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1、御花苑 樓書封面:不必想象 No Imagination御花苑LOGORoyal Garden LOGO物質(zhì)的視覺,不必想象No Imagination on Physical Vision有人說,這是成就后的生活Somebody says, this is life after achievement有人說,能住這樣的地方Somebody says, living here有人說,這個地方,東莞不會再有第二個Somebody says, here is unique in Dongguan原有的物化的視覺拋徹了意念的想象,成就了一個自我凝重的階梯。When the original phys

2、ical vision abandoned the imagination, a hard ladder was created.如此生活著,人類的終極意識形態(tài),不容想象!Living like this, mans ultimate ideology will not possible to be imagined!目錄 Contents序言 Preface第一篇章:視網(wǎng)膜的識別意識:東莞首席山水別墅Chapter 1: the retinas identification: the chief landscape villas in Dongguan第二篇章:物化的視覺想象:生活文化Cha

3、pter 2: the substantial visional imagination: life culture第三篇章:瞳孔養(yǎng)德哲學(xué):山水資源體系Chapter 3: the philosophy of pupils moral cultivation: water and mountain resources systems第四篇章:晶狀體的不平衡論:建筑形態(tài)Chapter 4: Unbalance of lens: the construction第五篇章:勢必告別粗俗運動:休閑度假Chapter 5: Say goodbye to vulgar movement: leisure

4、vacation序言 領(lǐng)悟想象PrefaceUnderstanding imagination接到御花苑拍攝通知,我為之一震,同時欣然赴約,這足以運用我們的睿智去鑒賞一個別墅地產(chǎn)項目的品質(zhì)。拍攝很倉促,卻是感慨頗見浩蕩。10年御花苑,20年東莞,從一個山水農(nóng)莊到一個山水別墅,見證了東莞的歷史,也見證了人類為東莞創(chuàng)造的奇跡。我們用心去雕琢手中的相機,似乎怎么也拍不出心中的澎湃。Receiving the notification of the photograph for Royal Garden, I felt shocked and accepted delightedly, because

5、 it provides me a good opportunity to appreciate the quality of villas-a real estate project with my sagacity. A rush photograph offers me a deep emotion. From a farm to a landscape villas, Royal Garden of 10 years, witnesses the history of Dongguan of 20 years and the miracles in Dongguan created b

6、y human. We tried hard in the camera, but failed in expressing our surging emotions.為了盡早將我們的眼睛放大出去,早日與人們見面。讓無數(shù)生活在東莞的人能更深層次地了解御花苑這個充滿傳奇色彩的居住寶邸,我們拍攝歷時僅僅一天時間。站在一個平常人的角度,本著真實的眼光,拍攝御花苑原生態(tài)的自然風(fēng)光。研讀這個天生麗質(zhì)的微小宇宙空間,這一次,我們似乎動用的生平從未有過的認(rèn)真和細(xì)致。也是我們第一次真正深入閱覽了御花苑項目區(qū)域內(nèi)的水濂山、水濂湖、荔枝林、沙灘、游艇、雕塑、小路、3公里長的水岸、御花苑的原有民居、別墅、私家園林、

7、泳池、會所服務(wù)等等。如同翻開一本不為人所知的畫卷般,我們用自己的眼睛和鏡頭發(fā)現(xiàn)這一切、記錄這一切。In order to let numerable people living in Dongguan deeply understand Royal Garden, a precious villas full of legend as soon as possible, we only spent one day in photographing the original natural scenes of Royal Garden, studied this pretty tiny spac

8、e with my best carefulness by taking ourselves as ordinary. This is our first time that we deeply read what is around Royal Garden: Waterfall Hill, Waterfall Lake, Lichee Woods, sand beach, yachts, sculptures, alleys, water bank of 3 kilometers, and what belongs to Royal Garden: the original dwellin

9、gs, villas, private gardens, swimming pools, and clubs, and so on. Just like an untouched pictures, we discovered and recorded everything here with our eyes, our cameras.盡管這只能是靜態(tài)的表達(dá),但我們還是希望能以此,讓人們了解我們真誠的目光,通過我們的眼睛去認(rèn)識御花苑,去了解不為人所醉身的一片風(fēng)景領(lǐng)地,一種人居環(huán)境、一種人文精神。這便是我們的出發(fā)點。Although it is static expression, by wh

