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1、Dell XC超融合技術方案建議書DeltaV操作手冊編制修訂說明第1頁/共1頁編制部門發(fā)布日期編制人員版本第一次修訂修訂日期序早1修改條款修改理由頁腳內(nèi)容28目錄1系統(tǒng)結構介紹61.1 基礎系統(tǒng)結構圖61.2 擴展系統(tǒng)結構圖 71.3 系統(tǒng) Workstation類及作用 92硬件介紹102.1 硬件組成102.2 供電接線介紹112.3 兩寬電源/控制器底板 122.4 電源模塊132.5 CPU1塊142.6 冗余CP現(xiàn)置方式152.7 八寬IO底板152.8 八寬IO底板擴展方式 162.9 IO 端子172.10 AI模塊(待完善接線原理圖) 192.11 AO真塊(待完善接線原理圖

2、) 192.12 D模塊(待完善接線原理圖) 202.13 DO1塊(待完善接線原理圖) 202.14 用行接口模塊(待完善接線原理圖) 212.15 FF(基金會現(xiàn)場)總線接口模塊 212.16 ProfibusD的口模塊(暫無資料) 213軟件安裝223.1 計算機系統(tǒng)安裝(無安裝步驟資料) 223.2 軟件安裝(無安裝步驟資料) 224軟件應用224.1程序新建224.1事件/報警使能224.1歷史數(shù)據(jù)使能224.1診斷234.1添加用戶234.1數(shù)據(jù)備份234.1幫助文檔23234.1常見問題處理1系統(tǒng)結構介紹1.1 基礎系統(tǒng)結構圖I OBabd Cabk注:計算機需艾默生指定認證OE

3、ML型,并且依據(jù)軟件版本使用指定光盤采用恢復方式進行重裝冗余網(wǎng)絡,不可分配至同一網(wǎng)段。計算機IP地址需處于自動分配,依據(jù)編程自動分配IP進行自動更新。非Delta般備不可接入此冗余網(wǎng)絡。最小系統(tǒng)至少包含:Professional Plus Station臺,控制器1套1.2 擴展系統(tǒng)結構圖WarkslatiOn同flSysiem Power S叩pty.Control ler. and I O SubsystemLegend;Primary Control Network-Secondary Control NetworkSecondar Hub注:最大系統(tǒng)容量:最大節(jié)點(Workstatio

4、n/Controller : 120個(冗余節(jié)點按1個節(jié)點計)最大Workstation 65臺(任何類型工作站)Professional Plus Statio n下方簡稱主工程師站):1臺最大工程師站:10臺最大操作操作站:64臺最大應用站:20臺每臺主工程師站或操作站最多支持 15個遠程客戶機(局域網(wǎng)內(nèi))最大冗余/非冗余Controller 100個最大DST 30000 (license大小需購買)(硬件/軟件/功能塊,需專業(yè)工程預估)每個MX系列控制器最多支持1500個DST每個MQS列控制器最大支持750個DST高級單元管理DST 15000最大SCADA號:25000 (程序軟件

5、)一個控制器節(jié)點最多帶8個8槽底板(即64塊IO卡)一個控制器節(jié)點最大2個2寬電源/控制器底板(即雙CPU1件冗余)1.3系統(tǒng)Workstation類及作用Global Databatt Configuration Studio SuitePr>Rxkm*l Plu*X XPoff,玷onRA|ipllCMllvin StationO|wirWir SlilluiiX*Dau SlafkHiX-Operator InterfaceXXX*Excel Add-InX-X-X-X,X-Diagnostic*XX£TBatch Executive工.X'X'X'

6、;X'Batch HistcriansVNX'X-Batch Operator InterfaC'E工TX*、Recipe StudioXXX*X*OFC ServerXOPC MirrorTOPC SifTvn'叫 IM"VMta Acquisition SoftwareX'Calculations SoftwareKAMS1*XXX'TSnisirtg DwI&iIhi干eVAuto Tu neX'£X'TEvent ChranlcleXXXX'X*Continuous Hi«to

7、rkanXXx srXHistory ViewXXXT"-<AiM-in2硬件介紹2.1硬件組成2 Aide ngeHIK) Card8 Wde I/ODIN RaiB Contro lerIK) Term nai HlockMounting Screw注:冗余與非冗余結構可以混合使用,但冗余 IO必須為1&2槽1對冗余,3&4槽1對冗余,以此類推, 需采用IO冗余端子。2.2 供電接線介紹Bulk PaverGbulk Power Supply口jid 口口 口f口 ai j 口口 口?口8Mxi玉跟 IIO Carrier2用血Powcf.-Controll

8、er Carrieriysietn Pcwer Suppj.7AC/DC wDGDCPowtfQuibuiiiTjGrtiund注:兩寬電源/控制底板上方接地端子接入保護地八寬IO底板上方兩個電源端子均需接入電源,每個電源端子內(nèi)部并接電源模塊支持12VDC/24VDC/220V需隊,按需選型,電源模塊下方有 NO點報警功能2.3 兩寬電源/控制器底板Contrcller ConnectorThe 2-Wide Power/Controller Carrier supplies system power to the Controller, I/O Carrier and I/O interfa

9、ces. It als( provides communications connections between the components.latching Screws for G-RailGround ReferraiceScrew TerminalsRedundant PowerConnect ot"DC Reference Ground us ed only with an A 'DCPower SupplyLatching Screws for tRail2.4 電源模塊Power Supply Corwiectocto Po er 'Controfle

