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1、 高二英語閱讀理解強(qiáng)化訓(xùn)練附解析Day 122Passage 1Four years ago, we asked ourselves: what if we could create a shopping experience with no waiting in lines and no checkout? Or could we create a physical store where customers could simply take what they want and go? Our answer to those questions is Amazon Go, where y

2、ou could experience the idea of “ just walk out shopping ”.Amazon Go is a new kind of store with no checkout required. We created the world s most advanced shopping technology, so you never have to wait in line. With our“ just walk out shopping ” experience, simplthe Amazon Go app to enter the store

3、, take the products you want, and go! No lines, no checkout.Our checkout-free shopping experience is made possible by the same types of technologies used in self-driving cars: computer vision, sensor fusion( 融 合 ), and deep learning. Our “ justwalk out technology ” automatically detects when product

4、s are taken from or returned to the shelves and keeps track of them in your virtual cart. When you veshopping, you can just leave the store. Shortly after, we llcharge your Amazon account and send you a recei瞰據(jù)).We offer delicious ready-to-eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack choices made fresh e

5、very day by our on-site chefs and favorite local kitchens and bakeries. Our selection of foodstuff ranges from bread andmilk to cheesesand locally made chocolates. You llfind well-knownbrands welove, plus special finds we re excited to introduce to customers.For a quick home-cooked dinner, pick up o

6、ne of our chef-designed Amazon Meal Kits, and you can make a meal for two in about 30 minutes.Our 1,800-square-foot shopping space is conveniently compact像湊 的 ), so busy customers can get in and out fast. It is located at 2131, 7th Ave,Seattle, WA, on the corner of 7th Avenue and Blanchard Street. A

7、ll you need is an Amazon account, a supported smart phone, and the free Amazon Go app.Amazon Go is now only open to Amazon employees in our testing program, and will be open to the public soon.From the passage, we can learn that Amazon Go .A. sells all kinds of goodsB. is a checkout-free storeC. is

8、open to the publicD. uses unknown technologiesWhat is mainly discussed in Paragraph 3?A. How Amazon Go works.B. When Amazon Go charges.C. Where Amazon Go lies.D. What Amazon Go sells.Customers pay for the products from Amazon Go by .paying cash at the counterwalking out of the storescanning smart ph

9、ones when leavingusing their Amazon accountsThe mainly purpose of the passage is to.Encourage people to shop online.Advise people to work for Amazon.Inform people of a new concept store.Tell people of the shopping experience.Passage 2Everybody hates it, but everybody does it. A recent report said th

10、at 40%of Americans hate tipping. In America alone, tipping is a $ 16 billion- a-year industry. Consumers acting politely ought not to pay more than they have to for a given service. Tips should not exist. So why do they? The common opinion in the past was that tips both rewarded the efforts of good

11、service and reduced uncomfortable feelings of inequality. And also, tipping makes for closer relations. It went without saying that the better the service, the bigger the tip.But according to a new research from Cornell University, tips no longer serve any useful function. The paper analyzes numbers

12、 they got from 2,547 groups dining at 20 different restaurants. The connection between larger tips and better service was very weak. Only a tiny part of the size of the tip had anything to do with the quality of service.Tipping is better explained, by culture than by the money people spend. In Ameri

13、ca, the custom came into being a long time ago. It is regarded aspart of the accepted cost of a service. In New York restaurants, failing to tip at least 15% could well mean dissatisfaction from the customers.Hairdressers can expect to get l5%-20%, and the man who delivers your fast food $ 2. In Eur

14、ope, tipping is less common. In many restaurants the amount of tip is decided by a standard service charge. In many Asian countries, tipping has never really caught on at all. Only a few have really taken to tipping. According to Michael Lynn, the Cornell papers (countries in which people are more s

15、ocial or outgoing tend to tip more.Tipping may reduce anxiety about being served by strangers. And Mr. Lynn says, “In America, where people are expressive and eager to mix up with others, tipping is about social approval. If you tip badly, people think less of you. Tipping well is a chance to show o

16、ff.”This passage is mainly about_.different kinds of tipping in different countriesthe relationship between tipping and customthe origin and present meaning of tippingmost American people hate tippingWhich of the following best explains the underlined phrase cabecome popular.been hated.been stopped.

