Fresh Off the Boat《初來乍到(2015)》第六季第十集完整中英文對照劇本_第1頁
Fresh Off the Boat《初來乍到(2015)》第六季第十集完整中英文對照劇本_第2頁
Fresh Off the Boat《初來乍到(2015)》第六季第十集完整中英文對照劇本_第3頁
Fresh Off the Boat《初來乍到(2015)》第六季第十集完整中英文對照劇本_第4頁
Fresh Off the Boat《初來乍到(2015)》第六季第十集完整中英文對照劇本_第5頁
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1、這是一年中最美好的時節(jié)Its the most wonderful time of the year孩子們搖著手中的鈴鐺With the kids jingle belling每個人都在祝你幸??鞓稟nd everyone telling you Be of good cheer晚上好哇 市長!Good evening, Mayor!小伙子們好哇!Hello, boys!你們戴高頂禮帽的樣子可真帥!You look dashing in your top hats.記得檢查你的褲鏈 年輕人Check your trouser flap, young man.靠 我拉鏈沒拉啊伙計們 真是謝謝啊I

2、 was wide open, guys. Thanks.這是一年中最最最最快樂的時節(jié)Its the hap-happiest season of all您看起來真美 市長Youre looking well, Mayor.謝謝你 屠夫Thank you, butcher.吃些火腿嗎?Care for some ham?不用了No ham for me.我已經(jīng)開心飽了Im already full with joy.嘿兩位 好漂亮的花環(huán)!Beautiful wreath, you two!比去年的品味好了不少啊Much less tacky than last year.我們在不斷學(xué)習(xí)嘛Wer

3、e learning.這次用的是花旗松Its a Douglas fir.你們漏了些垃圾沒掃哦 清道婦們You missed some trash, waste gatherers.好的 市長Yes, Mayor.這袋子都濕透了This bag is very wet.不論是恐怖的鬼故事Therell be scary ghost stories還是古早流傳下來的And tales of the glories圣誕傳說 都描述著這美好的節(jié)日Of Christmases long, long ago哇哦 杰西卡市長Ho ho ho, Mayor Jessica.聽說您正要給我們建一座新圖書館He

4、ard you were building us a new library.沒錯 老板圣誕老人You heard right, Lao Ban Santa.槲寄生四處高掛Therell be much mistletoeing每顆心都將綻放光芒When loved ones are near只要所愛之人就在身旁And hearts will be glowing這是一年中Its the most wonderful time最美好的時節(jié)Of the yeeeeeeeear呃 杰西卡?Uh, Jessica?噢 瞧瞧誰總算舍得從床上下來了Well, look who decided to fi

5、nally roll out of bed.現(xiàn)在是凌晨五點(diǎn)Its 5 in the morning.感恩節(jié)才剛過The day after Thanksgiving.我肚子里的火雞都沒消化完呢 你唱這歌也太早了吧?Im still more turkey than man. Can this wait until later?不行 杰西卡鎮(zhèn)已經(jīng)整裝待發(fā)No. Jessica Town is in full swing.圣誕季已經(jīng)正式開始The Christmas season has officially begun,沒時間磨蹭了and theres no time to waste.埃迪 你

6、睡褲襠那開著呢Eddie, your pajama flap is open.我曉得啊I know.初來乍到第6季 第10集感恩節(jié)的剩菜是最棒的Thanksgiving leftovers are the best.你們應(yīng)該嘗嘗我這個沾火雞肉汁的煎餅You guys should have tasted my pancakes with turkey gravy.- 為什么要. - 他就是個人形自走下水道- Why would. - Hes a human sewer.啊哦 我們社區(qū)公園為了迎接節(jié)假日要造一個溜冰場Ooh. Our community park is building an i

7、ce rink for the holidays.在佛羅里達(dá)溜冰. 活久見啊Ice skating in Florida. What an era.我們應(yīng)該一起去We should go together.自從生了這堆小崽子咱就再沒溜過冰了呢We havent gone since the boys were born.路易斯 現(xiàn)在是1999年Louis, its 1999.本世紀(jì)最后的一個圣誕節(jié).Its the last Christmas of the century.哦不 千年來的最后一個No, the millennium.必須要完美無缺才行It has to be perfect.我

