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1、第一節(jié) 重譯法 Repetition1. Definition 2. Modes of Repetition 1). Repetition for Semantic Clarity 2). Repetition for Emphasis 3). Repetition for Vividness 1. TV GUIDE is the most popular magazine in the United States. Its weekly sale reaches 18,870, 730 copies. REDAERS DIGEST is second with a circulation o

2、f 18,193,255. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, a popular travel and nature magazine, distributes 10,560, 885 copies each month. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS has a circulation of 8,057, 386 copies. WOMENS DAY is a popular womens magazine selling 7,574, 487 copies each month. FAMILY CIRCLE has a monthly sale of 7,3

3、66,482 copies. 電視導報是美國最受歡迎的雜志,每期銷售量達18870730份。讀者文摘居第二位,銷售量達18193255份。國家地理(月刊)是人們喜歡的有關旅游和自然的雜志,銷售量為10560885份。美麗家園(月刊)銷售量為8057386份。婦女雜志(月刊)是個受歡迎的婦女雜志,銷售量為7574487份。家庭(月刊)銷售量為7366482份。 2. 堅持改革開放,不斷完善社會主義市場經(jīng)濟體制。改革開放是強國之路。必須堅定不移地推進各方面改革。改革要從實際出發(fā),整體推進,重點突破,循序漸進,注重制度建設和創(chuàng)新。堅持社會主義市場經(jīng)濟的改革方向,使市場在國家宏觀調控下對資源配置起基礎

4、性作用。堅持“引進來”和“走出去”相結合,積極參與國際經(jīng)濟技術合作和競爭,不斷提高對外開放水平。 We should persevere in reform and opening up and keep improving the socialist market economy. Reform and opening up are ways to make China powerful. We must press ahead with the reform in all areas resolutely. The reform must be promoted realistically

5、, comprehensively and progressively with breakthroughs made in key areas and emphasis placed on institutional improvement and innovation. We should follow the orientation of reform toward the socialist market economy and make sure that the market forces play an essential role in the allocation of re

6、sources under the states macroeconomic control. By both bringing in and going out, we should actively participate in international economic and technological cooperation and competition and open wider to the outside world. 1. Definition Repetition: the way the key words are repeated in a given sente

7、nce or paragraph or passage in such a way as to conform to the idiomatic usage of the target language in E-C translation. 重譯法重譯法為了明確、強調或生動,需要在翻譯中重復某些關鍵性詞語。重譯法其實也是一種增詞法,只是所增加的是上文出現(xiàn)過的詞語。目的有三: (1).使意義明確;(2). 表示強調;(3).使譯文生動。 2. Modes of Repetition 1). Repetition for Semantic Clarity 2). Repetition for E

8、mphasis3). Repetition for Expressiveness 1). Repetition for Semantic Clarity (意義明確意義明確) The necessity of repetition in translation is chiefly due to the differences in sentence structure between the two the two languages. What is usually omitted in English is often to be repeated in Chinese so as to

9、 make the translated version clear and idiomatic. A). Repetition of Nouns (重譯名詞)重譯名詞)(A). Repeat nouns used as objects(1). Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 我們來修訂安全規(guī)則規(guī)則和衛(wèi)生規(guī)則規(guī)則吧。(2). The chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic, heating and chemical effects. 電流的主要效應是電磁效應效應

10、、熱 和化學 。(3). People use natural science to understand and change nature. 人類利用自然科學去了解自然自然、改造 。(4). We have to analyze and solve problems. 我們要分析問題問題,解決問題問題。(5). Last year, the output of coal in this region amounted to about 20 percent of the whole country; of steel 25 percent; of grain 30 percent; of

11、cotton 35 percent. 去年,這個地區(qū)的煤產(chǎn)量產(chǎn)量約占全國總產(chǎn)量產(chǎn)量的百分之二十,鋼產(chǎn)量產(chǎn)量占百分之二十五,稻谷產(chǎn)量產(chǎn)量占百分之三十,棉花產(chǎn)量產(chǎn)量占百分之三十五。(6). A good play serves to educate and inspire the people. 一出好戲足以教育人民人民和鼓舞 。 (B). Repeat nouns used as predicatives 1). This has been our positionbut not theirs. 這一直是我們的立場立場而不是他們的 。 2). Tom is your friend as much

