1、Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 1Ahead of your needsShrimp Nutrient Requirements and feeding managementShrimp Nutrient Requirements and feeding management蝦的營養(yǎng)需求和飼養(yǎng)管理蝦的營養(yǎng)需求和飼養(yǎng)管理Jacques Gabaudan, VMA 葛博頓 博士Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 2vOmnivorous feeding behavior; active detritivore; forager, but not as agg
2、ressive as stylirostris.vDiurnal and nocturnal feeding behavior 白天和夜間喂食習慣vLow protein requirements in juvenile and sub-adult phases (18-20% in the lab; 25-35% in the field) 幼蝦和小蝦階段對蛋白需求低(實驗室18-20%,野外25-35%)vFeed conversions generally 1.0 1.4 under ideal conditions 在理想狀態(tài)下FCR通常為1.0-1.4Nutritional char
3、acteristics of Nutritional characteristics of L. L. VannameiVannamei南美南美白對蝦的營養(yǎng)特征白對蝦的營養(yǎng)特征Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 3Protein & amino acids Protein & amino acids 蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸Digestive enzymes Digestive enzymes 消化酶消化酶 Main digestive enzymes similar to stomachless fishno pepsin無胃蛋白酶trypsin胰島素c
4、hymotrypsin胰凝乳蛋白酶astacin (not in vertabrates)蝦紅素carboxypeptidases羧肽酶 Protease activity increases with dietary protein level 蛋白酶活動性隨著飼料蛋白水平的上升而增加Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 4Protein & amino acids Protein & amino acids 蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸Apparent digestibility of proteins Apparent digestibility of p
5、roteins 蛋白質(zhì)的表觀消化率蛋白質(zhì)的表觀消化率 CP digestibility in shrimps is at least as high as in fish CP digestibility of animal (marine) sources vegetable sourcesThis is due to cell wall components (fiber) antinutritional factors (antitrypsin factor, phytates, gossypol, etc) Few data available for farmed species.
6、When not available, fish data should be considered as reasonable estimates 養(yǎng)殖品種蛋白消化率的數(shù)據(jù)很少。在魚中的有關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)可以合理估計Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 5Protein & amino acidsProtein & amino acids蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸Apparent protein digestibility, Asian Apparent protein digestibility, Asian seabassseabassAni m alprot e
7、i n m ealProt ei n ADC%Pl antprot ei n m ealProt ei n ADC%Fi sh m eal(Dani sh)88Canol a m eal81Fi sh m eal(Tuna)92Soybeanm eal (f ul l -f at )85M eat m eal(l ow ash)64Soybeanm eal (sol v)86M eat m eal(hi gh ash)54W heatgl ut en100Poul t ry of f alm eal79(Boonyaratpalin & Williams, 2000)Vitamins
8、J. Gabaudan,VMA # 6Protein & amino acidsProtein & amino acids蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸Protein sources for L. Protein sources for L. vanameivanamei Fish meal seem to have lower nutritional value for shrimp than for fish Wheat gluten higly digestible but limiting in Lys, Met and Arg Soybean meal good sou
9、rce of protein. Inclusion levels can range from 20 to 50% and thus can replace part of the FM. Palatability of feed might decrease as SBM increases. Cottonseed meal is relatively palatable to P. vannamei but inclusion level 25% (or 1100 ppm free gossypol). CSM is low in Lys and Met Poultry by-produc
10、t meal could replace up to 66% of the fish meal in an 8- week trial (final BW2.2g) Rapeseed meal Upper limit for growth and survival 15 % of the dietary proteinVitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 7Supplementation with free Supplementation with free aminoacidsaminoacidsCrustacea Crustacea 添加自由氨基酸添加自由氨基酸甲殼動物甲殼
11、動物 many investigators believe that free AA are not efficiently used by juvenile shrimps. Teshima (1992) improved the efficiency by binding AA to proteins, making a plastein. Chen et al (1992) showed that microencapsulated crystalline arginine enhanced growth of P monodon as opposed to pure cristalli