10、ich we sincerely hope that people can know Royal Garden, an area with scenes, a place for living, and a cultural spirit through our eyes.愿讀者能喜愛、可以讀到通過瞳孔折射出中的物象!May readers like and read things refracted from our lens!也許,這種生活,不必想象。Probably, this life, you can get with no imagination. 10雙眼睛,10種主張10 pa

11、irs of eyes, 10 opinions(10位記者的介紹及個人主張)(Introductions and personal allegations of 10 reporters)我們說得再多,你也無法相信好處有多少。Our words are not possible to let you believe all advantages.只有請你全家一起前來鑒賞,才能領(lǐng)會其中的精華。Warmly welcome your whole families here to know its soul.第一篇章:視網(wǎng)膜的識別意識Chapter 1: The retinas identific

12、ation XX報記者心語:東莞首席山水別墅,橫看成嶺側(cè)成峰Words of reporter from XX Newspaper, The chief landscape villas in Dongguan, with water and mountain在我理解:御花苑的氣質(zhì)在于他超乎尋常的想象力,或許,身處其中,視網(wǎng)膜的識別意識會發(fā)生不自覺的反差和錯離。實際上,我以為,這正是身臨其境的奧妙,如果100年生存在這里,別墅的價值即將發(fā)生價值的轉(zhuǎn)變。According to me, the features of Royal Garden come from its ability to a

13、fford people extraordinary imagination, although the retinas identification may become inaccurate naturally when you are in Royal Garden. As a matter of fact, it is the advantages of being inside it. Living here for 100 years, the value of these villas will be different.想象的代價=欲望增值Cost of imagination

14、 = increment of anxiety所以,不必想象,眼見為實!Therefore, no imagination, and take what you see as true!超越現(xiàn)實的想象,帶領(lǐng)欲望的行程沖破世俗。山水別墅,非想象之生存領(lǐng)域,仁者仁安,智者智取。不必想象,眼見是實。Go beyond the realistic imagination and lead the anxiety to break the common customs. Bing a living place out of imagination, the landscape villas will b

15、e the dwelling for the wise and those with humanity. No imagination, and take what you see as true!歷史,不完美,除非,御花苑改寫軌跡History, is not perfect, only if, Royal Garden can change its way ahead.對于生活,如果你不喜歡變革,那么你將跟這個世界絕緣。如果你不善于改變,那么你也將同御花苑的生活絕緣。If you dont like reform in life, then you will be isolated by

16、the world. You will be also insulated from life in Royal Garden if you prefer to no change.在御花苑浪費兩樣?xùn)|西都值得:1.時間;2.金錢It is worthy to waste two things in Royal Garden: time and money.人類最寶貴的東西只有兩樣:時間和金錢,二者不可互換,卻也無法計算得失。The most precious of human is only two: time and money, which can not be changed into

17、each other, and be defined as success and failure.在御花苑,浪費的每一秒都不可以計量金錢。In Royal Garden, each second wasted can not be simply calculated via money.如果每天去一次公園,消費200元為出色的山水景觀喝彩,那么人生數(shù)萬日生存已愈千萬;If once a day you spend $200 in a park and applaud for its beautiful scenes, during your whole life, it will cost

18、you millions dollars.如果每天去一次健身中心、去一次氧吧,消費以200元計,已達(dá)千萬;If once a day you spend $200 in body-building center and oxygen bar, during your whole life, it will cost you millions dollars.如果每周去一次沙灘俱樂部,鄉(xiāng)村俱樂部,以100元計,也已百萬;If once a week you spend 100 in sand beach club and county club, during your whole life,

19、it will cost you million dollars.如果每月去一次湖心游艇商談業(yè)務(wù),每小時以800元計,不下百萬;If once a month you spend $800 every hour in negotiating business in Lake Center yacht, it will cost you million dollars.如果日日同身邊的泳池為床,如果日日有小鳥、松鼠為伴,如果時時有出入安全大使保護(hù),如果天天有千株荔枝數(shù)養(yǎng)眼。 If daily swing pool, daily birds and squirrels, daily securit

20、y guards, daily lichee woods“挑剔”判了死刑Being censorious was sentenced to death挑剔的眼光經(jīng)歷了多輪的淘汰,卻最終面對御花苑,獲得極刑。行一步,而知意外叢生。比想象更詫異的獲取,只在此時,此地。After multiple rounds of elimination through contest, finally, censorious eyesight has to face Royal Garden where it was sentenced to death. Each step brings lots of su

