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1、General Virology Li AiyingCollege of Life SciencesCentral China Normal University (2011)Tel:mail: ReferencesReferences1. 普通病毒學普通病毒學,謝天恩,胡志紅謝天恩,胡志紅 主編,主編,2002,科,科學出版社。學出版社。2. Basic Virology, 2nd editionEdward K. Wagner and Martinez J. Hewlett, 2004, Blackwell publishing.3 分子病毒學原理分子病毒學原理(

2、第第4版版)(附光盤附光盤)作者作者:(美美)卡恩,科學出版社,卡恩,科學出版社,2006年年4 分子病毒學分子病毒學黃文林,人民衛(wèi)生出版社,黃文林,人民衛(wèi)生出版社,2006年年ContentsChapter I IntroductionChapter II The taxonomy of virusChapter III Morphology and structure of virusChapter IV Replication of VirusChapter V Virus and New Epdemical Infectious DiseasesChaper VI Host immun

3、e repsonse to viral infectionChaper VII Virus and Tumor formationChapter VIII Subvirus 1 病毒學概論,2 病毒分類,3 病毒形態(tài)與結構,4 病毒復制,5 病毒與流行傳染病,6 病毒感染與免疫,7 病毒與腫瘤,8 亞病毒Detailed arrangement for this course: Middle-Term Seminar: Group contribution to one presentation for research advance on one important virus Final

4、-Term Test: One of two possible ways 1 2-hour test in the classroom 2 A small review paperSome brief background materials in Chinese for better understanding before introduction of every chapter A vocabulary and key points for each chapter Detained Introduction of knowledge about virologyChapter I I

5、ntroduction1.1 Concept and basic properties of Virus 1.2 History of viology 1.3 Trends of virological study病毒與其它微生物的區(qū)別 敏 感 性 微 生 物種 類 結 構 在 無 活 細胞 的 培 養(yǎng)基 中 生 長 二 等 分 裂繁 殖 核 酸 類 型 核 糖 體 抗 生 素 干 擾 素 細 菌 原 核 細 胞 型 + + D N A , R N A + + - 支 原 體 原 核 細 胞 型 + + D N A , R N A + + - 立 克 次 體 原 核 細 胞 型 - + D N

6、 A , R N A + + - 衣 原 體 原 核 細 胞 型 - + D N A , R N A + + - 螺 旋 體 原 核 細 胞 型 -( + ) + D N A , R N A + + - 真 菌 真 核 細 胞 型 + 出 芽 、 產 生 孢 子 D N A , R N A + - - 病 毒 非 細 胞 型 - - D N A或 R N A - - + 病毒和一般微生物的區(qū)別病毒和一般微生物的區(qū)別【Background in Chinese】病毒是一種嚴格寄生無細胞形態(tài)的特殊的最小生命體,僅由蛋白質和一種核酸組成,對抗生素不敏感Some important terms in

7、microorganism1 Fungus 真菌2 Protozoa 原生動物3 Spirochaeta 螺旋體4 Bacteria 細菌5 Rickettsia 立克次氏體6 Chlamydia 衣原體7 Mycoplasm 支原體8 Virus 病毒可過細菌過濾器屬于細菌范疇細細菌菌寄寄生生noncellularprokaryoticeukaryotic歷史的歷史的“文明殺手文明殺手”天花天花(1)很早就有記錄)很早就有記錄年前年前人類就有了天花這種急性傳染病,痘瘡,古代中國、印度和埃及都有相關記錄。比如科學家從木乃伊考證出,公元前年統(tǒng)治埃及的法老拉美西斯頭部就有天花疤痕公元前年統(tǒng)治埃及的

8、法老拉美西斯頭部就有天花疤痕。大約到了世紀,歐洲也出現(xiàn)了天花,世紀初,歐洲殖民者又把它帶到了美洲大陸。、世紀天花在西半球肆虐,當時歐洲的天花病死率為,而美洲高達。(2)有致命危害)有致命危害歷史記載歷史記載認為,天花曾至少造成億人死亡天花曾至少造成億人死亡,另外億人失明或留下終生疤痕。 天花由病毒引起,表現(xiàn)為高燒、渾身乏力、惡心嘔吐和嚴重皮疹,無藥可治。對天花瘟疫造成的可怕結果,一個目睹西班牙殖民者征服阿茲特克帝國(位于墨西哥)過程的傳教士描述:“在一些地方滿門皆絕。死者太多,以至無法全部掩埋;而臭氣漫天,只好推倒死者房屋以作墳墓?!痹谑兰o初,人口萬、創(chuàng)造印第安民族輝煌文明之一的阿茲特克帝國沒

