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1、英語作文模板一一平第一部分書信模板一.稱呼和結束語1.稱呼:Dear sir/Madam/ Mr wang / Ruo ping2.結束語:Yours si ncerely, Li Mi ng二.投訴、抱怨信1 .首段: I am sorry to tell you that there should be cause tocomplainabout .This is rather annoying me.I would like to draw you attention to something you haveobviouslyfailed to no tice .2. 主體段:To i

2、mprove the situation / solve the above problem , it is admirab le for youto take the follow ing measures .3.尾段: I hope that the above situation will be improved as soon as possible . It would be very grateful if you could look into the matter assoonas possible . And I am looking forward to an early

3、reply.三.咨詢、申請信1.模板一:I am a graduate from Peking University, China and planning to apply for admission toyour college. So I am writing to ask for some necessary information.I have had a bachelor degree in computer scienee and wish to further my studies inthe computer scie nee departme nt in your uni

4、versity to gain a Mastor degree.So wouldyou please tell me someth ing about your uni versity, such as the tuiti on and scholarship,and send me an application form and other materials necessary for my applicationI will appreciate it very much if you can give me a reply.2.模板二:In reply to you advertise

5、ment in .I beg to apply for the post of in your compa ny .Born in in .I graduated from university majoring in I have been working in sincemy graduation , and I have therefore attained a fair knowledge andexperience in this field . It seems to me that this experience , together with my eduhas given m

6、e ideal preparation to assume the role of in a firm such as yours .I hope I may be gran ted an in terview, whe n I can expla in my qualificati onsmor四. 建議信 be issued a new passport.I must apologize for any inconvenience caused and look forward to heari ng from you.cation ,e fully.1.首段:I am writing t

7、o you to present what I think on the further improvementofYou have asked me for some advice on how to improve-.I willtry to give some useful suggestions / I would like to make arecomme ndatio nthat2.尾段:Please take good con sideratio n of my advice . Thanks. I hope that my suggestions are helpful for

8、 your decision-makinganyway .五.介紹、說明信1.模板一:May I introduce to you , the bearer of this letter .I shall be very happy if you can assist in any way .Thank you very much for your help.2.模板二I am writing to report the loss of my passport and to request a new one.Iwoul(Thank you again for your time on thi

9、s matter.)六. 邀請信1 模板一:Will you give the pleasure to come and join us for at on Sun day February 1st at eighto lock ?We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your compa ny.2.模板二:We should be very grateful if you could give a lecture on to in on We are looki ng forward eagerly to the oppor

10、t unity to ben efit from your experie nee andwisdom.七. 感謝信On behalf of I am writing to express my gratitude for . .I really appreciate .Thanks again.八. 道歉信I would like to express my apology that I am sorry again for the inconvenience.九. 祝賀信It was a pleasure to I really thi nk that you deserveMay you

11、 have a good health, happ in ess and outsta nding success in all your life.第二部分寫作模板一.圖畫描述段1 . The two picture above show a big con trast , and yet are very compelli ng .In thephoto on the left .In the photo on the right . This is a reflection of in the realworld .2. The set of drawings above vividly

12、 depicts a thought-provoking (發(fā)人深省的)socialproblem concerning ,which is now reaching epidemic proportions ( 愈演愈烈) in oursociety .The implied meaning conversed by these two drawings should be taken into acco untseriously .3. The exaggerative and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of

13、therelati on ship betwee n and . Discussi on on the duality has became very popular innewspapers or in people chats .4. There has been much discussion recently about a picture- Simple as it is, thesymbolic meaning the picture convey is deep and profo und . Obviously , the picture is usedmainly to cr

14、iticize 5. I am greatly attracted by at the first glance of the cartoon , which makes mefeel . It most likely that by draw ing the picture , the artist intends to 二.介紹說明段1. It is undeni able that the worse ning en vir onment has become the biggest concern ofthe prese nt-day world .2.It is widely ack

15、 no wledged that with speedy econo mic developme nt and socialprogress , childre n now enjoy a much happier life tha n before .3. As the society becomes more and more advaneed and complicated , we can an ticipatethat plays a more and more importa nt role in the life of in dividual members of the soc