21、rprises and your can find more amazing here than imagination at this time.填補市場空白Filling market vacancy 市場從來不缺少別墅,卻是常見視網(wǎng)膜的識別意識凌亂。這個鏡頭,適時扭轉(zhuǎn)這種市場的空白。讓別墅回歸山水真實。Market has never been short of villas, while you will always find confusing identifications of retina. This camera can fill the market vacancy an

22、d bring you true villas with landscape.物理定律決定居住指數(shù)Physical laws determine the dwelling index每天呼吸十萬比別處更清澈的氧離子;每天享受比別處更純凈的芬多精;每天享受不美妙視聽的鳥叫蛙鳴;每天感染碧波彩霞的多彩色調(diào)Everyday 100,000 cleaner oxygen ions can be breathable here; everyday purer pythoncidere can be smelt here; everyday beautiful voices of birds and fr

23、ogs can be reachable; everyday colorful rosy clouds can be enjoyable here御花苑別墅價值論Values of Royal Garden Villas首席山水別墅,價值自成一體。The chief landscape villas are really valuable.生態(tài)健康體系、休閑度假體系、區(qū)域價值體系、生活文化體系、別墅素質(zhì)體系,成就別墅高尚價值論。Ecological heath systems, leisure vacation systems, regional value systems, life cul

24、ture systems, villas quality systems. All together brings the noble values of these villas.青天、白云、湖水、山坡Blue sky, white clouds, lake water, braes無非為了They are for nothing but 人與領(lǐng)土的革命The revolution between human and land第二篇章:物化的視覺想象Chapter 2: the substantial visional imaginationXX報記者心語:再塑生活文化,上下皆真實Words

25、 of reporter from XX Newspaper: Rebuilding life culture, creating truth up and down踏步御花苑,只是理解為生活文化即將再上新臺階。雖有些許夢魘成分,卻也真實確鑿。著實將物化的視覺高度完美。生活情景至真,生活文明至善。人生境界止于此。Walking in Royal Garden will be defined as new improvement in your life culture. Although it has some nightmares, but it is totally true and ma

26、kes the physical visions perfect. It is the truest life scene and the best life civilization where life bourn is rested.反常還是不合情理?Abnormal or unreasonable?富人的許多做法,在我們常人看來好象反常和不合情理Lots of behaviors of the rich, ordinary persons may take them as abnormal and unreasonable.意識劃分財富/行為的“異化”使得前瞻者重新分配財富,他們以不同

27、于普通人的意識審視財富,正如同美國人用發(fā)展的眼光看中國,我們以同樣的眼光看這里,新生的80萬平米御花苑,最終創(chuàng)建CBD最近輻射板塊的新貴族人生。Foreseers try to reallocate the wealth due to different views on the wealth or behaviors, and study the wealth with a different opinion from the ordinary persons. We consider this 800,000 m2 Royal Garden the nearest way to new n

28、oble lives around CBD, with the same developing attitude as Americans treats China.低調(diào)的奢侈Low profile luxury自公元2005年春天開始,人們開始對生活定格在低調(diào)的奢侈上。發(fā)現(xiàn)與家人一道,親密生活的涵義在與非想象的物化的現(xiàn)實。Since the spring of 2005, people start to define life as low profile luxury. Close lives with families are reality with no imagination. 道

29、可道可道Roads車過,葉舞。急速與順暢,讓道路成為追逐時間的跑場;Car passing, leaves dancing. Speedy and easy driving makes roads raceways for time chasing. 道,成為聯(lián)系,在兩點之間,距離如同被遺忘的時光。在這里,每條路都是一場獨特的旅行,回來,還是離去?都不重要。Roads are connections while distance considered as forgotten time. Here, each road offers you a unique journey, where co

30、ming or leaving becomes unimportant.發(fā)現(xiàn)Discovery同其他任何時代一樣,我們的前輩與祖先,總是通過建筑來定義生活的品質(zhì)與文明,對某個特定的區(qū)域來說,城市建筑是一個重要要素。Just like any times, our predecessors and ancestors always define life quality and civilization through architectures, therefore, city constructions means much to some specific regions.長時間的價值,與

31、自然和諧,居住者康樂,并且與社會責(zé)任有關(guān)Value of long term relates to natural harmony, healthy dwelling and social responsibility.東莞,正默默加速,邁向國際大都市進(jìn)程中。 Dongguan is accelerating its development to be an international bigalopolis silently.八卦,The Eight Diagrams行者地理。Faquirs Geography八卦生于太極,為易的八種基本圖形。以“一”為陽,“一 一”為陰,八卦的名稱是:乾、

