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1、廣東省高要市第二中學高中部 薛麗麗與您交流人物描寫 本次寫作的材料為我們高三復本次寫作的材料為我們高三復習課本習課本?名師領航名師領航?中的一篇根中的一篇根底性寫作底性寫作青年學生的偶像青年學生的偶像劉翔。劉翔。教材內(nèi)容分析教材內(nèi)容分析 通過本課,使我們能夠掌握根底寫作的5個根本步驟,掌握根底寫作中人物描寫的重要信息,尤其是對文章的審題與構思使文章連貫,最終掌握寫作技巧。培養(yǎng)根本功目標:培養(yǎng)根本功目標: 通過對人物的介紹,培養(yǎng)我們戰(zhàn)勝困難,勇于挑戰(zhàn)自我,為祖國奉獻自己的力量,增強我們的愛國情感和自我挑戰(zhàn)的精神。讓大家明白只要通過自己的努力,人人都可以為社會,為國家做出奉獻。 情感目標情感目標

2、通過在課堂上的小組討論,合作、探究等方式表達任務型教學的目的,讓學生增強寫作的信心,以此到達提高寫作的能力。 Teaching procedures:(教學過教學過程程) Step 1 Checking and lead-in(熱身(5 min. 1. Check the homework.Now look at the charts with the percentage and the requirements of writing in the 2021 NMET.題序題型題量 賦分時間(分鐘)I聽 力第一節(jié): 聽力理解153030第二節(jié): 聽取信息55 II語言知識及應用第一節(jié): 完形

3、填空102015第二節(jié): 語法填空101510III閱 讀第一節(jié): 閱讀理解153020第二節(jié): 信息匹配5105第一節(jié): 基礎寫作11510語 言評分標準評分標準7-8分:具有很好的語言運用能力;語法和句子結構準確性高,詞匯方面使用較好,只有少許錯誤。5-6分:具有較好的語言運用能力;語法和句子結構準確性較好,有一些語法結構或詞匯方面的錯誤,但不影響理解。3-4分:語言運用能力一般;語法和句子結構基本準確,語法結構或詞匯方面的錯誤不影響理解。1-2分:語言運用能力較差;語法和句子結構基本不夠準確,語法結構或詞匯方面的錯誤較多,而且影響了對句子意義的理解。0分:語言運用能力很差;語法、句子結構

4、、詞匯錯誤很多,句子意義無法理解。備注每多或少寫一個句子,扣1分。內(nèi)內(nèi) 容容5分分: 包括了所有信息內(nèi)容。包括了所有信息內(nèi)容。4分分: 包括了大局部信息內(nèi)容。包括了大局部信息內(nèi)容。3分分: 包括了根本信息內(nèi)容。包括了根本信息內(nèi)容。2分分: 包括了小局部信息內(nèi)容。包括了小局部信息內(nèi)容。1分分: 包括了少許信息內(nèi)容。包括了少許信息內(nèi)容。0分分: 沒有包括所提供的信息內(nèi)容沒有包括所提供的信息內(nèi)容。連連 貫貫:2分分: 內(nèi)容連貫,而且結構緊湊內(nèi)容連貫,而且結構緊湊。1.5分分: 內(nèi)容連貫性比較好,而且內(nèi)容連貫性比較好,而且結構比較緊湊。結構比較緊湊。1分分: 內(nèi)容連貫性較差,而且結內(nèi)容連貫性較差,而且

5、結構不夠緊湊。構不夠緊湊。0分分: 內(nèi)容缺乏連貫性,而且結構內(nèi)容缺乏連貫性,而且結構松散。備注文不松散。備注文不 對題,給對題,給0分分。n 內(nèi)容內(nèi)容完整、連貫完整、連貫并展開得并展開得法法 各句都緊緊圍繞同一個中心或主題 文字條理清晰,層次結構清楚,句與句之間有內(nèi)在的邏輯關系 運用一種或幾種恰當?shù)恼归_方法短文根本概念和寫法短文根本概念和寫法與您交流解題技巧 Discuss how to use the five steps of writing to make an outline of the article What are they? These are tips for you.寫作

6、答題流程與您交流小提示2.Do you know the person? 2. Do you know how to write a person and how to organize the article? Today we are going to learn how to introduce a famous person in English. 3. Take out your model of writing Li Zhensheng. I believe that you have already picked out some main words or useful exp

7、ressions in introducing a person and connectives and who write them down. 請根據(jù)下面內(nèi)容寫一篇短文請根據(jù)下面內(nèi)容寫一篇短文李振聲,于李振聲,于1931年出生于山東淄博的一年出生于山東淄博的一農(nóng)民家庭。農(nóng)民家庭。1951年從大學畢業(yè)后,開始年從大學畢業(yè)后,開始從事雜交水稻的研究工作并成為這一領從事雜交水稻的研究工作并成為這一領域的專家。因此于域的專家。因此于2006年他獲得了國家年他獲得了國家最高科技獎并被人們稱為最高科技獎并被人們稱為“水稻之父水稻之父。而且他把所獲得錢全部捐給了貧窮的。而且他把所獲得錢全部捐給了貧窮的孩

