[政史地]知能綜合檢測十三課件(PPT 50頁)_第1頁
[政史地]知能綜合檢測十三課件(PPT 50頁)_第2頁
[政史地]知能綜合檢測十三課件(PPT 50頁)_第3頁
[政史地]知能綜合檢測十三課件(PPT 50頁)_第4頁
[政史地]知能綜合檢測十三課件(PPT 50頁)_第5頁
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1、(十三)八年級(jí)(下)Units 78(45分鐘 100分)第1頁,共50頁。第卷 (共55分). 單項(xiàng)選擇(30分)1. Do you know the boy _ is sitting next to Peter?Yes. He is Peters friend. They are celebrating his _ birthday. A. who; ninthB. that; ninethC. /; ninetyD. which; ninth【解析】選A。先行詞為人,關(guān)系代詞可用that或who,但因?yàn)樵趶木渲凶髦髡Z關(guān)系代詞不可省略;表示“歲生日”時(shí)用序數(shù)詞。故選A。第2頁,共50頁。2

2、. If the shop assistant _ angry, I wont go back to that store again. A. getB. getsC. gotD. is getting【解析】選B。if引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句中用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)表示將來動(dòng)作,主語是單數(shù),謂語動(dòng)詞應(yīng)用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。第3頁,共50頁。3. _ lucky girl Jane is! A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a 【解析】選C。感嘆單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞(girl)用What a. . . !句式。第4頁,共50頁。4. Would you mind not smoking here

3、? Sorry, Im going to _ at once. A. put it outB. put out it C. put it onD. put on it【解析】選A。由句意判斷,空處表示“熄滅”,用短語put out;it是代詞,用于動(dòng)詞和副詞構(gòu)成的短語中間。第5頁,共50頁。5. It will _ us several years to learn a foreign language well. A. costB. takeC. spendD. use【解析】選B。It will take sb. . . . to do sth. 句式,表示“某人花費(fèi)若干時(shí)間做某事”。第6

4、頁,共50頁。It _ me some dollars to buy the old books from the market. A. costB. tookC. spentD. paid【解析】選A。表示“某物花費(fèi)某人若干錢財(cái)”用動(dòng)詞cost, 其過去式是cost。此題易受It影響而錯(cuò)選B。第7頁,共50頁。6. 10龍巖Everyone should save every drop of water. Remember to _ the tap after you finish washing. A. turn offB. turn downC. turn on【解析】選A。句意為“大家

5、應(yīng)該節(jié)約每一滴水。洗刷完畢后要記得關(guān)閉水龍頭?!钡?頁,共50頁。7. When did you fall _ last night? I didnt get to sleep until 11: 30. A. sleepB. sleepingC. sleepyD. asleep【解析】選D。fall asleep入睡,固定短語。第9頁,共50頁。8. The speech is so boring that many people left half way _ it. A. acrossB. throughC. fromD. over【解析】選B。表示“貫穿(過程)”用介詞through。

6、第10頁,共50頁。9. Thanks a lot for giving me so much help when I was in trouble. _ A. Youre welcome. B. Not at all. C. Its a pleasure. D. All the above. 【解析】選D。A、B、C三項(xiàng)都是常見應(yīng)答感謝用語。其他又如Thats OK; all right; My pleasure等。第11頁,共50頁。10. Where did you go _? I went to the library. A. right awayB. right now C. jus

7、t nowD. at present【解析】選C。由did和went判斷句中時(shí)間表示過去,只有C項(xiàng)符合。第12頁,共50頁。11. Whats _ magazine you have ever read? Reader, I think. A. goodB. wellC. betterD. the best【解析】選D。由you have ever read判斷比較范圍表示多者比較,應(yīng)使用最高級(jí)。第13頁,共50頁。12. Wang Meng, the _ girl from Heilongjiang, won the 21th Winter Olympics Speed Skating. A

8、. 25-year-oldB. 25 year old C. 25-year oldD. 25-years-old【解析】選A。復(fù)合定語由連字符連接,名詞用單數(shù)形式。第14頁,共50頁。13. Have you ever _ the singing band before? No, never. A. hear ofB. hear about C. heard ofD. heard from【解析】選C。由have判斷使用現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)。hear of聽說;hear from收到的信。由句意判斷選C。第15頁,共50頁。14. If you work _, youre sure to succee

9、d in everything you want to do. A. hard enoughB. enough hardC. hardly enoughD. enough hardly【解析】選A。固定短語work hard努力工作;enough修飾形容詞/副詞需后置。第16頁,共50頁。15. Could you please help me _ the pen on the floor? Its just under your chair. Sure. Here you are. A. fix upB. make upC. pick upD. look up【解析】選C。由問句句意判斷,“

