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1、Listening & Speaking Unit 2 Inspiration Step 1. Preview Lead the students to look at the “ Preview ” so as to make sure that theStudents have some ideas of what this unit is all about. Step 2. Part I Listening 1Listen to the upcoming short talk and complete the related statements below accordingly.

2、Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful. Useful Language delivery n. 傳遞 transmission n. 傳播 character n. 品格 influence n. 影響 perceive vt. 察覺 優(yōu)點(diǎn) quality n. attitude n. 態(tài)度 hidden a. 潛在的 impact n. 影響 self-construction n. 自我打造 Exercise: 1) What do you mean when you say that yo

3、u like the way your teacher or instructor in the classroom? 2) A teacher of good character can help students develop -towards life. 3) A good student can also have a hidden positive impact-。2. Helen and Elvis are talking about the qualities of a good teacher. Listen to their conversation and then de

4、cide whether the conversation-based statements below are true (T) or false (F). Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful. Useful Language shoot vi. 請發(fā)問concentration n. 注意力 dedication n. 奉獻(xiàn)devote v. 獻(xiàn)身responsibility n. 責(zé)任kind of 相當(dāng),有點(diǎn)1) Helen is complaining about her teach

5、er. ( )2) As Elvis says, a good teacher conveys good qualities in the classroom.( )3) Helen and Elvis see eye to eye(看法一致 ) on the fact that a dedicated teacher must have a high sense of responsibility.( )Script: Helen: May I ask you a question, Elvis? Elvis: Shoot. Helen: What would you say makes a

6、 really good teacher? Elvis: You have recently met one? Or you feel like complaining about a teacher you have now? Helen: Actually, I think I have just met one. I tend to learn fast with him. I don t know why I have better concentration and understand better in his class than in others, but I do. El

7、vis: Learning has to do with more than his words. Theres always something beyond words with a teacher. What do you mean? Helen: Elvis: I m talking about the qualities of a good teacher. A good teacher has dedication and is devoted his students. Helen: That s true, my teacher has a high sense of resp

8、onsibility. Elvis: He must have, or you wouldn t feel his dedication, and be learning from it. Your teacher is sure to be a man of character. Helen: Youre right. I feel how he carries himself in the classroom has a kind of hidden impact on my attitude. Elvis: That s the gift of a good teacher. Helen

9、: No wonder I like him. Step 3. Karen and Margaret are talking about a good teacher. Listen to their conversation, and then answer the questions below by choosing the best response. Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful. Useful Language separate vt. 分開 heart-to-heart a

10、. 坦誠的 interaction n. 互動 I get you. = I see. 1 ) What does Karen emphasize that a teacher is inseparable from? A) Knowledge of the world. B)Studentspositive learning. C) Studentsyears of education. D) Training for the real world. 2) How, according to Karen, does a good teacher build a good learning e

11、nvironment? A) By changing his way of teaching. B) By adding new knowledge. C) Through positive character qualities. D) By encouraging more learning. ” ? 3) What does Karen mean by “ heart-to-heart interactionA) A good teacher knows his or her students abilities well. B) Good teachers are sensitive

12、to their students and learn from them too. C) A good classroom environment has two-way Communication. D) It is your own duty to learn. 4) What has Margaret come to understand? A) What her teacher teaches. B) Why her teacher is so popular. C) How her teacher raises questions. D) Why her teacher is so

13、 knowledgeable. 5) What is the most important thing a good teacher does? A) Helping students build a positive attitude towards life. B) Acting as an inspiration. C) Lighting the way. D) All of the above. Part two Text A A Teachers Story Para. 1-2 of Text A:Questions about This Paragraph 1) What was

14、the lie that Mrs. Thompson told her students on the very first day of school? 2) What was Teddy like in the eyes of Mrs. Thompson? 1. As Mrs. Thompson stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children a lie. 開學(xué)第一天,當(dāng)湯普森夫人站在她教的五年級那個班的前面時,她對孩子們說了一個謊。句中 on the