12、 as he is mine. 湯姆既是你的朋友朋友,也是我的 。3). He became an oil baronall by himself. 他成為一個石油大王一個白手起家的 。(C). Repeat the omitted nouns before prepositions(1). A foreign language learner will get more knowledge from practice than from books. 一個學外語的人從實踐中學到的知識知識比從書本上學到的知識要多。(2). The use of poison gas is clear viol

13、ation of international lawin particular of the Geneva Convention. 使用毒氣顯然違反違反國際法,特別是 日內瓦公約。(3). Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration. 無知是羨慕的根源根源,也是恐懼的根源根源。(4). The story of Tom is a story of groans and tears, of a poor fellow ill-treated. 湯姆的故事是一個充滿呻吟和淚水的故事故事,是一個不幸的人慘遭虐待的 。(D). Re

14、peat anticipatory nouns (定從中的先行詞)定從中的先行詞)(1). The little apprentice in particular lived in terror of the boss, who had borne down on him so often and so hard that there was little left. 小學徒對老板老板尤其怕得要死,老板老板經(jīng)常整他而且整得很重,簡直把他整癟了。(2). We have advanced the principle of peaceful coexistence, which is now gr

15、owing more and more popular among the nations of Asia and Africa. 我們提出了和平共處的原則,該原則原則現(xiàn)越來越受到亞非國家的歡迎。 (3). May I extend my hearty congratulations to the Chinese athletes, through you, for the glowing success of their performance at the Beijing Olympic Games, which is now inspiring the entire country. 讓

16、我通過您衷心地祝賀中國運動員,祝賀他們在北京奧運會上獲得的輝煌勝利, 這個 正鼓舞著全國人民。(4). All of these arrangements were a prelude to the ball, the hostess ultimate prize. 所有這些安排都只是這次舞會的序曲, 才是女主人的最終目的。B. Repetition of VerbsA). Repeat the verb shared by several objects or predicatives (英句中常用一個動詞連接幾個賓語或表語) (1). They were starting from scr

17、atch and needed men, guns, training. 他們是白手起家,他們需要需要人員, 槍支, 訓練。(2). The primary aim of science is to find truth, new truth. 科學的基本目標就是尋找尋找真理, 新的真理。 (3). He owned a town house, a summer lodge in the mountains, a winter cabin in the desert, a car and a drivers license to take himself about. 過去,他在城里有有一所住

18、宅,在山間 一處避暑的住所,在沙漠地帶 一處避寒的住所,外出還 汽車和駕駛執(zhí)照。B). Repeat verbs common to several prepositions(1). He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength. 他不再夢見夢見風濤,不再夢見夢見驚人的遭遇,也不再夢見夢見大魚、搏斗和角力。(2). They talked of themselves, of t

19、heir prospects, of the journey, of the weather, of each otherof everything but our host and hostess. 他們談到自己, 到前途, 到旅程, 到天氣, 到彼此的情況 到一切,只是不談我們的男女主人。 (3). Then he spoke of the rise of charity and popular education, and particularly of the spread of wealth and work. 接著他談到談到了慈善事業(yè)的興起和教育的普及,特別 了財富和工作面的擴大。

20、 At times, the verb is still to be repeated in Chinese even if the prepositions have been omitted in English as follows. (1). But his wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family. 可是他老婆不斷地在他耳邊,說說他懶惰, 他粗心,并且 他的一家人都要毀在他的身上。(2). We wante

21、d to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligation as a clerk in the company. 我們想要確定,他是否符合符合了受雇條件,是否 了作為公司職員所應盡的義務。 (3). But they did not show their feelings and they spoke politely about the current and depths they had drifted their lines at and the steady good weathe

22、r and of what they had seen. 但是他們并沒有把感情流露出來,只是斯斯文文地講起講起海流,講起講起他們把釣絲送進海水的深度,講起講起好久不變的好天氣,還講起講起他們所看到的一切。C. Repetition of Pronouns (重復代詞)(重復代詞)A). Repeat the nouns in Chinese for the pronouns in English (英語中用代詞之處,翻譯時可重復其所替代的名詞)(1). He hated failure; he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, des

