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1、QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN1 市場調研問卷設計市場調研問卷設計QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN2Logical Steps to Develop a Good QuestionnaireFPlan what to measure計劃好測量什么計劃好測量什么FFormulate questions to obtain the needed information擬定為獲取所需要信息而要提的問題擬定為獲取所需要信息而要提的問題FDecide on the order and wording of questions and the layout of the question

2、naire決定問題的順序和措辭,決定決定問題的順序和措辭,決定問卷布局問卷布局FUsing a sample, test the questionnaire for omissions and ambiguity試訪(剔除太長和含糊的)試訪(剔除太長和含糊的)FCorrect the problems (pretest again, if necessary)最后最后的修改的修改QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN3問卷設計中的普通問題問卷設計中的普通問題題目順序不合理題目順序不合理容易引起被訪者理解上的歧義容易引起被訪者理解上的歧義題目措詞差題目措詞差問卷太長問卷太長沒有給出完整的選項等

3、沒有給出完整的選項等QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN4QR DesignPlanning What to Measure計劃好測量什么計劃好測量什么FSpecify research objectives and information to be collected 研究目的和要收集的信息研究目的和要收集的信息FRelevance of the studyTranslating Research Objectives Into Information Requirements將研究目的轉換成所需的信息將研究目的轉換成所需的信息QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN5Formatti

4、ng the QuestionFDecision to be made regarding the degree of freedom to be given to the respondents in answering the questionsAlternatives 選擇的方法選擇的方法FOpen ended with no classification沒有任何答復類別的沒有任何答復類別的開放題問題開放題問題FOpen ended where the interviewer uses precoded classifications to record the response開放題問

5、題,訪開放題問題,訪問員可以使用預先編碼分類的答案記錄(半開放題)問員可以使用預先編碼分類的答案記錄(半開放題)FClose ended or structured format in which a question or a supplementary card presents the responses to be considered封閉式題封閉式題QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN6Open Ended QuestionsOpen Ended Questions Are Good for the Following Circumstances以下情況適合用開放題以下情況適合用

6、開放題F When there are too many responses to be listed, or they cant be foreseen 答案多,無法羅列,或不可預見答案多,無法羅列,或不可預見F When verbatim responses are desired to give the flavor of peoples answers or to cite examples 需要逐字逐句記下被訪需要逐字逐句記下被訪者的答復以便充分了解人們的回答,或者報告里要引用被訪者的者的答復以便充分了解人們的回答,或者報告里要引用被訪者的語言語言QUESTIONNAIRE DESI

7、GN7Open Ended Questions (Contd.)Advantages優(yōu)點優(yōu)點FWide range of responses回答廣泛回答廣泛FResponses obtained without any influence答案不受任何影響答案不受任何影響FFree choices自由選擇自由選擇Disadvantages缺點缺點FArticulateness of the respondent in personal interview表述帶有表述帶有連接詞連接詞FRespondents may neglect to state the obvious answers答案不明答

8、案不明確確FInvolves subjective judgments during summarization and are prone to error在總結時可能會引起主觀判斷錯誤在總結時可能會引起主觀判斷錯誤FDifficult to train and enforce interviewers uniformity in questioning, probing and recording培訓訪問員提問,追問,記錄培訓訪問員提問,追問,記錄的難度高的難度高FResponses require longer time to process because of coding編編碼耗時

9、碼耗時QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN8Closed-end QuestionsThere Are Two Basic Formats for Closed Ended or Structured Questions封閉題目的封閉題目的2種種基本格式基本格式FChoice from a list of responses從列舉的選項中從列舉的選項中選擇選擇FAppropriate single-choice rating on a scale在在量表范圍中選擇一個適合的量表范圍中選擇一個適合的QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN9封閉題封閉題/半封閉題半封閉題QUESTIONNAI

10、RE DESIGN10Closed-end Questions (Contd.)Advantages優(yōu)點優(yōu)點FEasier to answer容易回答容易回答FRequire less effort by the interviewer訪問員操作輕松訪問員操作輕松FTabulation and analysis is easier容易處理數據和分析容易處理數據和分析FLess potential error in the way the question is asked and the way it is recorded不容易出錯不容易出錯FThe responses are direct

