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1、文檔可能無法思考全面,請瀏覽后下載! Lesson one The Middle Eastern Bazaar一 Background information二Brief overview and writing style This text is a piece of description. In this article, the author describes a vivid and live scene of noisy hilarity of the Middle Eastern Bazaar to readers. At first, he describes the gen

2、eral atmosphere of the bazaar. The entrance of the bazaar is aged and noisy. However, as one goes through the bazaar, the noise the entrance fades away. One of the peculiarities of the Eastern bazaar is that shopkeepers dealing in the same kind of goods gather in the same area. Then the author intro

3、duces some strategies for bargaining with the seller in the bazaar which are quite useful. After that he describes some impressive specific market of the bazaar particularly including the copper-smiths market, the carpet-market, the spice-market, the food-market, the dye-market, the pottery-market a

4、nd the carpenters market which honeycomb the bazaar. The typical animal in desert-camels-can also attract attention by their disdainful expressions. To the author the most unforgettable thing in the bazaar is the place where people make linseed oil. Hence he describes this complicated course with gr

5、eat details. The authors vivid and splendid description takes readers back to hundreds of thousands of years age to the aged middle eastern bazaar, which gives the article an obvious diachronic and spatial sense. The appeal to readers visual and hearing sense throughout the description is also a mar

6、ked feature of this piece of writing. In short, being a Westerner, the author views the oriental culture and civilization as old and backward but interesting and fantastic. Through careful observation and detailed comparison, the author depicts some new and original peculiarities of the Middle Easte

7、rn bazaar which are unique and distinguished.三Detailed study of the textParagraph 1 the general atmosphere of the bazaar1. The Middle Eastern bazaar takes you backof years: 1) Middle East: generally referring to the area from Afghanistan to Egypt, including the Arabian Peninsula, Cyprus, and Asiatic

8、 Turkey.2) A bazaar is an oriental market-place where a variety of goods is sold. The word perhaps comes from the Persian word bazar.(中東和印度等的)集市, 市場Paraphrase: The bazaar can be traced back to many centuries ago. The architecture was ancient, the bricks and stones were aged and the economy was a han

9、dicraft economy which no longer existed in the West.2. The one I am thinking of particularly is entered: 1) is entered.: The present tense used here is called “historical present(歷史現(xiàn)在時)”. It is used for vividness. 2) Gothic: of a style of building in Western Europe between the 12th and 16th centurie

10、s, with pointed arches , arched roofs, tall thin pillars, and stained glass windows. 3) aged: having existed long; very old3. You pass from the heat and glare of a big open square into a cool, dark cavern: 1) Here “the heat” is contrasted with “cool”, “glare” with “dark”, and “open square” with “cav

11、ern”.73 / 126 2) glare: strong, fierce, unpleasant light, not so agreeable and welcome as “bright sunlight”.強光, 耀眼的光 3) “cavern” here does not really mean a cave or an underground chamber. From the text we can see it is a long, narrow, dark street of workshops and shops with some sort of a roof over

12、 them.大洞穴(尤指大而黑的) Paraphrase: In front of the gateway there is a big, open square. It is hot there and the brightness of the sunlight is most disagreeable. But when you enter the gateway, you come to a long, narrow, dark street with some sort of a roof over it and it is cool inside.4. which extends

13、as far as the eye can see: The word eye and ear are used in the singular not to mean the concrete organ of sight or hearing but something abstract; they are often used figuratively. Here the eye means mans power of seeing or eyesight. E.g.1) She has an eye for beauty.2) The boy has a sharp eye.3) To

14、 turn a blind eye / a deaf ear to sth or sb.4) His words are unpleasant to the ear.5. losing itself in the shadowy distance: shadowy suggests shifting illumination and distinct. E.g. A zig-zag path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods.(一條蜿蜒的小路隱沒在樹蔭深處。)6. Little donkeys entering and leav

15、ing the bazaar:1) thread their way: the donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another.2) The word “entering” and “l(fā)eaving” go with the word “throngs” which differs from “crowd” in that it carries a stringer implication of movement and of pushing and a weaker implication of de