23、pised it in others. 他討厭失敗,他一生中曾戰(zhàn)勝失敗失敗,超越 ,并且藐視別人的 。(2). Although machines do work better and faster than a person does, they will never be able to replace him because they must be controlled by man. 盡管機器比人工作得更好、更快,但機器機器永遠不能取代人,因為 必須由人來控制。(3). Another problem is that of the relationship between old a

24、nd new cadres. 另一個問題是新老干部的關系問題問題。(4). When her eyes looked up, they were very large, odd, and attractive. 她抬起眼來的時候,眼睛眼睛顯得很大,很特別,很動人。 (5). The change of Tom was that of a key man in a key slotsomething that symbolized the gradual transformation of the other players. 湯姆的轉變是一個把守重要關口的關鍵人物的轉變轉變,他他的的 象征著其

25、他參與者也在逐漸轉變。B). Repeat the nouns in Chinese for the possessive pronouns in English (翻譯時可不用代詞而重復其所替代的名詞)(1). Happy families also had their own troubles. 幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭幸福家庭的苦惱。(2). Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their own lines. 強國有強國強國的策略,小國有小國小國的策略。(3). Each country has

26、 its own customs. 各國有各國各國的風俗。C). Repeat the relative pronoun or adverb (nouns) implicated in the emphatic relative pronouns or adverbs (重復強勢關系代詞或副詞)(1). Whoever violates the discipline should be criticized. 誰誰犯了紀律,誰誰就該受到批評。2). You may borrow whichever novel in my bookcase you like best. 我書架上的小說你最愛看哪

27、一本哪一本,你就可以借 。3). Come to my office and have a talk with me whenever you are free. 你什么時候什么時候有空,就 到我辦公室來談一談。 Besides, repetition may be implemented semantically even if there are no recurring words in the source text.(1). He wanted to send them more aid, more weapons and a few more men. 他想給他們增加增加些援助,增

28、添增添些武器, 些人員。 2). He was proficient both as a flyer and as a navigator. 他既精于精于飛行,又 導航。3). To him, the birds sang, the squirrel chattered and the flowers bloomed. 鳥兒向向他歌唱,松鼠 嘰咕,花兒 開放。 B. Repetition for Emphasis (強調)(強調) While force is in one way secured by brevity, it is strange to say that emphasis i

29、s also to be maintained by skilful repetition. An important word may be repeated just for the purpose of keeping it before the readers mind. This principle holds true both in English and in Chinese. 為了強調,英語句子中往往重復關鍵性的詞語,給人以深刻印象,英譯漢時可采用同樣的重復手段。A). Repetitions in English can be retained in Chinese (保留

30、原句中的重復)(1). He wandered about in the chill rain, thinking and thinking, brooding and brooding. 他在凄雨中蕩來蕩去,想想了又又想想,盤算盤算了了又盤算盤算。(2). Prominent among the most prominent upon the most prominent shelf were series of splendidly bound volumes entitled Shakespeares Works. 在那個最顯眼顯眼的書架上歲最顯眼顯眼的書籍中顯眼顯眼的幾卷就是精裝的名叫

31、莎士比亞全集的一套書。(3). They had to stand in that heat, watching me go in, come out, come out, go in and never saying anything. 他們在大熱天里站著,一言不發(fā),眼巴巴看我進去出來進去出來,出來進去出來進去。(4). This town is a small town, looking much like other towns of its size, but few towns enjoy so many natural advantages. 這個城市是個小城市小城市,看上去跟其他

32、與它大小相仿的城市城市沒有什么兩樣,但是其他城市城市卻很少有這么多的天然優(yōu)越條件。B). Repetitions in English can be represented in synonyms in Chinese (用同義詞重復用同義詞重復)(1). Every change of season, every change of weather, every hour of the day produces some change in the magical hues and shape of these mountains; and they are regarded by all

