M5 U1 Language points_第1頁
M5 U1 Language points_第2頁
M5 U1 Language points_第3頁
M5 U1 Language points_第4頁
M5 U1 Language points_第5頁
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1、Expressions:L.2 primary school 小學小學L.8 be proud of oneself 以某人自己以某人自己為為傲傲L.14 beg sb. not to do sth. 懇懇求某人不要干求某人不要干 L.17 be shocked to do sth. 做某事很震驚做某事很震驚L.18 feel like (doing) sth 想要干某事想要干某事L.20 promise not to do sth 承承諾諾不干某事不干某事L.20 behind ones back 在某人背后在某人背后L.21 keep ones word/promiseL.32 stop

2、doing sth.停止正干的事停止正干的事L.35 be determined to do sth. 決心干某事決心干某事L.36 keep pace with與與同步同步L.36 as a result of=because of 由于由于L.41 start doing sth. 開始干某事開始干某事L.42 accuse sb of sth 因某事指因某事指責責/指控某人指控某人L.43 make a remark作出作出評論評論, ,說話說話L.43 dislike doing sth. 不不愛愛干某事干某事L.49 cannot help doing sth. 情不自禁干某事情不自

3、禁干某事L.50 instead of 而不是,而非而不是,而非How did you get along in the final exam?Since he took over the company, the business has been getting along quite well.1. get along a. 進展,進行 b. 情況如何他不想再向他的父母要錢了,他通過做家庭教師勉強在大學里生存下去。He doesnt want to ask his parents for money. By working as a family teacher he gets alon

4、g in college.d. 相處她和辦公室里的任何人都處不好,因為她很小氣。She doesnt get along well with anyone in her office, for she is mean. 2. I feel betrayed by my friend, Hannah. betray vt. 背叛背叛,出賣出賣 他寧愿犧牲也不出賣國家給朋友他寧愿犧牲也不出賣國家給朋友.He _ _ die _ _ his country _ the enemy. (向敵人向敵人)出賣某人或泄露某事物出賣某人或泄露某事物 betray sb/sth (to sb) would ra

5、ther than betray to .含義含義: The expression on her face betrays her anger. 也可以是也可以是: The expression on her face betrays that she is angry. (把要隱瞞的東西無意中) 透露出;顯示1). Her baby is great fun. / Sailing a boat is great fun. 2). They often make fun of me for this._ it is to swim in the river in summer!What gre

6、at fun B. What a great funC. How great fun D. How a great funAExercises: 1).You _ _ _your wallet in the office. 你肯定是把錢包落在辦公室里了。你肯定是把錢包落在辦公室里了。must have left must have sounded must have done意為意為“肯定干過肯定干過某事某事”,是對是對過去發(fā)生過去發(fā)生的情況的的情況的肯定肯定推測,其推測,其否定否定結構為結構為“cant/couldnt have done”,意為意為“不可能不可能”。e.g. Jack _

7、_ _. Otherwise he would have phoned me. 杰克不可能已經到了。要是到了他會給我杰克不可能已經到了。要是到了他會給我打電話的。打電話的。 cant have arrived5. Afterwards, I pretended to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong.pretend that pretend to do 假裝做某事。假裝做某事。She pretends that she likes them so that she can get their help.她假裝很喜歡他們,借以獲

8、得他們的幫助。她假裝很喜歡他們,借以獲得他們的幫助。She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.她閉上眼睛,裝作睡著了。她閉上眼睛,裝作睡著了。請根據(jù)漢語提示完成下列句子。請根據(jù)漢語提示完成下列句子。(1) He _ (假裝不介意假裝不介意), but I knew that he did. (2) He _. (假裝對我友善假裝對我友善). pretended that he didnt mindpretended to be friendly to me1). 幽默感2). 方向感3). 有意義,有道理4). 做某事沒意義/用 sense

9、of humor sense of directionmake senseThere is no sense in doing sth.6. and I _ how badly I had done. “承認承認”他永遠不會承認自己的錯誤他永遠不會承認自己的錯誤.He will never _ _ _.他承認自己是錯誤的他承認自己是錯誤的.He admitted _ he was wrong.喬治承認他偷了汽車喬治承認他偷了汽車.Gorge admitted _ _ the car. admit his mistake that having stolenadmitted 可以總結用法為可以總

10、結用法為: admit sth doing sth that -clause后常接動名詞的還有avoid, consider, imagine, practise, suggest, enjoy,miss,ect. .允許允許, 接受接受; 容納容納admit sb/sth to 允許某人允許某人(物物)加入加入Sb. be admitted to school/hospital 接受接受某人入學某人入學 (入入 院院)E.x.: 1)My son _ _ _ to the company this year.2)The manager _ my son_ the company this y

11、ear. will be admitted admits to7. The things he said hurt me too, but he has not apologized to me.他因遲到而向老師道歉他因遲到而向老師道歉.He apologized _ his teacher _ coming to school late. to for句型: apologize to sb. for sth. apologize to sb. for doing sth. apology 道歉n.- make an apology長難句分析:長難句分析:1. He got annoyed,

12、_(say) it wasnt his fault if he couldnt play as well as me, and _ I shouldnt talk to him in this manner.2. but he said Matthew is just too sensitive and perhaps a little bitter because I am really athletic and good at football, and _ I had better find another friend. saying that that當一個動詞后接兩個由當一個動詞后接兩個由that引導的引導的賓語從句時,第一個從句的賓語從句時,第一個從句的that可可以省略,第二個從句的以省略,第二個從句的that不能省。不能省。3. I was _ angry _(如此以致) I went straight to Hannah and told her we were _ going to be friends _ _(不再) because she couldnt _ _ _(信守諾言). 句型轉換


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