16、iety andin the development of the society itself .1. With different outlooks , individuals may have different principles in peoplebelieve ,while others think that .As far as I am concerned 2. What is true ? Different people may have different opinions associated with one lifeexperienee , educational

17、 background , social status and emotio nal concern . Whatever comment one may make四.原因列舉段1.I think the reasons for this phenomenon/tendency are complex , but there are threeranking at the top . For one thing ,.For another , .Still another 2.In gen eral , there are main reas ons leadi ng to the preva

18、le nee of .There is nodenying Moreover (In addition ) .Last but not least 五. 舉例說明段1. History / Our society is filled / abounds with the examples of .A good / typical /con crete / com mon case in point caw be best provided / offered by .And we may quote / takeano ther example of2. Accord ing to in co

19、mplete statistics / As a popular say ing goes (自編)六. 比較和對比觀點陳述段.Somewhich is1. On the contrary( 相反),in contrast to( 與成對比),on the one hand ,on the otherhand ( 一方面,另一方面)2. The possessi on of good health is regarded by n early every one as esse ntial to ahappy life as well as a successful one.3. Just a

20、s a coin has two sides , so does .One side is that ,the other side is that .七. 結論措施段1. In the light of this , my suggestion is that we should quicken the transition fromexam-oriented to quality-oriented education .2. So for the sake of the childre n life-lo ng happ in ess , love them but don spoil t

21、hem .3. To sum up , much more attention should be paid to this issue and greater efforts shouldbe made in guid ing uni versity stude nts with regard to morality .4. In a word , if the government and the whole society really realize the problem , pay moreattention to it , and work together on it , th

22、ere is certain to be an encouraging prospect in 5. Therefore , it high time that we took measures to put an end to any kinds of falsepromises . We may forbid people to make false ads, forfeit them severely, or fortify special law into effect.6. This problem can be solved in several ways . First, we

23、should make people aware ofthis issue. Second, the cha nges must beg in with ourselves as it is esse ntial that we addressthe problem with ourselves before look ing to others to cha nge. Fin ally, for serious casesregard ing elderly n eglect , we must resort to puni shme nt by law , a powerful weap

24、on toprotect the fun dame ntal rights of citize ns .7. My suggestion is that more people from all walks of life should be encouraged to financethe project with their deeper love and stronger sense of responsibility for these children . And Iam sure that the Project Hope was been meeting with hearty

25、and gen erous resp on se.八. 經(jīng)典例子1. History proves that many famous artist and scientists are only successful because oftheir continued efforts , ever after numerous failures . One might recall Leonardo Da Vi nci draw ing of an egg. Wang Xi Zhi practic ing han dwriti ng, or Thomas Edis on inven ti ng

26、 the lightbulb , for example .2. It gen erally ack no wledged that a pers on life will be filled up with dark ness withoutideals , and ideals play a very importa nt role in one life journey . Hele n Keeler , without idealsin spired by her clearest teacher , would not have seen so many thi ngs throug

27、h more touch ,and hence would not have moved the world by her touchi ng story .In the same way, Zhang Haidi , give n her poor physical con diti on ,would not have become awell-known writer without her ambition to rival life .3. To take a dramatic example , which is still in everybody mind at the pre

28、sent time : ournurses or doctors built the defense wall against SARS , a terrible disease , which threatened thehealth of the public in the year 2003 . The disease is infectious , and is likely to claim our lives ,but the heroes in medical field n ever hesitated to shoulder their resp on sibility .