8、會用一座令人驚嘆的豐碑來讓這個圣誕名垂青史.Im marking the occasion with a stunning monument.那就是在咱家草坪上建一間實(shí)物大小的姜餅屋A life-size gingerbread house on our lawn.來看看我做的樣板屋Take a look at my prototype.注意看那些完美無瑕的糖果拐杖做的排水溝Behold the flawless candy-cane gutters.雖然當(dāng)積滿落葉的時候清理起來肯定得煩死Although, theyll be a bitch to clean once the leaves

9、fall.杰西卡 你不用給自己攬活上身Jessica, instead of adding to your list of holiday tasks,你該卸下包袱了you should be subtracting.這樣的話整個十二月我們都別想見著你人了We lose you for the whole month of December.人們對我的圣誕安排可是有著很高的期待的Well, people expect a lot from me at Christmas.我要寄賀卡 要獨(dú)奏頌歌My cards, my caroling solos,還要滿足兒子們不同的圣誕愿望the boys

10、with their unique Christmas requests.嘿兒子們 你們今年圣誕想要什么?Hey, boys, what do you want for Christmas this year?代金卡Gift card.瞧見沒有?See?他們長大了以后想要的東西就很簡單了It gets simpler now that theyre getting older.我們?nèi)チ锉蒐ets go skating.要是我在冰場上受傷了怎么辦?What if I get hurt on the ice?要是有人突然朝我撞了過來把我弄骨折了呢?What if somebody slams i

11、nto me, breaking my bones?拜托 就你那身子骨? 堅強(qiáng)的很呢Come on. Your skeleton? Strong.不能冒這個風(fēng)險 不然我的活兒得讓誰干去?Cant risk it. Who would do all my work?那豈不是毀了我本可借此揚(yáng)名立萬The holiday perfection Ive become famous for的完美圣誕節(jié)would be ruined.我得走了Oh, I got to run.今天裝飾用的光片有大減價Tinsel goes on sale today,而且要是別人碰了 我就絕對不會買的and I refus

12、e to buy any thats already been touched.哦不 看那有只巨熊Oh, no. Look at that huge bear.快跑! 把三文魚扔了 然后.Quick! Drop the salmon and.再來一遍Ugh. Read me in again.蒼了個天Ugh.埃文 從河流的那一段臺詞開始Evan, go from your line about the river.別抱怨了 埃默里需要我們的幫助Stop whining. Emery needs our help.謝謝奶奶Thanks, Grandma.讓我們從其他地方入手再試一次Lets go

13、 find somewhere else to rehearse.家人永遠(yuǎn)是最重要的It should always be about the family.就像這劇本寫的 懷俄明之家Just like in this play, Wyoming Family.通過無限復(fù)讀臺詞來讓我們從中脫身Way to tank those lines so we could get out of this.機(jī)智啊Smart.走個過場而已嘛 這方面我可是行家Going through the motions. Thats my thing.嘿小伙子們Hey, guys.你們介意幫我藏一下給馬爾文的禮物嗎?D

14、o you mind hiding my Christmas gift for Marvin?他現(xiàn)在一門心思地找禮物All he does is snoop for presents,我覺得還是藏在這安全and Id feel better if I kept it here.當(dāng)然了蜜兒 你給他準(zhǔn)備了什么?Sure, Honey. Whatd you get him?就. 一個航海風(fēng)胡桃夾子Its. A maritime nutcracker.包含了三種他最愛的元素.It combines his three favorite things.小吃 海軍 還有木頭Snacks, the Navy

15、, and wood.我等會再過來給它包裝好Ill be back later to wrap it.謝啦Thank you.用這玩意兒絕對沒法把胡桃砸開Theres no way this dude can crack a nut.你想象不到杠桿的力量有多強(qiáng)Youd be surprised by the amount of force a lever can generate.這是物理常識Its physics.別說了你個書呆子Nerd, please.你不信我?Are you doubting me?以這個開心果舉例Take this pistachio.瞧見沒? 堅不可摧. 和咱媽那身

16、子骨一樣See? Formidable. Like Moms skeleton.現(xiàn)在 讓我們借一點(diǎn)杠桿的力量Now, lets add a lever to the equation.帥呆了Awesome.這就是杠桿Levers.讓我們試試更難弄碎的Lets go bigger.迷倒你了吧 那咱們現(xiàn)在可就無人能擋了Now youre talking. Theres no stoppin us now.我們玩過頭了We pushed him too far.它是個下巴破壞者It was the jawbreaker.丫的名副其實(shí)啊It says it right in the damn name

