人教PEP版六年級(jí)下冊英語課件-Unit 2 Lastweekend_第1頁
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1、Unit 2 Last weekend B Lets talk六年級(jí)下冊浙江嘉興 平湖市實(shí)驗(yàn)小學(xué) watch/watchedclean/cleanedstay/stayedplay/playedclimb/climbeddance/dancedvisit/visiteddo/didgo/wentis/washave/hadsee/sawdrink/drankread/readGame: I say watch, you say watched教師說動(dòng)詞原形,學(xué)生說動(dòng)詞過去式play/playedstay/stayedclean/cleanedwatch/watchedwash/washedcl

2、imb/climbedvisit/visitedsee /_ read /_ have /_ do /_ is /_ go /_sleep /_ Brain stormTip: 你能說出多少個(gè)以下列動(dòng)詞開頭的動(dòng)詞短語呢?在小組內(nèi)說一說吧!magazineIt talked about sports.It talked about . foodIt talked about . a lot of new films read/readA: Did you _ last weekend ?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.watch TVclean your roomsta

3、y at homewash your clothesPair workA: What did you do last weekend? B: I .A: Did you ?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. Read and underline the answers.1. What did John do last weekend? 2. Does John feel better now? 3. Was the magazine interesting?123Tips:讀一讀對(duì)話,回答下列問題,并在書本上劃出關(guān)鍵句。Hi, Helen. How was your w

4、eekend?It was good.What did you do last weekend?Thats nice. Did you see a film?I went to a park and rowed a boat.No, I read a magazine about plants.Was it interesting?Yes, it was. And I bought many plants, too. Last weekend I went to a park, rowed a boat, of fun.read a magazine and went shopping. I

5、boughtmany plants. I had a lotI usually clean my room,wash my clothes, see a film and read some books on the weekend.Hi, . How was you weekend?It was .What did you do last weekend?Thats nice. Did you .?I .Yes, I . too. / No, I .Was it interesting?Yes, it was. / No, It wasnt. Last weekend I .I ., too. I had a lot of fun. / Thats nice. / It was interesting. It was a busy weekend. I usually . on the weekend.


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