10、r Cam erLED &utus 15PQER <?5ris Good. NormalOFF is ErrorERROR,<?產(chǎn)FGNnmalV 密 Enw2.5 CPU1塊Pnmary ControlNetwork Connectioii 白©m Hub 、Sec0ndar-'Control , Neb* ork ConnectLOfi trom Hub,CdltroHef A15 C orme ctor to ide Pow er Centro Iler CarrierBottom ViewLnoi RED d/ q AcmpeGR£LXS

11、tandby GRLE; CkPri. CM iTLLO 0、Stc.CN _LEDs:ON = DC power appliedOFF = X。DC powerOFF = Konnai operationOX = Contraller ErrorON - Active Control式 ConfiguredFLASHING - Not ConfiguredON = 5 tandb>rCflntroUeT ConfiguredFLASHING = Not configuredFLASHING =,Xormal PntnaryC ontrol Xetvi'ork C mmunica

12、ticnOFF = Xo C ommunicationFLASHING - Ncimal Secondat-ControlNetwoik CommunicationOFF - Xo C0mmimi匚ation2.6 冗余CPU己置方式docPower SupplyfOTCotitrolleT andI;,0 fciterfa-cesPgwgr Supply forCctitroller andI O Inteifaces2.7 八寬IO底板尸匚中 口 口" GIG CBG 1 n G* G G .fifl口占口 31 D 口1 口 口 Oi 0 n* 口R 口 口上口Bussed F

13、ield Power Connections 24 ,DC: 120 VAC 250 VACConnector to additional I O Interfac e Canier or 2-Vhlde Po-er Controller CairieiCotmector to additional I O Interface C3Tri?rfl2.7八寬IO底板擴展方式Int eilink Ass embly2.8 IO端子I O Card Ccnciectors2 Ainp Fuse ptiondl) HHnBQaECKwwwi 123 4567 fi、I Card K.ejr;+J ?a

14、5iti'e() Ntsative I n_ HQEBQ000l : : :_:, l,二一r12 VDC =nAVwfmO rd Tw*«v HawnNmwFrr1,Hssarr!"£ VAC j=nA. Ch."iTI "ifTi -15 -EISt 七 M133.Mounting ScrewCotint ctors to I O TerminalBlockKeys to natch I O Terminal BlocksI/O Terminal Blocks are available in 13 typeS:僅作參考,可能更新)

15、Non-fused8 channelsFused8 channels4-wire8 channelsHigh Density Discrete 32 channelsSerial2-portH12-port10 Pin Mass Termination 8 channels16 Pin Mass Termination 8 channelsRTDThermocoupleI.S. 8 ChannelI.S. 16 Channel24 Pin Mass Termination 8 channels8 channels8 channels8 channels AI & AO4 channel

16、s DO16 channels DI2.8 AI模塊(待完善接線原理圖)ON - 12V powtr connection inuccOFf = 12V power connwzDon NOT INTACTOFF - normal and the I O Card is goodON = I O Card Fail w I O Card is u Communication Time-ou: Condinon.LEDs.PowwOError REDOk o 0 )0/ Channels b8O o Of oOX => 0.75mA detected OFf = < Q 5uA de

17、tectedConfigured.ON => 0.75mA detectedQFT = m 0.5oA detectedPmt -F-XFrrcr R -'")Channels LSLEDsFLASH =AD error HART comtrunjcanon errw, NAMUR sensor alarm2.9 AO真塊(待完善接線原理圖)ON = 12V pnwfT r0nnection mtactOFF = 12V power conr.eccon XOI INTACTOFF = normal xid the I O Card is goodOX = I O Ca

18、rd Fail orl O Card is m CnrnminiuaticmTime-out Cotiditioir. Each channel has a configurable fail-action-vahie.Cn-cjJif'igvrPiJ:OX = >lma current flowOFF = <.5ma currenr flowConf:gud:ON - > J ma current flowFLASH = Open loop or HART commjnic alien eror2.10 DI模塊(待完善接線原理圖)一Pow er >-Bror

19、 REDON - 12V power connection intactOFF = 12V power conuectioQ NOT INTACTOFF = nonnal and thel O Card is goodON I O Card Fail orl O Card is in Communication Time-out Condrion.Channels 1-8Un-configured:ON - Xbltae detec:wlOFT = Xo voltage detectedConfigured.OX-AcmOFF -LEDs2.11 DOg塊(待完善接線原理圖)PowerOErr

20、or REDON - 1.2V power connwtioii intactOFF - 12V power connection NOT INTACTOFF = normal and the I O Card is goodON » L。Card Fail orl O Card is in Communicatian Time-ouiCondition. Each channel h卵 i ccniiaablf fail-action-vatue.Un-confluned = OFFConfiinsd:LE 口 m(ON = ActiveOFF = Inactnx2.12 用行接口

21、模塊(待完善接線原理圖)ON - Powered and wlf tests are goodOFF - Normal ard the I O Card is goodOX = Failed and or nol communicating to the ccmtrotEr.OFF = Not enablKiFLASHING - Communications errorON - Good communicationiOFF = NotenabLedFLASHING = CcunmunicatiDns errorQN = Go3 coramunication注:2個端口 MODBUSRS232/485或2端口可編程2.13 FF(基金會現(xiàn)場)總線接口模塊OX = P.iwffpd and wlf f產(chǎn)小 are goodOFF = Xormal and 1 O Card 母 goodON - Failed and or not comnumcaing wdth the cantroller.Oht = No【wiabled or nor com


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