17、.放松點(diǎn)兄弟Relax, bro.我們在蜜兒發(fā)現(xiàn)之前再買一個就好了Well replace it before Honey finds out.這玩意兒能花多少錢呢?How much could it cost?由真正的德國人在德國手工制造Handmade in Germany by real Germans.這得要400美元呢!Its $400!為啥德國的東西老是貴得這么離譜?Why does Germany always have to go over the top?那些是我的圣誕賀卡嗎?Are those my Christmas cards?爸爸替你寫好了Dad did them f

18、or you.能用掉剩余的大號郵票他看上去可開心了呢He seemed happy to use the rest of his tuba stamps.還為明年又要上漲的郵費(fèi)嚎了好一陣兒Went on a big rant about postage going up again next year.大號可沒有什么圣誕節(jié)氛圍Tubas dont represent Christmas.而且他寫地址的時候還涂涂改改And he scribbled the addresses.說好的優(yōu)雅筆跡呢?Wheres the elegant calligraphy?吹大號的河馬蠢死了Stupid tuba

19、 hippo.搞什么名堂?What in the name of Lao Ban?嘿! 你們在干嘛呢?Hey! What are you guys going?我們決定把這個換上去We decided to change things up.是啊 屠夫給我們的這個主意Yeah. The butcher gave us the idea.你覺得這時髦的黃銅怎么樣?How about this sassy brass?我沒錢了Im out of cash.都用來給蒂娜買禮物了. 一條棕色編織帶I spent it on Tinas gift. A brown weave belt.整條帶子全是孔T

20、he whole thing is belt holes.你呢?How bout you?我啥都沒有Ive got nothing.所有閑錢都投到互惠基金上了All my extra money is tied up in mutual funds.咱們上哪弄四百塊錢We dont have anywhere close to $400買個新的胡桃夾子啊to buy a new nutcracker.咱們得跟蜜兒說實(shí)話We have to tell Honey what happened.頂著惹上麻煩還拿不到圣誕禮品卡的風(fēng)險嗎?And risk getting in trouble and l

21、osing our Christmas gift cards?我可還要換塔可貝爾的禮品卡呢Im spending mine on a certificate to Taco Bell這樣就能隨時隨地吃墨西哥卷餅了so I can crush tacos whenever I want.等會 你要用代金券買代金券?Wait, youre using a gift card to buy a gift card?你必須花錢才能賺錢Youve got to spend money to make money.咱們不告訴蜜兒Were not telling Honey.我們只是做每次我犯錯誤的時候We

22、ll just do what I always do做的事. 掩蓋它when I make a mistake. Cover it up.我不知道 聽起來不是什么好事I dont know. Sounds delinquent.好吧 我的方法有時會弄得一團(tuán)糟 但總會奏效Sure. My way sometimes gets messy, but it always works out.我打碎過很多東西 但從沒被抓過Ive broken plenty of things and never gotten caught.你以為你戴著的是你原來的手表嗎?You think thats your o

23、riginal watch?那塊手表是我在厄瓜多爾的筆友送給我的生日禮物That watch was a birthday gift from my pen pal in Ecuador.這塊是西爾斯百貨的Well, this ones from Sears.我不知道 這么做不好吧I dont know. Seems wrong.埃文 想想坦白會給所有人帶來多大的壓力Evan, think about all the stress confessing would cause everyone.蜜兒? 媽媽?Honey? Mom?你想毀了圣誕節(jié)嗎?You want to ruin Christ

24、mas?好吧Okay.就按你說的辦吧Lets do it your way.話說 我原本那塊表到底怎么了Also, what happened to my old watch?長話短說 在特倫特的狗身上Long story short, its in Trents dog.你看到我把圣誕賀卡搞定了吧?You see how, uh, I knocked out all the Christmas cards?我當(dāng)然看到了I sure did.太棒了 那咱們穿上冰鞋去溜冰場吧Great. Then lets lace up some steel and hit the rink.我?guī)Я藥赘北禝

