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1、Unit 3Friendship and Loyalty第1頁,共70頁。Text BA Tribute to the Dog第2頁,共70頁。Topic-related Discussion1. Why do many people choose to keep dogs as pets instead of other animals? Lets Talk2. Why do you think a growing number of Chinese, especially the elderly , prefer to keep pets?3第3頁,共70頁。Tribute Id like

2、 to pay tribute to (=praise and admire publicly) the workers for all their hard work.I pay tribute to him for his support for the Peace Train.We must givetributeto all those who helped make this a free country.他贊揚(yáng)了組委會。He paid tribute to the organising committee. 4第4頁,共70頁。Turn against turn (somebody

3、) against somebody/somethingto stop liking or supporting someone or something, or to make someone do this:Many people had turned against the war.Dave felt she was deliberately turning the kids against him.連那些原來支持他的人也開始反對他了。Even those who were once for him began to turn against him.5第5頁,共70頁。Rear Its

4、 a good place to rear young children.Most farmers in this arearearsheep.她母親因癌癥去世,她姨媽將她撫養(yǎng)大。Her mother died of cancer and her auntrearsher.6第6頁,共70頁。1.raise是非正式用語,英式英語中指“養(yǎng)動植物”,美式英語中指“撫養(yǎng)人”。2.rear在英式英語中指“撫養(yǎng)人”,在美式英語中指“養(yǎng)動植物”,既指“從小養(yǎng)到大”,也指“教養(yǎng)”,是正式用語。例如:The mother reared her children wisely.She likes rearing

5、 birds.3. bring up是動詞短語,作“撫養(yǎng)”解時無語體之分,側(cè)重于童年時期的“精心教養(yǎng)”。The woman brought up four children alone .He was brought up to believe that money is the most important thing in life.4. grow up的意思是“成長”,側(cè)重于“達(dá)到成熟階段”。例如:This bush has grown up a lot in the last few months. Jane is growing up so fast, I think shes go

6、ing to be a tall woman.7第7頁,共70頁。Ungrateful I am not prepared to go to jail for that ungrateful woman!-gratefulfeeling that you want to thank someone because of something kind that they have done, or showing this feeling ungratefulgrateful forIm so grateful for all your help.grateful toI am very gra

7、teful to all those who took the trouble to write to me.8第8頁,共70頁。Trust withtrust somebody with something to let someone have something or have control over something, believing that they will be careful with it:I wouldnt trust him with the keys.Id trust her with my life.9第9頁,共70頁。Good namethe good o

8、pinion that people have of someone or something = reputationgood name ofIt threatened to damage the good name of the firm.10第10頁,共70頁。Traitor traitor toa traitor to the cause of womens rightsa politician who turned traitor (=became a traitor) to the government那個罪大惡極的叛徒被判處死刑。The infamoustraitorwas se

9、ntenced to death.11第11頁,共70頁。Faith I still have faith in him.The experience gave mefaiththat people can change. 你跟我講的這番話使我對人性的信念破滅了。What you tell me shatters myfaithin human nature. -faithfulA faithful friendour faithful family dog, BogeyDo you think Bobs always been faithful to you?-unfaithfulGeoff

10、 had been unfaithful to her on many occasions.-faithfully12第12頁,共70頁。Reputation reputation forJudge Kelsohasa reputation for being strict but fair.reputation asIn her last job she acquired a reputation as a troublemaker.a good/bad reputationa hotel with a good reputation for its food這家商店因公平交易而獲好名聲Th

11、is store has an excellentreputationfor fair dealing.13第13頁,共70頁。Ill-considereddecisions, actions, ideas etc that are ill-considered have not been carefully thought about:The tax reforms are ill-considered.14第14頁,共70頁。Prone prone to do somethingKids are all prone to eat junk food.Children of poor hea

12、lth are very prone to colds in winter.人們疲勞時更容易出差錯。 People are moreproneto make mistakes when they are tired.15第15頁,共70頁。Malice 16第16頁,共70頁。Do us honordo somebody the honour of doing something (=make someone proud and happy by doing something for them)17第17頁,共70頁。Malice with maliceHis eyes gleamed wi

13、th malice.sheer/pure maliceShe did it out of sheer malice.我知道你對我毫無惡意I know you bear nomalicetowards me.18第18頁,共70頁。Settle if dust, snow etc settles, it comes down and stays in one placesettle onSnow settled on the roofs.A great insect went noisily by andsettlednear his foot. 灰塵落得到處都是 Dust hassettled

