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1、資助出國留學(xué)協(xié)議書Agreement on Funding Study Abroad甲方:Party A:地址:Address:聯(lián)系方式:Contact:Party B:Address:Contact:乙方:住址:聯(lián)系方式:甲乙雙方本著平等自愿和誠信的原則,經(jīng)雙方平等協(xié)商,就乙方 在甲方資助、支持下赴歐洲攻讀博士學(xué)位事宜,達(dá)成如下協(xié)議條款, 以供簽約雙方共同遵守執(zhí)行。Based on the principles of equality, voluntariness and good faith, concerning Party B s going to Europe for a PhD u

2、nder the fund of Party A, two parties, through equal negotiation, have reached and shall abide by the following agreement.第一條為招攬人才,甲方自愿資助乙方赴 (國家)留學(xué),幫助其至 大學(xué)的 教授處攻讀博士學(xué)位,資助期限為4年(具體起止時間以乙方錄取通知的留學(xué)期限為準(zhǔn))。In order to attract talents, Party A voluntarily grants financial aid to Party B to study abroad in (co

3、untry)for a PhDwith Professor of Universityfor a periodof four years.第二條 在乙方留學(xué)攻讀博士學(xué)位期間,甲方自愿按照每月1350 歐元(? 1350/月)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),向乙方提供生活費(fèi)資助,即甲方每年應(yīng) 提供資助費(fèi)用總計16200歐元。During Party B s pursuit of the PhD, Party A voluntarily provide Party B with living expenses of ? 1350 per month, at the total amount of ? 16,200 per

4、 year.第三條資助費(fèi)用的支付Payment of the fund甲方應(yīng)當(dāng)于每年月日前通過 的方式,將每年資助費(fèi)用一次性及時、足額支付至乙方指定賬戶,乙方指定收款賬戶如下:Party A shall every year, by means of prior to day/month/year, pay the annual fund in full and in time to the account designated by party B. The account designated by party B is as follows:賬 號: Account Number戶 名:

5、Account Name開戶行:Opening Bank第四條服務(wù)期約定Service term乙方留學(xué)結(jié)束后回國的,應(yīng)當(dāng)服從甲方分配,到甲方安排的工作崗位工作,雙方約定服務(wù)期不少于2年,自乙方上崗之日起算。WhenParty B returns to China after studying abroad, he/she shall submit to Party A s assignment and work at the position arranged by Party A. Both parties agree that the service term shall be no l

6、ess than 2 years, starting from the date of work.乙方在服務(wù)期內(nèi)的具體工資標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及福利待遇由甲乙雙方屆時另行 協(xié)商確定,但基本工資不得低于人民幣 元/月。The specific wage standard and benefits in the service term will be otherwise agreed by both parties. The basic wage shall not be less than RMB Yuan per month.第五條雙方權(quán)責(zé)Rights and obligations(一)甲方 Party

7、A.本協(xié)議簽訂后,甲方應(yīng)當(dāng)按照本協(xié)議約定,及時、足額將每年 的資助費(fèi)用支付至乙方指定收款賬戶,以保障乙方順利完成學(xué)業(yè);Upon the execution of this agreement, Party A shall, in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, pay the annual fund in full and in time to the account designated by Party B, to ensure Party B s successful completion of his/her stud

8、ies.乙方留學(xué)結(jié)束后,甲方有權(quán)要求乙方到安排的崗位提供服務(wù)。After the end of Party B s overseas study, Party A isentitled to require Party B to provide service at the positionParty A arranges.乙方未能夠按照計劃順利畢業(yè)時,甲方有權(quán)對其延期畢業(yè)原因 進(jìn)行調(diào)查核實(shí)。If Party B cannot graduate according to the plan, Party A has right to investigate on the reasons for

9、the delayed graduation.(二)乙方 Party B.乙方在留學(xué)期間,應(yīng)當(dāng)專心學(xué)業(yè),提高自身的知識水平與專業(yè) 技能,完成留學(xué)計劃。During overseas study, Party B shall concentrate on the studies, improve his/her knowledge and professional skills, and complete the overseas study plan.乙方留學(xué)結(jié)束后,應(yīng)當(dāng)及時返回國內(nèi),按照約定到甲方處參加 工作,運(yùn)用其所學(xué)知識與技能為甲方創(chuàng)造實(shí)際的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益。After the end of o

10、verseas study, Party B shall return toChina in time, work with Party A as agreed and then create actual economic benefits for Party A by applying the knowledge and skills he/she has obtained abroad.如本協(xié)議第一條約定的資助期限屆滿,乙方未能夠順利畢業(yè) 的,乙方應(yīng)提前一天通知甲方,并及時向甲方申請延長資助期限。If Party B cannot successfully graduate at the

11、 expiry of the subsidy period under Article 1 of this agreement, he/she shall inform Party A in advance days_and apply to Party A timely for the extension of subsidy period.第六條資助期限的延長Article 6 Extension of subsidiary period如乙方無法順利畢業(yè)非因其個人消極懈怠學(xué)業(yè)所致,經(jīng)甲方調(diào)查核實(shí)后,甲方可根據(jù)乙方申請,適當(dāng)延長資助期限,但每次延長期限 最長不超過1年,申請延期次數(shù)不得超過

12、2次。If Party A investigates and finds that Party B s failureto graduate is caused by his/her being negative or passive in study, it mayappropriately extend the subsidy period according to Party Bs application, provided that the extension period shall not exceed 1 year each time, and the application f