29、Theysucceeded-some eve n at the cost of their lives-not only bringing the epidemic un der con trolbut also sett ing a positive example of resp on sibility and don ati onfor the whole n ati on.第三部分寫作話題表達一. 教育、人才類1. Education is the key to the modernization of our country . The extent to which childre

30、nare educated is directly of vital importanee to the improvement of our comprehe nsive n ati onalpower.教育是我們國家現(xiàn)代化的關鍵,孩子受教育的程度對我們綜合國力的改進至關重要。2. The heavy study load is the by-product of the existing exam-oriented system . So weshould reform the exam assessme nt system.沉重的學習負擔是現(xiàn)存應試教育的副產(chǎn)品,所以我們應當改革現(xiàn)行的考試

31、測評體系。3. Cheating on exams is becoming a serious problem on many university campus . This isbecause the current education system is not aimed at students quality, but only at developingtheir ability to perform well on the tests.大學里的作弊現(xiàn)象已經(jīng)變得越來越嚴重, 原因是目前教育體系的目的不是提高學生的素質,而是讓他們會考試就行了。4. Therefore, it is

32、right time that educationists in China gave thought to what is wrong withthe pervasive exam in ati on-orie nted educati on ,which should give way to the quality-orie ntededucati on. This stude nt-ce nteri ng alter native will place a higher value on children creativityas well as their overall abilit

33、ies.因此,中國的教育工作者早該認真思考應試教育體制存在的問題,并應提倡素質教育 了,以學生為中心的素質教育強調提高學生的創(chuàng)造力和綜合能力。5. For college students , time in allege is the most important period in life . Only when wemake full use of the valuable time in this period, can we prepare ourselves to meet the newchalle nges in life .對大學生來說,大學階段是人生最為重要的時期,只有充

34、分利用這段寶貴時光,我們 才能做好準備來應對生活中的新挑戰(zhàn)6. I have made up my mind to make the best use of my college time to learn as much knowledge as possible . Eve n after graduati on I will do my best to update my kno wledge andmaster all the n ecessary skills n eeded in my future career. After all, opport unity always be

35、nefits the prepared mind .我決心盡力利用自己的大學時光去學習盡量多的知識,即使畢業(yè)后我也將努力更新知識和掌握新的職業(yè)技能,畢竟機遇總是偏愛有準備的頭腦。7. I never think postgraduate education is a waste of time and money because , above all ,itis someth ing worthwhile that I truly want in my life .我決不認為讀研究生只是浪費時間和金錢,因為這才是我生活中真正需要的,并且值 得去做的。8. We college student

36、s must not only pay attention to our grades , but should also cultivateour team spirit ,build physical strength ,etc . Only when we develop ourselves ina well-r oun ded way can we become productive member in our society.我們大學生不僅要重視學習成績,還應該培養(yǎng)自己的團隊精神,鍛煉身體素質,只有 全面發(fā)展自己,我們才能成為對社會有用的人。9. At prese nt , a ma

37、jor com mon shortco ming among many stude nts is that they paytoo much atte ntio n to book lear ning while ignoring practical activities . Books in deed provideus with the kno wledge that has bee n passed dow n from previous gen erati ons, but we canhave bli nd faith in it. We should test and en ric

38、h this kno wledge through practice.目前,過分重視書本知識,忽視實踐活動是許多學生的主要通病。書籍的確為我們提 供了前人傳遞下來的知識,但我們不能盲目信書籍,我們應該通過實踐來驗證它、豐富 它。10. We , as the architects of our country , should not only attach importanee to diplomas ,but to pers onal capabilities as well . Employers should also be remin ded not to continue thei

39、rIong-term habit of concentrating only on the importanee of diplomas duri ng the hiri ng process.我們,作為祖國的建設者,不但應重視學歷,還要重視個人能力。用人單位也應改變 長期以來在招聘時,只看重學歷的習慣。11. It is true that the current education system stresses too much on academic educati onin stead of practical skills . Many employers do not want

40、to recruit n ewly graduated stude ntswithout much work experie nee.當前的教育體系確定過于注重教授知識而忽視培養(yǎng)實踐技能,很多雇主都不愿招聘沒多少工作經(jīng)驗的剛畢業(yè)的學生。12. There are many reasons why college graduated may find it increasingly difficult to get arewarding job in the job market . One reason perhaps is that many colleges and universitie