9、有被不足千人的西班牙軍隊擊敗,卻在天花流行過后消失了。 (3)防治)防治 對這種致命疾病的防治,中國古代中醫(yī)邁出了第一步,成為世界免疫學的先驅中國古代中醫(yī)邁出了第一步,成為世界免疫學的先驅。據史料記載,早在世紀的宋朝時中醫(yī)就開始應用“人痘”接種預防天花,其方法是將痊愈后的天花患者身上的痂皮,研成粉末,吹進健康兒童的鼻子里,用來簡單預防天花。 世紀的英國鄉(xiāng)村醫(yī)生愛德愛德華華琴納琴納可能從古代中國的做法中得到啟發(fā),他進一步發(fā)現(xiàn),英國鄉(xiāng)村一些擠奶工的手上常常有牛痘,而有牛痘者全都沒有患上天花。年,他為一名歲男孩接種了牛痘牛痘,此后這個男孩再沒有患過天花。這也是人類通過有意識預防接種來控制傳染病的首次

10、科學實驗。在更多成功的試驗后,琴納發(fā)表了題為接種牛痘的理由和效果探討的論文。到年,接種牛痘的技術接種牛痘的技術已經在歐洲許多國家推廣開來。 到年,患天花的人數已經降低到多萬,同年世界衛(wèi)生組織發(fā)起了推廣接種、消滅天花的運動。最后一個自然發(fā)生的天花病例發(fā)現(xiàn)于年的索馬里,而最后一個天花病例的發(fā)現(xiàn)是在年。年,世界衛(wèi)生組織宣布天花徹底消滅。如今,天花病毒樣本封存在于美國和俄羅斯保留的幾個試管里?!綛ackground in Chinese】http:/ 除脊髓前角最顯著外,尚可波及脊髓整個灰質,后角和背根神經節(jié)。病變以頸段和腰段受損較劇 小兒麻痹癥小兒麻痹癥 http:/ in Chinese】目前可通

11、過嬰兒期口服脊髓灰質炎疫苗達來預防小兒麻痹癥Vocabularyvariola: vrail 醫(yī)醫(yī) Smallpox 天花天花, 痘癥痘癥Polio 脊髓灰質炎脊髓灰質炎Tulip breaking virus 郁金香碎色花葉病毒郁金香碎色花葉病毒Virology 病毒學病毒學 virus 病毒病毒Variolation: 人痘接種術人痘接種術virulent strains: 烈性株烈性株Vaccination:免疫,疫苗接種:免疫,疫苗接種Replicate: 復制復制 virus infection: 病毒感染病毒感染 prokaryotic, eukaryotic 原核原核 真核真核R

12、etro-transcriptase 逆轉錄病毒逆轉錄病毒Noncellular 非細胞非細胞intracellular obligatory parasites: 嚴格胞內寄生嚴格胞內寄生ceramic bacteria filters:陶瓷細菌過濾器陶瓷細菌過濾器 bacteriophage: 噬菌體噬菌體tobacco mosaic virus: 煙草花葉病毒煙草花葉病毒Chapter I IntroductionI-1 Concept and basic properties of Virus I-1.1. The discovery of viruse diseaseI-1.2. T

13、he first “vaccines”I-1.3. What is virus?病毒疾病的發(fā)現(xiàn)最早“疫苗”什么是病毒I-1.1 Human Virus Disease -SmallpoxThe characteristic pocks produced by variola (smallpox) virus gave their name to all forms of infectious disease: a dose of the pox. first appeared in China and the Far East at least 2000 years ago.The Phara

14、oh Ramses V died of smallpox in 1157 B.C.reached Europe in 710 A.D. and was transferred to America by Hernando Cortez in 1520.3,500,000 Aztecs died in the next 2 years.has now been eradicated.The last naturally occurring outbreak was in Somalia on 26th October 1977. Chapter 1I-1.1 Human Virus Diseas

15、e - Polio 1 Poliovirus spreads from person to person.2 Its victims often are young children. But adults also get polio.Many people are infected without knowing it. They may have just a higher than normal body temperature and pain in the throat. 3But polio sometimes attacks the central nervous system