10、請(qǐng)幫我撿起地上的鋼筆可以嗎?就在你的椅子底下?!眕ick up撿起;make up制造;fix up修理;look up查尋。第17頁,共50頁。. 完形填空(15分) Kids like to laugh . They laugh about 400 times a day, but they may laugh 1 when they are ill. They feel 2 about their illness, 3 they do not like hospitals. Doctors are trying 4 a way to help them . They want to ma

11、ke them laugh 5 “Laughter is the best 6 . ” The doctors in Sofia, Bulgaria(保加利亞) tried first . The first laughter hospital in Europe was 7 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Two clowns(小丑) are helping to 8 the little children there now . 第18頁,共50頁。 The famous actor , also known 9 Professor Koko, and his assistant

12、are entertaining(使快樂) the 10 kids in all the seven childrens words in the hospital with a special 11 program full of tricks and jokes . “Laughter can really cure . When you 12 at a sick child, he will feel better, and youll win his 13 ,”a nurse said. “I like the clowns and the programs . They are 14

13、 funny. I laugh 15 and feel better every day , ”one kid at the hospital said. 第19頁,共50頁。1. A. little B. less C. more 【解析】選B。孩子們生病時(shí)會(huì)笑得少一些。2. A. stressed B. relaxed C. nothing 【解析】選A。孩子們因?yàn)椴∏槎械接袎毫Α?. A. but B. though C. and 【解析】選C。而且孩子們不喜歡醫(yī)院。4. A. to find B. to think C. to make 【解析】選A。醫(yī)生們正盡力找出可以幫助孩子們的

14、方法。第20頁,共50頁。5. A. so B. because C. that 【解析】選B。由句意判斷,醫(yī)生引孩子們笑是因?yàn)樾τ兄谥委煛?. A. way B. medicine C. doctor 【解析】選B。醫(yī)生認(rèn)為笑是治療疾病的最好的藥物。7. A. begun B. opened C. opening 【解析】選B。第一家笑醫(yī)院在保加利亞的索菲亞被開辦。第21頁,共50頁。8. A. look after B. treat C. teach 【解析】選A。兩個(gè)小丑在那兒幫助照顧小孩子們。9. A. as B. for C. to 【解析】選A。be known as被認(rèn)為是;被

15、稱為。10. A. little B. ill C. sick 【解析】選C。由句意判斷空處表示“生病的”; ill一般作表語;sick既可作表語也可作定語。第22頁,共50頁。11. A. every day B. world-class C. everyday 【解析】選C。形容詞everyday用于名詞前作定語表示“每天的”。12. A. look B. smile C. laugh 【解析】選C。如果向一個(gè)孩子笑,他會(huì)感覺更好些。13. A. love B. game C. confidence 【解析】選A。笑可以贏得孩子的愛。第23頁,共50頁。14. A. really B. r

16、eal C. true 【解析】選A。形容詞funny前用副詞修飾作狀語,表示程度。15. A. less B. a lot C. a little 【解析】選B。v. +a lot表示動(dòng)作做得多。第24頁,共50頁。. 閱讀理解(10分) How do you feel when you have to make a speech in front of class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get really shy? Shyness means feeling nervous or frightened wh

17、en youre around other people. Experts have found that more than 80% of middle school students feel afraid to be the center of attention. Some kids are born shy. Some become shy later because of their life experiences. 第25頁,共50頁。 Its OK if it takes you a while to feel yourself again when you go to a

18、new place or meet new people. In fact, everybody gets a little shy sometimes. Its just a case of how much. Most people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they get shy. But some become so shy that they wont go to a restaurant because they are too nervous to order and pay for their food.

19、 Some are afraid of meeting new people, so they hardly ever go outside. This kind of shyness can be bad for a person. 第26頁,共50頁。 If shyness doesnt stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isnt a very big problem. Some experts say shy people are cleverer because they think more and tal

20、k less. Shy people are also good at working with others because they think more for other people. Some great people in history were shy, too. You see, being shy isnt all bad. But remember not to let good opportunities (機(jī)會(huì)) pass by just because of it! If you have to sing a song at a birthday party or

21、 practice your spoken English in front of others, just do it! Theres nothing to be afraid of. 第27頁,共50頁。1. The underlined phrase“to feel yourself” in the third paragraph means“_ ”. A. to find oneselfB. to be oneselfC. to enjoy oneselfD. to help oneself【解析】選B。to feel yourself與to be oneself都表示“感到有把握;恢

22、復(fù)感覺”。第28頁,共50頁。2. What kind of shyness can be bad according to the passage? A. You find it hard to enjoy yourself at a party. B. You feel a little nervous when you go to a new place. C. You seldom go outside, afraid of meeting new people. D. You have a red face when youre asked to answer a question