25、 packed some singles,所以咱們可以跟著磨冰機(jī)滑so maybe we can tip our way into a Zamboni ride.我不要No Zamboni.我得留下來收拾干凈你弄的爛攤子I have to stay and fix everything you did wrong.我用吻封住了每一個信封I seal each one with a kiss.沒人知道 但我知道Nobody knows, but I know.好吧Okay.我覺得你做得有點(diǎn)太過了I think youre going overboard.我認(rèn)為你應(yīng)該把圣誕節(jié)留給專業(yè)人士I thi

26、nk you should leave Christmas to the professionals.你之前覺得我沒什么時間嗎?You thought I had little time before?現(xiàn)在我一點(diǎn)時間都沒有Now I have no time at all.我是說 看這書法I mean, look at this calligraphy.它本應(yīng)直接來自梵蒂岡It could have come straight from the Vatican.你就因?yàn)槲屹N錯了郵票Youre redoing the envelopes就要把信封都返工一遍嗎?just because I use

27、d the wrong stamps?我不覺得這有什么大不了的I dont see what the big deal is.我的圣誕賀卡拉開了節(jié)日的序幕My Christmas cards kick off the holiday season,每個人都對我期望完美and everyone expects perfection from me.好吧 我知道你對圣誕節(jié)很挑剔.Okay, I knew you were particular about Christmas.挑剔?Particular?多年來我一直在對細(xì)節(jié)進(jìn)行微調(diào)Ive been fine-tuning the details f

28、or years.我不即興創(chuàng)作I dont improvise.這是圣誕節(jié) 不是什么低俗的爵士音樂會This is Christmas, not some sleazy jazz concert.懂了 我只是不知道Understood. I just didnt know你對信封都這么講究it went all the way down to envelopes.但現(xiàn)在我知道了 我可以幫忙But now that I know, I can help out,然后我們就可以去滑冰了and then we can go skating.我不覺得這是個好主意I dont think thats a

29、 good idea.我想想. 襪子要掛起來 酒要溫?zé)酟ets see. stockings need hanging, wine needs mulling.拜托 這能有多難?Come on. How hard could it really be?好吧 你想幫忙?Okay. You want to help?那你就做姜餅屋好了You just drew gingerbread house.啥? 可這是你的拿手好戲啊What? But thats your showstopper.你說這一切都很容易 對吧?Well, you said all this was easy, right?盛大的

30、揭幕儀式定于本周末舉行The grand unveiling is set for the end of the week.就定名為B-Y-O-E-NIts B-Y-O-E-N.自帶蛋酒Bring your own eggnog.你們想讓我在商場里當(dāng)圣誕精靈?You want me to work at the mall as a Christmas elf?對 你把那份申請表填了就好了Yep. All you got to do is fill out that application.在緊急聯(lián)絡(luò)人那里Under emergency contact,寫辛迪克勞馥 看看會怎樣put Cindy

31、 Crawford. See what happens.我為什么要這么做?Why would I ever want to do this?首先 這對你的演藝事業(yè)很有幫助Well, for starters, itll help your acting career.想想你為塑造角色做的這所有的偉大工作Think of all the great character work that youd do.我聽說木乃伊的男主角布蘭登費(fèi)舍I heard that The Mummys Very own Brendan Fraser就是從商場精靈起步的got his start as a mall e

32、lf.你還可以得到商場30%的折扣Youll also get a 30% mall discount我們都可以分享that we can all share.考慮一下Think about it.就比方說 四百塊的圣誕禮物Just like that, a $400 Christmas gift能二百八到手becomes $280.你們把蜜兒的胡桃夾子弄壞了 對吧?You broke Honeys nutcracker, didnt you?他瞬間就能明白 好吧?It was his quick math, wasnt it?好吧 我們是弄壞了Fine. We broke it.但即便我在農(nóng)

33、場主餐廳打工But even with my job at Cattlemans,我們也都買不起一個新的we still cant afford to buy a new one.我也沒達(dá)到精靈工作And I dont meet the age對年齡和身高的要求and height requirements for elf duty,很是沮喪 但 規(guī)定就是規(guī)定which feels backwards, but hey, rules are rules.對不起 伙計們 這不關(guān)我的事Sorry, guys, but this isnt my fight.等一下Wait.你還記得奶奶說過的What

