1、嘿 泰迪熊寶寶Hey, Teddy bear.別這么叫我Don't call me that.PJ -其實我想問你個問題P.J. -Actually I had a question for you.關于我的燕尾服For my tuxedo, should I go.應該選橘色還是藏藍With tangerine or powder blue?PJP.J.租豪華禮車似乎有點貴And the limo was kind of expensive,所以我爺爺準備開旅行車載咱倆去So my grandpa is gonna drive us in his station wagon.好了 我
2、知道我問你后一定會后悔的Okay, I'm gonna regret asking this,但是你在說什么呢But what are you talking about?返校舞會啊 你是我的舞伴Homecoming dance. You're my date.再問你一遍 你說啥呢Again, what are you talking about?你答應過我 要和我一起去的You promised you'd go with me.埃米特 醒醒Emmett, wake up.我沒做夢 你看I'm not dreaming, okay?2004年4月19日Apri
3、l 19, 2004.你答應我要和我一起參加返校舞會You agreed to go to homecoming dance with me.我有證據 -那好 拿來看看I have proof. -Well, let's see the proof.好的Okay.嘿 泰迪熊寶寶Hey, Teddy bear.別這么叫我Don't call me that.能做我的女朋友嗎Will you be my girlfriend?不No.現(xiàn)在呢How about now?不No.好吧 不如這樣Okay, how about this?如果高中我還交不到女朋友If I don't
4、 have a girlfriend in High School,那你愿意和我一起參加返校舞會嗎Will you go to the homecoming dance with me?如果我同意了 你能從我眼前消失嗎If I say yes, will you get out of my face?好的 -那我答應了Yes. -Then yes.好耶 都拍下來了嗎 PJYes! You got that, pj?埃米特 那時候我們都還小Emmett, we were just kids.你不會認真了吧 對吧You're not gonna actually make me go, a
5、re you?我爺爺不喜歡夜間開車My grandpa doesn't like to drive at night,所以請在四點半左右準備好So be ready around 4:30.生活搞得一團糟Today's all burnt toast 就要遲到 爸爸在叫Running late, and dad jokes我左腳的鞋子有沒有人看到Has anybody seen my left shoe我閉上眼 咬口早餐I close my eyes, take a bite跳上車子 放聲大笑Grab a ride, laugh out loud哎呀 老爸 鞋子就在房&
6、hearts;頂上There it is up on the roof我也曾這樣生活 我已經順利走過I've been there, I've survived所以聽取我的建議So just take my advice寶貝 不要放棄Hang in there, baby世界有很多瘋狂無奈Things are crazy可是我知道你會有美好將來But I know your future's bright寶貝 不要放棄Hang in there, baby不要懷疑There's no maybe一切終會如你所愿Everything turns out all r
7、ight生活有悲有喜Your life is up and down但是請相信我 堅持就有好結果But trust me it comes back around你會喜歡將來的你You're gonna love who you turn out to be寶貝 不要放棄Hang in there, baby.查莉成長日記 第二季第二十二集Good Luck Charlie S02E22 The Bob Duncan Experience噢 嘿Oh hey.你猜我在車♥庫♥找到了什么Guess what I just found in the
8、 garage.噢 又沒有好事Ooh, those are never good words.請允許我介紹下我的高中樂隊May I introduce my High School band:鮑伯·鄧肯體驗樂隊The Bob Duncan experience?哈哈 看看Ha ha. Look at that.這是里奇 這是馬蒂There's Richie. There's Marty.中間這個帥哥就是你老爸我And check out your old man in the middle there, huh?像我吧That look familiar?呃 不像Um
9、. No.噢 拜托了 PJ 我長得多像你Oh, come on, P.J., I look just like you.我沒看出來I don't see it.咱們就是一對雙胞胎We could be twins.我看還是算了吧I choose not to see it.好吧 我們錄了一張專輯All right. We made an album.快瞧瞧 多給力Check that out. Pretty rad, huh?是啊 鮑伯·鄧肯Right, "the Bob Duncan."體驗樂隊 -不 不"experience." -