32、坤、震、巽、坎、離、艮、兌。易經(jīng)之八卦象征天、地、雷、風(fēng)、水、火、山、澤八種自然現(xiàn)象,是自然界和人類一切現(xiàn)象最初根源。八卦所展示的是一幅宇宙生成之圖畫。The eight diagrams come from the universe and are eight basic diagrams of Book of Changes, which takes “一” as male and “一 一”as female. Named as Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen and Dui, the Eight Diagrams of Book of Change

33、s represent eight natural phenomena of heaven, earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountain and damp, which are the initial origins of the nature and human and every phenomenon. The Eight Diagrams express the whole universe.第三篇章:瞳孔養(yǎng)德哲學(xué)Chapter 3: the philosophy of pupils moral cultivationXX報記者心語:山水資源體

34、系,步步唯風(fēng)景Words of the reporter from XX Newspaper: Due to water and mountain resources systems, each step becomes beautiful scene enjoyment.山水仁智,天然取向,永久視野,堅持差異。永不淪陷的視覺!This natural water and mountain will always be unique and give you nice vision forever.生活的定向選擇,要么成功,要么獨特。山水為視覺做出持久的承諾。The life selectio

35、n should be successful or special and this water and mountain guarantees your vision a permanent promise. 公開的優(yōu)點:眼見為實The open advantage: true as what you see御花苑有無數(shù)個優(yōu)點為城市人稱道,卻只有一個公開的優(yōu)點,不必言語,眼見為實。There are innumerable advantages in Royal Garden, and the open one is, no wording, true as what you see.任憑揮

36、霍Waste as much as you like只有一種東西,任憑如何揮霍都是高尚,那就是視野。There is only one thing that the more you waste, the nobler you feel, that is vision.地勢坤,君子以厚德載物。Man of honor seeks improvement with honest and virtues when the situation is serious.顯側(cè)立于山,豁達(dá)蘊于心谷。百里之山,連綿不絕,貴居于山者,萬中無一。Be as generous as mountain and val

37、ley and be exclusive dweller in mountain.御花苑,坐觀水濂山,靜看水濂湖,Royal Garden with grand Water Fall Mountain and beautiful Water Fall Lake風(fēng)云起,感懷歷史,傾聽而不驚擾。Feeling calm down when listening to history取山而建,依水而宅,人山相扶,天倫共樂,得天人合一之養(yǎng)生真妙。Amazing harmony between man and nature from living near mountain and water界不同,遠(yuǎn)見

38、決雌雄Foresight can distinguish success and failure生活有層級,山水有陰陽。界不同,靠后山,面智水,得戰(zhàn)果而取遠(yuǎn)見。Success comes from foresight, good understanding to the location of mountain and water盡收Collect將他人眼中的奢侈品,悉數(shù)盡收門下。Collect all the luxuries in others eyes在御花苑,你發(fā)現(xiàn),一切奢侈品都應(yīng)該是必須的配備In Royal Garden, you find that all luxuries ar

39、e must從水域到陸地到都市,代表生命進(jìn)程From water area to continent to city, life gets improved從都市到山林到水岸,代表階級進(jìn)程From city to forest to water area, class gets improved人與土地的依存建立在億萬年的親密接觸上,億萬年前,人類從海洋走向陸地,主宰地球;億萬年后人從陸地走向森林,選擇水岸。人類開始爭奪搶占地球的領(lǐng)土,并且以此衡量階級地位的攀升。Human and land have their close relationship for billions years. B

40、illions years ago, human had moved from ocean to land and dominated the earth; billions years later, human moved back from land to forest and water, by which, the class gets boosted.上天眷顧 & 人類眷戀!Gods care & humans love上天眷顧御花苑,人類眷戀御花苑。決策間是人類與自然的純粹巧合。God cares Royal Garden and human pays love to Royal

41、Garden, an innocent coincidence between human and nature.拜物,戀山水,繾綣大都會。Fetishism, love mountain and water, miss bigalopolis城市山角獨一處,山水猶在華貴人生。都市歸來歸故里,成就再上再成就。Noble life in these villas with water and mountain. Coming back to hometown and achieving more.一抹紅A piece of red輕舟蕩水,在御花苑的山水之中漫游,入眼都碧水、綠樹,忽然一株桃紅閃

