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1、短文改錯一致性問題 主謂一致a. The new boy or girl in school quickly become one of the class after a few games. 主語the boy or girl是單數(shù),謂語動詞也要用單數(shù)becomes。b. Every means have been tried to settle the problem. 主語every means為單數(shù)概念,故將have改為has。 單復(fù)數(shù)一致a. We have been to Europe many time.time改為times。b. Different people speak

2、 different language.language改為languages。代詞一致a. The game speaks for themselves. themselves改為itself。b. And I cant forget the food you cooked for I. I改為me。c. Nothing will be damaged during the move, will they?they改為it。 時態(tài)語態(tài)一致a. Today, it is much easier to be healthy than it is in the past.is改為was,與in t

3、he past保持一致。b. He knew how young people feel about the world. feel改為felt,與knew保持一致。c. She closed the door and hurries away to class. 改為She closed the door and hurried away to class. hurried時態(tài)跟and前的closed保持一致。d. Books may be keeping for two weeks. 此句為被動語態(tài),故將keep改為過去分詞kept。 搭配問題 People in industrial c

4、ountries can expect to live for twice so long as people who lived a few hundred years ago. so long as改為as long as。 Mother is cooking tea for the guests. cooking改為making。 make tea為習(xí)慣表達(dá)。 The glass is filled of water. of改為with,固定詞組為be filled with。 When they came down the police were angry to them. to改為

5、with,be angry with sb為固定搭配。 非謂語動詞 He allowed me go with my friend. go前加to,allow sb to do sthallow與帶to的不定式連用。 Let me to sing a song. 去掉to,let sb do sthlet與不帶to的動詞不定式連用。 I want to thank you again for have me in your home for the summer holidays. have改為having,因?yàn)閒or是介詞,后面要跟名詞或動名詞作賓語。 冠詞的用法 Theres public

6、 library in every town in Britain. is后加不定冠詞a。a常用于可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)之前,表示類別,或介紹某個。 Not every young man tried to get the rich. 去掉the。 get后跟形容詞。get rich意為“變?yōu)楦挥小?,而get the rich(富人),則語意不通。連詞的使用 It was not like a rope and a fan. and改為or。or常用于否定意義的句子;and常用于肯定意義的句子。 I told Mother, Father, Sister, all my friends here the

7、 great time I had. all 前加 and 。 She could not hear that other people were saying. that改為what。what既連接從句,又在從句中作saying的賓語。 There are still some countries which people have shorter lives. which改為where。where在定語從句中作地點(diǎn)狀語。 We hurried, we didnt miss the last bus. 改為We hurried, so (that) we didnt miss the las

8、t bus. 形容詞和副詞的用法 This film is more less interesting than that one. more改為much。 much修飾比較級,表示程度。 They are singing happy in the park. happy改為happily。happily為副詞,修飾動詞singing。 句子結(jié)構(gòu) The picture is about a poor little girl lived in old China. 此句中從句缺主語,應(yīng)在lived前加who。 Charles and Linda Mason do all their thing

9、s as well as climbed building. climbed改為climbing。climbing是動名詞,成份與all their things平行,都作do的賓語。 邏輯關(guān)系Did you go back here yesterday? go改為come。go here無邏輯搭配關(guān)系。Work hard,or you can pass the exam. or改為and,才有邏輯意義 (五)注意改錯格式近三年出現(xiàn)兩次的考點(diǎn): 一、名詞的單復(fù)數(shù) 二、詞性 三、主謂一致 四、關(guān)聯(lián)詞 時態(tài)和語態(tài) 固定搭配 代詞前后一致 主謂一致單句練習(xí) I. 時態(tài)與語態(tài)1.I remembere

10、d the whole thing as if it was happened just yesterday.2. The party the students had been looking forward to being held yesterday evening at last.3.The thief has caught climbing over the garden wall.4.Great changes have been taken place in our hometown since 1978._was_was5.In the past two years he m

11、ade great progress in maths.6.Im sorry to say that I fail in English exam this time.7.A man who named James made it in 1892.8.He found that a bag of corn had stolen from his house. has_failedwas beenII. 固定搭配1.We called at Mr. Smith yesterday.2.The novel is very worth reading.3.She has been married w

12、ith a man with little money for ten years.4.The policeman caught the thief by his arm.5.Though he has worked for ten hours,yet he felt not a little tired. _ on _ well_ to _ the _ bit三、代詞前后一致1.The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.2.We found some wood and carried them back to the cave.3.Thi

13、s pair of shoes is a bit tight.Show me another one.4.Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of hers.5.At the beginning of the basketball match,the team were not sure of himself.6.Your clothes are dirty.You should change it now._ their_ it_pair_theirs_themselves_ themIV.主謂一致 1.Early to bed

14、 and early to rise are a good habit. 2.There are a chair and some desks in the room. 3.The old likes to look back upon the old days.4.Collecting stamps need a lot of money. 5.Those who wants to come raise your hands please. _is_is_like_needs_want即時檢測(一) 下面各句中有一處錯誤,請選出。1.Taking care of their grandson

15、 bring them great joy. A B C D2.Help yourself to eat some bananas,Bob. A B C D3.Ive read most of the book.The rest of them are boring. A B C D4.Dont worry about me.Mike and his family is so kind to me. A B C D 5.Soon a cool wind started to blow and black clouds were A B C covered the sun. D6.When I tried to sit up,I felt a pain on my back and could A B C hardly move. D7.Put the little plants


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