17、been permittedAmong the following situations, in your opinion, who is likely to tip most?A Frenchman just quarreled with the barber who did his hair badly in New York.An American just had a wonderful dinner in a well known restaurant in New York.A Japanese businessman asked for a pizza delivery from

18、 a Pizza Hut in New York.A Chinese student enjoyed his meal in a famous fast food restaurant in New York.We can infer from this passage that .tipping is no longer a good way to satisfy some customers themselvestipping is especially popular in New Yorktipping in America can make service better nowtip

19、ping has something to do with people s characterPassage 3The following are a few places recommended by tourists.Ka awaloa TrailThe pathway is steep and continues for about 2 miles each way, so the way there will be a lot easier than the way back. Keep in mind that the loose rocks may present a dange

20、rous situation when slippery, so do carry the appropriate footwear and plenty of water to fight against the intense sun.Mauna Kea SummitMost hikers give themselves 8 to 10 hours to finish the journey. Don forget to register at the Mauna Kea Visitors Center before setting out, and plan on being back

21、before sunset. The weather here is unpredictable and completely unique to the rest of the island. This area is pure wilderness, and altitude sickness is a definite risk, so researching the hike in advance on the Mauna Kea website is a must.Waipio Valley TrailFamed Waipio Valley, the former home of K

22、ing Kamehameha, shouldn t be missed by nature lovers. Be sure to catch a glimpse of nearby Hiilawe Falls from here, flowing 1,300 feet at the back of the valley. About 6.5 miles round-trip, this adventure will most likely be too difficult for beginner hikers due to the steep inclines(向)and length.On

23、omea Bay TrailOnomea Bay offers two different hikes from the Mamalahoa Highway in Papaikou. The first, the Donkey Trail, follows a stream through the Hawaiian rainforest past a small waterfall and to the ocean. The second, Onomea Trail, goes just to the right of the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden

24、and past the Alakahi stream. Many choose to combine the trails or pair the hike with the botanical garden for added adventure.What should tourists be careful about in Ka awaloa Trail?A. Burning. B. Loose rocks.C. Dry weather. D. The steep pathway.Why is the visit to the Mauna Kea website in advance?

25、A. The journey lasts long.B. There exist many tourists.C. There s a potential danger. D. The weather is unpredictable.What do the last two item( sWaipio Valley Trail and Onomea Bay Tra)il have in common?They attract plant lovers.Tourists can see waterfalls.Tourists can hike along a stream.They aren

26、t suitable for beginner hikers.Passage 4From 20-pound turkeys to red and green Christmas cookies, with their emphasis on food, experts agree that the holidays are an ideal time to get kids involved in the kitchen.I think it helps build up their confidence and their independence, Charleston-basedchef

27、 and mother-of-two Aimee Jones said. They say, Look,I can do this. I can make and feed myself something yummy. Especially when they can share it with their parents, it definitely helps them build confidence in themselves.Instilling( 灌輸 ) a comfort level with cooking at an early age can create a life

28、-long habit of making meals at home and help to foster a healthy relationship with food.This is the age when everything we teach them gets stuck in their heads, Nico Romo, chef and owner oNf ico Oysters Seafoodand father of three said. If something goes wrong with the heat on the stove, they know th

29、ey can handle it. They can turn it off. And they re using their handcreate things. They can already draw and do all those things, so why canthey hold and chop a vegetable? You show them and watch them. Itof fun.Involving children in creating their favorite holiday treats also makesfor a one-of-a-kin

30、d bonding experience. For better or worse, you will getto know your children, and they you, more deeply when you cook withthem. For better, you will share recipes, techniques and anecdotes that you learned at the elbows of mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers long gone, they wrote.For worse,

31、 you will huff and puff and whine( 埋怨 ) and lose your patience when they accidentally spill heavy cream all over the kitchen table while making mini-shortcakes with berries, but they will love you anyway, teaching you, the one who ssupposed to be the grown-up, about unconditional affection and ready