12、ne arginine Leaching seem to be the main reason for the poor results obtained with free AA However free AA can stimulate feed intake and thus improve shrimp performance without contributing to dietary protein valueVitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 8Supplementation with freeSupplementation with free aminoac
13、ids aminoacidsFish - 1 Fish - 1 添加自由氨基酸添加自由氨基酸魚類(魚類(一)一)Supplemental available lysine (% dry diet)Weight gain (g/fish)Free lysine, T1Protein-bound lysine, T2Zarate & Lovell 1997Comparison of the slopesshow that protein-boundlysine was 63 % more efficient than free lysineGrowth response of channe
14、l catfish fed diets containing increasingconcentrations of free lysine or protein-bound lysineVitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 9Supplementation with freeSupplementation with free aminoacids aminoacidsFish - 2 Fish - 2 添加自由氨基酸添加自由氨基酸魚類(二魚類(二) L-lysine.HCl utilisation in rainbow trout is related to CP level
15、 : 55% for CP = 35% 71% for CP = 55% Rodehutscord et al 2000a L-lysine.HCl and L-lysine sulfate utilisation in rainbow trout is equivalent and averages 68% (CP=55%) Lovell (1998) suggests that fish do not utilize free AA well because free AA are not absorbed at the same time as AA from the dietary p
16、roteinsVitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 10Protein & amino acidsProtein & amino acids蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸Protein requirement Protein requirement 蛋白質(zhì)需求蛋白質(zhì)需求 Protein requirement depends on : 蛋白質(zhì)需求取決于: Optimum dietary requirement : 最佳日糧需求- Speci es 種類- Physi cal qual i t y of pel l et 顆粒的物理性狀- Si ze 大小- Pal
17、 at abi l i t y 適口性- Prot ei n qual i t y 蛋白質(zhì)質(zhì)量- Feedi ng rat e 投飼率- Level of nonprot ei n energy非蛋白能量水平- W at er qual i t y 水質(zhì)Speci esOpt i m al prot ei n l evelProt ei n sourceRef erenceP. m onodon40-45Squi d, shri m p and f i sh m eal s,casei nAl ava and Li m 1983P. m onodon40Casei nAquacop 1978P
18、. vannam ei30Fi sh, soybean and shri m p m eal ,w heat gl ut en, squi d m ealDuerr and Li m 1990P. vannam ei30M i xt ureCousi n eet al . 1993Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 11Protein & amino acidsProtein & amino acids蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸IAA IAA 必須氨基酸必須氨基酸Qualitative : - Same as those for vertabrates- C
19、ystine and tyrosine spare MET and PHEQuantitative :- Most requirements not determined- Recommendations based on shrimp muscle and clam compositionAm i no aci dRecom m endat i on% DPShri m pShri m pRecom m endat i on% DPCom m on carpCom m on carpArgi ni ne5. 84. 3Hi st i di ne2. 12. 1I sol euci ne3.
20、42. 5Leuci ne5. 43. 3Lysi ne5. 35. 7M ethi oni ne +Cyst i ne3. 63. 1Phenyl al ani ne+ Tyrosi ne7. 16. 5Threoni ne3. 63. 9Trypt ophan0. 80. 8Val i ne4. 03. 6Akiyama et al. 1991; NRC 1993Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 12Lipid requirementLipid requirement脂類需求量脂類需求量 Most studies indicate that best survival
21、and weight gain is obtained with dietary level of one or a mixture of oils ranging from5 to 8 % and 16-18 MJ/kg* An excess of lipids increases the lipid concentration of the hepatopancreas which reduces the metabolic rateL. vannamei have a requirement for n-3 (linolenic) and n-6 fatty (linoleic) aci
22、ds as well as for HUFA (20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3) 0.5% n-3 and 0.5% n-6HUFAS show a greater nutritive value than PUFAS Best sources are : fish oil, linseed oil and soybean oilSources: DAbramo 1998 and Lim et al 1997* GEVitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 13Dietary cholesterol and soy lecithin Dietary cholesterol
