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1、M1U3Getting along with others Grammar Restrictive relative clauses with relative pronouns we look up to the blue skyMy silent empty bodynew light of the dawn Listen blue skyMy silent empty bodynew light 修飾名詞或代詞:定語friendlyrestrictive relative clausesThe girl is my friend.The girl is my friend.The gir

2、l who is friendly is my friend.定語從句:用句子來修飾一個(gè)名詞或代詞。The girl who is friendly is my friend.Analysis the structure of restrictive relative clauses主句先行詞關(guān)系代詞從句Find the restrictive relative clauses on page 34.1. A real friend is someone who walks in 2. A real friend is someone whose support we can count on

3、. 3. A real friend is someone who sees our true self4. not just the face that we show to the world. 5. the modern tools that keep us connected先行詞可以是人也可以是物For example:關(guān)系代詞指代的先行詞成分who人主、賓、表whom人賓that人/物主、賓、表which物主、賓、表whose人/物(譯為:的)定解題步驟:1.找“先行詞” 2.”代入法”:帶入先行詞分析成分The boy broke the window is Tom.He is

4、the man we are waiting for.This is the teacher we like best.who VS. whom賓語主語賓語whowho/whomwho/whomthat VS. which1.A plane is a machine can fly.2.He is the man I told you about.1.I borrow books form library.2.This is the library I borrow books from.3.This is the library from _ I borrow books.That 指人或物

5、,作主語或賓語(作賓語可省略)1.定語從句中:介詞+that (X)2.Which指物,作主語或賓語(作賓語可省略,若介詞提前則不可?。┲髡Z賓語賓語that/whichthatthat/whichwhichwhose(.的)This is the book _ cover is blue.the cover of the book is blueThis is the book of _ cover is blue.The girl _ hair is golden is Amy.The girl of _ hair is golden is Amy.Whose 可指人或物,可與of whic

6、h/whom 互換。定語whose which定語whose定語定語whomSummaryWe use 1._ for things, and 2. _ and whom for people.We can use 3._ for both things and people.We use 4._ to show possession.which whothatwhosepractice 1(page 35)B11. Common interests provide rich ground form_ many friendships grow.2.Friendships grow best

7、between firends _ communication is warm and open.3. Friendships are like flowers _ need to be taken good care of.4. A relationship with a true friend _ you can count on will surely produce fruit.5. To make friends, you should help others the way _ you have been helped by others.whichwhosethat/whicht

8、hat/who/whomthat/in whichB2Answers:1.which/that2.whose3.who/that4.which/that5.which6.whom/that/who7.who/that1.The hospital _was built five years ago has been destroyed.2.This is the boy _father is a teacher.3.The film _we saw the day before yesterday is very interesting.4.Do you know the student _go

9、t the first place in the competition?5.Here are players from japan, some of _are our old friends.Practice 2 which/thatwhosewhich/thatwho/thatwhomGroup workDescribe a friend of yours using restrictive relative clauses. Use the example to help you.My best friend is Owen. I met him at a reading club meeting that/which we both attended. We have the same taste in books, and we often spend hours dis


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