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1、高考聽力指導Teaching Aims(教學目標): I. To learn some common and useful listening skills. II. To improve students listening ability.III. To develop students interest in English and be confident to communicate with others.Read before you listen.聽前預讀Catch the key words. 抓關鍵詞Take notes quickly. 快速筆記Be in a good

2、mood. 心態(tài)良好Listening skills短對話:一般命題思路借車?一般是借不到的考試?比較難,要熬夜,老師一般比較嚴厲事故?比較光明,不會死人講座?題目比較有趣,內容一般比較復雜難懂作文?一般要修改polish或重寫rewrite娛樂?男生一般喜歡在家里玩,女生一般喜歡高雅藝術theater醫(yī)院?需要預約make an appointment買票?基本上是買不到的第一步:看高考聽力有一半的信息靠聽,而另一半的信息靠閱讀。迅速瀏覽題干和所給選項,做到有備而發(fā)! 化被動為主動!忽略相似部分,把注意力集中在有較大差異的部分。例1:Whats the mans suggestion? Bu

3、ying expensive things. Buying cheap things. Buying necessary things.讀題技巧一:例2:A: He went to see his doctor in his spare time yesterday. B: He visited his friends when he was free yesterday. C: He called on an old farmer after work yesterday. What does the man want to order? A . 50 TV sets B. 15 compu

4、ters C. 50 personal computersC兩個有交集的選項往往是正確答案。讀題技巧二:預 判 原 則Why does the man say that he should keep away from babies? A. He has just become a father. B. He wears dirty clothes. C. He is a smoker.1. 常識判斷原則排 除Why did the woman buy a heavy coat for Jimmy?Winter is coming soon. B. Jimmyll go into the mo

5、untains. C. Jimmy has caught a cold. 排 除Whats the mans response to the womans suggestion? A. He doesnt take it seriously. B. He has rejected it. C. He has accepted it.2. 同義同錯原則如果兩個選項表意相同或相近,就意味著它們都不能選。關注焦點【2008年全國卷第11題】What does the woman think about the mans idea?A.Its interesting. B. its worth try

6、ing. C. its impractical. 關注焦點為了干擾考生判斷,往往會設一個與正確答案相反的選項作為陷阱,也就意味著如果兩個選項的意思完全相反,那么答案很可能是其中的一個。3. 反義有解原則Why does the woman plan to go to town? A. To pay her bills in the bank. B. To buy books in a bookstore. C. To get some money from the bank.答案很可能是A或C長對話中一般設計23個問題,這些問題往往形成了一個信息鏈,考生可以從中預測聽力測試內容,有時甚至問題本

7、身就泄露了答案。 4.呼應原則例1:1. What was the man doing? A、Buying clothes. B、Selling clothes. C、Having a suit made. 2. Why didnt the person take the suit? A、It was too big. B、It was too expensive. C、It was out of fashion. A 15.Why did the officer want to see the drivers license? A. The driver was speeding. B. T

8、he driver was a stranger. C. The driver took the wrong turn.16. What is the speed limit in business area of that city? A. 25 miles per hour. B. 20 miles per hour. C. 35 miles per hour.A 第二步:聽為了避免心理緊張等情緒,可做深呼吸,放松心情,使自己處于最佳心理狀態(tài)。如果某一句話聽不明白,暫時放棄,以免影響后面的答題。聽完聽力后,不要再回過頭去檢查或修改自己的答案。因為,據統(tǒng)計學原理及對學生進行采訪的結果表明:在

9、大多數情況下,改動越多,錯誤率越高。2相信第一感覺小對話典型題型分析(part1)1.場景型問題2.人物關系及身份題3.數字型問題5.觀點態(tài)度題4.推理判斷題一、場景型問題menu, bill, order, tip, hamburger, sandwich, take medicine, pill , headache, blood pressure fever, luggage, single room, double room, room number ,reserve, book餐館(restaurant)賓館(hotel)mail, deliver, stamp envelope,

10、telegram郵局(post office)醫(yī)院(hospital)whereM: What would you like to have, madam ?W: I a cup of coffee and chicken sandwich. Where does the conversation probably take place? (2011重慶) A. In a restaurant B. On a farm C. At home二、人物關系及身份題解題技巧:在聽人物之間關系的題目時,說話人之間的語氣尤其重要,如果是上司跟下屬之間的關系,語氣一般較強硬,有命令的意味;而如果是夫妻之間

11、,則語氣較為甜蜜,隨意朋友之間較親切;服務員對顧客一般較尊敬。職業(yè)與人物間的關系husband and wifeassistant and customerdoctor and patientteacher and student三、數字型問題When does this conversation take place?A. At 5:00. B. At 5:15. C. At 4:45.W: Oh, no. Its five oclock already, and I havent finished my homework.M: Dont worry. That clock is fifte

12、en minutes fast. You still have time to do it.C What was the normal price of the T-shirt? (2010全國一No.2)A. 15 B. 30 C. 50BW: So what did you buy?M: A T-shirt, it was a real bargain. I got it half price, saving 15 dollars.四、推理判斷題解題技巧:1捕捉“弦外之音“,如降調表示贊同肯定;升調表示懷疑、驚訝或否定。2側重but詞后的信息,這些詞后的信息往往比較重要。3注意一些語法結構

13、的運用,如虛擬語氣表示與事實相反;否定比較級結構表示最高級;I wish I could be in 2 places at once.It couldnt be better. I couldnt agree more.I have never seen a better film. What does the man mean?Hell explain them.He doesnt know them, either.He knows them very well.語氣W: Can you explain these difficult words for me?M: Me?B W: Hi

14、 John. How is your exam?M: It couldnt be better. W: Really? But remember this: hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.否定比較級表示最高級What does the man imply?A. The man is so forgetful. B. The man is too careless. C. The man is over confident.C Will the woman come to the party? A. Maybe.B. No.C.

15、Certainly.M: We are having a little party at the weekend. Can you and Tom come?W: That sounds nice. Thank you. But Ill have to check with Tom.but詞A Id like,butI was planning to,butIm sorry to hear that, butThats great, but常見句型:聽力中要特別注意but 后的內容。因為but前的往往是婉轉的客套話,而后面的才是真正的心里話,在口語表達中更常見的還有以下幾個連接標志:to be

16、 honest, to tell the truth, in fact, as a matter of fact, actually等2.What does the man mean?(09湖北5) A. He had a terrible vocationB. He remained at home all the timeC. The woman asked a silly questionM: Alen, how was you vocation?W: Just dont ask. I wish I had never had it.虛擬語氣A 五、觀點態(tài)度題解題技巧:注意對話中肯定與否

17、定 回答. 肯定回答: Yes/ Absolutely/ I agree with you ; 否定回答: Im sorry, Im busy now ,Im afraid I cant常見語氣詞:well委婉否定五、觀點態(tài)度題M: Can you possibly lend me $ 10?W: Its out of the question.Q: What do you learn about the woman?巧用and 和orW: Has your brother bought his books yet? M: He bought a history book , but the

18、Chinese and English test-book were sold out.w*w*w*k*s*5*u*c*o*m Which book has the mans brother get? A. A history book B. A Chinese textbook C. An English bookA W: Do you enjoy life in Washington?M: Yes indeed. Im planning to move to New York or Boston . Anyway Ive never regretted my earlier decision2. Where does the man live now? A In New York B In Boston C In WashingtonC Summary根據對大量試題的統(tǒng)計,所提出的問題有90%左右都與speaker 2說話內容有關。所以我們要特別注意speaker2的回答。當題干是:What does the woman think of ? 注意


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