42、現(xiàn)在這一片綠中,仿佛仙女臉上的那一抹胭脂,頓時為它“驚艷”。Boats on water, cruising in Royal Garden, green water, green trees, and you feel surprised by a sudden piece of red, just like kermes on fairys face.拍 攝 者:新快報胡 鵬Photographer: Hu Peng from New Fast Newspaper拍攝時間:2004年12月23日Photographing time: Dec 23, 2004 第四篇章:晶狀體的不平衡論Ch

43、apter 4: Unbalance of lensXX報記者心語:龍脈氣韻猶存,歐式形態(tài)各具Words of the reporter from XX Newspaper: Architectures of Chinese and European styles龍脈氣韻,的確不是奇跡!Chinese style here, it is not miracle!傾斜的視角,與傾注的晶狀體,不是奇跡的誕生,是建筑氣韻的集合。Lean lens, it is not miracle but the amazing constructions.最徹底的解放,是放棄The entire liberat

44、ion is abandon99%的別墅在同化,御花苑特例。別人建別墅,我們雕琢別墅。99% villas are almost the same, while you can find Royal Garden different. Other villas are built, while ours are sculpted.物質(zhì)形態(tài)的我們,影響意識形態(tài)的我們Reality influences imagination我們是空間的畢加索We are Picasso of space我們是空間的羅丹We are Rodin of space我們是空間的莎士比亞We are Shakespea

45、re of space我們是空間的米開朗基羅We are Mickelangelo of space理智的別墅都慚愧了!These intellect villas make you feel shameful!作為記者的我,跑遍了整個珠三角,真正讓我感慨的別墅不多,東莞更少了。Being a reporter, I have been to all the Pearl Delta, where I find few villas which make me moved, and even fewer in Dongguan.可以說,御花苑的別墅夠理性,除了別墅應(yīng)有的環(huán)境,別墅的建筑功底的確理

46、智。Thats to say, the villas of Royal Garden is intellect enough, not only in its surroundings, but also its architecture.堅決不平衡!Say no to balance!左邊是花園,右邊是泳池,絕對的不平衡生活。Left garden and right pool, life will never be balanced.庭院情感的靈犀Te yards are full of spirit私權(quán)空間,隸屬于精神的不動產(chǎn)Private space is the real estat

47、e in spirit,才是生活的終極財富 and the ultimate life wealth無墻壁美學(xué)No Wall Aesthetics宇宙只有一個陣地In this universe, there is only one position御花苑的價值在于宇宙只有一個如此的陣地,價值的昂貴,那是微宇宙空間的私人微小寶坻,In this universe, there is only one position with expensive and precious villas. That is Royal Garden.僅僅1000平米的私家領(lǐng)土,卻是百萬平米空間的生活活力。It i

48、s only 1000 m2 private land, while creating vigor of millions m2用藝術(shù)精神建造的安全城Building a safe city with art spirit別墅的工匠精神,丟失了很久!The spirit of craftsman in villas has been lost for so long!別墅的工匠精神,不在別處,只是細(xì)微中潤澤衍生。我喜歡在細(xì)致的邊緣尋找創(chuàng)作的靈感,體驗一種與別墅價值的結(jié)合??赡?,這種久違的工匠精神,令人著迷。You can find the spirit of craftsman in vill

49、as nowhere but in tiny area. I feel delighted to seek inspiration of creation from tiny areas, from which you can enjoy the combination with villas value. Probably, I have been driven crazy by this long lost craftsmans spirit.選擇湖邊的第幾棟別墅,見仁見智Different opinions on different villas along the lake湖邊的別墅穿

50、透理智的頭腦與選擇的步伐交織。不論是湖邊的第幾棟別墅,日月在湖水中的倒影沉淀了多年的平衡天平。仁者依山而居,智者與水為臨。The reflection of villas in the lake witnesses the history of many years. Those with humanity settle near mountain while those with wit take water as neighbor.至于我們,手邊夾著來去匆匆的攝相頭,無意也選擇了屬于心靈富有層級的那棟,鏡頭在此停駐。As to us, busy in photograph, we focu

51、s our cameras on some villas with amazement unconsciously.第五篇章:勢必告別粗俗運動Chapter 5: Say goodbye to vulgar movement深圳商報記者王海榮心語:健康隨時隨地,閑適日日天天Words of Reporter Mr. Wang Hairong from Shenzhen Commercial:Health everywhere, leisure everyday閑適始于一只松鼠。Leisure started from a squirrel.關(guān)于這個可愛的小生物的故事在進(jìn)入御花苑的那一刻開始就傳

