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1、Chapter 8Blood and ImmunityBasic TermsBlood blood plasma erythrocyte leukocyte plateletImmunity lymphoid organs -lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland lymphocyte antibodies macrophage(巨噬細胞)/phagocyte(噬菌細胞)album/o: proteinalbumin: -in substance, hence a protein substance found in every animalAlbuminoid:

2、resembling albumin albuminuria: urine containing albumin (ex.) albuminosis-ate: to make something become intovaccination : the process of making vaccine become effective vaccinate: to make vaccine become effective vaccinator : one who vaccinates; an instrument for use in vaccination (ex.) oxygen oxy

3、genate Pollen pollinate azot/o: urea; nitrogenazotemia: an excess of urea or other nitrogenous compounds in the blood azoturia: an excess of urea or other nitrogen compounds in the urine zotometer : an instrument for measuring the proportion of nitrogen compounds in a solution bas/o: alkalinebasophi

4、l: -phil attraction, hence, a type of blood cell that attracts alkaline dyes basophilia:-ia condition, hence an increase in the number of basophils basophilism: abnormal increase of basophil cells (ex.) basoplasm philanthropy coagul/o: clottingcoagulation: the process of clotting coagulopathy: any d

5、isorder of blood coagulation coagulogram: a term used colloquially in clinical hematology to denote a series of lab tests measuring the various parameters of hemostasis (ex) coaguloreactioncoagulometer eosin/o: red; rosyEosinophil : type of blood cell that attracts red dyes eosinopenia : -penia defi

6、ciency, hence a decrease in the number of eosinophils in the bloodeosinophilia : the formation and accumulation of an abnormally large number of eosinophils in the blood ferr/i: containing iron in its plus-three oxidation state(三價鐵)ferritin: the iron-apoferritin complex, which is one of the chief fo

7、rms in which iron is stored in the body ferriheme :hematin; the hydroxide of heme ferri-albuminic:containing iron and albumin n. ferri-albumin -fusion: pouringtransfusion: trans -through; across, hence intravenous administration of blood infusion: the therapeutic introduction of a fluid other than b

8、lood, as saline solution, into a vein Profusion: pouring in great amounts (ex.) perfusion effusionlung hypoperfusion 肺灌注: 液體通過組織從肺的空氣中獲取氧的過程。借助于換氣,吸取氧氣釋放二氧化碳。如果發(fā)生換氣障礙,脫氧靜脈血液仍回流入大循環(huán)。如果灌注功能受到損傷,空氣就不能進行充分交換。 -globin: proteinhemoglobin: an iron-containing protein produced by erythrocytes myoglobin: the

9、oxygen-transporting pigment of muscle, a conjugated protein (結(jié)合蛋白)hemoglobinuria: urine containing hemoglobin(ex.) myohemoglobin myohemoglobinuria granul/o: granulesgranulocyte: any granular blood cell agranulocyte : a blood cell without granulesgranulocytosis : -cytosis condition of cells, increase

10、 in number, hence, an abnormally large number of granulocytes in the blood (ex.)granulocytopenia granuloma idi/o: unknown; individual; distinctiveidiopathic: pertaining to a disease whose cause is unknown, hence very distinctive idiopathy : a disease whose cause is unknown idiomorphic: pertaining to

11、 a distinctive shape or form (ex.) idiohypnotism kary/o: nucleusmegakaryocyte: mega- large, hence the giant cell of bone marrow, a large cell with a greatly lobulated nucleus karyoplasm: plasm of nucleus Karyogenesis: generation of nucleus (ex.) karyokinesis leuk/o: whiteleukocyte:white blood cell l

12、eukocytosis : increase in number, hence an increase in the number of white blood cells leukocytopoiesis : poiesis, formation; hence, the production of leukocytes (ex.) leukemia melan- melanoma Melaena: black stool/ bowl -lysis:breakdown, destructionhemolysis: breakdown of the blood hemolytic: pertai

13、ning to hemolysisparalysis: para- along the side of, hence losing control of voluntary muscles of the body (ex.) leukocytolysis thrombolysis mega-: large, oversizeMegakaryocyte : kary/o nucleus, hence the giant cell of bone marrow, a large cell with a greatly lobulated nucleus (分葉狀核)megakaryoblast :

14、 the earliest cytologically identifiable precursor in the thrombocytic series, which matures to form the promegakaryocyte megaloblast :a large, nucleated, immature progenitor of an abnormal red blood cell series -megaly splenomegaly mono-: singleMonocyte: a mononuclear phagocytic leukocyte monocytop

15、enia: abnormal decrease in the proportion of monocytes in the blood monocytosis: increase in the proportion of monocytes in the blood monoxide (ex.) monotherapynatr/i:sodiumnatremia: hypernatremia natriuresis : the excretion of sodium in the urine natriuretic: pertaining to, characterized by, or pro

16、moting natriuresis nephr/o: kidneynephropathy: disease of the kidneys nephrologynephrosclerosis:sclerosis or hardening of the kidney Nephroscopy: visualization of the kidney by means of the nephroscope nephrography neutr/o: neutralneutrophil: type of blood cell that attracts both acidic and alkaline

17、 dyes neutrocyte:同neutrophil: a neutrophilic leukocyte neutropenia : decrease in the number of neutrophilic leukocytes in the blood nutr/i: nourishingnutrient: particles or elements of nourishing nutrition: the sum of the processes involved in taking in nutriments and assimilating and utilizing them

18、 nutriology:the science of nutrition; the study of foods and their use in diet and therapyalimentation hyperalimentation pan-: all; entirepancytopenia :deficiency of all cellular elements of the blood pandemic: a wide-spread epidemic of a disease panesthesia : the sum of the sensations experienced (

19、-esthesia , sense)(ex.) panorama -phil: attractioneosinophil: type of blood cell that attracts red dyesbasophil : type of blood cell that attracts alkaline dyes neutrophil : type of blood cell that attracts both acidic and alkaline dyes -penia: deficiencyleukopenia): leukocyte deficiency pancytopeni

20、a: deficiency of all cellular elements of the blood Granulocytopenia: a decrease in the number of granulocytes reticul/o: networkreticulocyte: a young red blood cell showing a basophilic reticulum under vital staining reticulocytosis : an increase in the number of reticulocytes in the peripheral blo

21、od reticulocytopenia : a decrease in the number of reticulocytes of the blood Retina retinitis -rrhagia/-rrhage: excessive flowhemorrhage: bleeding; usually refers to excessive or uncontrolling bleeding Menorrhagia: men/o menstrual flow, hence excessive menstrual flow leukorrhagia : excessive whitis

22、h discharge from the vagina and uterine cavityrhinorrhagia-ptysis 吐涎-r(r)hage;-rrhagia 出血,流血 ser/o: serumseropositive: serologically positive; showing positive results on serological examination seropositivity : serologically positive seronegative : serologically negative sider/o: ironsideropenia: iron deficiency sideropenic:pertaining to or characterized by deficiency of iron Sideroblast:a nucleated red blood cell containing granules of iron in its cytoplasm thrombo


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