16、nsity.7. The roadway is about of every conceivable kind are sold.1) roadway: the middle part of a road where vehicles drive2) stall: small, open-fronted shop, table etc. used by a trader in a market, on a street.攤位,售貨亭Paraphrase The small shops lining the street try to expand their shop space by enc

17、roaching on the street, so the street becomes narrow every few yards.8. The din and makes you dizzy: 1) din: loud, confused noise that continues 持續(xù)的嘈雜聲 2) The noun “din” is followed by three “of” phrases, thus a parallelism. 3) The expression “crying ones ware” is now considered old fashioned. Wares

18、: rather literary, meaning articles for sale, usu. not in a shop.4)clear a way: to remove from (as a space) all that occupies or encumbers, or that impedes or restricts use, passage or action5)would-be: likely, possibleParaphrase the loud, confused noise of continues without interruption and makes y

19、ou feel mentally confused.Paragraph 2 the sepulchral atmosphere of the cloth-market1. Then as you penetrate muted cloth-market.1) penetrate: to pierce or pass into or through. The word is used here to indicate that you have to pass through a big crowd in order to go deeper into the market.進入或穿過,透過2)

20、 Fade away: go slowly out of hearing, gradually disappear3) Muted: it is muted because the earthen floor deadens the sound of footsteps and people in the market speak in low, soft tones.2. The earthen floor any sounds to echo:1) earthen: made of earth2) beaten hard by countless feet: flattened by tr

21、eading; which becomes flat and hard because it is much traveled3) deaden: to lessen or dull the sound of (footstep)4) the vaulted mud-brick walls and roof: Moslem style of architecture3. the shopkeepers speak in slow follow suit. 1) measured: steady, slow and deliberate; rhythmical2) sepulchral: si5

22、pQlkrl Suggestive of the grave of burial; dismal, gloomy暗示著埋葬的; 陰沉憂郁的3) follow suit: to do the same as someone else has done4) The buyers overcome by the grave-like atmosphere, also speak in slow, measured tones.Paragraph 3 shopkeepers dealing in the same kind of goods gather in the same area1. One

23、of the peculiarities persecution:1) peculiarities: characteristics2) collect: come together; gather3) knit: unite firmly and closely4) guild: society of persons for helping one another, forwarding common interests協(xié)會,行會paraphrase Shopkeepers dealing in the same kind of goods usually scatter themselve

24、s over the bazaar so as to avoid competition. (It would then be more difficult for customers to compare goods and prices.) But in the Middle Eastern Bazaar they come together in the same area in order to form a closely-knit guild against injustice or persecution (coming from, perhaps, the tax collec

25、tors and government officials).2. each open-fronted shop for storage:1) open-fronted shop: the goods are displayed at the front of the shop, without any window or doorway blocking the view.2) a trestle table for display: One displays anything that one spreads out for others to view or puts in a posi

26、tion where it can be seen to advantage or with great clearness so as to strike the eye.(放置木板、桌面、坐板等的)支架3. Bargaining is the order of the day: bargaining is the normal way of doing things(the) order of the day: that which is of the greatest general interest at a particular time;prevailing state of th

27、ings, e.g. They failed to act since confusion was the order of the day at the headquarters. His period was a building age, when competition was the order of the day.4. veiled women beating the price down:1) veiled women: according to Moslem custom women have to wear veils when they go out.2) to pric

28、e: (colloquial) to ask the price of, e.g.3) narrow down their choice: reduce the number of their choice4) beat down: bargain with (seller), causing seller to lower (price)Paragraph 4 some strategies for bargaining with the seller1. It is a point of honor the last moment.1) a point of honor: somethin

29、g considered important for ones self-respect(指關(guān)系到面子和自尊的重要事情)2) what it is: “what it is” means “which (thing) in particular”. The word “it is” are added to show emphasis.2. yield little: refuse to reduce the price by any significant amount3. The seller makes a point of protesting that :1) protesting:

30、 insisting, affirming strongly2) to make a point of doing sth: regard or treat it as necessary, e.g.The teachers make a point of being strict with the students. Paraphrase The seller thinks it is necessary for him to declare that the price he is asking makes it impossible for him to gain any profit.