16、. In just hours, polio patients may not be able to stand or walk. And, some die. An Egyptian stele or stone tablet(1580-1350 B.C.)Chapter 1明清記載:小兒驚癱傳播:人類是脊髓灰質炎病毒唯一的傳染源 We have to know2 Natural virus might spread Some viruses could infect human with high lethal rateEbola virus: 50-90%3 Chimeric virus

17、 as new biological weapons might be createdI-1.1 Plant Virus Disease - Tulip breaking In 1576, Carolus Clusius firstdescribed flower colorbreakingin tulip, caused byTulip breaking virusA painting by Nicolas Robert in Netherland,1619Chapter 1 I-1.2 VariolationMore than a thousand years ago, there are

18、 records of Chinese medicine men carrying out a practice known as variolation (named after smallpox, or variola, virus). This involved taking the dried scabs from smallpox victims, grinding them to a powder and blowing them up the victims . patients nose. virulent strains (bad news:25-30% death rate

19、) and less virulent strains Chapter 1variolation.人痘接種術 ,用輕型天花患者膿瘡內的物質給健康人注射使產生免疫的方法I-1.2 Spreading of VariolationChapter 11 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu was a prominent member of society, noted beauty and the wife of the British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire奧斯曼帝國. In 1715, she contacted smallpox &am

20、p; suffered severe facial scarring and loss of her eyelashes (!)2 In 1718, while living in Turkey, she had her 6 year old son variolated, despite the violent opposition of the British Embassy staff in Constantinople. This act did much to publicize the practice of variolation after her return to Brit

21、ian.3 In 1721, a smallpox epidemic broke out in Britian and Lady Mary was instrumental in getting several children of the aristocracy variolated, which came to the attention of the College of Physicians.4 At the same time in colonial America, trials of variolation were being carried out in Boston by

22、 the Reverend Cotton Mather.5 However, as in Britian, these experiments met with disapproval from the heirachy of the medical profession, but nevertheless continued君士坦丁堡 階層 I-1.2 Vaccination by JennerOn 14th May 1796, English doctor Edward Jenner vaccinated an 8 year old boy, James Phipps, with mate

23、rial from a cowpox lesion on the hand of a milkmaid, Sarah Nelmes.James, who had never had smallpox, developed a small lesion at the site of vaccination which healed in 2 weeks. On 1st July 1796, Jenner challenged the boy by deliberately inoculating him with material from a real case of smallpox !Ja

24、mes did not become infected finally! Chapter 1Vaccination:牛痘接種I-1.2 Vaccination Became Popular Because the benefits were obvious. Because Jenner spent the rest of his life promoting the benefits of vaccination worldwide, Jenners friends built a rustic hut in the garden of his house called The Temple

25、 of Vaccinia where he vaccinated the local poor, free of charge. By the time Jenner died on 25th January 1823, vaccination was accepted and widely practiced throughout much of the world, including the United States and the British Empire. So the problem was solved then?Not entirely. Smallpox continu

26、ed to be imported into these regions from other parts of the world: In 1972, an outbreak occurred in Yugoslavia, started by an immigrant from Iran, which resulted in 175 cases and 35 deaths. Chapter 1南斯拉夫 Smallpox as a disease has been eradicated! I-1.2 Eradication of SmallpoxIn 1958, the W.H.O. pro

27、posed a worldwide eradication campaign, but this did not really get under way until 1965.Smallpox vaccination was greatly helped by the development of the bifurcated needle in 1968, making administration of the vaccine simpler and more effective.The last naturally occurring case of smallpox occurred

28、 on 26th October, 1977.On 9th December 1979, the W.H.O. officially declared smallpox to be completely eradicatedChapter 1分叉針頭 I-1.2 Existing Smallpox Stocks in the Lab In April 1999, the Clinton Administration decided to retain existing smallpox stocks at the Centers for Disease Control and Preventi

29、on in Atlanta as essential to the development of new antiviral drugs against smallpox and novel vaccines. Chapter 1I-1.3. What is Virus?Viruses are infectious agents withsubmicroscopic particles, containingone type of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA)encapsidated in a protein coat (and alipid envelope), rep

30、licate only insideliving cells (intracellular obligatoryparasites), and may induce diseases.Chapter 1I-1.3 The Nature of Viruses submicroscopic, noncellular entities range between 15-200 nm intracellular obligatory parasites replicate only in living host cells contain only one type of nucleic acid (

31、RNA or DNA)Chapter 1lack the genetic information necessary for the generation of metabolic energyvirus particles themselves do not grow or under divisionvirus particles are produced from the assembly of components synthesized in host cellCultivation of bacteria-virus(phage)(on agar-medium)As hosts g