11、ly comparable from respondent to respondent被訪者間的答案可直接比較被訪者間的答案可直接比較QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN11Closed-end Questions (Contd.)Limitations of Closed Response Questions缺點缺點F Disagreement among researchers on the type of responses that should be listed不論是否認同的意見都要不論是否認同的意見都要羅列出來羅列出來F The answer to a closed resp

12、onse question will be received no matter how relevant or irrelevant the question is in that context無論如何都要取得答案無論如何都要取得答案F May not produce meaningful results可能產生沒有意義可能產生沒有意義的答案的答案QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN12Closed-end Questions (Contd.)Limitations of Closed Response Questions (Contd.)缺點缺點F Good questions ar

13、e hard to develop好的問題不容易設好的問題不容易設計計F Provides fewer opportunities of self expression沒有太沒有太多自我表達的機會多自我表達的機會F The list of alternative responses provides answers that might have not been considered by the respondent who are reluctant to admit ignorance, and thereby selecting a “reasonable” response 因此,

14、如果被調查者因此,如果被調查者既有難以抉擇的心理,也有可能對情況不了解,就應該提既有難以抉擇的心理,也有可能對情況不了解,就應該提供中立答案和供中立答案和“不知道不知道”QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN13WORDING IN QUESTIONNAIRECare Has to Be Taken That人性化考慮人性化考慮F Is the vocabulary simple, direct, and familiar to all respondents?言語簡潔,直接,通俗言語簡潔,直接,通俗F Do any words have vague or ambiguous meaning

15、s?是否有是否有模糊的意思模糊的意思F Are any questions “ double-barreled”?一題多義一題多義F Are any questions leading or loaded?誘導或者壓力給被訪者誘導或者壓力給被訪者F Are the instructions potentially confusing?指引混亂指引混亂F Is the question applicable to all respondents?是否適合所有是否適合所有被訪者被訪者F Are the questions of appropriate length?問題長度適合問題長度適合QUES

16、TIONNAIRE DESIGN14CHOICE OF WORDSFUse common/simple words that consumers are familiar with使用消費者熟悉的語言使用消費者熟悉的語言 Complicated words can make consumers feel stupid and/or lead to misunderstanding of the question.F ie. 技術味很濃的專業(yè)術語技術味很濃的專業(yè)術語QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN15FHow many pieces of white clothes did you wa

17、sh the last time you did the laundry?FHow many pieces of coloreds did you wash the last time you did the laundry?FSo, how many pieces of clothes in total did you wash the last time you did the laundry?FNever ask consumers to do mathF千萬不要讓消費者做算術題千萬不要讓消費者做算術題CHOICE OF WORDSQUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN16FTo te

18、st the products, I would appreciate it if you - and only you- would use them for me since it is only your opinion in which I am interested.FUse neutral/unbiased words使用中性使用中性/無歧義的措詞無歧義的措詞 For example, the word “test” is biasing. It can be a scary word to respondents - This product may not be safe. W

19、hats wrong with it?白老鼠?白老鼠?F“專家委員會建議道,專家委員會建議道,你對此表示贊成還是反對?你對此表示贊成還是反對?”F“難道你不同意?難道你不同意?”CHOICE OF WORDSQUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN17FWhen interviewing professionals, avoid oversimplification訪問專業(yè)人士訪問專業(yè)人士時,不要太簡單口語化時,不要太簡單口語化FBe consistent in terminology保持術保持術語的一致性語的一致性CHOICE OF WORDSQUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN18PH

20、RASING OF QUESTIONS措詞措詞FHow many pieces of bubble gum did your eat last year?時間太長,容易忘記時間太長,容易忘記F Respondents can not possibly remember precisely how many pieces of bubble gum they eat last year. The answer to this question is likely to be very inaccurate.QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN19FAvoid very long questi

21、ons避免太長的問題避免太長的問題FIf it is too long and drawn out, youll “l(fā)ose” the respondent. Additionally, if the question contains multiple choice alternatives, the last alternative is more likely to be selected by the respondent如果是多項選擇,被訪者可能選擇最如果是多項選擇,被訪者可能選擇最后的幾個選項后的幾個選項PHRASING OF QUESTIONS措詞措詞QUESTIONNAIRE

22、DESIGN20At least once a weekOnce every 1 to 2 weeksOnce every 2 to 4 weeksOnce every 1 to 3 monthsOnce every 3 to 6 monthsOnce every 6 to 12 monthsOnce a year or less oftenNeverFMultiple choice questions should:- contain all alternatives包括多個選項包括多個選項- options must not overlap/must be mutually exclusi