41、s failto gear their curricular to the development of industries. Second, there isan over-supply of graduates in certa in specialties, and this over-supply is in creas ing .大學畢業(yè)生發(fā)現(xiàn)在就業(yè)市場上找一份滿意的工作越來越困難的原因有很多。一個原因可能是許多職業(yè)學校及大學設置的課程未能與工業(yè)的發(fā)展接軌;第二個原因則是在某一 特定的專業(yè)領域,畢業(yè)生過剩,而且這一趨勢仍在增長。13. The new tuition policy

42、really places a crushing burden on the poor students and theirfamilies and may keep the promisi ng stude nts away from campus .新的學費制度給貧窮的學生及其家人造成了的負擔,這令使有潛力的學生被拒之于大學校門之外。14. Young adults should man age to finance themselves for their higher educati on . Manystudents pay their tuition fees and living

43、 costs by both winning scholarships and taking part timejob.年輕人應該自己解決高等教育的費用問題。 很多學生通過贏取獎學金和參加兼職工作來支付他們的學費和生活費15. At present , university students are suffering from more psychological problems thanover before . Most university students are overloaded with study and haunted by employme ntpressure. A

44、s young and in experie need people, they are also facing emoti onal dilemma andtrial of huma n in terrelati on ship. Besides, some stude nts are in a finan cial predicame nt.現(xiàn)在的大學生遇到的心理問題比以前更多了。多數(shù)大學生有學業(yè)壓力,就業(yè)壓力,作 為沒有經(jīng)驗的年輕人,他們面臨著感情的困惑和人際關系的考驗。此外,一些學生面臨 著經(jīng)濟壓力。16. From money worship to cheating in exams

45、 and researches, from cohabitations tostealing , today university students seem to live in a moral Stone Age .從金錢崇拜到考試和研究方面的作弊, 從同居到偷竊, 當代大學生似乎處于道德的石 器時代。17. With Chi nadoor ope n wider , and with AIDS and STDS threate ning people more thanbefore , itsurge nt that we provide sex educatio n , especia

46、lly among college stude nts oncampus , and it is even necessary to start from middle school .隨著中國對外開放逐步擴大,艾滋病和性傳播疾病對人類威脅的加劇,在我國實行性 教育是當務之急,尤其是對于在校大學生,甚至有必要從中學教育開始。二. 科技文化類1.In rece nt years , people are develop ing an in separable relati on ship with Internet.On the one hand, people from all walks o

47、f life are ben efit ing con siderably from its powerful functi on of in formatio n com muni cati on .But on the other hand, a good many people are toomuch addicted to Internet to maintain a regular and wholesome lifestyle.近些年人們與網(wǎng)絡之間形成一種不可分割的關系, 一方面各行各業(yè)的人以網(wǎng)絡強大的 信息支流的功能中獲得相當大的益處。另一方面很多人過于沉迷網(wǎng)絡以致不能維持一種

48、規(guī)律健康的生活。2. As a newly-rising internet implement ,blog is rapidly becoming a way for college students to show their pers on alities as well as characters , and eve n a platform of all kinds of mindscrashi ng and excha nging .作為一種新興的網(wǎng)絡工具,博客正迅速成為大學生張揚個性的途徑,甚至成為多方觀 點碰撞交流的平臺3. With the improveme nt of ch

49、at room , anony mity is prevale nt, which leads to some kindsof cheati ng as camouflaged ide ntity ; Mean while , offending words and telli ng dirty jokes areofte n found and heard in the chat room .隨著網(wǎng)絡聊天室的不斷完善,匿名現(xiàn)象流行,它往往會導致如隱瞞個人身份之類的欺 騙行為。同時,在聊天室里一些冒犯他們的言辭及其他不健康的東西也常常肆意橫行。4.The rapid developme nt

50、of scie nee and tech no logy has bee n are of the mostspectacular phe nomena of our gen erati on .In spite of the extraord inary progress make in scienee and tech no logy. Some social problems remai n as serious as ever they were.對我們這代來說,科技的飛速發(fā)展是最為驚人的現(xiàn)象。但盡管科學技術取得了非凡 的進步,很多社會問題還是和以前一樣嚴重。5. The succes