15、very first day of school中的副詞 very 此處修飾 first ,加強(qiáng)語氣。 very 可以置于形容詞最高級或 強(qiáng)語氣。又如:own, first , last, next, same等詞之前,以加2 Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn t play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath. 湯普森夫人一年前已在

16、觀察泰迪,注意到他跟其他的孩子玩得不好,他 的衣服很臟,他經(jīng)常需要洗個澡。句中三個 that 引導(dǎo)的句子并列,同屬動詞 3. Elizabeth Silance Ballard 伊麗莎白 塞蘭斯 巴拉德noticed 的賓語。4 It got to the point where Mrs. Thompson would actually take delight in markinghis papers with a red pen, making bold X s and then putting a big “ F”at the top of his papers. (泰迪 )討厭到竟然讓

17、湯普森夫人以用紅筆給他的卷子評分、在上面醒目地打很多叉,然后再在試卷的上方寫上一個大大的F(不及格 )為樂。It 指代上文 And Teddy could be unpleasant。副詞 where指的是 the place or situation in which。又如: I think you have got to the point where a change is needed, or you will fail.5. 此外, marking his papers with a red pen, making bold Xs and then putting a big “ F

18、”at the top of his papers 這三個動名詞結(jié)構(gòu)同屬短語動詞 take delight in 的賓語。 F 表示 failure( 不及格 )。美國學(xué)校常用 5 個字母代表 成績等級,即 A(優(yōu))、B(平均以上 /良)、C(一般水平 /中)、D(平均以下 )和 F(不 及格 )。Para. 3-7of Text A Questions about This Paragraph 1) What did the school where Mrs. Thompson taught require the teachers to do? 2) What did Teddys fir

19、st grade teacher think of him? 3)What did Mrs. Thompson learn from the report of s third grade teacher? Teddynotes 1. Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh. 泰迪是個隨時愛笑的聰明孩子。a ready laugh中的 ready 用于名詞之前, 意為 easily and quickly produced or available。2. his home life will soon affect him if some step

20、s arent taken. 如不采取一些措施,他的家庭生活將很快對他產(chǎn)生影響。在 if 引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句中, 如果從句談?wù)摰氖且粋€有可能發(fā)生的事實(shí)及其 產(chǎn)生的相關(guān)的結(jié)果,主句用一般將來時態(tài),從句用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)。3.withdrawn a. not wanting to talk to other people; extremely quiet and shy 沉默寡言的;性格內(nèi)向的 Para. 8-11of Text A Questions about This Paragraph 1) How did Mrs. Thompson feel when she realized the pr

21、oblem with Teddy? 2) What were Teddys Christmas presents for Mrs. Thompson? Notes: 1.She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper, except for Teddys. 當(dāng)學(xué)生們把用漂亮的緞帶和色彩鮮艷的紙包好的圣誕禮物帶給她,而泰迪的禮物不是這樣時,她的感覺就更糟了。句中 Christmas presents wrapped

22、in 相當(dāng)于 Christmas presents which were wrapped in 過去分詞短語作定語, 放在所修飾的名詞后, 其作用相當(dāng)于定語 從句。2.此外,except for 意為“ 除 之外,若不是”,又如:3.But she stifled the childrens laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist. 但當(dāng)她大聲說手鐲多么漂亮,一邊把它戴上,并在手腕上搽上一些香水時,她就

23、把孩子們的笑聲制止住了。句中 putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist 是現(xiàn)在分詞結(jié) 構(gòu),作狀語,表示伴隨狀態(tài),其邏輯主語與句子主語一致。4. by now: by this time 到現(xiàn)在,這時 5. ashamed a. feeling shame or embarrassment about sb./sth. Or because of sth. you have done 慚愧的;羞愧的 be ashamed of oneself: be feeling shame about oneself becaus