23、ve選項不能重疊選項不能重疊QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN21Mutually exclusive choices:Once a week or more oftenOnce every 2 to 3 weeksOnce a month/every 4 weeksOnce every 2 to 3 monthsOnce every 4 to 6 monthsOnce or twice a yearLess often than once a yearNeverQUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN22“Do you think protein and vitamin are goo

24、d for your health, or not?”“Do the sales offer you a test driving and give you enough time on purchase decision making?”FDouble - barreled questions should be rephrased into separate questions一題多義應拆分為兩題一題多義應拆分為兩題PHRASING OF QUESTIONS措詞措詞QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN23PHRASING OF QUESTIONS Would you not say B

25、igbabol is better than Tata piece?FDont lead the witness!不要誘導不要誘導FClearly, this question suggests the answer or reveals the interviewers opinion.QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN24PHRASING OF QUESTIONSFRespondents choices must also be collectively exhaustive. 選項完整選項完整 Give respondents all possible choices!Collec

26、tively exhaustive choices:None1 -2 times3 - 4 times5 -6 times7 or more timesQUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN25F Should we raise prices to maintain the quality of produce, or should we keep them about the same? FDo not leave out certain alternatives.提提問中不要設一定的選項問中不要設一定的選項FDo not justify and/or endorse one or mor

27、e alternatives PHRASING OF QUESTIONSQUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN26FAttributes for rating should:- be expressed in the positive (even negative attributes)功能句子表述應該是正向的功能句子表述應該是正向的eg: cap is easy to open/not difficult to open- not be expressed in comparative mode不要設不要設沒有參照物的比較方式沒有參照物的比較方式eg: the copy is better

28、, price is cheaperPHRASING OF QUESTIONSQUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN27PHRASING OF QUESTIONSFOpening questions should be easy and non-threatening. 開放題容易和無威脅的開放題容易和無威脅的 Establishes rapport with respondent.Sensitive and difficult questions might result in respondent ending the interview.QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN28Co

29、mmon principles for ALL points on ALL scalesF Complete list of answers完整選項完整選項F Choices must be unique/not overlap答案單一,無重疊答案單一,無重疊F Meaningful discriminations/ distinctions between points/within context界點間可判別,有意義界點間可判別,有意義F Points must be understood界點可理解界點可理解SCALES量表量表QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN29SCALESFAn

30、other way to look at scale differences:Balanced:平衡平衡Unbalanced:不平衡不平衡Purchase Intent購買意向Liking scale喜歡程度Price Value Scale物有所值 New and different scale 與眾不同FBalanced:平衡平衡Balanced in wording/words/intent措詞平衡措詞平衡Distance between points same/equal界點等距界點等距FUnbalanced:不平衡不平衡Encourages those who would not o

31、rdinarily choose to select one of the mild alternatives鼓勵那些不習慣給出傾向的人們作出選擇鼓勵那些不習慣給出傾向的人們作出選擇QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN30SCALESFThere are times when you will purposely use an unbalanced scale.Unbalanced: Balanced:Excellent Very goodVery good Good Good FairFair PoorPoor Very poorQUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN31FUnders

32、tand the implication of odd Vs. even numbers of choices奇偶數選項的含義奇偶數選項的含義 FA scale with an odd number of choices allows for a neutral option. An even numbered scale forces “fence sitters” to take a stand奇數項允許中立,但奇數項允許中立,但偶數項則必須作出傾向選擇偶數項則必須作出傾向選擇Odd:Even:Strongly AgreeStrongly AgreeAgreeAgreeNeutralDis

33、agreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeStrongly DisagreeSCALESQUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN32FWhen designing scales, consider carefully the number of scale points. 認真考慮量表的數量認真考慮量表的數量 FIf its a phone recall, the shorter the better. Long scales are hard to read and harder still for the respondent to remember.電話訪問,越少選項越

34、好電話訪問,越少選項越好FNumeric scales (such as the HPT 9 point - +4 to -4 scale) can accommodate more choices.數字量表適合數字量表適合更多選擇更多選擇FWith word scales, try not to exceed 7 choices.文字量文字量表,不要超過表,不要超過7個選項個選項FAsk yourself - are you making meaningful distinctions?SCALESQUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN33例例1 1:請問您在過去的三個月內,有沒有去過超市