14、everywhere. 19第19頁,共70頁。Absolute We need absolute proof that he took the money.The show was an absolute disaster the first night.他們信誓旦旦地保證將對此絕對保密。They had given an absolute assurance that it would be kept secret. -absolutelyAre you absolutely sure?This cake is absolutely delicious.20第20頁,共70頁。Unself

15、ish She is an outgoing, unselfish, and loving person.一個自私的人總是想著自己。Aselfishperson always thinks about himself.-selfishHow can you be so selfish?selfish behaviour21第21頁,共70頁。Desert = abandon:Helen was deserted by her husband.The price rise caused many readers to desert the magazine.他變得粗暴無禮,所以朋友們都不和他來往

16、了 He has become so rude that his friends aredesertinghim. 22第22頁,共70頁。Treacherous a sly and treacherous womana treacherous plot to overthrow the leader23第23頁,共70頁。stand by somebodyto stay loyal to someone and support them, especially in a difficult situation:His wife stood by him during his years in

17、 prison.24第24頁,共70頁。Prosperity a time of economic prosperityprosperity ofthe future prosperity of the country帝國經(jīng)過全盛以后逐漸衰落。The empire was on the wane after its period ofprosperity.-prosperousrich and successful:a prosperous landownerAfter the war, Germany became one of Europes most prosperous countri

18、es.25第25頁,共70頁。Poverty Millions of elderly people live in poverty.We need an effective strategy to fight poverty.26第26頁,共70頁。Sickness an insurance policy against long-term sickness and injuryworking days lost due to sickness在52 年的工作中他僅病過一周。In fifty-two years of working he had one week of sickness. -

19、sickMaria cant come in today because shes sick.a sick child27第27頁,共70頁。Wintry a wintry daywintry showerswintry wind他畫了一幅冬天景色的畫He drew a picture ofwintryscene.28第28頁,共70頁。Drive if rain, snow, wind etc drives somewhere, it moves very quickly in that direction:The rain was driving down hard.雨敲打著窗戶。Rain

20、 drove against the window. 29第29頁,共70頁。Fiercely I can feel my heart is beatingfiercely.-fiercea fierce windIt was one of the regions fiercest storms in years.30第30頁,共70頁。Lick The dog jumped up and licked her face.lick something upThe kittylickedup the milk.lick something off somethingHe licked the d

21、rops off his upper lip.31第31頁,共70頁。Sore They were starving and covered with sores.那只可憐的狗滿身全是傷。 The poor dog was covered withsores32第32頁,共70頁。Wound It took several months for his wounds to heal.A nurse cleaned and bandaged the wound.我希望她感情上的創(chuàng)傷能隨時間的流逝而治愈。I hope her emotionalwoundwill heal with the pas

22、sing of time.33第33頁,共70頁。Encounter encounter witha childs first encounter with booksI had a frightening encounter with a poisonous snake.34第34頁,共70頁。Roughness He survived the roughness of the Second World War.-rougha rough period is one in which you have a lot of problems or difficultiesSounds like

23、you had a rough day.Weve been through some rough times together.35第35頁,共70頁。Guard to protect a person, place, or object by staying near them and watching them:The Sergeant told Swift to guard the entrance.a lioness guarding her cubs36第36頁,共70頁。take wingto fly awayThe love that teachers give students

24、 can make their hopes take wings.37第37頁,共70頁。Reputation the opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the pastreputation forJudge Kelso has a reputation for being strict but fair.a good/bad reputationa hotel with a good reputation for its food38第38頁,共70頁。Fal

25、l to piecesto break into many pieces = fall apart:The book had been well used and finally fell to pieces.The family is falling to pieces.The economy is falling to pieces.39第39頁,共70頁。Constant loyal and faithful:a constant friend在我們這個世界上似乎沒有東西是永恒不變的。In our world nothing seems constant.-inconstantunfai

26、thful in love or friendshipan inconstant and unreliable friend40第40頁,共70頁。Journey especially British Englisha time spent travelling from one place to another, especially over a long distance = trip American Englishjourney to/from/betweenmy journey to Chinaour journey across EuropeWe are going on a j

27、ourney to a strange country.41第41頁,共70頁。Heaven the heavens: (literary)the skyHe looked up towards the heavens.Just then, the heavens opened (=it started to rain heavily).42第42頁,共70頁。Fortune the good or bad things that happen in life:a downturn in the companys fortunesThis defeat marked a change in t