34、 about what Grandma said為家人做事嗎?about doing things for the family?拜托 埃默里 你的兄弟們沒轍了Come on, Emery. Your brothers are down.這是圣誕節(jié) 幫幫我們吧Its Christmas. Help us out.為了這個家For the family.好吧 為了這個家Okay. For the family.我的好兄弟!My man!你去了以后Hey, while youre there,不介意在圣誕老人面前替我美言幾句吧?do you mind putting in a good word

35、for me with Santa?這對我來說真是起伏不定的一年Its been a real up-and-down year for me.進(jìn)展得怎么樣了?Hows it coming?一團(tuán)糟啊Awfully messy.這該死的糖霜Well, its this damn frosting.它基本上是混凝土. 瞬間凝固Its basically concrete. Solidifies instantly.這可不是個好兆頭Doesnt bode well for the real thing.還是我來吧Maybe I should take over.不用 我搞得定Nope. Ive go

36、t it.有個小問題. 我吃了好多這個Um, quick question. I ate a lot of this.應(yīng)該不會有事吧?How worried should I be?感謝各位的光臨Thank you all for coming.對當(dāng)?shù)卣硎境雠d趣是件好事It is good to show interest in your local government,盡管這不是一個民主國家even though this isnt a democracy.屠夫的影響力正在擴(kuò)大The butchers influence is spreading,先是大號音樂接著又是難看的牌子firs

37、t with the tuba music and then with the ugly signs.是啊 就這樣你還獎勵他一份Yeah, and then you reward him with a contract給我們建圖書館的合同?to build our new library?是的 我們漂亮的新圖書館Yes, our beautiful new library只會被一種書裝滿.that will be filled with only one book.我的小說. 是的My novel. yes.這對一個賣肉的來說也太過了!Oh! This is too much for a me

38、at vendor!沒錯 一旦那個頭腦簡單的屠夫看到這有多難Exactly. Once that simple butcher sees how hard it is,他就會放棄 到那時候 你們的市長hell quit, and then I, your mayor,會進(jìn)場然后拯救一切will come in and save the day.要是他圓滿完成任務(wù)呢?But what if he pulls it off?拜托 除非奇跡發(fā)生Please. That would take a miracle.我們的小鎮(zhèn)的圣誕全年不停歇We live in a town where its Chri

39、stmas year-round.奇跡可一直在發(fā)生Miracles happen all the time.今天在餐廳干的超棒的Big shift at Cattlemans today.- 賣給人家點(diǎn)肋排 - 不錯- Sold a guy some ribs. - Mm.還有我的襪子.and my socks.啥? 你聽我說What? You know what?我們需要錢 別的我不關(guān)心We need money. I dont want to know.他來咯There he is.小冠軍 第一天上班怎么樣?How was your first day at work, champ?太可怕

40、了It was awful.扮小妖精是最可怕的Elfings the worst.可怕 是正面意義的嗎?Awful, like, in a good way?長隊(duì)一眼望不到頭 家長們在猛擠There was an endless line of people, parents shoving,小孩哇哇大哭babies crying.圣誕老人也不讓人省心And Santas no picnic, either.小妖精! 我點(diǎn)的是脫脂奶Hey, elf! I said skim milk.埃默里 你好慘哦Emery, this sounds terrible.埃默里? 誰是埃默里?Emery? W

41、hos Emery?我現(xiàn)在叫響叮當(dāng)My names Jingles now.我要去睡覺了Im gonna go to bed.我好恨我自己I hate myself.我們不能再讓他去了We cant let him go back there.嘿 你答應(yīng)這么做的 忘了嗎?Hey, this is what you signed up for, remember?我的手段可能下作了點(diǎn) 但有用啊You knew my way could get messy, but it works.如果圣誕老人都脫脂了 咱們哪有油水可撈?If Santas drinking skim, what chance

42、do any of us have?我們要把它做成實(shí)物大小?So, we got to make this, but life-size?她這是強(qiáng)人所難啊Shes got a rain shower in the half-bath.老板 你能做件讓我舒服的事嗎?You dont make anything easy, do you, boss?我一年可給你三天假呢I give you three days of vacation a year.夠舒服了吧Thats pretty easy.加上我的帥臉也讓人舒服 已經(jīng)兩件了And Im easy on the eyes. Thats two

43、easys.你怎么不喊了How come you stopped screaming也不把頭往墻上猛撞了?and banging your head against the walls?一切都還好嗎?Is everything okay?很好 某些人可能還會覺得很舒服呢Everythings great. Some might say easy.哇靠 三件了Whoa. Thats three.什么味道?Whats that smell?我們正在烤箱里做新鮮的姜餅We got some fresh gingerbread cooking in the oven.自制配方Homemade reci