31、4. he is sacrificing this regard for the customer: He is selling the thing at less than its cost because he respects the customer.5. with customers coming and going at intervals: the customer bargains for some time, then leaves (hoping to frighten the seller that he might lose the customer) and come

32、s back again after a period of time and carries on the bargaining.Paragraph 5 detailed description of the copper-smiths market1. One of the most copper-smiths market:1) picturesque: striking, vivid2) impressive: deeply impressing mind or senses, esp. so as to cause approval or admiration2. As you ap

33、proach it on your ear.:1) tinkling: a succession of light, ringing sounds (e.g. of a small bell)2) banging: hit violently, to make a loud noise (e.g. to bang a door)3) clashing: make a loud, broken, confused noise (as when metal objects strike together) (e.g. swords clash, the clashing of cymbals4)

34、impinge (on): have an effect (on); strike3. It grows louder and more distinct:1) it: the tinkling and banging and clashing 2) distinct: not only clear, but easily heard, clearly marked, distinguished apart from other sounds4. until you round a corner lamps and braziers:1) round: make a turn about2)

35、dancing flashes: quick bright lights moving up and down3) catch the light of: intercept and reflect the light ofparaphrase The dancing flashes are reflections of the (unsteady) lights from the lamps and braziers throw on the polished copper.5. hammering away at copper vessels of all shapes and sizes

36、: away means continuously, constantly e.g.working, laughing, muttering away6. take a hand (in sth): help, play a part (in sth) e.g. Dont fool around, come and take a hand in the cleaning.7. the red of the live coals to the strokes of the bellows:1) live: adj. burning or glowing a live bomb (unexplod

37、ed) It was a live broadcast, not a recording.2) red: here it refers to the red light ( of the burning coals)3) to: along with; accompanied by;as an accompaniment for Paraphrase The light of the burning coal becomes alternately bright and dim as the coals burn and die down, burn again, along with the

38、 repeated movements of the bellows.Paragraph 6 different styles of the household utensils1. Here you can find and strictly functional: 1) intricate: a specific word, meaning the design are of interwinding or interlacing parts 2) functional: designed to serve practical purpose; its opposite is “ orna

39、mental”Paraphrase Here you can find beautiful pots and bowls with fine, complicated and traditional designs; you can also get simple household utensils for daily use, which are pleasant to look at but not have any decoration on them and are strictly designed to serve useful purposes.Paragraph 7 abou

40、t the carpet-market, the spice-market, the food-market, the dye-market, the pottery-market1. Elsewhere and yet harmonious: 1) profusion: plenty; great or too great amount 2) rich: (color) deep, strong and beautiful 3) varied: it implies more than “different”; it stresses the idea of full of changes

41、of variety, having numerous forms or types 4) texture: arrangement of threads etc. in textile fabric, characteristic feel due to this 5) bold: strongly marked; clearly formed Paraphrase You have a whole of carpets with vivid color, woven in different ways, having designs typical of different regions

42、. Some of the designs are clear-cut, well-marked and simple; while others are very complicated, showing all the details yet having all the different parts combined in a pleasing and satisfactory arrangement.2. exotic smells: Exotic means not only foreign, but also out of the ordinary, strikingly or

43、excitingly different or unusual. It is used to describe something which is very pleasing either to the mind or sense.3. “sumptuous dinner” is contrasted with “humble meal”. Sumptuous: rich and costly, suggesting lavish expenditure e.g. a banquet, furnishingHumble: (of things) poor, mean4. in the maz

44、e honeycomb this bazaar:1) maze: a set of intricate windings2) honeycomb: v. to fill with holes, cells, or cavitiesparaphrase The street that pierce the bazaar from all directions and lead towards all directions cut the bazaar into small sections like the honeycomb.5. every here and there: every now