23、and soy lecithin (PL)(PL)飼料中的膽固醇和大豆磷脂飼料中的膽固醇和大豆磷脂 Crustaceans cannot synthesize sterols de novo and therefore require a dietary source of sterols for survival and growth.Cholesterol has a high nutrutive value as a source of sterols which are precursors of steroid and molting hormones. Phospholipids
24、accelerate transport of cholesterol and other lipids and were found to be indispensible to support growth and survival. Interaction between cholesterol and phospholipids is higly significant:Di et ar y PL%Chol est er ol r equi r ement%00. 351. 50. 1430. 13Gong-Hui et al. 2000L. vannameiVitamins J. G
25、abaudan,VMA # 14CarbohydratesCarbohydrates碳水化合物碳水化合物 Shrimp utilize carbohydrates for energy but efficiency varies with source and dietary level. Polysaccharides are better utilized than monosaccharides Carbohydrates have a sparing effect on the utilization of proteins Few studies with L. vannameiVi
26、tamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 15Mineral requirements Mineral requirements 礦物需求礦物需求M i neralM i neralRecom m ended suppl em entRecom m ended suppl em entCal ci umDi spensabl e ?Phosphorus 0. 5-1. 0 % i f Ca=1%1. 0-2. 0 % i f Ca=2%Pot assi um0. 9 %M agnesi um0. 3 %Copper16-32 m g/kg di etI ronDi spensabl e
27、 ?M anganese Di spensabl e ?Zi nc33 m gI /kg(m ore i f phyt at e l evel i s hi gh)Sel eni um0. 2-0. 4 m g/kgDavis and Lawrence, 1997Interactions between Ca and PJuvenile L. monodon grew better with no supplemental Ca and 0.5% supp. Pthan with Ca and 0.5, 1.0 or more supp. P(Penaflorida, 1999)Ca shou
28、ld therefore be kept low in the formula in order to minimize supplemental PVitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 16Vitamin requirementsVitamin requirements維生素需求量維生素需求量AI ED3I EEm gK3m gB1m gB2m gB6m gB12m g10000-120002000-3500100-20040-8050-10040-8050-1200. 020. 05N i aci nI EPant ot heni caci dI EFol i c ac.m
29、 gBi ot i nm gCm gChol i nm g100-250100-18010-201. 0-2. 0250-500400-600Per kg feedVitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 17Chemoattractants and feeding Chemoattractants and feeding stimulantsstimulants化學引誘劑和攝食刺激物化學引誘劑和攝食刺激物 Shrimp/fish utilize “chemical signals” to identify and orient towards prey, vision Chemo
30、attractants work from a distance while stimulants function upon contact with chemoreceptors Chemical classes : amino acids, nucleotides, small amines, small peptides, organic acids and hexoses. These chemicals are common metabolites of marine animals. Complex mixtures elicit stronger responses than
31、individual chemicals.Sites for chemoreceptor cells in shrimpVitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 18Chemoattractants & feeding stimulants Chemoattractants & feeding stimulants of of Crustacea Crustacea 甲殼類的化學引誘劑和攝食刺甲殼類的化學引誘劑和攝食刺激物激物I- Chemoattractants Fish meal fish solubles Squid meal Squid liver meal
32、 Squid oil Shrimp meal Shrimp head offalII- Feeding stimulants Arginine Glycine Betaine Glutamate Glucose Taurine NucleotidesVitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 19Astaxanthin Metabolism in ShrimpAstaxanthin Metabolism in Shrimp蝦類的蝦青素代謝蝦類的蝦青素代謝Dietary intake of astaxanthin + precursorsConversion by shrimp to
33、astaxanthinStorage in epidermis + hepatopancreas as astaxanthin estersConverted back to astaxanthin as needed for catabolismMaturation and gonadal developmentNormal requirementsIncreased requirements for stressVitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 20Carotenoid Carotenoid content of shrimp depends content of sh
34、rimp depends on life history (on life history (P. P. monodonmonodon data)data)O ri gi nO ri gi nW hol e body astaxanthi nW hol e body astaxanthi n(m g/kg)(m g/kg)W i l d catchW i l d catch40. 2-61. 940. 2-61. 9Farm edFarm ed10. 0-20. 910. 0-20. 9Bl ue phaseBl ue phase7. 67. 6Latscha, 1988Vitamins J.
