: Of course.(當(dāng)然沒問題)接著有些遲疑的說But, but(但是,但是)皇帝:But? But what?(但是什么?)騙 A: But there is a problem. The cloth is very expensive to make.(只不過,這種神奇布料 的制作成本是比較高的。)騙B: Yes, yes!(對,

11、對,對!)一邊說,一邊猛點(diǎn)著頭騙 A: This cloth needs to be made with.lots of silk 絲綢.編B: And gold悄悄地扯了扯A的衣角,補(bǔ)充道騙 A: Diamonds 鉆石,peals 珍珠.騙B: And gold在一旁著急地補(bǔ)充這說騙 A: Finest gems 最好的寶石.騙B: And gold急地都快要叫起來了騙A: And, of course, gold金子.(當(dāng)然,還需要很多的金子)騙B終于笑了,且滿意地點(diǎn)了點(diǎn)頭皇帝:Dont wony Moneyis no她j線上(別擔(dān)心,錢方面不成問題!)皇帝:At once, make

12、it here in the palace.(你們就留在宮里,馬上開始做衣服吧?。?騙 倆:Oh yes, my Majesty.Part 5【音樂、舞蹈】【音樂、舞蹈】 兩個(gè)騙子隨著音樂,拿起軟尺測量皇帝的尺寸,并裝模做樣的比劃 著,邊跳舞邊量尺寸旁白:They measured the emperor for a suit. And then, they started make the magic cloth in their workroom. They stayed in the loom all he day and everyone thought they were worki

13、ng very hard.【旁白說完騙子AB邊織布邊跳舞】Part6旁白: One day, the Emperor couldnt wait to see the magic cloth. He went to their workroom and the door is open.皇帝不住地揉著眼睛,兩個(gè)騙子裝模做樣在織布音樂突擊檢查黎明前到達(dá)【皇帝進(jìn)工作室】皇帝:Where is the magic cloth?(那魔法布匹在哪兒呀?)皇帝不住地揉著眼睛騙 A: Come here, you will see more clearly.(這邊來,您會(huì)看得清楚些)騙 B: Look at

14、the colors, feel the weight.(瞧瞧這顏色,掂掂著重量)騙 A: Is it not beautiful?(這難道不漂亮?)皇帝:Uhum皇帝瞪大了雙眼騙B :Now you can see why it is magical. Only clever people can see it. Stupid people cant see it.騙 A: Most people would see an empty room, but a clever man like you will see our wonderful cloth.皇帝:(做咳嗽狀,帶著心虛說話)Ye

15、s, of course. So, hurry up. I cant wait to wear the clothes now.Part7旁白:The Emperor was very worried because he couldnt see the magic cloth. Was he not clever enough to see it? He thought and thought.皇帝來來回回地在房里走了很久很久 皇帝:I will ask the Minister to go and see the choth. Good idea!(我可以叫內(nèi)臣去看看那些 神奇的布料,這可

16、真是個(gè)好點(diǎn)子)皇帝:Min過據(jù)皇帝大聲地喚著內(nèi)臣努力的你,未來可期!臣3: I,m heie, your Majesty.(國王陛下,有何吩咐。)皇帝:Go to the workroom and see how the cloth is process逗g.(你去織布房瞧瞧,看看。)臣 3: Enter!(遵命)Part8臣3: The Emperor has sent me to check on the殷婚生燹.(皇帝陛下讓我來看看你們的進(jìn)度 如何了。)騙 A: Oh , dear minister. Come here, you will see more clearly.(這邊來,您

17、會(huì)看得清楚 些)旁白:The Minister only saw the empty room.大臣忍不住地揉著眼睛騙 A: Look at the colors, feel the weight.(瞧瞧這顏色,掂掂著重量)騙 B: Is it not beautiful?(這難道不漂亮?)臣3: Ulium瞪大了雙眼騙 A: Now you can see why it is magical. Only clever people can see it. Stupidpeople cant see it.騙 B: Most people would see an empty loom, bu

18、t a clever man like you will see our magic cloth.臣 3: Of course. Ifs really quite beautiful.(當(dāng)然啦!它實(shí)在是太美了。)騙倆:Oh, you are so寞I般.(您真是個(gè)充滿智慧的人!)Part9旁白:The Minister could not see the cloth either. But he was very afraid to tell the truth. He came back.皇帝:How do you think about the cloth?(你覺得那布料怎么樣?)皇帝迫不

19、及待地問內(nèi)臣 臣3: Ifs the most beautifiil cloth in the world.(它真是世界上最最最美的布料?。┏?1: Wow, what colour is it?臣 2: Maybe,。I think ifs red!臣 3: Yes! You are right. Ifs red.(做心虛狀)侍 A: Wow! Thafs a nice cloour.侍 B: It will fit our king so well!皇帝:Hahahaha! Great! En So cool!(很好!)皇帝聽完了內(nèi)臣的話后,非常高興(皇帝和大臣123,侍衛(wèi)AB來段慶祝短舞

20、)Part10旁白:On the New Yeais Day. The new suit was ready.騙 A: The new suit is ready.騙B: Here it is, your Majesty.(您的衣服,陛下)騙子為皇帝呈上新衣皇帝:Oh, wonderful! Help me put it on.(真太棒了!快幫我穿上它。)騙子們裝模作樣地幫皇帝穿上新衣皇帝:How do I look?(我看上去怎么樣呀?)騙 A: Oh, it looks perfect. Look at the colour. Look at the cloth. So cool!騙 B

21、: The cloth fits you very well. Nobody is better than you , my Majesty.騙 A: Yes, yes. I think you are the most handsome king in the world.臣 1: Wow, handsome!(帥呆了?。┏?2: How beautiful!(太完美了?。┏?3: Amazing! I cant believe my eyes!侍AB在后面鼓掌!豎大拇指! Unbelievable!皇帝:Really?(真的嗎?)眾人:Yes, your Majesty.(是的,陛下。)Part11旁白:It was New Yeats Day. There were many people on the street. They wanted to see the Emperors new suit.Finally, the Emperor came鼓樂隊(duì)開場,敲鑼打鼓開路!皇帝赤身裸體且大搖大擺地出場, 侍從AB跟在后面裝模作樣地牽著衣擺,騙子跟后!大臣撒花!裁縫混在人群中。街上 所有的人都很吃驚 群


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