10、No no!噢 天啊 該死Oh! Aw man! Oh shoot!呃 能用膠水或者膠帶粘好嗎Uh, can we. can we glue it or tape it or.算了 算了 已經壞了No no, it's gone.這不會是絕版吧That. that wasn't the only one, right?絕版了 我告訴過你 我們錄了一張專輯Yeah. Well, I told you, we madean album.老爸 太抱歉了Dad, I am so sorry.算了 沒事的No, it's all right.都是我的錯 不該有些美好的回憶It
11、39;s my fault for having sweet memories.和孩子And kids.好了 海盜查莉 讓我看下傷口Okay, pirate Charlie, let me see your boo-boo.真不應該讓你兩只眼睛上都戴眼罩Not a good idea to wear a patch on both eyes.嗨 小伙子們 檸檬汁賣♥♥得怎么樣啊Hi, guys. How's the lemonade business?太好了 多虧了利奧獨家檸檬汁秘方Great, thanks to Leo's awe
12、some lemonade recipe.噢 也不全是我的功勞Oh, I can't take all the credit.你是想到要去偷It was your idea to steal.我是說向達布尼太太的檸檬樹上借些檸檬I mean borrow the lemons from Mrs. Dabney's tree.蓋比 你從達布尼太太那里偷檸檬Gabe, you stole lemons from Mrs. Dabney?我希望這不會引來殺身之禍I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the.您好 達布尼太太He
13、llo, Mrs. Dabney.檸檬嗎Lemons?我什么事也不知道I don't know anything about lemons.明天我們還要這么做 -絕對We should do this again tomorrow. -Definitely.分一下錢吧 -好的Hey, let's divide up the profits. -Yeah.好的 我們賺了Okay, so we made.大約是四十塊二十五美分Looks like $40.25.給你 -酷So here. -Cool.為什么你拿走那二十五美分Why do you get the quarter?我以
14、為是平均分錢I thought we were partners.好吧 那再把這二十五美分平攤Fine, we'll split the quarter.十二美分嗎12 cents?為什么你多拿一美分Why do you get the extra Penny?因為是我出的好點子Because it was my idea.我就是這組織的大腦I'm the brains of this operation.沒錯 但我起碼也是花瓶啊Yeah, but I'm the eye candy.好了 別吵了Okay, this is stupid.如果下次再有多余的一美分 你拿走
15、The next time we have an extra Penny, you can have it.我想要這次的 -這次是我的I want this one. -This one's mine.你在犯渾 -你在犯大渾You're being a jerk. -You're being a. Jerky jerk.你居然自稱大腦And you call yourself the brains.告訴你吧 留好你那一美分You know what? Keep your precious Penny.這個組合解散了This partnership is over.隨便
16、我不需要你Fine. I don't need you.我也不需要你 我誰都不需要I don't need you. I don't need anybody.我需要你媽 她要送我回家I need your mom. She's my ride.噢 嘿 艾米特 艾米特 和你說點事Oh hey, Emmett, Emmett. Uh, we need to talk.好的 我的舞伴 她是我的舞伴Sure thing, homecoming date. She's my homecoming date!話別說早了Maybe not.這邊來 來坐下Here w
17、e go. Let's just sit.在那個視頻里 你說的是So in that video your exact words were如果你沒有女朋友I had to go to homecoming with you.我就陪你去返校舞會Unless you had a girlfriend.所以呢 -所以我給你找了個女朋友So? -So I'm gonna get you one.噢 太搞笑了Oh, that's funny.別笑 別笑 我是認真的No no, I'm serious.有個新來的女生There's this new girl in
18、 school我覺著你倆挺般配and I think she's perfect for you.怎么個般配What makes her perfect?她完全沒聽說過你She doesn't know anything about you.她叫艾麗西婭So her name is Alicia.她很可愛 很有魅力She's very sweet. She is very attractive.所以我要想辦法讓你看起來So I just have to figure out a way to make you.很誘人Appealing.做起來容易嗎 不容易Is it g