44、pe.特倫特會幫我整出幾塊墻來Trents gonna help me start throwing up some walls.我的天 圣誕節(jié)真要發(fā)生奇跡了Oh, my God. Its a Christmas miracle.我早就說 沒那么難 誰都可以I told you. Its not that hard. Anyone could do it.真的嗎?Really?那我把揭幕日提前到So, then youd be okay if I moved the unveiling up to,明天 也沒問題?say, tomorrow?多給鄰居幾天Give the neighborhoo

45、d a few extra days來欣賞你的手工活兒to enjoy your handiwork.明天?Uh, tomorrow?那就是 還剩一天了Thats, like, one day from now.怎么 你完不成嗎?Oh, unless you cant handle it?誰說的 我們可以Nope. Weve got it.餐廳的鯰魚星期三我們都應(yīng)付得來If we can handle Catfish Wednesdays at Cattlemans,什么都難不倒我們we could handle anything.你們肯定可以Im sure you can.我都等不及想看你們

46、的自制配方I cant wait to see how your homemade recipe怎么打敗佛羅里達(dá)永無止盡 承受不來的濕氣accounts for Floridas relentless swamp humidity.我說實(shí)話 老板 這個姜餅屋Ill be honest, boss. No way this gingerbread house明天絕對做不完can be built by tomorrow.我以我自己這個吃餅的姜黃色小人保證And I say that as a ginger myself. one who eats bread.好了老弟 放松了嗎?Alright,

47、 bro. You loose?還要涼糖嗎?Need another Tic Tac?我不能再過去了I cant go back out there.就快結(jié)束了Its almost over.我在餐廳又換到了一班Im picking up another shift at Cattlemans,而且我們說話這檔口 埃文正在做點(diǎn)買賣呢and Evans closing a deal right now as we speak.咱們哥仨齊心協(xié)力Were all in this together.一切為了咱們家For the family.為了咱們家For the family.現(xiàn)在去往那老頭的大腿

48、上扔幾個小孩吧Now go out there and throw some kids in that old mans lap.先生您好 您這位置不錯啊Hello, good sir. Nice location.給兒童捐玩具的筒在那邊Donations for the Toys for Tots bin are right over there.不 我其實(shí)是來拿它換您一個胡桃夾子的No, Im actually here to trade for one of your nutcrackers.抱歉孩子 只收現(xiàn)金Sorry, kid. Cash only.嗨 埃文! 你在這干嗎?Hey,

49、Evan! What are you doing here?我來這天經(jīng)地義 你來這干嗎?Im allowed to be here! What are you doing here?!馬爾文發(fā)現(xiàn)了我準(zhǔn)備的圣誕小禮物Uh. Wh. Marvin found the stocking stuffers I got him,所以我再來買須后水當(dāng)禮物so I just had to come get some aftershave.謝天謝地你家?guī)臀也刂o他的大禮Thank God you guys are hiding his main gift.他會擁有一個超級美妙的圣誕節(jié)早晨You are gon

50、na make his Christmas morning.我們黃家兄弟You know the Huang brothers.一直很靠譜 比巖石還穩(wěn)重Always dependable, rock steady.最好給埃默里也這樣打打氣Oh, well, someone should tell Emery that,他已經(jīng)崩潰了because that kid is in pieces.我剛看到他用紙雪花擦眼淚I just saw him wiping his tears with a paper snowflake.好啦 晚點(diǎn)我過來打包禮物Anyway, I will come by la

51、ter to wrap that gift.豆豆娃的事怎么樣了?Howd it go with the Beanie Babies?挺好 挺順利的Fine. It went fine.埃默里不用再扮小妖精了Emery doesnt have to work as an elf anymore.真的? 好消息啊!Really? Thats great news!多少錢買的?So, how much did you get for them?值得哥請你吃披薩嗎?Is this a Pizzas on Evan Situation?我把胡桃夾子偷來了!I stole the nutcracker!天

