



1、 申請法國留學的申請書怎么寫模板 申請法國留學的申請書 Dear _, A few years ago, USA Today named the star of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Sarah Michelle Gellar, the epitome of the modern feminist. Declaring with her take-no-prisoners attitude.vampire-slaying Buffy Summers has become. a feminist hero whos smart, tough and self-rel

2、iant, the beautiful blonde was apotheosized by younger girls. When asked about feminism, she explained, Feminism sort of has a negative connotation. It makes you think of women that dont shave their legs. Does Gellar consider herself a feminist? I hate the word, she replied. Why is the public so unc

3、omfortable with the word feminism? Society implores women to strive to be smart and strong, but to be too smart or too strong is discouraged. Instead, too many settle for being a Buffy, a female with incredible potential kept in check by contemporary cultures definition of woman. Last year, one of m

4、y teachers cracked a sexist joke and I commented that I found it inappropriate. He informed me the class was mature enough for such content. After class ended, a male student rudely inquired, Are you a feminist? as if it were a disease. I immediately reverted to a defensive mode, feeling the burden

5、to justify not only my opinions, but also the entire platform of feminism; for a moment, like Gellar, I did not want to associate myself with a term so disgraceful. Looking back on the incident, I wish I would have had the courage I now possess to defend my beliefs. I am willing to take the risk of

6、standing up against a popular opinion if I do not believe it to be right. Perhaps I illuminate the paradox many modern women face. On one hand, I embody the prototypical, devoted female, assuaging the plight of Romanian orphans and donating countless hours to the Second Harvest Food Bank of the Inla

7、nd Northwest. Numerous local and national accolades verify my role as a nurturer and do-gooder. But when I step into a cross-examination debate round where the object is to establish your case and tear apart the opposing side, I risk being considered too assertive, too aggressive, and too competitiv

8、e, while all of these traits are seen as desirable qualities in my male opponents. Sadly, many believe that to be feminine one must remain passive, a role I refuse to accept. Am I a feminist? If that means I take risks to make my convictions known and strive to be smart and strong, then people can c

9、all me that if society must label me. But feminism does not define who I am, its merely a term to describe some of my principles. I do not advocate every issue grounded in the feminist agenda. Feminism neglects my passion for competition, my desire to enact change, and my love of history. Feminism f

10、ails to capture my compelling feelings on Weapons of Mass Destruction or on the high levels of poverty in my hometown of Spokane. No one term elucidates my fear of failure, nor my aspiration to transform others through journalism. Instead, feminism is just one of the many terms I use to express myse

11、lf, and to differentiate myself from Buffy. Yours sincerely, 申請法國留學必備條件 1.年齡 申請法國的本科,學生的年齡必須在18歲以上,但是不能超過22歲。研究生有的一些專業(yè)比較特殊,所以對于申請者的年齡要求比較寬松,基本在30歲以下就可以,相較于公立院校,法國的私立院校對于學生的年齡限制可放寬。 2.學術背景 申請法國的本科,學生需要有高中(或以上)畢業(yè)文憑,一般需要學生提交自己的高考成績,且高考成績需要達到二本線以上。申請法國的碩士,需要具備大專、本科或以上學歷,且需要提供學位證書及大學期間完整的成績單。 3.語言水平 申請法國

12、的院校,學生需要在國內(nèi)讀500學時的法語課時,TCFTEF考試達到B1以上。如果選擇英語授課的話,學生的英語水平需要達到雅思6.0以上,并根據(jù)學校要求提供GMAT或托福成績。 4.經(jīng)濟能力 學生的家庭需要具備能夠支付的起在法國留學期間的一切費用的經(jīng)濟能力,需要有6-8萬人民幣以上的銀行存款(活期,辦完簽證可取)。 法國留學大學費用一覽 一、留學學費 1.公立大學 由于實行福利教育,政府和國家設置的學校,是不收取就讀學生的學費的,所以大家的經(jīng)濟壓力會小很多,這樣在進行挑選的時候,大部分學生會傾向于選擇公立的院校。 不過還是會收取一定的注冊費用的,這是學生身份的獲取,會有階段的差異,一般本科需要交

13、189歐,碩士需要交259歐,博士需要交393歐,都是大家要提前了解而且準備的。 2.私立大學 學校的教學質(zhì)量會有高有低,大家要將自己的目標放在身上,即精英學院或者貴族學院,這樣自己的學習才會得到保障,不過要支付的學費也會稍貴一些,要提前了解而且預備。 一般文科和法學類的專業(yè),學費需要1萬歐左右;理工科和藝術類需要準備好1-2萬歐;比較貴的是商科、工程和醫(yī)學相關分支,可達3萬歐,成本會高上不少。 二、留學生活費 1.衣 囊括服飾在內(nèi)的所有開銷,其中除了日用品之外,其他的東西不需要每個月定期買,但是預算也要做足,一個月基本上100歐左右就夠用,如果有額外的開銷,要重新做預算。 2.食 餐飲的解決可以選擇學校的食堂,提供的自助食材豐富并且健康,并且價格也會比


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