19、onna be easy? No.能成功嗎Is it gonna be doable?只許成功 不許失敗It has to be.嘿 老爸 過來下 給你個驚喜Hey, dad! Come up here. I got a surprise.一聽就沒好事Those are never good words.里奇 -鮑比Richie! -Bobby!看看你 一點也沒變Look at you! You haven't changed at all!哈 再看看你Ha, and you.啊 鮑比Ah, Bobby!你 你怎么來了 -PJ打電♥話♥給我了
20、What. what are you doing here? -P.J. Called me up.聽說樂隊要重出江湖Something about getting the band back together.老爸 我真的很抱歉弄壞了你的專輯Dad, I felt so bad about breaking the album,我想你們這幫家伙可以再錄一張I thought you guys could make another one.PJ 這想法太好了P.J., this is fantastic.嘿 你聯(lián)♥系♥到瘋子馬蒂了嗎Hey, did
21、you track down madman Marty?聯(lián)♥系♥到了 但他來不了了 他參加讀書會了Yeah yeah. He can't make it. book club.但他依舊很瘋狂 只不過現(xiàn)在對書而瘋狂No, he's still a madman, just with books.對了 PJ可以當吉他手Well, hey, P.J. Can sit in on guitar.太好了This is great!鮑伯·鄧肯體驗樂隊回歸了The Bob Duncan experience is back!這動作什么時候
22、結束How. how long do we do this?直到腦海里的歡呼聲逐漸消失Until the imaginary applause dies down.挺冷清的啊Kind of quiet around here.想知道為什么嗎Want to know why?“利奧的檸檬汁小筑” 你在和我競爭"Leo's lemonade lounge"? You're competing with me?競爭意味著要比賽Competing would imply competition.從現(xiàn)在看來 連個競爭對手都沒有And from what I see,
23、hmph, I don't have any.“利奧的”里面的“的”字寫反了The "s" in "leo's" is backwards.我故意的 這樣看起來可愛I did that on purpose. It's cuter.難道“檬”字有兩個木字旁 也是為了可愛Is that why you put two ms in "lemonade"?是嗎I did?好好檢查下你的拼寫 花瓶Check your spelling, eye candy.少來了 你等著看我的厲害吧Forget that. Wait
24、till you see what else I have.我會把你擠出這次活動I'm gonna squeeze you out of business.就像擠檸檬一樣Like you squeeze a lemon.因為做檸檬汁 -成了 我明白You know, because to make lemonade. -Yeah, I got it.這事沒完 利奧This isn't over, Leo.噢 但我不這么認為Oh, but I think it is.他邪惡 他惡毒He's evil. He's diabolical.鄙視他I despise hi
25、m.“的”字反著寫的確很可愛The backwards "s" sure is cute though.好了 她在那呢Okay, there she is.噢 我心里沒底啊 泰迪Oh, I don't know about this, Teddy.我高攀不起艾麗西婭啊 -什么Alicia might be too hot for me. -Wh.你高攀不起的是我I'm too hot for you.沒錯 但我手里有你的把柄Yeah, but I got something on you.好了 這是你的計劃Okay, so here's what y
26、ou're gonna do.你走過去 然后說“我是艾米特You walk over to alicia and you say, "I'm Emmett.我看見你在這里 想和你打聲招呼”I've seen you around and I just wanted to say hi."然后呢 -然后就走開Then what? -Then you just walk away.噢 好的 那你喜歡哪種離開的方式Oh, okay. What kind of walk are you looking for?太空步還是機械舞還是滑步Like a moonw
27、alk or like a robot or like a shuffle.噢 算了 算了 都不喜歡Oh, none none. none of the above.老老實實的走 營造一種神秘感You just leave. You're creating mystery.噢 還有一件事 -住手 你在干嘛Oh, one more thing. -Wait, what are you doing?我需要眼鏡 和我的帽子很配I need those and they go with my hat.說得好Good point.好了 拿下她 老虎Okay, go get her, tiger.