24、e of sth. one has done 為自己感到羞愧 6.wrap/ / vt. cover (sth.) completely in paper or other material, for example when you are giving a present 包,裹Para. 12-17 of Text A Questions about This Paragraph 1) What did Teddy assure Mrs. Thompson in his notes and letters to her over the years? 2) What did Teddy

25、assure Mrs. Thompson in his notes and letters to her over the years? Notes: 1. distraction: n. a thing that takes your attention away from what you are doing or thinking about 分散注意力 (或分心 ) 的事物2. accomplish : vt. succeed in doing or completing (sth.) 完成 Para.8-9of Text A Questions about This Paragrap

26、h1) What is Ajemians suggestion for avoiding distractions? 2) What is Baldwins suggestion? Notes: 1. Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy. 6 年過去了,她又收到了泰迪的一封短信。before 的意思是“ 在 之前”,此句的翻譯是根據(jù)這個含義引申而來的,是為了讓譯文更加通順、更容易理解才進(jìn)行了這樣的意譯。翻譯 before 這樣的連接詞,要根據(jù)上下文靈活掌握。2. And guess what? 你猜怎么著?在敘述一件

27、會令人感到驚訝的事時,美國人習(xí)慣在句首加上Guess what?或是 You know what?來增強(qiáng)語氣。 當(dāng)然,Guess what?從字面上來看是 “ 猜 猜看發(fā)生了什么事” 的意思,但實(shí)際上絕不是要聽者去猜發(fā)生了什么事,只是營造談話的氣氛,給聽者講一件意想不到的事情而已。這就如同中 文的“ 你知道嗎 ?” 一樣。又如,你剛找到一份工作,你就可以說:Guess what? I got a job offer.Part IV Translation & Writing Teaching notes: 本單元英譯漢練習(xí)是英語否定結(jié)構(gòu)的翻譯,主要讓學(xué)生練習(xí)英語的部分否定、雙重否定、 完全否定

28、結(jié)構(gòu)和含否定意義詞語句子等的一些翻譯技能。英語中的部分否定也稱半否定,常用的詞語和短語有:not all, allnot, not everyone, not always, not everything, not every, not both, bothnot, not everyday, not altogether, not everywhere等。比如練習(xí)中的第三句就屬于部分否 定句 : Working is not always convenient, and there will be times when youd prefer to be doing something el

29、se. 部分否定的翻譯比較簡單,常常翻譯為“ 并 非所有,并不是都” 。這一句可譯為:工作并不總是方便的,有時候你倒寧可 在做別的事情。又如:Its not difficult to get money for research or at least its not always difficult. 獲得研究的資金并不困難,或至少并不總是那么困難。Not all misunderstandings result in highways being closed or passengers flying to the wrong continent. 并非所有的誤會都會導(dǎo)致公路關(guān)閉或乘客飛錯

30、大陸。The two messages cannot be both true. 這兩條信息不可能都是正確的。Not all lawyers have large incomes. 并非所有的律師都有高收入。All reward programs are not equal. 并非所有的獎賞方案都是相同的。練習(xí)中的第二句和第四句是練習(xí)英語含雙重否定結(jié)構(gòu)句子的翻譯。雙重否定 是指一個句子中出現(xiàn)兩個表示否定的詞語,如第二句中 can t without 。含 雙重否定結(jié)構(gòu)的英語句子可以翻譯成漢語的雙重否定,也可以根據(jù)上下文翻 譯為漢語的肯定句, 一般取決于哪種形式更符合漢語的習(xí)慣表達(dá)。如第二句:B

31、ut installing a green roof cant be done without a lot of planning and information. 可以譯為:但安裝綠色屋頂沒有大量的規(guī)劃和信息是做不成的。又如 : Her divorce was not unexpected. 她的離婚并不出人意料。/ 她的離婚是意料之中的事。Anxiety about taking tests is not uncommon.對參加考試感到焦慮是常有的。/對參加考試感到焦慮并非罕見。Mr. Brown said elections would not have been possible w