32、 forgiveness.What does the author suggest in paragraph 2?Increasing children s confidence by cooking.Forming a tradition of family cooking.Cooking delicious meals for children.Making holidays more meaningful.What does Nico Romo mean in Paragraph 4?Children are good at drawing.This is an age lack of

33、creativity.Children are able to handle cookery.Modern technology is easy to learn.What will adults learn when children make a mess in the kitchen?The skills in controlling their temper.The unlimited love and pardon.The tips for making everything in order.The remarks made for complaint.What is the te

34、xt mainly about?The stress of cooking during holidays.The benefits of cooking with kids.The advantage of playing with children.The importance of sharing recipes.Passage 5Smart cities are coming. And you can be sure that hackerS(客)won t be very far behind.We ve already gotten a glimpse of that future

35、, as cities across the globe start to use technology to connect their services and residents in ways that was science fiction just a few years ago. They are using sensors to collect data such as traffic, garbage collecting, and road conditions一using that data to deliver services to more people and m

36、ore efficiently.But this rush to become a smart city has a major drawback: The more connected a city is, the easier it is to cyber-attacks. Hackers have, in recent years, effectively held cities hostage through ransom ware(贖金器), sometimes damaging critical systems for months at a time. The damage ca

37、n cost millions to repair, as Baltimore and Atlanta have discovered.And this is just the beginning. As cities add connectivity to their streetlights, power grids, dams, transit lines and other services, they are adding more targets that have the potential to be hacked. What s radditional information

38、 on residents is collected, officials worry the result 一lots of data could attract nation-states or terrorists who could incorporate the data into physical and cyber war.What cyber security lesson can t be taught in this hack? For example: Don open email attachments from unfamiliar sources; don ctli

39、ck on unrecognized links; don t leave sensitive information visible on the walls or surfaces of your office. But let s just stick to the most important lessoiThe information you share on social media can be used_to_profile and targetyou, whether that bys engineering click bait(,電擊誘餌)aimed at your pa

40、rticular interests, guessing your password based on your birthday or figuring out your schedule and travels so that an intruder can access your home or office.Wednesday, September 18, 201T9HE WALL STREET JOURNAL.What did people use to think of smart cities?A. It was the product of science. B. It was

41、 bound to be popular.C. It existed in imagination. D. It improved people s life.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 3?Introduce the harm of hackers.Show the danger of a smart city.Add some background information.Summarize the previous paragraphs.2. What is officials attitude to big data?I

42、t is convenient to provide service.It is certain to bring about revolution.There are actually potential dangers.There s competition in high technology.What does the underlined word profile in Para. 5 mean?A. Describe. B. Protect. C. Pursue. D. Fund.參考答案Passage 1B 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段Amazon Go is a new kind o

43、fstore .so you never have to wait in line!知這是種不需要結(jié)賬的 商店 , 故選 B。A段落大意題。根據(jù)第三段 Our checkout-free shopping experienceis .and deep learning!知主要講的是商店是如何運作的,故選A。 TOC o 1-5 h z D細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段 Shortly after, well charge your Amazon account and send you a receip可知顧客支付他購買的商品通過他的亞 馬遜賬號 , 故選D。C 推理判斷題。根據(jù)最后一段Amazon

44、Go is currently only opento Amazon employees in our testing program, and will be open to the public soon 可知文章主要是為了告訴人們一個新的商店概念, 故選C。Passage 2C 主旨大意題。根據(jù)全文內(nèi)容可知, 本文主要介紹了給小費的由來及現(xiàn)實意義。故選C。A 詞義猜測題。根據(jù)其后的一句Only a few have really taken totipping 可以 , 在亞洲 , 只有少數(shù)人真正喜歡給小費。所以可以猜測caught on為 受歡迎”之意。所以選A。B 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)In America, the custom came into being along time ago. It is regarded as part of the accepted cost of a service知,美國人有給小費的習(xí)俗, 給小費被認(rèn)為是服務(wù)可接受成本的一部分。故 B 選擇項最適合。D 推理判斷題。由最后一段, 尤其 In America, where people areexpressive and eager to mix up with others, tipping is about social


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