28、he teams fortunes.43第43頁,共70頁。Outcast Smokers often feel as though they are being treated as social outcasts.不過,他那個時代的其它藝術(shù)家都認(rèn)為他是個被社會所排斥的人However, he was considered anoutcastby other artists of his time.44第44頁,共70頁。Friendless There I was always effortlessly top of the class and almost totally friendl

29、ess.45第45頁,共70頁。Homeless Thousands of people have beenmade homeless.The earthquake left thousands of people homeless.There is a system of shelters for homeless people.46第46頁,共70頁。Faithful A faithful friendyears offaithful serviceto the companyour faithful family dog, Bogeya faithful member of the ch

30、urchfaithful toHe remained faithful to his principles to the last.47第47頁,共70頁。Privilege He had no special privileges and was treated just like every other prisoner.privilege ofthe privilege of a good education我有會見王后的特權(quán)。I had theprivilegeof meeting the queen.-privilegedStudents from a privileged back

31、ground have an advantage at university.Only the privileged few can afford private education.48第48頁,共70頁。Accompany Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.Wherever her husband went, she would accompany him.49第49頁,共70頁。Guard againstguard somebody/something against somethingThere is no one to

32、 guard these isolated farms against attack.50第50頁,共70頁。Scene a single piece of action that happens in one place in a film, book etc:battle scenesThe film contains some violent scenes.51第51頁,共70頁。Embrace in an embraceThey held each other in a tender embrace.He held her to him in a warm embrace.52第52頁

33、,共70頁。Pursue She plans topursue a career in politics.Students should pursue their owninterests, as well as do their school work.pursue a goal/aim/objective etccompanies that pursue the traditional goal of profits53第53頁,共70頁。Alert The animal raised its head, suddenly alert.Taking notes is one of the

34、best ways to stay alert in lectures.他決定從現(xiàn)在起要更提高警惕了He decided he would stay morealertfrom now on.54第54頁,共70頁。Watchfulness Your watchfulness alone ought to be enough to make people back off.單憑你的警惕性就足夠使別人保持距離。-watchfulHis eyes were watchful.Keep a watchful eye on elderly residents.55第55頁,共70頁。Key Phras

35、esTurn againstTrust withBe prone toFall on ones kneesDo ones honorThrow the stone of maliceStand byIn prosperityIn povertyIn health In sicknessTake wingsFall to piecesTakein embrace56第56頁,共70頁。Writing Faulty Parallelism第57頁,共70頁。Two very common types of error in coordination1)The use of and who and

36、and which constructionNever use and who and and which clauses unless they are preceded by who or which clauses2)The use of correlative conjunctionseither or; neithernor; not onlybut also; bothand58第58頁,共70頁。59Faulty parallel constructionSwimming and to play the piano were her hobbies.Swimming and pl

37、aying the piano were her hobbies.She likes to watch television and listening to music.She likes to watch television and to listen to musicShe likes watching television and listening to music.James is a man of great creativity and who is considerate.James is a man of great creativity and consideratio

38、n.59第59頁,共70頁。Misplaced Modifiers第60頁,共70頁。61He touched with his hand the ball. He touched the ball with his hand.The monkeys amused the people in the cages at the zoo.The monkeys in the cages amused the people at the zoo.I got your letter saying that you wanted to quit school to do business in a co

39、astal city this morning.This morning, I got your letter saying that you wanted to quit school to do business in a coastal city.61第61頁,共70頁。only just almost nearlyOnly the President could authorize the use of the atomic bomb.The couple had been dating for almost three years.Its not just a financial m

40、atter.Goldsworth stared at me in silence for nearly twenty seconds.62第62頁,共70頁。Dangling Modifiers 第63頁,共70頁。A dangling modifier describes sth that isnt even in your sentence. It is a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence.64第64頁,共70頁。At the age of ten, my grandfather

41、died.When I was ten, my grandfather died.To do well in college, good grades are essential.To do well in college, a student needs good grades.65第65頁,共70頁。Having finished dinner, the football game was turned on.Having finished dinner, Joeturned on the football game. 66第66頁,共70頁。Dangling modifiers can

42、be repaired by:placing the subject of the modification phrase as the subject of the independent clause:Having finished dinner, Joe turned on the football game.placing the subject of the action within the dangling phrase:After Joe finished dinner, he turned on the football game.67第67頁,共70頁。How might you correct the following sentence?Playing solitaire on the computer for three hours, Michaels paper was not completed.Better: Playing solitaire on the computer for three hours, Michael did not complete his paper.Better: Because Michael played solit


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