52、! 我這么帥 千萬不能坐牢啊!Aah! Im too pretty for jail!這可真是一圈高檔花環(huán)This is one high-class garland.花-環(huán) 是加菲爾德住的環(huán)Gar-land is where Garfield is from.杰西卡! 快! 我需要你!Jessica! Hurry! I need you!我就知道他弄不出來I knew he didnt have it in him.比我想象的還差勁Its worse than I thought.簡直完美Its perfect.完美?Perfect?看著像姜餅人磕多了藥住的地方This looks like

53、 a place where gingerbread men go to O.D.怎么會No way.所有一切都快飄飄然了No, it represents the humble spirit of Christmas.它卻代表著圣誕節(jié)謙遜的精神Before everything became so over-the-top.雖然看起來很吸引人 但千萬別嘗Well, as tempting as it looks, dont take a bite.全是釘子Its all nails.大家都喜歡路易斯的創(chuàng)意Everyone loves Louis idea.返璞歸真Scaling back.簡

54、單 但天才Simple. Genius.我好喜歡這音樂Im loving this music!我好喜歡這樣拍手And Im loving this clapping!布萊森警員Constable Bryson,那兩個人擾亂社會治安 逮捕他們arrest those two for disorderly conduct.抱歉女士Sorry, maam, but you no longer但你不再擁有這項(xiàng)權(quán)力了have that kind of authority.你不再是市長了Youre not the mayor anymore.什么? 不是我 那市長是誰?What? Well, if Im

55、 not, then who is?我要送給你們I give you.一座新圖書館your new library.本該用來好好修繕裝點(diǎn)圖書館的錢呢?What about all the money thats supposed to make it look nice?我拿來建了溜冰場I used it to build an ice rink.太棒了!Yes!我承認(rèn) 趕工的生死時刻使我緊張Ill admit, the time crunch had me nervous.沒時間弄那些華麗的點(diǎn)綴了Couldnt get to all the bells and whistles,但大家都很喜

56、歡but people love it.謝謝啊 路易斯 你毀了我的圣誕節(jié)Thanks, Louis. You ruined my Christmas.你真的應(yīng)該喝一杯這蛋酒 路易斯Hey, you really should get onto to this nog, Lou.這一杯只有兩千卡路里呢Its only 2,000 calories a glass.你在對我的坐式吹風(fēng)機(jī)干什么啊Um. what are you doing to my sit-down hairdryer?拿你喜歡的東西開玩笑啊 就像你對我做的一樣Making a joke out of something you

57、love, like you did to me.杰西卡 我還以為你會喜歡我做的姜餅屋呢Jessica, I thought youd be happy with my gingerbread house.得了吧Please.你搭了一個棚子You built a shack.我知道它不是茉莉公主的阿拉伯城堡Look, I know its not Princess Jasmines Arabian fortress,但是所有人都喜歡它啊but everyone loves it.這不正是我們想要的嗎Isnt that all that matters?圣誕節(jié)是我的節(jié)日Christmas is

58、my holiday.它得完美It has to be perfect.不能很快草草了事,不能降低標(biāo)準(zhǔn)了 要完美Not quickly pushed through, not scaled back. perfect.你知道對我來說什么才是一個完美的圣誕節(jié)嗎Well, you know what a perfect Christmas is to me?就是跟你一起度過Spending time with you.那個椅子看起來很棒The chair looks beautiful.你到底怎么啦What came over you, man?我這輩子都沒有偷過任何東西Ive never sto

59、len anything in my life.我偷過幾個人的心沒錯,但是從來沒有偷過別人的財產(chǎn)I mean, a few hearts, sure, but never a piece of property.聲音小點(diǎn)Shh! Lower your voice.她在看虎膽龍威Shes watching Die Hard.只要布魯斯威利斯出現(xiàn)在屏幕上If Bruce Willis is on TV,她就不會關(guān)心別的東西了the rest of the world fades away.哦耶Yippee-ki-ay!我不知道那會兒發(fā)生了什么I dont know what happened ba

60、ck there.我看到了胡桃夾子,然后蜜兒出現(xiàn)了I saw the nutcracker. Honey showed up.埃默里正在哭Emery was crying.然后我就在商場外面了Next thing you know, Im outside the mall.就好像我斷片了一樣Its like I blacked out.這真的很硬核啊This is really hard-core.現(xiàn)在我們拿著一個燙手的胡桃夾子Now were sitting on a hot nutcracker.我得趕緊跑路了Im gonna have to go on the run.重新開始全新的生活


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