33、good wives, far and near, as perfect barometers. 季節(jié)的每一更迭更迭,氣候的每一 ,乃至一天中的每一小時,都給這些山巒的奇幻色彩和形態(tài)帶來 ,遠近的主主婦婦都把這些看作是準確的晴雨表。(2). I know you hate me and I hate you, we had better part right now. 我知道你恨恨我,我也 你,我們最好即刻就分手吧。(3). Easy come, easy go. 來得容易去得 。(4). They might be well preparing an attack against the c

34、ountry, hence their sizable build-up not only of troops, but of missiles, planes, and tanks along the border of the country. 他們很可能正準備進攻這個國家,因此他們沿著這個國家的邊境不僅集結了大量部隊,而且 了大量導彈、飛機和坦克。 C). Repetition for Vividness(生動) It is one of the many peculiarities in word-formation of Chinese to reduplicate or repea

35、t characters or words. With these words or expressions here and there in translation, the sentences will be rendered more expressive, and the translation will sound more like the original work. (即使原文中沒有詞的重復,翻譯時為了使譯文生動,有時也可采用重復手段)A). The use of four-character phrases to render the translated versions

36、 more expressive and idiomatic (運用兩個四字詞運用兩個四字詞組組).(1).But there had been too much publicity about his case. 但他的事現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)搞得滿城風雨滿城風雨,人人皆知人人皆知了。(2). The streets were overrun by the bandits then. 那時匪徒在街上橫行霸道,無惡不作橫行霸道,無惡不作。(3). He showed himself calm in an emergency situation. 他在情況危急時,態(tài)度從容,鎮(zhèn)定自若態(tài)度從容,鎮(zhèn)定自若。 (4)

37、. The questions were evidently unexpected to the slow-witted spokesman, who instantly found himself tongued-tied. 這些問題顯然使得這位頭腦遲鈍的發(fā)言人感到意外,他立刻顯得張口結舌,啞口無言張口結舌,啞口無言。 B). Reduplication of characters or words in Chinese(重迭重迭)(1). He had been completely honest in my replies, withholding nothing. 他的回答完全是坦坦蕩

38、蕩坦坦蕩蕩,直言無隱。(2). With his tardiness, carelessness and appalling good humor, we were so perplexed. 他老是磨磨蹭蹭磨磨蹭蹭,馬馬虎虎馬馬虎虎,脾氣又好得驚人,我們都對他毫無辦法。(3). His children, too, were as ragged and wild as if they belonged to nobody. 他的那些孩子,也是穿得破破爛爛破破爛爛,粗野不堪,就像沒有父母似的。 (4). She hoped that she had mixed enough fact and

39、fiction in her story to mislead him. (Ruth Eby: “Ride on, Sibyl Ludington”) 她希望所說的情況真真假假,足以使他糊里糊涂C). The use of antithetic phrases in Chinese (四字對偶詞組)(四字對偶詞組) great contributions 豐功偉績 in chaos 烏煙瘴氣 deep hatred 深仇大恨 crudely made 粗制爛造 fine-sounding words 甜言蜜語(1). It was a bright September afternoon, a

40、nd the streets of the city were brilliant with moving people. 這是九月一晴朗的下午,那座城市的大街上,人來人往,五光十色五光十色。(2). If it was a time of triumph for the many, it was a painful period for the few. 多數(shù)人興高采烈興高采烈之日,卻是少數(shù)人傷心失意傷心失意之時.(3). Eternal glory to those revolutionary martyrs who have laid down their lives for the c

41、ause of liberation of the people! 為了人民的解放事業(yè)英勇獻身的烈士們永垂不朽! Reduplication of characters or words and repetition of expressions in translation for expressiveness and parallelisma rhetorical device. It is one of the many peculiarities in word-formation of Chinese to reduplicate or repeat characters or wo

42、rds. With these words or expressions here and there in translation, the sentences will be rendered more expressive, and the translation will sound more like original work. If we are acquainted with the use of Chinese characters in repetition, we will be able to make our translation smooth in reading

43、 and therefore appealing to our Chinese readers. Following is a brief summary of the repetition of Chinese characters or words in various ways: 1). Reduplication of nouns: 親屬稱呼:爺爺、奶奶、寶寶、乖乖表示”每一”或“所有”:人人、天天、字字、年年、戶戶2)Reduplication of measure words: 表示“每一”、“逐一”、“許多”:個個、件件、排排、條條、本本、篇篇、塊塊ABAB: 一個一個、一天一天