52、開了,它能在林間歡快地跳躍。有人說它主要棲息在水濂湖畔的那片小松樹林里,有人說它高興時還會竄到山坡上那一大排高高的樺樹林,或者就直接跟著游人在茂盛的荔枝林里捉迷藏,甚至還會趴在湖邊的柳樹腳下小心翼翼地喝水解渴。Regarding this lovely little creature, its story has been spread out since the entry to Royal Garden. It is said that it is settled in the small woods of pine trees near Water Fall Lake. Sometime

53、s it jumps joyfully in the woods or even enters the tall birch woods on the brae, or plays hide-and-seek with the tourists directly in the Lichee Woods, or even drinks water carefully under the osiers near the lake.這種山野的精靈已經(jīng)失去消息很久了,越來越少的野生態(tài)動物能夠活靈活現(xiàn)地出現(xiàn)在我們的視線里。當(dāng)我們不得不把圈養(yǎng)的各種鳥兒、狗兒、貓兒當(dāng)作動物知識的全部來依賴時,那是一種怎樣的

54、無奈?想不到作為自然生態(tài)環(huán)境重要評價指標(biāo)之一的松鼠能夠出現(xiàn)在御花苑里,這著實讓我們興奮不已These wild geniuses have been far away from us for such a long time and fewer and fewer wild animals can be reachable in our daily lives. How sad it is when we rely all on pets of birds, dogs, cats, etc? I really feel excited when thinking of the squirrel

55、s and the natural ecological environment in Royal Garden聽到了嗎?Can you hear it?聞到了嗎?Do you smell it?一定要來!Just come!看到了嗎?Do you see it?想好了嗎?Well considered?一定要來!Just come!讓偽健康形態(tài)出局!Let false health out!告別塵封已久的亞健康,把山水搬到自己的鏡頭前,遠(yuǎn)不如搬到自己的家中那么簡單。以一個旁人的眼光,只要匹配一個貴族的身份,我情愿將偽健康的形態(tài)出局。Farewell sub-state of mental h

56、ealth, it is much better to move your home to the place with water and mountain than capture them with camera. Being noble, Id like to get false health out.安心放下存心自由EasementcomfortintentionFreedom御花苑,讓心安心,讓緊張放下,讓家人存心,讓生活自由。In Royal Garden, you and your families can feel ease, comfortable and free.與其讓

57、心凌亂不已,不妨找個中意的領(lǐng)土,把心放下。Why just come and relax here.碧葉遮天Overshadowing sky with green leaves在御花苑的荔枝林中有非常奇特的四株,名叫“四株大喜”,因為它們的枝葉共同長成傘狀,從遠(yuǎn)處望會以為它們就是一株。走到它們的中間,會發(fā)現(xiàn)天不見了,抬頭只有漫天的碧葉的枝蔓,只是偶爾在葉與葉的縫隙間能看到太陽的小半個臉。In the Lichee Woods of Royal Garden, there are four special trees called Happiness of Four Trees. From f

58、ar away, these trees become one because of their umbrella-alike branches and leaves. Standing inside them, you see green leaves and branches, and part of the sun occasionally.窗Window御花苑的園林多原始風(fēng)貌,信步在灌木從中不時能發(fā)現(xiàn)意外的美景。一堵泥磚墻殘桓靜立在雜草叢生的灌木中,透過它的窗口能望到正在建造的御花苑洋房。突然間,一種在歷史間游走的強烈震撼沖擊了我的心,透這個殘敗的窗看到的是時代的進(jìn)步,泥磚上那道道“皺

59、紋”是歷史前進(jìn)的軌跡!Sometimes you can find surprising pretty scenes when walking in the shrubs because Royal Garden has many original woods. A muddy incomplete wall stands still in the shrub, from its window you can see the Royal Garden which is being built. Suddenly, I was deeply shocked by the times progre

60、ss seen from this broken window. The “wrinkles” on the muddy bricks are the tracks of history!佛光普照Buddhism lights illuminate everywhere御花苑有一片美麗的荔枝林,遠(yuǎn)望如朵朵綠球扎在坡中,忍不住走近去感受,又仿佛走進(jìn)了一座荔枝樹組成的小迷宮,走到空地間從頭到腳都沐浴在如水銀落地般瀉下的陽光中,一種醍醐灌頂?shù)母杏X油然而生,剎那間終于明白什么叫佛光普照。There is a beautiful Lichee Woods in Royal Garden and it l


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