45、 and again; at one place or another6. a doorway gives a glimpse of a sunlit courtyard:1) glimpse: a quick, imperfect view of sth2) Now and again through a doorway youll be able to catch a brief view of a sunlit courtyard.7. where camels lie beside them: 1) disdain: consider unworthy of ones notice;

46、treat with scornParaphrase The camels are considered very arrogant, hence disdainfully chewing their hay, showing no interest in the activities going on around them.Paragraph 8 the making of linseed oil1. It is a vast somber cavern of a room: a room that is like a vast somber cavern 1) The use of im

47、plied comparison and the noun “cavern” instead of the adj.“cavernous” makes the description more vivid. E.g. He was a tyrant of a landlord. They lived in a palace ( match-box) of a house. Before him stood a little shrimp of a fellow.2) somber: partially deprived of light or brightness; dark; gloomy2

48、. dim: lack of clarity of outline or physical things or mental ones3. a huge pole compare with a vast cavern Huge commonly suggests immensity of bulk. E.g. a huge mass of earth a huge leather bellow Vast suggests immensity of extent. E.g. a vast expanse of the sky China is a populous country with a

49、vast territory.When used figuratively, huge stresses the greatness of a persons (or things) capacity. Vast stresses a things range, scope or variety, as well as extent. E.g. a huge eater a vast knowledge, interests4. a blind-folded camel walks constantly in a circle: 1) blind-folded: with eyes banda

50、ged2) constantly means continuously, stressing firmness, steadiness and devotion Endlessly stresses weariness and tediousness and monotony.5. which is then pressed to extract the oil: extract means obtain from a substance by any chemical or mechanical operation, as by pressure, distillation,etc.6. i

51、n superb condition muscular, massive and stately.1) superb: (colloq.) of very high quality, excellent2) muscular: having well-developed muscles; strong, suggestive of great physical strength肌肉發(fā)達的,強健的3) massive: large and imposing or impressive大而重的4) stately: the camel walks in a slow, deliberate and

52、 dignified pace, hence stately莊嚴的paragraph 9 how to extract oil1. The pressing and their stone wheels: 1) ramshackle: shaky, unsteady; likely to go to pieces, as from age or neglect 2) apparatus: an integrated assembly of tools, instrument etc, used for a specific purpose 3) Note the use of tower an

53、d dwarf and the mental picture the author wants to create.tower: reach high (above or over surroundings)dwarf: make look small by contrast or distance2. The machine is operated by one man: The stress is on one, meaning not two or three men. If it is a man, then the stress is on man, meaning not a wo

54、man or a boy.3. who shovels in motion: 1) nimble: moving or acting quickly and lightly; light and quick in motion敏捷的2) a dizzy height: so high that it causes giddiness; that it makes people have a kind of whirling sensation3) throw ones weight on to : use all ones strength to press down4) set in mot

55、ion: get going; get operating4. Ancient girders(大梁,主梁) creak and groan a used petrol can:1) ancient: not only old, but also old-fashioned and antiquated2) creak: (make a ) sound like that of an unoiled door-hinge, or badly-fitting floorboards when trodden on3) groan: (make a) sound like that caused

56、by the movement of wood or metal parts heavily loaded4) trickle: a slow, small flow ( of liquid)5) ooze: give forth steadily (moisture)6) runnel: a small channel 7) used: no longer new; second-hand5. quickly the trickle . And sighs of the camels:1) glisten: (esp. of wet or polished surface, tear-fil

57、led eyes) shine brightly, sparkle2) Compare: dancing flashes vs. live coal glowing bright Flash : sudden and transient outburst of flame or lightGlow: send out brightness or warmth without flamee.g. a flash of lightning (fig.) a flash of wit; hope; inspiration 3) taut and protesting: The ropes are d

58、rawn tight and the ancient girders creak and groan. 4) its creaks: “its” stands for the overhead apparatus or the beam 5) squeaking: making short, deep, rough sound like that of a hog 6) rumble: (make a ) deep, heavy continuous sound 7) grunt: a high-pitched, nasal-sounding cryLesson Two Hiroshima the “Liveliest” City in JapanWriting style This text is a piece of narra


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