35、 Gabaudan,VMA # 21Effect of di etary astaxanthi n on survi val of penaei dEffect of di etary astaxanthi n on survi val of penaei dshri m pshri m pSpeci esW eeks oft ri alDi et ary t reat m entSurvi val duri ngi nt ervalP. j aponi cus0-40ppm ast axant hi n100ppm ast axant hi n85. 791. 4P. j aponi cus
36、0-80ppm ast axant hi n100 ppm ast axant hi n57. 193. 1P. j aponi cus0-40ppm ast axant hi n50ppm ast axant hi n100ppm ast axant hi n728684P. j aponi cus0-80ppm ast axant hi n50ppm ast axant hi n100ppm ast axant hi n81. 085. 781. 5Yamada et al., 1990Speci esW eeks oft r i alDi et ar y t r eat mentSur
37、vi val dur i ngi nt er valP. j aponi cus0-40ppm ast axant hi n100ppm ast axant hi n85. 791. 4P. j aponi cus0-80ppm ast axant hi n100 ppm ast axant hi n57. 193. 1P. j aponi cus0-40ppm ast axant hi n50ppm ast axant hi n100ppm ast axant hi n728684P. j aponi cus0-80ppm ast axant hi n50ppm ast axant hi n
38、100ppm ast axant hi n81. 085. 781. 5Effect of dietary astaxanthin on survival of Effect of dietary astaxanthin on survival of penaeid shrimppenaeid shrimp飼料中飼料中蝦青素對蝦成活率的影響蝦青素對蝦成活率的影響Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 22TissueTissue astaxanthin astaxanthin content is correlated content is correlated to survi
39、val in post larvalto survival in post larval Penaeus Penaeus monodonmonodon班節(jié)對蝦仔蝦成活率與組織中蝦青素含量相關(guān)班節(jié)對蝦仔蝦成活率與組織中蝦青素含量相關(guān)1717292939390 0202040406060101020203030404050506060ShrimpShrimp astaxanthin astaxanthin concentration (mg/kg dry weight) concentration (mg/kg dry weight)Survival (%)Survival (%)R R2 2 =
40、 0.3947 = 0.3947P 0.001P 0.001y = -2.69 + 1.51xy = -2.69 + 1.51xPan et al. (1999)Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 23DietaryDietary astaxanthin astaxanthin improves survival following improves survival following ammonia stress in juvenileammonia stress in juvenile Penaeus monodonPenaeus monodon飼料中的蝦青素可提高經(jīng)過
41、氨氮應(yīng)激的班節(jié)對蝦幼蝦飼料中的蝦青素可提高經(jīng)過氨氮應(yīng)激的班節(jié)對蝦幼蝦的成活率的成活率505060607070808090901001001101100 00. 50. 51 11. 51. 52 2C ul ture w ater am m oni a concentrati on (ppm )C ul ture w ater am m oni a concentrati on (ppm )Survi val (% )Survi val (% )0 ppm ast axant hi n80 ppm ast axant hi n240 ppm ast axant hi n00.020.220 p
42、pm ast10080766580 ppm ast100959385240 ppm a100979582Chien et al. (in review)Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 24Hemolymph superoxide dismutaseHemolymph superoxide dismutase affected by affected by dietarydietary astaxanthin astaxanthin in juvenile in juvenile Penaeus monodonPenaeus monodon 飼料中的蝦青素對班節(jié)對蝦幼蝦血液
43、淋巴超氧化物飼料中的蝦青素對班節(jié)對蝦幼蝦血液淋巴超氧化物00. i etary astaxanthi n (ppm )D i etary astaxanthi n (ppm )SO D (uni ts/m g protei n)SO D (uni ts/m g protei n)N o st ressLow t em perat ure st ressLow sal i ni t y st ressLow t em perat ure andl ow sal i ni t y st ressChien et al
44、. (in review)Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 25Astax-fecundity/g.ppt Effect of Effect of astaxanthin astaxanthin on fecundity of on fecundity of pond pond sourced sourced PenaeusPenaeus monodonmonodon broodstock broodstock05001000150020002500Fecundity (eggs/gram female)Analyzed dietary astaxanthin (ppm)2