23、in class. 【解析】選C。由第四段可知,很少外出而又害怕見生人的靦腆對(duì)人不好。第29頁,共50頁。3. If you have to practice your spoken English in class, _ . A. just do itB. just refuse to do itC. youd better ask someone to help youD. tell your teacher youre too shy to do that【解析】選A。由最后一段可知,作者認(rèn)為課堂上需要練習(xí)口語時(shí)盡管去做(不要膽怯)。第30頁,共50頁。4. We can infer (

24、推理) from the passage that _. A. kids are all born shyB. you cant change yourselfC. shy people can also be successfulD. shy people are not good at working with others【解析】選C。綜合第五段內(nèi)容推斷可知,害羞的人也可以成功。第31頁,共50頁。5. Whats the best title for this passage? A. Are you too shy? B. Think more for others! C. Find

25、out what youre like! D. Once he was shy just like you! 【解析】選A。文章圍繞shy為話題展開討論,所以A項(xiàng)最適合作為標(biāo)題。第32頁,共50頁。第卷 (共45分). 詞匯運(yùn)用(10分)()根據(jù)句意及漢語或首字母提示完成單詞(5分)1. Jack is very _ (謙虛的)although he did best in the contest. 2. Many people got excited when they heard the _ (聲音)of the Little Tigers on the 2010 Spring Festi

26、val Gala. 答案:1. modest 2. voice第33頁,共50頁。3. I cant s_ it when the shop assistant follows me around. 4. How much did the summer camp c_ you? About 200 yuan. 5. My father always s_. Its bad for health. 答案:3. stand 4. cost 5. smokes第34頁,共50頁。()用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空(5分)6. Some people are easy to get _ (annoy)when

27、 theyre criticised. 7. Its _ (polite) to talk loudly in a museum. 8. My parents always encourage me _ (work)hard for my dreams. 答案:6. annoyed 7. impolite 8. to work第35頁,共50頁。9. When I got to the park, I saw my best friend _ (talk) happily with a foreigner. 10. I ordered some sandwiches but the waitr

28、ess _ (bring)the wrong dishes. 答案:9. talking 10. brought第36頁,共50頁。. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換(10分)1. Why not turn on the music to dance? (改為同義句) _ _ you turn on the music to dance? 2. My parents gave me the nice gift for my birthday. (對(duì)劃線部分提問) _ gave you the nice gift for your birthday? 答案:1. Why dont 2. Who第37頁,共50頁。3.

29、 What the boy said really annoyed me. (改為同義句)What the boy said really made me _ _ . 4. We went camping but we didnt have a family party. (改為同義句)We went camping _ _ a family party. 5. The pet fish cost Jim $50. (對(duì)劃線部分提問) _ _ _ the pet fish cost Jim? 答案:3. get/feel annoyed 4. instead of 5. How much di

30、d第38頁,共50頁。. 補(bǔ)全對(duì)話(5分)把下列對(duì)話內(nèi)容補(bǔ)充完整,使其意思連貫。(S=Salesman; D=Daniel)S: 1. _? D: I am looking for a birthday present. S: 2. _? D: I want to buy a Walkman for my father. Can you show me some? 第39頁,共50頁。S: Sure. Here are some Walkmans. 3. _ ? D: It looks nice. But I wonder why you recommend this one to me. S

31、: Because old people like the colour and its cheap. D: 4. _? S: It costs only 150 yuan. D: Wow! Thats a good price. Can you show me how to use it? 第40頁,共50頁。S: Certainly. Oops! We dont have any more batteries. Could you come back later? D: Sure! When shall I come back? S: In five minutes, OK? D: 5.

32、_. 第41頁,共50頁。答案:1. What can I do for you; Can I help you; Is there anything I can do for you; Anything I can do for you2. What are you going to buy; Who/ Whom do you want to buy it for; What will you buy; Who will you buy it for; What do you want (to buy); What would you like (to buy); For whom; Who

33、/ Whom would you like to buy it for; What to buy第42頁,共50頁。3. What about this (one); How about this (one); What do you think of this (one); How do you like/ find/ feel this (one); Do you like this (one)4. How much ( is it); How much does it cost; Whats the price (of it); Whats its price; How much sho

34、uld/ shall/ will I pay for it5. OK; All right; Sure; Of course; Certainly; Yes, of course; Yes, certainly; No problem第43頁,共50頁。. 短文填空(10分)helpful western feel with different as polite both close but Different countries have 1. _ cultures and customs. In both China and some 2. _ countries, the rose i

35、s regarded 3. _ a symbol(標(biāo)志)of love. People think the rose stands for love, peace, courage and friendship. In some Asian countries, standing very 4. _ to the person you are talking with is quite common. However, if you do so in Europe, some people might 5. _ uncomfortable. 第44頁,共50頁。 In China, if someone says something good about you, its 6. _ to answer“No, its nothing. ”In Britain or America, a person answers “Thank you! ”7. _ a big smile. This may not be common in China, 8. _ is good manners in Britain or America. In Britain, its not polite to ask people“H


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