28、嗨 我是艾米特Hi, I'm Emmett.我看見你在這里 想和你打聲招呼I've seen you around and I wanted to say hi.可以啊 嗨Well, hi.好了 好了Okay. Okay.看來你真需要眼鏡 -沒錯So maybe you do need these. -Yeah.耶Yeah!太給力了That was awesome!歡迎加入體驗樂隊Welcome to the experience.里奇叔 我喜歡你那動作Richie dude, I love that move.就是在架子鼓獨奏 你站在中間那段Where you, like,
29、stood up in the middle of your drum solo.我的屁♥股♥抬不起來了My butt fell asleep.給力不 嘿 不如這樣Isn't it great? Hey, you know what?錄完專輯 干脆去現(xiàn)場表演吧After we record the album, we should play some gigs.噢 我正有此意 PJ你來嗎Oh, I second that emotion. P.J., are you in?那還用說Hecks to the yeah.好了 大家All righ
30、t, gentlemen,時間不早 節(jié)目剛好Time to take a break for the sake, a pause for the cause.同樣的結束語 -同樣的膀胱Same patter. -Same bladder.天啊 再次見到老爸這么開心 真好Man, it's awesome to see my dad so happy again.是啊 他會很享受在廁所里的時光的Yeah, he enjoys his bathroom.我指的是音樂 -噢I mean the music, man. -Oh.為什么你們解散了Why did you guys ever bre
31、ak up?這個Well.鮑比和一個無所事事的Bobby was dating this chick小妞約會who was always hanging around,還想把她弄到樂隊里Trying to weasel her way into the band.噢 -她快把我和馬蒂逼瘋了Oh. -She drove me and Marty nuts.真是噩夢啊 -沒錯Ugh, sounds like a nightmare. -She was.她叫什么來著Now what was her name?里奇 -艾米Richie! -Amy!就是她It was Amy.我聽說里奇蒞臨寒舍了I h
32、eard Richie was in da house.說到寒舍Speaking of house,你還住在你父母的地下室里嗎are you still living in your parents' basement?當然了Of course.搬動一個水床可不是件容易的事情You know how hard it is to move a waterbed?是啊 -嘿 親愛的Yeah. -Hey, honey!嗨 搖滾明星Hi, rock star.你不會相信的You're not gonna believe this.我們準備到外面表演去 -太給力了We're go
33、nna start playing gigs again. -That is so rad!嘿 嘿 嘿 表演“落基山的小妞”Hey hey hey, play "rocky mountain chick."PJ 這歌♥是關于我的 -給力P.J., that's about me. -Rad!這個詞用對了嘛 -差不多吧Did I use that right? -Kind of.準備 一 二 三 四Ready? One, two, three, four!落基山的小妞 你讓我為你舞動Rocky mountain chick, you make m
34、y body tick當你離開時 我就丟了魂 丟了魂when you're not here, I'm sick sick sick. .大家 大家 大家 聽著 聽著Guys, guys. Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys.嘿 大水床 感覺不對Hey, waterbed, it stays on the wrong streets同志們 加點速度Guys, pick up the pace.好好享受下Have some fun with it.專輯里就是這么演奏的This is how we played it on the album.是嗎 那銷量如何
35、啊Yeah, and how did that sell?聽著 跟住我的節(jié)奏 明白嗎Look, just follow me, people.一 二 三 四A-one, two, three, four.落基山的小妞 你讓我為你舞動Rocky mountain chick, you make my body tick當你離開時 我就丟了魂 丟了魂when you're not here, I'm sick sick sick.你的金發(fā)蓬松凌亂your blonde disheveled locks讓我神魂顛倒thrill me to my socks所有的書呆子和運動員都認為你