32、ithout UK forces. 布朗先生說沒有英國軍隊(duì)的存在就不可能有選舉。But nothing at all could have been done without their support. 如果沒有他們的支持,根本就不可能取得什么成績/可能什么都做不成。英語表示完全否定的詞語有 never, no, not, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither, nor, not at all 等。練習(xí)中的第一句練習(xí)完全否定的翻譯。又 如:But never have we been offered such an opportunity.可是從來沒

33、有人曾 給過我們這樣一個機(jī)會。Larrys no friend of mine. 拉里根本就不是我的朋友。None of the townspeople had ever seen such weather. 沒有一個城里的人曾見到過這樣的氣候。練習(xí)中的第五句練習(xí)的是翻譯過程中否定成分的轉(zhuǎn)換,把否定主句的謂語轉(zhuǎn)換為否定賓語從句的謂語。在英語中,否定詞與像think,believe 和 suppose這類動詞構(gòu)成的結(jié)構(gòu), 并且后面帶從句時, 形式上是對主句謂語動詞的否定,實(shí)際上否定的是從句的謂語動詞,因此在翻譯時需把否定轉(zhuǎn)移到從句,這樣 才符合漢語的表達(dá)習(xí)慣。又如:I dont think it

34、 s because they don t know how. I think it s because its counter-productive. 我想這并不是因?yàn)樗麄儾恢涝趺醋?,而是因?yàn)檫@么做 會適得其反。I don t suppose the painting will ever be worth a thousand dollars.我想這 畫不會值 1 000 美元。I dont think he will want to say anything to the media. 我認(rèn)為他不愿意 向媒體說任何東西。練習(xí)中第六句含有 “ more than can”的結(jié)構(gòu),它形式上是

35、肯定的,但具有否定意義,在意義上相當(dāng)于英語的can not ,譯為“ 簡直不,無法,難以” : The blow is more than words can tell. 這打擊遠(yuǎn)非言語所能表達(dá)。下面再提供一些例子供教學(xué)參考:The impact theyve had on my confidence is more than words can describe. 他們對我信心的影響是言語無法描述的。The costs associated with the defense is more than many defendants can bear. 與辯護(hù)相關(guān)的費(fèi)用遠(yuǎn)非許多被告所能承受。下

36、面的一些肯定形式但表示否定意義的詞語和結(jié)構(gòu)也可以向?qū)W生介 紹:Cheryl is far from perfect. 謝麗爾遠(yuǎn)不算完美。The process was anything but simple.這個過程根本不簡單。When I got home I felt too tired to eat.我回到家時感到太累了,不想吃東西。B. Translate the following into Chinese, paying attention to the underlined words. 1) None of the ships had accurate maps or cloc

37、ks. (B1U3A) 2) But installing a green roof cant be done without a lot of planning and information. (B1U5A) 3) Working is not always convenient, and there will be times when youd prefer to be doing something else. (B2U6B) 4) Theres nothing unusual about this mans appearance. 5) The teacher didnt thin

38、k that was a realistic dream for a young boy. 6) The blow is more than words can tell. Practical writing: 找工作需要簡歷,這是給招聘單位的“ 見面禮”,也相當(dāng)于“ 推銷” 自己的“ 廣告” ,因此在某種意義上說,簡歷寫得好壞,關(guān)系到應(yīng)聘的成敗。雖然簡歷有各種寫法,但大部分簡歷都應(yīng)該包括以下一些內(nèi)容:個人資料 personal information: name, address and contact information (telephone number and/or email a

39、ddress), date and place of birth, nationality, married or single(有些人認(rèn)為簡歷中寫年齡和婚姻狀況現(xiàn)在已不常見了) 、教育背景(education)、工作經(jīng)歷 (previous employment and work experience)、外語和計算 機(jī)使用能力 (knowledge of English and of other languages, computer skill)、通過 的考試 (examination passed, especially if internationally recognized)、曾獲得的獎勵 (awards)、社會活動(activities) 、興趣愛好(interests & hobbies)、推薦人(references)等。在寫教育背景和工


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