51、sful la unch of Shen-Zhou VI has in spired every Chin ese both at home andabroad , and has proved that the comprehensive capability of Chinese scienee and tech no logyare of world class.神州六號的發(fā)射成功大大的激勵了國內外的中國人,并且證明了中國科技的綜合能力已是世界級的。6. The great improvement made in the field of medicine has served to l

52、engthen our lifeexpecta ncy and to reduce the death rate n ew-bor n babies .醫(yī)學領域的迅猛發(fā)展延長了我們的預期壽命,減少了嬰兒的死亡率。7. As the knowledge economy age is fast taking shape on the world scale , people aresurprised to find that knowledge is really exploding at an alarming spread and is playing moreand more importa

53、 nt role in the economy system .隨著知識經(jīng)濟時代在全世界范圍內迅速形成,人們驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn)知識正在以爆炸性速度增長并且在經(jīng)濟領域內發(fā)揮著越來越重要的作用。8. It is an undeni able fact that scie ntific and tech no logical developme nts bring great benefits to people , but I think that the loss of our traditi onal culture is too high a price to pay for this .科技進步無

54、疑給人們帶來巨大的好處,但我認為傳統(tǒng)文化的喪失作為科技進步的代價太大了。9. When faced with conflicts between eastern and western cultures , we should take thefollowing two factors into consideration : one is the preserving of the independence anduniqueness of one own national culture , and the other is the emphasis on the cross-cultur

55、aldialogues .在面對東西方文化沖突的時候,我們應該做到兩方面:一方面是堅持自己民族文化的 獨立性和獨特性,另一方面是要強調跨文化的對話交流。三. 社會經(jīng)濟類1. When the miraculous economic take-off brought about by the 20 years of reform andopening-up .Chinese people living conditions improved significantly .隨著 20 年來改革開放帶來的經(jīng)濟騰飛,中國人民的生活水平得到明顯的改善。2.We ofte n see that today

56、 rapidly developme nt economy has a tendency to in creasethe poverty gap . In metropolitan areas, people are more affluent and some even have luxuriouslifestyles while in some poverty-stricke n areas, people must struggle simple to have a fullstomach and to keep warm.我們常常可以看到如今快速發(fā)展的經(jīng)濟有使貧富差距擴大的趨勢,在大城

57、市里的人們要更加富裕,有些人甚至過著奢侈的生活,而在一些貧困地區(qū),人們還在為溫飽問題掙 扎。3. Agriculture has long been regarded as the foundation of our country . On the journeytowards a modern China, the importanee of stability and development in agricultural econo micsmust n ot be overlooked.農(nóng)業(yè)長期被當作立國之本,在中國通往現(xiàn)代化的道路上,農(nóng)業(yè)的穩(wěn)定和發(fā)展一定不能 忽視。4. Holid

58、ay Economy will promote con sumpti on , in crease spe nding , and thus help expand domestic dema nd . Moreover, it ben efits tourism, tran sportati on , and other serviceindustries and enables them to thrive during holidays , which in turn activities econo mic growth .假日經(jīng)濟能刺激和加快消費,由此有助于擴大國內需求。另外,它有益

59、于旅游業(yè),交 通運輸業(yè)和其他服務性行業(yè),使之在假日期間興旺起來。這些行業(yè)的繁榮又轉而刺激經(jīng) 濟的增長。5. In our primary stage of market economy , many people are money oriented .So ithas became the mode for some profiteers to produce fake commodities to sell false medicineand to use inferior materials in building .在我們市場經(jīng)濟的初期,很多人存在拜金主義。因此有不少奸商制造偽劣產(chǎn)品,

60、賣假 藥和在建筑工程中使用劣質材料。6. It is well know that many of our problem-everything . In fact, from the generation gap tothe high divorce rate to some forms of men tai ill ness-are caused at least in part by failure tocommu ni cate.眾所周知,我們的很多問題,包括代溝問題,高離婚率,各種心理問題,都或多或少 由缺乏交流溝通引起。7. Reasons for juvenile delinqu


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