36、是個冰美人all the nerds and jocks think you're a stone-cold fox冰美人 冰美人I'm foxy foxy冰美人 冰美人 冰美人 冰美人foxy foxy foxy foxy foxy冰美人 冰美人foxy foxy冰美人 冰美人 同志們 配合下foxy foxy foxy. guys, hang with me.嘿 不如休息下吧Hey, why don't we take a break?噢 好主意Ooh, that's a great idea.我趁機去拿手鼓It'll give me a chanc
37、e to grab my tambourine.樂隊會議 -怎么了 什么事Band meeting. -Why? What's up?什么事 要重蹈1988年的覆轍了What's up? It's 1988 all over again.放松 不會的 -她又開始掌控大權了No, it's not. -She's totally taking over.我能插句嘴嗎 -閉嘴 馬蒂Can I say something? -Shut up, Marty.抱歉 應激反應了Sorry. Force of habit.那小妞又想混進樂隊了That chick is
38、 trying to force her way into the band.鮑比 你要采取行動了Bobby, you gotta do something.好的 說的沒錯 沒錯All right, you're right. You're right.好了 聽著 作為鮑伯·鄧肯體驗樂隊的主心骨Okay, look, as leader of the Bob Duncan experience,我會負責的I'm gonna take charge.PJ 把你老媽踢出樂隊P.J., go kick your mother out of the band.歡迎來到
39、利奧三重唱俱樂部Welcome to club triple-leo, everybody.我是李離利 凹嗷奧I'm l to the e to the eh-eh-o!呦 我叫利奧 我來向大家宣布yo, my name is Leo and I'm here to tell我有些茶點 向你們出♥售♥I got some refreshments I'd like to sell我這里有最好的檸檬 知道嗎I take the best lemons, don't you know?我將它榨成汁 再加些糖 呦 呦 呦I
40、just squeeze and add sugar, yo yo yo yo yo耶 利奧 利奧yeah, Leo, Leo耶 利奧yeah, Leo! .告訴大家 利奧檸檬汁這里全場免費Remember, peeps, everything's free at Leo's lemonade,有爆米花和無線網Popcorn and wi-fi.嗚Whoohoo!如果都免費 你還怎么掙錢If everything's free, how are you making money?我不關心掙不掙錢This isn't about making money.我只在乎
41、能不能把你打垮 老兄It's about taking you down, my brotha.今天我們試試新花樣Now today we're gonna try something a little new.隨便你折騰 不管成敗 都有舞伴Try whatever you want. Either way I have a date.成了 成了 你就老實的站在這里Yeah yeah, why don't you just stand here.等我給你發(fā)暗號♥And wait until I give you a signal?嗨 艾麗西婭 聽說
42、你是新來的Hi, Alicia. I know you're new here.我叫泰迪 -嗨I'm Teddy. -Hi.你來的時機不太好So you came here kind of in an awkward time,正好趕上返校舞會What with homecoming dance just days away and.親娘啊 親娘啊Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.親娘啊 親娘啊 -怎么了Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! -What?你看 你看 看到那邊的帥哥了嗎Okay okay, so you see that really cut
43、e guy there?哪呢 戴著眼鏡和帽子的那個人的后面嗎Where? Behind the guy with the hat and the glasses?不 不 不 不 不No no no. No no no.帽子底下 眼鏡后面的那個Under the hat, behind the glasses.那個打碎盤子的么The plate crasher?他叫艾米特His name is Emmett.噢 艾米特 名字都這么迷人Oh, Emmett. even his name is dreamy.學校的女生都想和他去返校舞會Every girl in school wants to go
44、 to homecoming with him,特別是我especially me.難道你也是新來的嗎Were you here yesterday?哦天啊 他來了Oh my gosh, here he comes.嗨 -嗨 泰迪Hi. -Hi, Teddy.噢 他居然知道我的名字Oh, he knows my name!嗨 艾米特Hi, Emmett.你是想去參加舞會嗎So, uh, are you going to the dance?其實 我正是想來邀請艾麗西婭的Actually, that's what I came to talk to Alicia about.噢 是艾麗西