35、購物呢?:請問您在過去的三個月內,有沒有去過超市購物呢?有有11沒有沒有22這種選項是量表嗎?這種選項是量表嗎?例例2 2:當您選擇冰箱時,請將下列性能按重要性順序填上:當您選擇冰箱時,請將下列性能按重要性順序填上1-61-6_經久耐用經久耐用 _無噪聲無噪聲 _省電省電_價格便宜價格便宜 _容量大容量大 _名牌名牌QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN34FQ&AQ&A,以下屬于哪類量表?,以下屬于哪類量表?例例1 1:非常好/很好/好/一般/不好例例2 2:完全同意/有點同意/即不是同意也不是不同意/有點不同意/完全不同意例例3 3:適合 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

36、 2 1 不適合F Q&AQ&A,以下題目的量表通常是什么形式的?,以下題目的量表通常是什么形式的? 例:您的家庭平均每個月收入是例:您的家庭平均每個月收入是_元人民幣。元人民幣。QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN35QUESTION SEQUENCE題目順序題目順序FSequence must address the intent/ purpose of study順序符合研究的目的順序符合研究的目的FOpen with an easy and non threatening question開始開始題目應該容易和不敏感的題目應該容易和不敏感的FThe question

37、naire should flow smoothly and logically from one topic to the next題目間過渡要流暢題目間過渡要流暢FProceed from broad general questions to the more specific先廣泛問題,再到具體問題先廣泛問題,再到具體問題QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN36QUESTION SEQUENCEExample: Standard Product test questioning標準標準的產品口味測試題目的產品口味測試題目Overall Rating (why the first qu

38、estion?)Likes and DislikesAttribute RatingsDirect Questions about the productBackground questionsFUse the funnel approach when ordering questions- General to Specific QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN37QUESTION SEQUENCE購買興趣問題之前提問的問題購買興趣問題之前提問的問題“非常感興趣非常感興趣”的比例的比例 (%)1. 沒有問任何問題沒有問任何問題2.82. 只問了產品優(yōu)點只問了產品優(yōu)點16.73. 只問

39、了產品的缺點只問了產品的缺點0.04. 優(yōu)缺點都問了優(yōu)缺點都問了5.7Data Source:Edwin J. Gross, “The Effect of Question Sequence on Measures of Buying Interest”QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN38QUESTION SEQUENCEFOrder questions from most important to least important最重要最重要在先,次要的在后在先,次要的在后FBecause some respondents will end the interview before c

40、ompleting, you want to be sure that you have gathered the most important information.QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN39FDemographic questions should be at the end of the interview, except when required for screening. 背景資料放后,除非是甄別部分需背景資料放后,除非是甄別部分需要要 These are sensitive for some respondents to answer.QUESTION SE

41、QUENCEQUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN40QUESTION SEQUENCEFComplete all questions on a topic before moving to a new topic完成完成一個主題(部分)的所有問題后才到一個主題(部分)的所有問題后才到下一主題(部分)下一主題(部分)QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN41QUESTION SEQUENCEFOn Product tests, ask dislikes before likes.產品測試,先產品測試,先問不喜歡,再問喜歡問不喜歡,再問喜歡There are several reasons

42、for this: 1) In minimizing risk, the most important thing is to identify the negatives of the product.減少風險減少風險2) Respondents are already positively pre-disposed - free product消費者對免費產品持肯定傾向消費者對免費產品持肯定傾向3)If you do not have something nice to say do not say anything at all產品沒有賣點,最好就不要提了產品沒有賣點,最好就不要提了4)

43、 If just said all positive things, might be hesitant to say anything negative.不能全說好的不能全說好的QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN42QUESTION SEQUENCEFIn P&Gs Product test, ask dislike first, but in Concept/Concept & Use tests, ask likes before dislikes.概念測試中,則次序相反概念測試中,則次序相反FWhy?QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN43QUESTION S

44、EQUENCEFTopics should be ordered logically. Use transitional statements to smooth out abrupt shifts in questioning.使用過使用過渡句渡句ie. When shifting to demographics.“The next few questions are used to divide the interviews into groups.”QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN44FBe conscious of order bias意識到順序引起的意識到順序引起的偏差偏差 Answers to a question can be affected dramatically by the questions that preceded it.當題答案可能受前面題目的影響明顯當題答案可能受前面題目的影響明顯 Consider rotating lists of attributes (from front to back or randomly) to r


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