45、.350100Natural food control*50% squid, 50% musselPanganthihon-Kuhlmann et al., (1999)Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 26Example of a high performance 35% protein grow-out Example of a high performance 35% protein grow-out feed for intensive culture of feed for intensive culture of vannamei vannamei 實例:精養(yǎng)系
46、統(tǒng)中,實例:精養(yǎng)系統(tǒng)中, 35%35%蛋白的南美白對蝦高效成長飼料蛋白的南美白對蝦高效成長飼料0.07Vit C 35% 維生素C 35%2.0Wheat gluten meal 小麥麩0.12Choline chloride 氯化膽堿2.7Squid meal 魷魚粉0.2Vitamin premix 維生素預(yù)混料3.0Menhaden oil 曼哈頓魚油0.2Mineral premix 礦物預(yù)混料3.0Soy lecithin 大豆卵磷脂0.69Potassium phosphate dibasic 磷酸二氫鉀3.0Brewers yeast 啤酒酵母0.69Calcium phosph
47、ate monobasic 磷酸一鈣10.5Soybean meal 豆粕2.0Binder 粘和劑24.5Fish meal 魚粉2.0Krill hydrolysate 磷蝦水解產(chǎn)物45.3Whole wheat 小麥Clifford, 2002Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 2735% 35% protein grow-out feed for semi-intensive and protein grow-out feed for semi-intensive and intensive culture of intensive culture of vannam
48、ei vannamei 精養(yǎng)和半精養(yǎng)系統(tǒng)中,精養(yǎng)和半精養(yǎng)系統(tǒng)中, 35%35%蛋白的南美白對蝦高效成長飼料蛋白的南美白對蝦高效成長飼料0.2Choline chloride 氯化膽堿7.0Wheat middlings 次粉1.0Lecithin 卵磷脂8.0Shrimp meal 蝦粉1.0Tuna oil 金槍魚油10.0Wheat flour 小麥面粉1.5Dicalcium phosphate 磷酸二氫鈣 14.0Ground corn 玉米(破碎)2.0Vitamin mineral premix 維生素礦物質(zhì)預(yù)混料15.0Corn gluten meal 玉米粕2.0Brewers
49、 yeast 啤酒酵母16.0Soybean meal 豆粕4.0Menhaden (fish) meal 曼哈頓魚粉18.0Herring (fish) meal 青魚粉Clifford, 2002Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 28Composite %BW feeding curve ( 30Composite %BW feeding curve ( 30C) compiled from major C) compiled from major feed manufacturers in the Americas feed manufacturers in the
50、Americas 3030C C時投飼量指南(綜合美洲主要飼料生產(chǎn)商的數(shù)據(jù)而得)時投飼量指南(綜合美洲主要飼料生產(chǎn)商的數(shù)據(jù)而得)1.9243.0122.0233.1112.0223.3102.1213.592.1203.882.2194.172.3184.462.4175.352.5166.142.6157.332.7149.522.81313.91% BW / daySize (g)% BW / daySize (g)Clifford, 2002Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 29v“Peruvian method”: 15-25 trays/ha; 100% of f
51、eed on trays; check all trays; measures actual consumption; labor-intensive; not commonvIndicator method: 1-2 trays/ha.; sub-sampling; estimate consumption; low labor; most popularFeeding tray strategiesFeeding tray strategies投飼盤策略投飼盤策略Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 30Checking feedChecking feed trays tr
52、ays 檢查投料盤檢查投料盤Clifford, 2002Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 31Peruvian feed tray method Peruvian feed tray method 秘魯投料盤方法秘魯投料盤方法Clifford, 2002Vitamins J. Gabaudan,VMA # 32vDeploy 25-30 trays per ha. for 25 shrimp/m; add one tray/ha for each additional shrimp/m. This is equivalent to 10,000 shrimp/tray.vTrays placed 20 m apart, 5-10 m from dike; position changed after each harvest.vWeeks 1-2 of
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