45、婭啊 當然了 新來的Oh, Alicia. Of course, the new girl.你太幸運了You're so lucky.好吧Oh well.你傷害了我 我會一笑而過It hurts, but I'll smile through the pain.我馬上閃人 讓你倆好好聊聊Now I'll leave you two alone to talk about.那美妙的一晚 我會Your magical evening together while I go nurse my.哇Whoa!別走啊 艾麗西婭What? No, Alicia.何必這么費勁呢Why
46、fight it?咱倆注定在一起We're perfect for each other.落基山的小妞 你讓我為你舞動Rocky mountain chick, you make my heart go tick當你離開時 我就丟了魂 丟了魂when you're not here, I'm sick sick sick.嘿 老媽 -嘿 我的首席吉他手Hey, mom. -Hey there, my lead guitarist.好了 好了 關于這事 我想和你談談Yeah yeah, about that. can I. can I talk to you?好啊 什么事
47、Sure. What about?其實 我認為如果從查莉Actually I think it would be better if you.的嘴里說出來比較好If you heard it from Charlie.說吧 查莉 告訴媽咪你的想法Go ahead, Charlie. Tell mommy what's on your mind.媽咪Mommy.你看 把她氣得連話都說不出來了Okay, she's obviously too upset to say anything.不會吧 你不高興了 為什么啊No no no. You're upset? Why?呃
48、她認為你加入到樂隊中不是個好主意Um, she thinks it's a bad idea for you to be in the band.查莉說的這話 -是的Charlie said that? -Yes.你說的嗎 查莉 -不是 媽咪Did you say that, Charlie? -No, mommy.等一下 PJ 你不想讓我進樂隊Wait, P.J., you don't want me in the band?但是我會給樂隊增色不少But it's so much better with me in it.是啊 是啊 但問題是Yeah yeah, it
49、 is, but the problem is.這就是問題 -是什么That is the problem. -What is?你太搶眼了 太搶眼了 太搶眼了You're good. You're too good. You're too good.我們都知道你是大明星And we all know you're a star.但當你站在老爸旁邊時But when you're next to dad.他就會黯然失色 -沒錯He fades into the woodwork. -Ex. yes!你想想看 鮑勃·鄧肯體驗樂隊I mean, co
50、me on. The Bob Duncan experience?變成了 艾米·鄧肯體驗樂隊 -正解Hello? The Amy Duncan experience? -Exactly!噢 -沒錯Oh! -Exactly.我不能這么對他I can't do that to him.我能嗎Can I?不 不No no,因為你是個好人Because you are too good a person.可惡的人性 -是啊 是啊Darn my humanity. -Yeah yeah.好了 好了Okay okay.可算說出口了Pulled that out.不過 你在壓力之下總掉鏈子
51、By the way, you are terrible under pressure.對不起Sorry.耶Yeah!拉拉隊表演還未結束Those cheerleaders aren't done yet.他們會幫您的檸檬汁續(xù)杯They'll now be serving your next round of lemonade!嗚 -耶Whoo! -Yeah!蓋比娛樂嘉年華精彩繼續(xù)The entertainment marathon continues here at Gabe's.向大家介紹一支新晉樂隊With a hot new group:鮑勃·鄧肯體驗
52、樂隊The Bob Duncan experience.耶 -耶Yeah! -Yeah!嘿 別給我丟臉Hey, don't disappoint me.嘿Hey.你去預訂下音樂Now that you're booking live music,我給自己加了一點兒戲份兒You know, I'm putting a little something together myself.所以我先跟你串通好了So we should talk.好了 鄉(xiāng)親父老們 下午好All right. Good afternoon, Edward drive!我們是鮑勃·鄧肯體驗樂隊We are the Bob Duncan experience.我想把這第一首歌♥獻給And I would like to dedicate this very first song.我的落基山小妞To my very own Rocky moun
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