44、、一層一層、一次一次ABB:一個個、一塊塊、一天天、一桿桿3). Reduplication of verbs: 表示短暫的動作:有“一下”或“試一試”的意思,有時表示動作的反復:單音節(jié): 說說、聽聽、談談、歇歇、瞧瞧、弄弄雙音節(jié):ABAB: 討論討論、整理整理、熱鬧熱鬧ABA: 說一說、談一談、走一走、看一看、想了想、試了試、搖了搖(試比較: A一下: 說一下、看一下、走一下、想一下)AABB: 說說笑笑、跑跑跳跳、來來往往、吃吃喝喝4). Reduplication of adjectives:表示程度的加重、加深、加強:單音節(jié):白白(的)、紅紅(的)、厚厚(的)、小小(的)雙音節(jié):AAB

45、B: 干干凈凈、老老實實、高高興興 ABAB: 雪白雪白、通紅通紅、筆直筆直、冰涼冰涼5). Reduplication of adverbs: 表示程度的加強: 常常、剛剛、偏偏、僅僅、好好(地)AABB: 的地確確、時時刻刻、日日夜夜6). Reduplication or juxtaposition of characters or words in other ways: (1). Imitative words: 咚咚、咯咯、哈哈、嘩嘩、喃喃(2). Adjectives or adverbs: ABB: 紅彤彤、甜絲絲、水汪汪、綠油油、靜悄悄、 光閃閃、直挺挺、笑嘻嘻、白茫茫、眼睜

46、睜ABA: 面對面、心連心、手拉手、肩并肩(3). Words in four characters reduplicated in other ways: ABAC: 一草一木、一針一線、一進一出、無法無天、 有說有笑、土里土氣、毛手毛腳、拼死拼活AABC: 欣欣向榮、哈哈大笑、紛紛要求、喋喋不休ABCC: 議論紛紛、刀光閃閃、烈火熊熊、彈痕累累ABCB: 要吃有吃、要穿有穿、說干就干、以毒攻毒Note: Although the reduplication of words is far more often seen in Chinese than in English, there a

47、re still a number of reduplicative words (double-barrelled words) in English vocabulary. A reduplicative word is a compound word composed of two words, one rhyming with another. Following are some of such words: I. 1).clap trap: 華而不實、嘩眾取寵的言語 2). Flip-flop: 啪嗒啪嗒的動作或聲音 3). teeny weeny:小小的;小額的 4). tip-

48、top:絕頂、高峰 5). hurry-scurry:慌忙亂竄 6).twiddle-twaddle:蠢話,玩弄文字游戲的空話 7). hurly-burly:騷亂、喧鬧 8). silly-billy:笨蛋9). whimwham: 奇想、怪念頭10). tick-took: 滴答聲11). fiddle-faddle: 瞎搞;無聊話,胡說12). fuzzy-wuzzy:南太平洋島國的人(蓄著厚厚卷發(fā)的人) 13). swingswong: 搖擺,擺動II. 14). criss-cross: 十字形,雜亂無章,混亂狀態(tài)15). wibby-wobby: 不穩(wěn)定的,搖擺的,軟弱的16).

49、clip clop: 發(fā)得聲17). tittle-tattle: 閑聊,漫談18). pell-mell: 混亂的,亂七八糟的19). mumbo-jumbo: 迷信的崇拜物,物神20). dillydally: 吊兒朗當?shù)叵r間III. 21). slip-slop: 平淡的22). nitty-gritty: 事情的真相,本質23). jimjams: 害怕24).hanky-panky: 欺騙25). hobnob: 親切地交談26). namby-pamby: 優(yōu)柔寡斷的27). higgledy-piggledy: 亂七八糟28). hugger-mugger: 坑坑洼洼29). heebie-jeebies: 神經(jīng)過敏30). ha-ha: 矮墻31). giggle-giggle: 咯咯地笑32). pooh pooh: 瞧不起33). shilly-shally: 浪費時間、無所作為的事34). talky-talky: 對話過多的35). walkie-talkie


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