8、子。孩子。寫作要求寫作要求 : 1.必須必須 使用使用5個句子介紹全部內(nèi)容;個句子介紹全部內(nèi)容; 2將將5個句子組織連貫的文章個句子組織連貫的文章Born in a poor peasants family in Zibo, Shandong Province in 1931, Li Zhensheng graduated from Shandong Agriculture College in 1951. Since then, he has devoted himself to the research and development of high yield wheat and bec

9、ome a leading expert in this field. He has made great contributions to the development of Chinas agriculture. For this reason, he was given the 2006National Top Science and Technology Award and honored as the “Father of wheat in China. He has donated his entire prize to poor students as financial as

10、sistance. 4. Now discuss in your own group, and find one representing you group to speak to all then compare with each group to see which group writes the most, ok? 5. Now look at the blackboard and we check them together and then make a conclusion on the screen through the multimedia ok? Do you som

11、e other useful expressions for writing a person? Do you know the meaning of the following expressions? 介紹人物是根底寫作常見的一種題型,它涉及到人的出生、家庭介紹人物是根底寫作常見的一種題型,它涉及到人的出生、家庭背景、教育、經(jīng)歷、成就和評價等,常用到的結構與句型有背景、教育、經(jīng)歷、成就和評價等,常用到的結構與句型有 was born in / on the son / daughter/ child of a poor family when he / she was small / yo

12、ung spend his / her child in live / lead a happy / bitter life he / she ma jared in he /she graduated from be interested in work hard at / devote his / her life /himself / herself to be fond of win a prize in become a member of have a gift for one of the best be honored / be famous as / be regarded

13、as be given denote to become a leading expert in make contribution to break the recordSome useful expressions Do you know the name of this man? Look at the chart of him winning the goad medal at the Athens Olympics. Can you give as much inform-ation as you can?姓名劉翔性別男籍貫上海生日19830713身高188米體重74公斤項目田徑(1

14、10米欄) 基 本 情 況 12000年8月入選國家青年田徑隊22002年獲亞運會及亞錦標賽冠軍32003年在英國世界室內(nèi)田徑錦標賽中獲60米跨欄第三。42004年8月27日獲雅典奧運會冠軍,成績是12秒91,追平世界紀錄,打破奧運會記錄請根據(jù)以下材料,寫一篇介紹劉翔的文章寫作要求1必須使用5個句子介紹全部內(nèi)容;2將5個句子組織連貫的文章1.According to the five-step method to divide the information given into five sentences.2. Getting the key information in the grap

15、h is an easier way by listing it in to points. If necessary you can give them in Chinese.五個句子劃分五個句子劃分 1,劉翔身高1米88,體重74公斤于1983年7月13日在上海2,2000年8月入選國家青年田徑隊3,2002年獲亞運會及亞錦標賽冠軍4,2003年在英國世界室內(nèi)田徑錦標賽中獲60米跨欄第三5,2004年8月27日獲雅典奧運會冠軍,成績是12秒91,追平世界紀錄,打破奧運會記錄一個模版一個模版1.出生:be born in /on ; 2.身高high / height3.體重weigh/ w

16、eight4.入選be admitted t / be chosen as /be selected as 5.冠軍gold medal / champion/ the first place / number one 6.第三the third place/ take third in 7.追平the same as /equal be equal to 8.打破記錄break record1. Pay attention to the connectives between every two sentences and the pronouns with the help of the

17、model writing about Li Zhensheng.2. Pay attention to the persons, tenses, and voices of the article and your handwriting which can have an effect on their marks. 3.Who can write your article (one on the screen and the other on the blackboard). Step 5 checking (Creative-work ) (12 min) 1. The two stu

18、dents who write on the screen or on the blackboard tell what you satisfied with and what you dissatisfied with.2. Who want to find out the weak points and improve them but you should pay attention to the connectives in the whole passage.3. Let us criticize and revise the two writings on the whole.4.

19、 Then look at the model of the passage and compare and learn the good points of the passage. Sample:Sum up the useful expressions and sentences you have learned in this class and the tips for how to improve your writing.本卷須知本卷須知:1.單詞的拼寫;動詞的過去式、過去分詞的拼寫。2. 時態(tài)的運用。3. 人稱的一致議論文4. 句子的完整。防止中文式英語的最正確途徑:加強朗讀、

20、背誦學無定法但有法與您交流注意事項l英語句子、段落、篇章的意識;l流程訓練,時間控制l清晰的書寫,整潔的卷面,正確的格式l杜絕低級錯誤:拼寫、時態(tài)、主謂一致、單復數(shù)、大小寫、動詞形式(如不規(guī)那么的過去式、分詞)l重點關注:任務按要求完成,不跑題;清晰表達意義;用詞得當寫作得分關鍵寫作得分關鍵 Identify your reader(s). Write from the readers point of view. Know why you are writing. Choose the proper tone. Get to the point quickly. Be brief,but try to use some complex sentences to express . Keep it simple. Be specific. Avoid improper jargon. Write to express, not impress. Tell the reader the outcome you expect. Tips與您交流Tips Is it to the point? Is


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