13、or extension shall not exceed 2 times.第七條違約責(zé)任Breach of agreement.如約定的資助期限屆滿,乙方因個人原因,在兩次延期后仍然 不能畢業(yè)的,乙方應(yīng)向甲方支付違約金,違約金計算方式如下:違約 金二甲方資助總費(fèi)用X 120%If Party B cannot graduate after two times of extension due to personal reasons at the expiry of the agreed subsidiary period, he/she shall pay liquidated damage

14、s to Party A, which shall be calculated as follows: liquidated damages= the total funds paid by Party A * 120%.如乙方留學(xué)結(jié)束后未按約定回國為甲方服務(wù)的,乙方應(yīng)向甲方支付違約金,計算方式如下:違約金=甲方資助總費(fèi)用X 150%If Party B does not return to provide service for Party A as agreed after the end of overseas study, he/she pay liquidated damages t

15、o Party A, which shall be calculated as follows: liquidated damages = the total funds paid by Party A * 150%.如乙方在服務(wù)期限內(nèi)停止為甲方提供勞務(wù)的,乙方應(yīng)向甲方支付違約金,計算方式如下:違約金=甲方資助總費(fèi)用X未服務(wù)年限+ 總服務(wù)年限X 150% (注:協(xié)議約定服務(wù)期限和實(shí)際服務(wù)期限精確到 月,費(fèi)用金額四舍五入,保留整數(shù)。)If Party B stops provide service for Party A during the service period, he/she pay

16、 liquidated damagesto Party A, which shall be calculated as follows: liquidated damages= the total funds paid by Party A * uncompleted years of service/totalyearsof service *150%.本協(xié)議履行期間,如甲方未能按照本協(xié)議約定及時、足額支付資助費(fèi)用的,每逾期一次,甲方應(yīng)向乙方支付違約金人民幣 元 (大寫: 元整)。逾期支付超過 次的,乙方有權(quán)解除 本協(xié)議。During the performance of this agre

17、ement, Party A shall pay liquidated damagesof RMB Yuan to Party B (Capital: Yuan) every time for its failure to grant the fund in full and in time as agreed.除本協(xié)議另有約定外,任一方直接或間接違反本協(xié)議任何條款 的均視為違約,違約方須向守約方支付違約金人民幣 元(大寫: 元整)。Unless otherwise provided by this agreement, any direct or indirect violation of

18、any provisions of this agreement by any party shall be deemedas breach of agreement and the breaching party shall pay liquidated damages of RMB Yuan to the non-breaching party.甲乙雙方均同意賠償由于自身原因或違反本協(xié)議給守約方造 成的實(shí)際損失(包括直接損失和預(yù)期可得收益),并支付守約方為避 免或減少損失而支付的合理費(fèi)用,包括但不限于訴訟/仲裁費(fèi)、鑒定費(fèi)、公證費(fèi)、保全費(fèi)、律師費(fèi)。Both parties agree to

19、compensate for the actual loss including direct loss and expected gains, caused by its own reasons or breach of this agreement to the non-breaching party, and pay the non-breaching party for reasonable expenses incurredfor avoiding or reducing loss, includingbut notlimited to litigation/arbitration

20、fee, authentication fee, notary fee, preservation fee, and attorney fee.第八條特別約定Special Provision.甲方資助乙方留學(xué)期間,乙方將同時申請中國國家獎學(xué)金。如 乙方申請中國國家獎學(xué)金成功的,自該筆獎學(xué)金發(fā)放至乙方賬戶之次 月,甲方可以停止對乙方的資助,并要求乙方返還已支付的資助費(fèi)用。 如乙方申請中國國家獎學(xué)金失敗的,甲方則應(yīng)當(dāng)按照本協(xié)議約定繼續(xù) 為乙方提供資助,直至乙方畢業(yè)。During the period of studying abroad, Party B may at the same time

21、 apply for a Chinese national scholarship. If Party B successfully applies for the Chinese national scholarship, Party A may stop funding Party B the next month since scholarship is paid to Party Bs account and ask Party B to return the fund which has been already given. If Party B fails to apply fo

22、r a Chinese national scholarship, Party A shall continue to provide financial assistance to Party B as agreed herein until Party B s graduation.乙方應(yīng)當(dāng)在收到申請結(jié)果之日起 日內(nèi),及時將其獲獎情況 告知甲方。如乙方申請獎金學(xué)成功的,應(yīng)當(dāng)在甲方通知返還資助費(fèi)用 之日起一個月內(nèi)將甲方已支付資助費(fèi)用一次性退還至甲方指定賬戶。 本協(xié)議自乙方全額退回資助費(fèi)用之日起失效。Party B shall, within days upon receipt of the

23、application result, inform Party A of the award of scholarship.If Party B successfully applies for a scholarship, he/she shall refund the amount paid by Party A to the account designated by Party A in a lump sum within one month after Party A s notice of return of the fund. This agreement shall beco

24、me invalid on the date when Party B refunds the full amount.第九條 爭議的解決Settlement of Dispute本協(xié)議受中華人民共和國法律管轄并按其進(jìn)行解釋。This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.凡因履行本協(xié)議所發(fā)生的爭議, 各方應(yīng)友好協(xié)商解決, 如協(xié)商 不成,任何一方可向有管轄權(quán)的人民法院起訴。Any dispute arising out of the performance of this agreement shall be settled by the parties through friendly negotiation. Otherwise, each par


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