32、rows on agar medium, the lysis of host by virus infection leads to the formation of plaque (宿主細菌生長的固體瓊脂平板上,噬菌體可裂解細菌而形成透明的空斑,稱噬菌體斑 )Viral cultivation in liquid broth1) Cell culture: primary culture 原代培養(yǎng) cell passage 細胞傳代 cell line 細胞系2) Virus inoculation: 3) Observation under microscopic4 Harvest vir

33、us by centrifugeI-2 The History of Virology1.Experience period:First record of Virus: virus infection in Memphis, the capital of ancient Egypt in 3700 BCAristotle recorded “mad dog” 2. Discovery of Virus 1892, Dimitri Iwanowski showed that extracts from diseased tobacco plants could transmit disease

34、 to other plants after passage through ceramic filters fine enough to retain the smallest bacteria. 1898, Martin Beijerinick confirmed and extended above results on tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), which he referred “soluble living germ” as “virus”( poison in Latin) (first modern concept of virus), Meanw

35、hile, Freidrich Loeffer and Paul Frosch showed a similar agent responsible for the foot-and-mouth disease in cattle. 1915 Frederick Twort and Felix dHerelle(1917) were first to recognize virus that infect bacteria, which was called as bacteriophageChapter 1I-2 The History of Virology3. Discovery of

36、the nature of viruses1935s, American Wendell M Stanley declared that crystallized protein extracted TMV could infect new plants-virus is a protein, 1946 Nobel Prize1936, English Bawden and Pirie published TMV is nucleoproteinSubsequently , more biologists and chemists confirmed the nature of virus:

37、consisting protein and nucleic acid (DNA or RNA)Chapter 1TEM4. Modern period: Interaction between viruses and host cells New important results: a Temperate virus b. Gene transmission between hosts by virus c. Molecule Mechanism of replication, transcription and translation of virus nucleus acid d.Re

38、tro-transcriptase - from RNA to DNA e. “prion”-only protein f. “ viroid”-only RNA I-2 The History of VirologyChapter 1 I-3 Major Groups of Viruses 1) Viruses are generally classified by the organisms ( animals, plants, or bacteria) they infect. 動物病毒,植物病毒,噬菌體 2)Two groups: 1.Viruses infecting prokary

39、otic cells bacteria, Algae, Rickettsia, Mycoplasma 2.Viruses infecting eukaryotic cellsChapter 1感染原核生物的病毒感染真核生物的病毒一般根據宿主不同分為:Science that studies on the types, composition, morphology, structure, replication of virus as well as the relationship with other organisms etc.Importance: 1 model for study

40、on life mechanism2 prevention of virus disease3 development of virus as tools for research I-4 Virology病毒學是以地球上最微小的非細胞生物病毒為研究對象的一門科學,作為地球生物圈中的一類生物因子,人類對病毒的本質及其生命規(guī)律的認識,業(yè)已經歷了一個世紀,病毒學獲得了巨大的發(fā)展,現(xiàn)已成為生命科學領域中一門重要的分支學科。病毒學研究的內容涉及病毒的類型、成分、結構、新陳代謝、生長繁殖、遺傳、進化、分布等生命活動的各個方面,以及病毒與其他生物和環(huán)境的相互關系等。病毒學研究與生命科學及生物技術密切相關,

41、因為病毒是研究生命活動最簡單的模型,為近代研究生物大分子結構及其功能、基因組高效表達與調控提供了有力工具,在人類認識生命現(xiàn)象的過程中提供了許多基本的信息。同時,病毒一方面能夠引起動物、植物及人類各種疾病,如艾滋病,對人類的生存至今仍是巨大的威脅;另一方面,它又可被用來消除害蟲、用作外源基因的表達載體,可以為人類所利用。病毒學涉及醫(yī)學、獸醫(yī)、環(huán)境、農業(yè)及工業(yè)等廣闊領域,相應發(fā)展成噬菌體學、醫(yī)學病毒學、獸醫(yī)病毒學、環(huán)境病毒學、植物病毒學及昆蟲病毒學等分支學科。病毒學已成為人們認識生命本質,發(fā)展國民經濟和保證人畜健康而必須深入研究的重點學科。Chapter 1I-5 Trends of Virology 1.Control of poliovirus 1988, the W.H.O. officially proposed poliovirus to be completely eradicated in 2000 world-widely Strategy: 1. Give all Infants Triv


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